blob: f3e7c7721f31725156777f832066562ec5b28123 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
Distributed by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of Ghostscript.
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WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
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to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
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things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
copies. */
/* gdevdjet.c */
/* H-P DeskJet/LaserJet driver for GhostScript */
/* Define whether we are writing to a DeskJet (which can do bitmap */
/* compression) or a LaserJet (which can't). */
/* Normally this is defined in the compiler command line -- */
/* see the DeskJet and LaserJet entries in gdevs.mak. */
#ifndef LASER
# define LASER 0
# define GS_PRN_DEVICE gs_laserjet_device
# define DEVICE_NAME "laserjet"
# define GS_PRN_DEVICE gs_deskjet_device
# define DEVICE_NAME "deskjet"
#define PAGE_WIDTH_10THS 80 /* not quite a full page */
#define PAGE_HEIGHT_10THS 105 /* ditto */
/* Normally we set up at 300 DPI; however, on MS-DOS systems with */
/* virtual memory disabled, we can't do more than 60 DPI */
/* because the maximum buffer is only 64K. */
#define X_DPI 300
#define Y_DPI 300
#ifdef __MSDOS__
# undef X_DPI
# define X_DPI 60
# undef Y_DPI
# define Y_DPI 60
# endif
#define PRN_OPEN gdev_prn_open
#define PRN_CLOSE gdev_prn_close
#define PRN_OUTPUT_PAGE djet_output_page
#define DRIVER /* see gdevprn.h */
#include "gdevprn.h"
/* Forward references */
private int djet_print_page(P2(gx_device_printer *, FILE *));
/* Send the page to the printer. */
private int
djet_output_page(gx_device *dev)
{ int code = gdev_prn_open_printer(dev);
if ( code < 0 ) return code;
/* print the accumulated page description */
djet_print_page(prn_dev, prn_dev->file);
return 0;
/* ------ Internal routines ------ */
/* Send the page to the printer. For the DeskJet, compress each scan line, */
/* since computer-to-printer communication time is often a bottleneck. */
private int
djet_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *prn_stream)
{ char data[LINE_SIZE + 4];
#define escape_print(str) fprintf(prn_stream, str, 27)
#define escape_print_1(str,arg) fprintf(prn_stream, str, 27, arg)
/* ends raster graphics to set raster graphics resolution */
/* set raster graphics resolution -- 75 or 300 dpi */
#if X_DPI == 300
/* move to top left of page */
/* start raster graphics */
/* select the most compressed mode available */
#if !LASER /* LaserJet can't handle it */
/* Send each scan line in turn */
{ int lnum;
int line_size = mem_bytes_per_scan_line(&pdev->mem);
int num_blank_lines = 0;
for ( lnum = 0; lnum < pdev->height; lnum++ )
{ char *end_data = data + LINE_SIZE;
mem_copy_scan_lines(&pdev->mem, lnum,
(byte *)data, line_size);
/* Mask off 1-bits beyond LINE_WIDTH. */
#if (LINE_WIDTH & 7)
end_data[-1] &= (byte)(0xff00 >> (LINE_WIDTH & 7));
/* Remove trailing 0s. */
while ( end_data > data && end_data[-1] == 0 )
if ( end_data == data )
{ /* Blank line */
#if LASER /* no compression */
char *out_data = data;
int out_count = end_data - data;
char out_data[LINE_SIZE + LINE_SIZE / 127 + 1];
int out_count =
compress_row(data, end_data, out_data);
/* Skip blank lines if any */
if ( num_blank_lines > 0 )
{ /* move down from current position */
num_blank_lines = 0;
/* transfer raster graphics */
escape_print_1("%c*b%dW", out_count);
/* send the row */
fwrite(out_data, sizeof(char),
out_count, prn_stream);
/* end raster graphics */
/* eject page */
return 0;
#if !LASER
/* Row compression routine for the HP DeskJet. */
/* Compresses data from row up to end_row, storing the result */
/* starting at compressed. Returns the number of bytes stored. */
/* Runs of K<=127 literal bytes are encoded as K-1 followed by */
/* the bytes; runs of 2<=K<=127 identical bytes are encoded as */
/* 257-K followed by the byte. */
/* In the worst case, the result is N+(N/127)+1 bytes long, */
/* where N is the original byte count (end_row - row). */
compress_row(char *row, char *end_row, char *compressed)
{ register char *i_exam = row; /* byte being examined in the row to compress */
char *stop_exam = end_row - 4; /* stop scanning for similar bytes here */
register char *cptr = compressed; /* output pointer into compressed bytes */
while ( i_exam < end_row )
{ /* Search ahead in the input looking for a run */
/* of at least 4 identical bytes. */
char *i_compr = i_exam;
char *i_next; /* end of run */
char byte_value;
while ( i_exam <= stop_exam &&
((byte_value = *i_exam) != i_exam[1] ||
byte_value != i_exam[2] ||
byte_value != i_exam[3]) )
/* Find out how long the run is */
if ( i_exam > stop_exam ) /* no run */
i_next = i_exam = end_row;
{ i_next = i_exam + 4;
while ( i_next < end_row && *i_next == byte_value )
/* Now [i_compr..i_exam) should be encoded as dissimilar, */
/* and [i_exam..i_next) should be encoded as similar. */
/* Note that either of these ranges may be empty. */
while ( i_compr < i_exam )
{ /* Encode up to 127 dissimilar bytes */
int count = i_exam - i_compr;
if ( count > 127 ) count = 127;
*cptr++ = count - 1;
while ( count > 0 )
{ *cptr++ = *i_compr++;
while ( i_exam < i_next )
{ /* Encode up to 127 similar bytes */
int count = i_next - i_exam;
if ( count > 127 ) count = 127;
*cptr++ = 1 - count;
*cptr++ = byte_value;
i_exam += count;
return (cptr - compressed);
#endif /* !LASER */