blob: b34d44af7f2f88577e8f9374d2d2ee872339b082 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _simple_mesh_description_hpp_
#define _simple_mesh_description_hpp_
// ************************************************************************
// MiniFE: Simple Finite Element Assembly and Solve
// Copyright (2006-2013) Sandia Corporation
// Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
// license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
// ************************************************************************
#include <utils.hpp>
#include <set>
#include <map>
namespace miniFE {
template<typename GlobalOrdinal>
class simple_mesh_description {
simple_mesh_description(const Box& global_box_in, const Box& local_box_in)
Box local_node_box;
for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) {
global_box[i][0] = global_box_in[i][0];
global_box[i][1] = global_box_in[i][1];
local_box[i][0] = local_box_in[i][0];
local_box[i][1] = local_box_in[i][1];
local_node_box[i][0] = local_box_in[i][0];
local_node_box[i][1] = local_box_in[i][1];
//num-owned-nodes == num-elems+1 in this dimension if the elem box is not empty
//and we are at the high end of the global range in that dimension:
if (local_box_in[i][1] > local_box_in[i][0] && local_box_in[i][1] == global_box[i][1]) local_node_box[i][1] += 1;
int max_node_x = global_box[0][1]+1;
int max_node_y = global_box[1][1]+1;
int max_node_z = global_box[2][1]+1;
create_map_id_to_row(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z, local_node_box,
//As described in analytic_soln.hpp,
//we will impose a 0 boundary-condition on faces x=0, y=0, z=0, y=1, z=1
//we will impose a 1 boundary-condition on face x=1
const int X=0;
const int Y=1;
const int Z=2;
const int x1 = max_node_x - 1;
const int y1 = max_node_y - 1;
const int z1 = max_node_z - 1;
//if we're on the x=0 face:
if (global_box[X][0] == local_box[X][0]) {
int miny = local_node_box[Y][0];
int minz = local_node_box[Z][0];
int maxy = local_node_box[Y][1];
int maxz = local_node_box[Z][1];
//expand y and z dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[Y][0] > 0) --miny;
if (local_node_box[Z][0] > 0) --minz;
if (local_node_box[Y][1] < max_node_y) ++maxy;
if (local_node_box[Z][1] < max_node_z) ++maxz;
for(int iz=minz; iz<maxz; ++iz) {
for(int iy=miny; iy<maxy; ++iy) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
0, iy, iz);
std::cout<<"x=0 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", (0,"<<iy<<","<<iz<<")"<<std::endl;
//if we're on the y=0 face:
if (global_box[Y][0] == local_box[Y][0]) {
int minx = local_node_box[X][0];
int minz = local_node_box[Z][0];
int maxx = local_node_box[X][1];
int maxz = local_node_box[Z][1];
//expand x and z dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[X][0] > 0) --minx;
if (local_node_box[Z][0] > 0) --minz;
if (local_node_box[X][1] < max_node_x) ++maxx;
if (local_node_box[Z][1] < max_node_z) ++maxz;
for(int iz=minz; iz<maxz; ++iz) {
for(int ix=minx; ix<maxx; ++ix) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
ix, 0, iz);
std::cout<<"y=0 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", ("<<ix<<",0,"<<iz<<")"<<std::endl;
GlobalOrdinal row = map_id_to_row(nodeID);
if (row < 0) {
std::cout<<"on the y==0 face (ix="<<ix<<", iz="<<iz<<"), ERROR: found negative row ("<<row<<") for nodeID="<<nodeID<<std::endl;
//if we're on the z=0 face:
if (global_box[Z][0] == local_box[Z][0]) {
int minx = local_node_box[X][0];
int miny = local_node_box[Y][0];
int maxx = local_node_box[X][1];
int maxy = local_node_box[Y][1];
//expand x and y dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[X][0] > 0) --minx;
if (local_node_box[Y][0] > 0) --miny;
if (local_node_box[X][1] < max_node_x) ++maxx;
if (local_node_box[Y][1] < max_node_y) ++maxy;
for(int iy=miny; iy<maxy; ++iy) {
for(int ix=minx; ix<maxx; ++ix) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
ix, iy, 0);
std::cout<<"z=0 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", ("<<ix<<","<<iy<<",0)"<<std::endl;
//if we're on the x=1 face:
if (global_box[X][1] == local_box[X][1]) {
int minz = local_node_box[Z][0];
int miny = local_node_box[Y][0];
int maxz = local_node_box[Z][1];
int maxy = local_node_box[Y][1];
//expand z and y dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[Z][0] > 0) --minz;
if (local_node_box[Y][0] > 0) --miny;
if (local_node_box[Z][1] < max_node_z) ++maxz;
if (local_node_box[Y][1] < max_node_y) ++maxy;
for(int iy=miny; iy<maxy; ++iy) {
for(int iz=minz; iz<maxz; ++iz) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
x1, iy, iz);
GlobalOrdinal row = map_id_to_row(nodeID);
std::cout<<"x=1 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", row "<<row<<", ("<<x1<<","<<iy<<","<<iz<<")"<<std::endl;
//if we're on the y=1 face:
if (global_box[Y][1] == local_box[Y][1]) {
int minz = local_node_box[Z][0];
int minx = local_node_box[X][0];
int maxz = local_node_box[Z][1];
int maxx = local_node_box[X][1];
//expand z and x dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[Z][0] > 0) --minz;
if (local_node_box[X][0] > 0) --minx;
if (local_node_box[Z][1] < max_node_z) ++maxz;
if (local_node_box[X][1] < max_node_x) ++maxx;
for(int ix=minx; ix<maxx; ++ix) {
for(int iz=minz; iz<maxz; ++iz) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
ix, y1, iz);
std::cout<<"y=1 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", ("<<ix<<","<<y1<<","<<iz<<")"<<std::endl;
//if we're on the z=1 face:
if (global_box[Z][1] == local_box[Z][1]) {
int miny = local_node_box[Y][0];
int minx = local_node_box[X][0];
int maxy = local_node_box[Y][1];
int maxx = local_node_box[X][1];
//expand x and y dimensions to include ghost layer
if (local_node_box[Y][0] > 0) --miny;
if (local_node_box[X][0] > 0) --minx;
if (local_node_box[Y][1] < max_node_y) ++maxy;
if (local_node_box[X][1] < max_node_x) ++maxx;
for(int ix=minx; ix<maxx; ++ix) {
for(int iy=miny; iy<maxy; ++iy) {
GlobalOrdinal nodeID = get_id<GlobalOrdinal>(max_node_x, max_node_y, max_node_z,
ix, iy, z1);
std::cout<<"z=1 BC, node "<<nodeID<<", ("<<ix<<","<<iy<<","<<z1<<")"<<std::endl;
GlobalOrdinal map_id_to_row(const GlobalOrdinal& id) const
return find_row_for_id(id, map_ids_to_rows);
GlobalOrdinal max_row_in_map() const {
if (map_ids_to_rows.empty()) return 0;
typename std::map<GlobalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal>::const_iterator mend = map_ids_to_rows.end();
return mend->second;
std::set<GlobalOrdinal> bc_rows_0;
std::set<GlobalOrdinal> bc_rows_1;
std::map<GlobalOrdinal,GlobalOrdinal> map_ids_to_rows;
Box global_box;
Box local_box;
};//class simple_mesh_description
}//namespace miniFE