blob: 41dc1d343e8c6bc4ca3441b826e155f8dc234ffa [file] [log] [blame]
* Module: espresso.c
* Purpose: The main espresso algorithm
* Returns a minimized version of the ON-set of a function
* The following global variables affect the operation of Espresso:
* trace
* print trace information as the minimization progresses
* remove_essential
* remove essential primes
* single_expand
* if true, stop after first expand/irredundant
* LAST_GASP or SUPER_GASP strategy:
* use_super_gasp
* uses the super_gasp strategy rather than last_gasp
* SETUP strategy:
* recompute_onset
* recompute onset using the complement before starting
* unwrap_onset
* unwrap the function output part before first expand
* MAKE_SPARSE strategy:
* force_irredundant
* iterates make_sparse to force a minimal solution (used
* indirectly by make_sparse)
* skip_make_sparse
* skip the make_sparse step (used by opo only)
#include "espresso.h"
pcover espresso(F, D1, R)
pcover F, D1, R;
pcover E, D, Fsave;
pset last, p;
cost_t cost, best_cost;
Fsave = sf_save(F); /* save original function */
D = sf_save(D1); /* make a scratch copy of D */
/* Setup has always been a problem */
if (recompute_onset) {
EXEC(E = simplify(cube1list(F)), "SIMPLIFY ", E);
F = E;
cover_cost(F, &cost);
if (unwrap_onset && (cube.part_size[cube.num_vars - 1] > 1)
&& (cost.out != cost.cubes*cube.part_size[cube.num_vars-1])
&& (cost.out < 5000))
EXEC(F = sf_contain(unravel(F, cube.num_vars - 1)), "SETUP ", F);
/* Initial expand and irredundant */
foreach_set(F, last, p) {
EXECUTE(F = expand(F, R, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, F, cost);
EXECUTE(F = irredundant(F, D), IRRED_TIME, F, cost);
if (! single_expand) {
if (remove_essential) {
EXECUTE(E = essential(&F, &D), ESSEN_TIME, E, cost);
} else {
E = new_cover(0);
cover_cost(F, &cost);
do {
/* Repeat inner loop until solution becomes "stable" */
do {
copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
EXECUTE(F = reduce(F, D), REDUCE_TIME, F, cost);
EXECUTE(F = expand(F, R, FALSE), EXPAND_TIME, F, cost);
EXECUTE(F = irredundant(F, D), IRRED_TIME, F, cost);
} while (cost.cubes < best_cost.cubes);
/* Perturb solution to see if we can continue to iterate */
copy_cost(&cost, &best_cost);
if (use_super_gasp) {
F = super_gasp(F, D, R, &cost);
if (cost.cubes >= best_cost.cubes)
} else {
F = last_gasp(F, D, R, &cost);
} while (cost.cubes < best_cost.cubes ||
(cost.cubes == best_cost.cubes && <;
/* Append the essential cubes to F */
F = sf_append(F, E); /* disposes of E */
if (trace) size_stamp(F, "ADJUST ");
/* Free the D which we used */
/* Attempt to make the PLA matrix sparse */
if (! skip_make_sparse) {
F = make_sparse(F, D1, R);
* Check to make sure function is actually smaller !!
* This can only happen because of the initial unravel. If we fail,
* then run the whole thing again without the unravel.
if (Fsave->count < F->count) {
F = Fsave;
unwrap_onset = FALSE;
goto begin;
} else {
return F;