blob: 3976421daeff6492b90df2a761376a3f12db18b2 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2015. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This material was produced
* under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National
* Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC
* for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use,
* reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
* of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
* under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Under this license, it is required to include a reference to this work. We
* request that each derivative work contain a reference to LANL Copyright
* Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054 so that this work's impact can be roughly
* measured.
* This is LANL Copyright Disclosure C15076/LA-CC-15-054
* PowerParser is a general purpose input file parser for software applications.
* Authors: Chuck Wingate XCP-2
* Robert Robey XCP-2
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Provide a class that parses text files into lines and words.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
#include "PowerParser.hh"
#include "Parser_utils.hh"
#include "Variable.hh"
#include "Function.hh"
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <assert.h>
namespace PP
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::ifstream;
using std::ios;
using std::deque;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
using std::stringstream;
using std::setw;
using std::setprecision;
using std::numeric_limits;
static int index_base = 1;
static bool case_sensitive = false;
// ===========================================================================
// Various constructors.
// ===========================================================================
comm = new Comm();
init(); // Init vars, setup functions, ...
nrb_on_dump = 0;
coutbuf = NULL;
PowerParser::PowerParser(string filename)
comm = new Comm();
init(); // Init vars, setup functions, ...
nrb_on_dump = 0;
parse_file(filename); // Parse the file.
coutbuf = NULL;
PowerParser::PowerParser(const char *filename)
comm = new Comm();
string fstring(filename);
init(); // Init vars, setup functions, ...
nrb_on_dump = 0;
parse_file(fstring); // Parse the file.
coutbuf = NULL;
// ===========================================================================
// Destructor
// ===========================================================================
if (coutbuf != NULL) cout.rdbuf(coutbuf); // restore cout's original streambuf
delete comm;
// ===========================================================================
// Parse a file. The basic strategy is to read the file into a string on the
// io processor, broadcast the string to all the other processors, then parse
// the string.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::parse_file(string filename)
// Read the file into a string. This simply copies every character in
// the file to the string including end of line characters.
// Note that only the io processor reads the file into the string.
string s_in = "";
read_into_string(filename, s_in);
// Broadcast the buffer string to all the other processors. After this
// braodcast, all the processors should have the same buffer string.
// Parse the string. After this is done, the parser is ready to be used
// by the application code.
parse_string(filename, s_in);
void PowerParser::parse_file(const char *filename)
string fstring(filename);
int PowerParser::NumIncludeFiles()
return IncludeFiles.size();
string PowerParser::GetIncludeFile(int i)
if (0 <= i && i < IncludeFiles.size()) return IncludeFiles[i];
return string("");
void PowerParser::ListIncludeFiles()
int i, num_include;
num_include = NumIncludeFiles();
std::cerr << "Number of include files = " << num_include << "\n";
for (i = 0; i < num_include; ++i)
std::cerr << "Include file << "<< i << " = " << GetIncludeFile(i) << "\n";
// ===========================================================================
// Given a multi-line string on every processor, parse it into cmds and words.
// After calling this function, the parser is ready for use.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::parse_string(string filename, string buffer)
// Get command lines from the buffer and store them as strings.
int current_pos = 0;
string sline1 = "";
string sline = "";
int file_line_number = 0;
bool exe_args_inserted = false;
for (;;) {
// Get the next line from the buffer. No processing is done, just
// get each line. This does, however, remove the end of line
// characters (either \r\n or only \n) from the string.
if (!get_line_from_string(buffer, sline1, current_pos)) break;
line_number += 1;
file_line_number += 1;
// Store the line without any processing. This is done so that a
// fortran routine can get each original line and echo it to an
// output file.
// The line, sline1, may be composed of sub-lines separated by
// semicolons. Loop through the line extracting each semicolon
// separated sub-line and process it.
int current_sc_pos = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!get_sc_line_from_string(sline1, sline, current_sc_pos)) break;
// Flag for making the command or not.
bool make_cmd = true;
// Get rid of leading and trailing blanks and tabs.
// If after removing white space, the resulting line string is empty,
// then do not turn it into a command.
if ((int)sline.size() == 0) make_cmd = false;
// Turn the line into a command. This creates the words. Empty lines
// can be skipped.
if (make_cmd) {
stringstream serr;
int ierr = 0;
Cmd cmd(sline, &vmap, &fmap, &cmd_strings,
line_number, file_line_number, filename, serr, ierr);
process_error(serr, ierr);
if (cmd.get_string(0) == "set_index_base_zero") {
// C/C++ index convention
Variable v(0);
index_base = 0;
if (cmd.get_string(0) == "set_index_base_one") {
// Fortran index convention
Variable v(1);
index_base = 1;
if (cmd.get_string(0) == "set_case_sensitive") {
case_sensitive = true;
if (cmd.get_string(0) == "set_case_insensitive") {
case_sensitive = false;
if (cmd.get_string(0) == "put_exe_args_here") {
if (exe_args_str != "") {
parse_string("execution line arguments", exe_args_str);
exe_args_inserted = true;
else if (cmd.is_include()) {
string fname = "";
stringstream ssfiles;
if(comm->isIOProc()) {
fname = cmd.get_cmd_filename(ssfiles);
map<int,string>::iterator ifp;
int isize = IncludeFiles.size();
IncludeFiles[isize] = fname;
if (fname == "") {
stringstream serr;
serr << endl;
serr << "*** FATAL ERROR in line " << file_line_number << ":" << endl;
serr << " " << cmd_strings[line_number-1] << endl;
serr << "in file: " << filename << endl;
serr << "Could not open include file." << endl;
serr << "The name of the file and any alternates are:" << endl;
serr << ssfiles.str() << endl;
int ierr = 2;
process_error(serr, ierr);
else {
// process inserted command line args if not parsing just the args
if (filename != "execution line arguments" &&
filename != "exe_args_tmp" &&
exe_args_str != "") {
// if inserting manually, remove the tmp insertion at the beginning
if (exe_args_inserted) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
if (cmds[i].get_filename() == "exe_args_tmp") {
i -= 1;
// change the file name to the real name for args
else {
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
if (cmds[i].get_filename() == "exe_args_tmp") {
cmds[i].set_filename("execution line arguments");
// ===========================================================================
// Handle the execution line arguments.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::handle_exe_args(string other_args)
if ((int)other_args.size() == 0) return;
stringstream serr;
int ierr = 0;
Cmd cmd(other_args, &vmap, &fmap, &cmd_strings,
1, 1, "", serr, ierr);
process_error(serr, ierr);
exe_args_str = "";
if (cmd.get_nwords() == 0) {
exe_args_str = "";
parse_string("exe_args_tmp", exe_args_str);
// ===========================================================================
// Clear out the parser and re-init.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::clear_and_init()
// comm does not need to be reset
// Do not clear out the restart block info from the dump since the whole
// point of doing this function is to be able to reset the parser with
// the restart block info from the dump.
//for (int i=0; i<(int)bnames_on_dump.size(); i++) {
// cout << "&&&&&cw, clear_and_init, bnames_on_dump = " <<
// bnames_on_dump[i] << endl;
// cout << "&&&&&cw, clear_and_init, baflags_on_dump = " <<
// baflags_on_dump[i] << endl;
// Do the initialization again.
// ===========================================================================
// Echo user input to a stringstream.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::echo_input_start()
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::echo_input_ss(stringstream &ssinp)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmd_strings.size(); i++) {
ssinp << cmd_strings[i] << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// The input file(s) has been read and put into commands. Now do the
// compilation phase.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::compile_buffer(int &return_value)
// At this point, the list of variables only contains the pre-defined
// parser variables, thus if we list the variables at this point we will
// have a list of only the pre-defined variables. This is stored in a
// stringstream to be printed later.
string lv1 = "********** List of pre-defined parser variables";
string lv2 = "********** End list of pre-defined parser variables";
list_vars_ss(lv1, lv2, "", pre_defined_varss);
int return_local;
return_local =-1;
return_value = 0;
// Handle single line (! and //) comments and multi line
// comments (/* ... */)
// The level variable is used for nested multi line comments.
int level = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
// Check for matching quotes and remove them.
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
cmds[i].handle_quotes(serr, ierr);
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle quotes gave error " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// Remove empty lines.
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
if (cmds[i].get_nwords() == 0) {
i -= 1;
// Handle continuation lines (ending in & or ,).
// Continuation lines are merged into one long (possibly very long)
// line.
for (int i=(int)cmds.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
int nw1 = cmds[i].get_nwords();
if (cmds[i].get_string(nw1-1) == "&" ||
cmds[i].get_string(nw1-1) == ",") {
if (cmds[i].get_string(nw1-1) == "&")
int nw2 = cmds[i+1].get_nwords();
for (int j=0; j<nw2; j++) {
// Reset the command name and type. Consider the following command:
// * lasdkj */ cmd = 5.0
// The original command name is "*", but after the multi-line comment is
// removed, the command name should be "cmd".
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
// Debug: print each command.
//for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
//stringstream ss3;
//cout << ss3.str() << endl;
//cout << "Command name = " << cmds[i].get_cmd_name() << endl;
//cout << "Command type = " << cmds[i].get_cmd_type() << endl;
//cout << endl;
// Handle all the variable dimension statements.
ierr = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
if (cmds[i].check_for_dimension(serr, ierr)) {
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle variable dimension statement has error " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// Combine things like "end if" into one word, i.e. "endif".
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
// Handle the case of a space between digits and the e for reals.
// For example, in the following,
// 1.0, 2.3 e14, -5.6
// there is a space between 2.3 and e14 which should most likely
// be treated as a single number, 2.3e14.
ierr = 0;
string action = "error";
bool action_set = false;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
if (cmds[i].get_cmd_name() == "depcmd_dse") {
action = cmds[i].get_string(1);
action_set = true;
if (cmds[i].get_cmd_name() == "matdef") {
if (!action_set) action = "fix";
cmds[i].deprecated_input01(action, serr, ierr);
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle space between digits has error " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// This is the main loop where most everything is done.
bool print_final_buffer = false;
deque<bool> skip_level;
deque<bool> satisfied;
deque<int> do_start;
string sub_name = "";
deque<int> icall, isub;
bool skip_sub = false;
int nwhen = 0;
int when_level = 0;
bool single_line_when = false;
int nrb = 0; // Number of restart blocks
bool single_line_rb = false; // Flag for single line restart blocks
bool skiprb = false; // Flag for skipping cmds in restart block
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmds.size(); i++) {
// Work with cmdi, so that cmds will be available for do loops.
Cmd cmdi = cmds[i];
if (cmdi.get_cmd_name() == "parser_redirect_to_file") {
string fname;
int nw = cmdi.get_nwords();
if (nw > 1) {
fname = cmdi.get_string(1);
} else {
fname = "parser.out";
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
//cout << "DEBUG fname is " << fname << endl;
//cout << "Redirecting output to file" << endl;
coutbuf = cout.rdbuf();;
//cout << "Start of output to file" << endl;
// Handle restart_block commands.
if (cmdi.get_string(0) == "restart_block") {
Restartblock rb(nrb, cmdi, skiprb, single_line_rb,
bnames_on_dump, baflags_on_dump,
rbsatprb_on_dump, rbsat_on_dump,
serr, ierr);
for (int rbi=0; rbi<(int)restartblocks.size(); rbi++) {
string rbi_name = restartblocks[rbi].get_name();
for (int rbj=rbi+1; rbj<(int)restartblocks.size(); rbj++) {
if (rbi_name == restartblocks[rbj].get_name()) {
cmdi.fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Restart block names must be unique." << endl;
serr << "Non unique name = " << rbi_name << endl;
ierr = 2;
if (single_line_rb && skiprb) {
skiprb = false;
bool cflag = true;
if (single_line_rb && !skiprb) cflag = false;
if (cflag) continue;
if (cmdi.get_string(0) == "end_restart_block") {
skiprb = false;
if (skiprb) continue;
if (skip_sub) {
if (cmdi.get_string(0) == "endsubroutine") {
skip_sub = false;
//cout << "endsubroutine found, turning skip_sub to false" << endl;
return_local = ierr;
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
if (return_local > 1) return;
// List variables, functions, etc.
if (cmdi.get_cmd_name() == "parser_list_variables") {
string lv1 = "********** Debugging: list variable names and values "
"available in input file.";
string lv2 = "********** Debugging END: list variable names and values";
string var_to_list = "";
int nw = cmdi.get_nwords();
if (nw > 1) var_to_list = cmdi.get_string(1);
if (comm->isIOProc()) cout << endl;
list_vars(lv1, lv2, var_to_list);
if (comm->isIOProc()) cout << endl;
if (cmdi.get_cmd_name() == "parser_list_functions") {
string lf1 = "********** Debugging: list function names available in input file.";
string lf2 = "********** Debugging END: list function names.";
if (comm->isIOProc()) cout << endl;
list_funcs(lf1, lf2);
if (comm->isIOProc()) cout << endl;
if (cmdi.get_cmd_name() == "parser_print_fbuffer") {
print_final_buffer = true;
// Handle when ... then commands.
string wtcmd = cmdi.get_string(0);
if (wtcmd == "when" || wtcmd == "whenever") {
bool skipwhen = true;
bool ever_flag = false;
if (wtcmd == "whenever") ever_flag = true;
Whenthen wt(nwhen, cmdi, skipwhen, single_line_when, ever_flag, serr, ierr);
when_level += 1;
if (skipwhen) continue;
if (cmdi.get_string(0) == "endwhen") {
when_level -= 1;
if (when_level < 0) {
cmdi.fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Extra endwhen (or end when) found with no matching "
"when command." << endl;
serr << "Make sure every when command has one and only one"
<< endl << "matching endwhen command." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_local = ierr;
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle endwhen " << ierr << endl;
// Handle if/elseif/else/endif statements.
bool skip = false;
cmdi.handle_if(skip, skip_level, satisfied, serr, ierr);
if (skip) continue;
// Handle do loops. Note that we terminate if there is an error to
// avoid the possibility of an infinite loop.
int cdex = i;
bool end_do = false;
int ierr2 = 0;
cmdi.handle_do(skip, do_start, cdex, end_do, serr, ierr2);
if (ierr2 == 2) {
ierr = 2;
return_local = ierr;
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle endwhen " << ierr << endl;
if (end_do) {
if (!end_do_loop(i, do_start, serr, ierr)) break;
i = cdex;
if (skip) continue;
// Handle call/subroutines.
bool go_to_sub = false;
bool go_to_call = false;
cmdi.handle_subroutines(skip, go_to_sub, sub_name, go_to_call,
serr, ierr);
if (go_to_call) {
end_do_ret(i, do_start, serr, ierr);
return_local = jump_to_call(i, icall, isub, serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_call error " << ierr << endl;
if (go_to_sub) {
return_local = jump_to_sub(i, sub_name, serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_sub error " << ierr << endl;
if (cmdi.get_string(0) == "subroutine") {
//cout << "subroutine found!!!, turning skip_sub to true" << endl;
skip_sub = true;
// Check for a variable description command. If found we set the description,
// then go to the next line.
if (cmdi.check_for_var_description(serr, ierr)) continue;
// Stop if we hit a stop command or a fatal_error command
bool kill_run = false;
if (cmdi.check_input_end(kill_run, serr, ierr)) {
// Killing the calculation will be done, for example, if the user
// issues a fatal_error command.
if (kill_run) {
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "handle endwhen " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// Clear out all do's so we don't get an error about unmatched
// do/enddo.
cmdi.math_eval(serr, ierr);
cmdi.substitute_variables(serr, ierr); // Sub vars not in math expressions.
cmdi.check_ppmm(serr, ierr); // All ++, -- should be gone.
cmdi.handle_cmd_unary_minus(serr, ierr);
cmdi.handle_cmd_unary_plus(serr, ierr);
cmdi.handle_cmd_multiplicity(serr, ierr);
cmdi.check_misplaced_math(serr, ierr);
cmdi.set_variables(serr, ierr);
// Copy the command to the final commands deque.
if (cmdi.get_cmd_type() == "command") {
if (when_level > 0) {
if (single_line_when) {
when_level -= 1;
single_line_when = false;
else {
// Print error messages and terminate if fatal.
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// Check that an enddo was found for every do.
check_enddo(do_start, serr, ierr);
// Print error messages and terminate if fatal.
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
return_value = return_local;
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << "handle enddo is wrong with err " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return;
// Set the processed flag in every word in every command to be false.
// At the end of parsing, if any word has not been processed in some way,
// then that is a fatal error.
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsf.size(); i++) {
// If this is a recreate of the parser, then there might be some commands
// that have already been processed, set these.
// Check and print duplicate scalar commands.
// Remove duplicate scalar commands.
// Process the duplicate_array_values command.
return_local = process_dav_cmd();
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << "Checked for duplicate arrays and error is " << return_local << endl;
// Debug: print each of the final commands to the screen.
if (print_final_buffer) {
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << "********************************************************************************\n"
<< "********** Echo final parser buffer, this is what the code uses to set internal \n"
<< "********** code variables." << endl;
list_cmdsf("", "");
cout << "********** End of echo final parser buffer.\n"
<< "********************************************************************************\n\n"
<< endl;
cout << "********************************************************************************\n"
<< "********** Echo final when...then parser buffers, this is what the code uses to \n"
<< "********** set internal code variables when processing when...then commands." << endl;
cout << "********** End of echo final when...then parser buffers.\n"
<< "********************************************************************************\n\n"
<< endl;
cout << "********************************************************************************\n"
<< "********** Echo restart block information." << endl;
cout << "********** End of echo restart block information.\n"
<< "********************************************************************************\n\n"
<< endl;
// Return the to the calling program
// ===========================================================================
// A "endsubroutine" or "return" command has been found. Jump back to the call
// statement. This sets the loop index i so that we end up on the line after
// the call.
// ===========================================================================
int PowerParser::jump_to_call(int &i, deque<int> &icall, deque<int> &isub,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
int return_value;
int return_local;
return_value = 0;
return_local = 0;
int icsize = (int)icall.size();
if (icsize == 0) {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "icall size = 0, this should never happen." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_value = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_call icall error " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
i = icall[icsize-1];
vector<string> call_args;
vector<bool> call_args_isvar;
cmds[i].copy_call_args(call_args, call_args_isvar);
int idex_sub = isub[(int)isub.size()-1];
vector<string> sub_args;
vector<bool> sub_args_isvar;
cmds[idex_sub].copy_sub_args(sub_args, sub_args_isvar);
//cout << "jump_to_call, sub args, then call args" << endl;
//for (int j=0; j<(int)sub_args.size(); j++) {
// cout << sub_args[j] << endl;
//for (int j=0; j<(int)call_args.size(); j++) {
// cout << call_args[j] << endl;
//cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
for (int j=0; j<(int)sub_args.size(); j++) {
string sub_var = sub_args[j];
string call_var = call_args[j];
map<string, Variable>::iterator psub;
psub = vmap.find(sub_var);
string sub_value = "";
if (psub != vmap.end()) {
sub_value = psub->second.get_var_value();
else {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Subroutine argument not found." << endl;
serr << "This should not happen." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_value = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_call Subroutine argument not found " << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
if (!call_args_isvar[j]) {
if (sub_value != call_var) {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
cmds[isub[(int)isub.size()-1]].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "The calling argument, argument number " << j+1
<< ", (after any math eval) is " << call_var << endl;
serr << "The corrseponding subroutine dummy argument, "
<< sub_var << ", has"
<< " the value of " << sub_value << endl;
serr << "These are different and should not be." << endl;
serr << "The calling argument is not a variable and thus"
" is fixed and cannot be changed." << endl;
serr << "The dummy argument was changed in the subroutine," << endl;
serr << "thus you are trying to change a fixed quantity which"
" is not allowed." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_value = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_call subroutine arguments errors " << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
else {
map<string, Variable>::iterator pcall;
pcall = vmap.find(call_var);
if (pcall != vmap.end()) {
pcall->second = psub->second;
else {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Calling argument not found." << endl;
serr << "This should not happen." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_value = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "jump_to_call calling argument not found " << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
// Erase temporary variables.
// There should be a better way to do this.
map<string, Variable>::iterator p;
for (;;) {
bool erase_done = false;
for(p = vmap.begin(); p != vmap.end(); p++) {
if (p->second.is_temporary()) {
erase_done = true;
if (!erase_done) break;
// Remove the index to the subroutine line.
return return_value;
} // End of jump_to_call
// ===========================================================================
// A "call" command has been found. Find the subroutine it is trying to call
// and set the loop index, i, to the subroutine line so we will end up on the
// line after the subroutine.
// ===========================================================================
int PowerParser::jump_to_sub(int &i, string &sub_name,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
int return_value;
int return_local;
return_value = 0;
return_local = 0;
// At this point, i is the index for the call line.
//cout << "&&&&&cw PowerParser loop, jump_to_sub, i=" << i << endl;
// Find the line index, cdex, for the subroutine.
int cdex = -1;
for (int j=0; j<(int)cmds.size(); j++) {
if (cmds[j].find_subroutine(sub_name)) {
cdex = j;
if (cdex == -1) {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Subroutine " << sub_name << " not found." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_value = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "Subroutine name not found " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
// Get the calling arguments. This will potentially be a mix
// of variable names and numbers. This does not modify the words
// in cmds[i], but it does store the call arguments in cmds[i].
vector<string> call_args;
vector<bool> call_args_isvar;
cmds[i].get_call_args(call_args, call_args_isvar, serr, ierr);
//for (int j=0; j<(int)call_args.size(); j++) {
// cout << call_args[j] << endl;
// Get the subroutine arguments.
// This does not modify the words in cmds[cdex], but it does store
// the subroutine arguments in cmds[cdex]
vector<string> sub_args;
vector<bool> sub_args_isvar;
cmds[cdex].get_sub_args(sub_args, sub_args_isvar);
//for (int j=0; j<(int)sub_args.size(); j++) {
// cout << sub_args[j] << endl;
// Error checking.
int ncall_args = (int)call_args.size();
int nsub_args = (int)sub_args.size();
if (ncall_args != nsub_args) {
cmds[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
cmds[cdex].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Number of calling arguments = " << ncall_args << endl;
serr << "Number of subroutine arguments = " << nsub_args << endl;
serr << "These must be the same." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "Arguments in subroutine and in calling are different " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
for (int j=0; j<(int)sub_args.size(); j++) {
if (!sub_args_isvar[j]) {
cmds[cdex].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Subroutine dummy arguments must always be variables." << endl;
serr << "Argument " << j+1 << ", " << sub_args[j] << ", "
<< "is not a variable." << endl;
serr << "Remember that variables always begin with a"
" dollar sign, $" << endl;
serr << "Note that putting quotes around a variable name makes it" << endl;
serr << "a string, not a variable." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "Dummy arguments must be variables " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
// Define new, temporary variables for the subroutine dummy arguments.
// Set their values to the call values.
for (int j=0; j<(int)sub_args.size(); j++) {
string sub_vname = sub_args[j];
string call_vname = call_args[j];
// Find the subroutine variable name in the variable map.
map<string, Variable>::iterator psub;
psub = vmap.find(sub_vname);
if (psub != vmap.end()) {
cmds[cdex].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "Argument " << j+1 << ", " << sub_args[j] << ", "
<< "is both a global variable and a dummy subroutine argument." << endl;
serr << "This is not allowed, dummy subroutine arguments "
"cannot also be" << endl;
serr << "global variables." << endl;
ierr = 2;
return_local = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (return_local > return_value) {
return_value = return_local;
if (return_local > 0) {
cout << "Dummy argument cannot be global variable " << ierr << endl;
if (return_local > 1) return return_value;
else {
// If the calling argument is a variable, then we set the
// temporary variable equal to the calling variable. This passes
// in the correct value, but it also passes in arrays, and
// whatever characteristics the calling variable has.
// If the calling argument is not a variable, then we just
// create the new, temporary variable and give it the calling
// argument as its value.
if (call_args_isvar[j]) {
map<string, Variable>::iterator pcall;
pcall = vmap.find(call_vname);
if (pcall != vmap.end()) {
Variable v = pcall->second;
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(v.get_varname(), v));
else {
// calling argument variable not defined.
else {
vector<int> istart(0,0);
vector<string> valvec;
int lnum = cmds[cdex].get_line_number(0);
int file_lnum = cmds[cdex].get_file_line_number(0);
string fname = cmds[cdex].get_filename(0);
Variable v(sub_vname, istart, valvec, lnum, file_lnum,
fname, &cmd_strings, serr, ierr);
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(v.get_varname(), v));
// Set the loop index to the index of the subroutine so we
// will end up at the line after the subroutine line.
i = cdex;
return return_value;
} // End of jump_to_sub
// ===========================================================================
// End a do loop. This happens when a do loop has gone through all its
// iterations or when an exit statment is encountered.
// Basically, find the matching enddo and continue after that statement.
// ===========================================================================
bool PowerParser::end_do_loop(int &i, deque<int> &do_start,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
int rtvl = 0;
// Find the matching enddo.
// Stop checking will be true if we are in main and hit a subroutine
// statement or if we are in a subroutine and hit an endsubroutine
// statement.
int cdex = -1;
int dlev = 1;
for (int j=i+1; j<(int)cmds.size(); j++) {
bool stop_checking = false;
if (cmds[j].find_matching_enddo(dlev, stop_checking)) {
cdex = j;
if (stop_checking) break;
// If the matching enddo was not found then that is a fatal error.
int nlevels = (int)do_start.size();
if (cdex == -1) {
if (nlevels > 0) {
int ido = do_start[nlevels-1];
cmds[ido].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "No enddo found for do statement." << endl;
ierr = 2;
rtvl = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (rtvl > 0) cout << "Enddo not found " << endl;
return false;
// We are done with this do loop, so we can get rid of the reference
// to it.
if (nlevels > 0) {
// Set the loop index to the enddo statement so that we will start
// processing immediately after the enddo.
i = cdex;
return true;
} // End end_do_loop
// ===========================================================================
// A return statement in a subroutine has been encountered. We need to handle
// the do loops before returning to the call statement, otherwise the code
// will complain about do loops without enddo statements.
// This routine searches from the return statement to the endsubroutine
// statement, finds any free enddo's and erases the corresponding references
// to the do statements.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::end_do_ret(int &i, deque<int> &do_start,
stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
//assert(serr == serr);
assert(ierr == ierr);
int istart = i;
for (;;) {
// Find an enddo.
// Stop checking will be true if we are in main and hit a subroutine
// statement or if we are in a subroutine and hit an endsubroutine
// statement.
int cdex = -1;
int dlev = 1;
bool stop_checking = false;
for (int j=istart; j<(int)cmds.size(); j++) {
if (cmds[j].find_matching_enddo(dlev, stop_checking)) {
cdex = j;
istart = j+1;
if (stop_checking) break;
// If we don't find an enddo, then we are done.
if (cdex == -1) break;
if (stop_checking) break;
// We are done with this do loop, so we can get rid of the reference
// to it.
int nlevels = (int)do_start.size();
if (nlevels > 0) {
} // End end_do_ret
// ===========================================================================
// Check that an enddo was found for every do.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::check_enddo(deque<int> &do_start, stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
for (int i=0; i<(int)do_start.size(); i++) {
int ido = do_start[i];
cmds[ido].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "No enddo found for do statement." << endl;
ierr = 2;
// ===========================================================================
// Check all processed flags on every command. If any word on any command
// has not been processed, then that is a fatal error.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::check_processed(bool &good)
int rtvl = 0;
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].check_processed(good, serr, ierr);
process_error(serr, ierr);
// ===========================================================================
// Process the duplicate array values command.
// ===========================================================================
int PowerParser::process_dav_cmd()
int rtvl = 0;
int return_value = 0;
// Process the duplicate_array_values command.
// Note that duplicate array values are processed when the calls are made
// from the host code to actually extract information from the final
// buffer.
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
string cmdi = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(0);
if (cmdi != "duplicate_array_values") continue;
string vali = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(2);
if (vali == "warning") dup_fatal = 1;
else if (vali == "fatal") dup_fatal = 2;
else if (vali == "none") dup_fatal = 0;
else {
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
(*cmdsfp)[i].fatal_error(0, serr, ierr);
serr << "The value for the duplicate_array_values command must" << endl <<
"be either none, warning, or fatal" << endl;
ierr = 2;
cout << "The value for the duplicate_array_values command must" << endl;
cout << "be either none, warning, or fatal" << endl;
rtvl = process_error_return_int(serr, ierr);
if (rtvl > return_value) {
return_value = rtvl;
if (rtvl > 0) {
cout << "Duplicate array values not recognized " << ierr << endl;
return return_value;
if (dup_fatal > 0 ) return dup_fatal;
return 0;
// ===========================================================================
// If commands appear more than once in the input file(s), print a warning
// to the user.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::check_duplicates()
// Check for and print and duplicate scalar commands in the input file.
//if (comm->isIOProc()) {
// cout << "********************************************************************************" << endl;
//bool found_any = false;
bool fany;
check_dup_scalar(-1, fany);
//if (fany) found_any = true;
for (int wtn=0; wtn<(int)whenthens.size(); wtn++) {
check_dup_scalar(wtn, fany);
//if (fany) found_any = true;
// If duplicate scalar commands are not found, we do not really need to
// pollute the output telling the user that.
//if (!found_any) {
// if (comm->isIOProc()) {
// cout << "********** No Duplicate Scalar Commands Found in User Input File" << endl;
// }
//if (comm->isIOProc()) {
// cout << "********************************************************************************" << endl;
// cout << endl << endl;
// Remove and duplicate scalar commands from the final buffer.
for (int wtn=0; wtn<(int)whenthens.size(); wtn++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Check for duplicate scalar commands in the user input file.
// Print a table of any duplicate scalar commands to stdout.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::check_dup_scalar(int wtn, bool &found_any)
vector< vector<string> > rows;
vector<string> row1;
row1.push_back(" ");
row1.push_back(" ");
vector<string> row2;
int n_header_rows = (int)rows.size();
if (wtn < 0) cmdsfp = &cmdsf;
else cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn].get_cmdsf_ptr();
vector<string> cmds_done;
found_any = false;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
bool already_printed_i = false;
string cmdi = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(0);
string w1i = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(1);
if (w1i == "(") continue;
bool already_done = false;
for (int j=0; j<(int)cmds_done.size(); j++) {
if (cmdi == cmds_done[j]) {
already_done = true;
if (already_done) continue;
bool found = false;
for (int j=i+1; j<(int)cmdsfp->size(); j++) {
string cmdj = (*cmdsfp)[j].get_string(0);
if (cmdi == cmdj) {
stringstream ss;
if (!already_printed_i) {
vector<string> row;
set_dup_row(row, (*cmdsfp)[i], 0);
already_printed_i = true;
vector<string> row;
set_dup_row(row, (*cmdsfp)[j], 0);
found = true;
found_any = true;
if (found) {
vector<string> row;
row.push_back(" "); row.push_back(" "); row.push_back(" ");
if (found_any) {
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << endl;
if (wtn < 0) {
cout << "********** WARNING: Duplicate Scalar Commands Found in User Input File" << endl;
cout << " The following commands appear more than once in the user input file." << endl;
else {
cout << "********** WARNING: Duplicate Scalar Commands Found in when...then" << endl;
cout << " The following commands appear more than once in the when...then." << endl;
cout << " The last instance of the command will be used." << endl;
cout << " Is this what you want??" << endl << endl;
stringstream ssout;
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
putils.print_strings(rows, n_header_rows, 4, 3, 80, ssout);
cout << ssout.str() << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// Helper function for check_dup_scalar.
// The duplicate scalar commands are printed as rows with each row containing
// the file name the duplicate command was found in, the line number, and the
// command line itself.
// Given the duplicate command, this function generates that row of
// information and adds it to the row vector.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::set_dup_row(vector<string> &row, Cmd &cmdi, int iw)
int lnum = cmdi.get_line_number(iw);
int file_lnum = cmdi.get_file_line_number(iw);
string fname = cmdi.get_filename(iw);
stringstream ss;
ss << file_lnum;
// ===========================================================================
// Remove duplicate scalar commands in the user input file.
// Keep only the last instance of the command.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::remove_dup_scalar(int wtn)
if (wtn < 0) cmdsfp = &cmdsf;
else cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn].get_cmdsf_ptr();
for (int i=(int)cmdsfp->size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
string cmdi = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(0);
string w1i = (*cmdsfp)[i].get_string(1);
if (w1i == "(") continue;
for (int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
string cmdj = (*cmdsfp)[j].get_string(0);
if (cmdi == cmdj) {
// ===========================================================================
// Helper function to convert doubles to strings.
// ===========================================================================
std::string const to_string( double const x )
std::ostringstream tmp;
tmp << std::setprecision(16) << x;
return tmp.str();
// ===========================================================================
// Initialize the parser. This will typically be called by the
// constructors.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::init()
line_number = 0;
cmdsfp = &cmdsf;
dup_fatal = 1;
ierr_global = 0;
// make a little smaller (2.0) to avoid floating point excepting on some
// compilers
double huge_double = numeric_limits<double>::max( )/2.0;
Word whuge_double(huge_double, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vhuge_double("$huge_double", whuge_double.get_string(), true, "largest double/2.0");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vhuge_double.get_varname(), vhuge_double));
float huge_float = numeric_limits<float>::max( );
Word whuge_float(huge_float, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vhuge_float("$huge_float", whuge_float.get_string(), true, "largest float");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vhuge_float.get_varname(), vhuge_float));
int huge_int = numeric_limits<int>::max( );
Word whuge_int(huge_int, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vhuge_int("$huge_int", whuge_int.get_string(), true, "largest integer");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vhuge_int.get_varname(), vhuge_int));
double tiny_double = numeric_limits<double>::min( );
Word wtiny_double(tiny_double, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vtiny_double("$tiny_double", wtiny_double.get_string(), true, "tiniest double");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vtiny_double.get_varname(), vtiny_double));
float tiny_float = numeric_limits<float>::min( );
Word wtiny_float(tiny_float, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vtiny_float("$tiny_float", wtiny_float.get_string(), true, "tiniest float");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vtiny_float.get_varname(), vtiny_float));
int tiny_int = numeric_limits<int>::min( );
Word wtiny_int(tiny_int, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vtiny_int("$tiny_int", wtiny_int.get_string(), true, "tiniest integer");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vtiny_int.get_varname(), vtiny_int));
int ncores_tot = comm->getNumProcs();
Word wncores_tot(ncores_tot, 1, 1, "", NULL);
Variable vncores_tot("$ncores_tot", wncores_tot.get_string(), true, "total number of cores");
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(vncores_tot.get_varname(), vncores_tot));
// ***********************************************************************
// Define the default functions.
Function facos("acos", true, 1, "real",
"arccosine, radians, arg -1 to 1");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(facos.get_name(), facos));
Function fasin("asin", true, 1, "real",
"arcsine, radians, arg -1 to 1");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fasin.get_name(), fasin));
Function fatan("atan", true, 1, "real", "arctangent, returns radians");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fatan.get_name(), fatan));
Function fceil("ceil", true, 1, "real", "round up (smallest int >= arg)");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fceil.get_name(), fceil));
Function fcos("cos", true, 1, "real", "cosine, arg in radians");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fcos.get_name(), fcos));
Function fcosh("cosh", true, 1, "real", "hyperbolic cosine");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fcosh.get_name(), fcosh));
Function fexp("exp", true, 1, "real", "exponential");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fexp.get_name(), fexp));
Function ffabs("fabs", true, 1, "real", "absolute value of a real");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ffabs.get_name(), ffabs));
Function ffloor("floor", true, 1, "real",
"round down (largest int <= arg)");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ffloor.get_name(), ffloor));
Function flog("log", true, 1, "real", "log to base e, arg>0");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(flog.get_name(), flog));
Function flog10("log10", true, 1, "real", "log to base 10, arg>0");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(flog10.get_name(), flog10));
Function fsin("sin", true, 1, "real", "sine, arg in radians");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fsin.get_name(), fsin));
Function fsinh("sinh", true, 1, "real", "hyperbolic sine");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fsinh.get_name(), fsinh));
Function fsqrt("sqrt", true, 1, "real", "square root (arg >= 0)");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fsqrt.get_name(), fsqrt));
Function ftan("tan", true, 1, "real", "tangent, arg in radians");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ftan.get_name(), ftan));
Function ftanh("tanh", true, 1, "real", "hyperbolic tangent");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ftanh.get_name(), ftanh));
Function fatan2("atan2", true, 2, "real", "arctangent, 2 args");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fatan2.get_name(), fatan2));
Function ffmod("fmod", true, 2, "real", "remainder of arg1/arg2");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ffmod.get_name(), ffmod));
Function fpow("pow", true, 2, "real", "arg1 raised to arg2 power");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fpow.get_name(), fpow));
Function ffmax("max", true, 2, "real", "return the greater of two args");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ffmax.get_name(), ffmax));
Function ffmin("min", true, 2, "real", "return the lesser of two args");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(ffmin.get_name(), ffmin));
Function fstrlen("strlen", true, 1, "string", "number of chars in arg");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrlen.get_name(), fstrlen));
Function fstrcat("strcat", true, 2, "string", "concatenate two strings");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrcat.get_name(), fstrcat));
Function fstrerase("strerase", true, 3, "string", "erase chars from string");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrerase.get_name(), fstrerase));
Function fstrinsert("strinsert", true, 3, "string", "insert chars into string");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrinsert.get_name(), fstrinsert));
Function fstrsubstr("strsubstr", true, 3, "string", "get sub string");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrsubstr.get_name(), fstrsubstr));
Function fstrtrim("strtrim", true, 1, "string", "remove trailing whitespace");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fstrtrim.get_name(), fstrtrim));
Function fdefined("defined", true, 1, "logical", "is a variable defined or not");
fmap.insert(pair<string, Function>(fdefined.get_name(), fdefined));
void PowerParser::dictionary_add(char *name, double value, bool pred, char *vdesc)
Variable *Var_entry = new Variable(name, to_string(value), pred, vdesc);
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(Var_entry->get_varname(), *Var_entry));
void PowerParser::dictionary_env_add(char *name, bool pred)
const char *getenv_p;
const char *getenv_p_not_defined = "";
getenv_p = getenv(name);
if( getenv_p == NULL ){
getenv_p = getenv_p_not_defined;
int len_name = strlen(name);
// One extra character for $ and another for null termination
char *varname = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(len_name+2));
varname[0] = '$';
strncpy(varname+1, name, len_name+1);
Variable *Var_entry = new Variable(varname, getenv_p, pred, name);
vmap.insert(pair<string, Variable>(Var_entry->get_varname(), *Var_entry));
// ===========================================================================
// Read a file into a string.
// This is only done on the io processor.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::read_into_string(string filename, string &s_in)
if(comm != NULL) {
if(!comm->isIOProc()) return;
// Its OK if an input file is not specified.
if (filename == " ") {
s_in = " ";
// Open the input data file.
ifstream in_stream(filename.c_str(), ios::in);
if( !in_stream ) {
stringstream serr;
serr << endl << "*** FATAL ERROR" << endl;
serr << "Could not open input (or include) file." << endl;
serr << "The name of the file is " << filename << endl;
if (filename == "") {
serr << "(The file name is blank.)" << endl;
int ierr = 2;
process_error(serr, ierr);
// Read each character and store in a string. We use a string so we
// don't have to fiddle with memory allocation and reallocation.
// There are more efficient ways to do this, but whatever way is
// used has to handle arbitrarily long files.
char c;
while (in_stream) {
if (!in_stream) break;
s_in += c;
// Check for a 0 size input file, this might be an indication of a
// full file system.
if( (int)s_in.size() == 0 ) {
stringstream serr;
serr << endl << "*** FATAL ERROR" << endl;
serr << "The name of the input file is " << filename << endl;
serr << "This file exists, but its size is 0 bytes, (empty file)." << endl;
serr << "Perhaps the file system is full??" << endl;
serr << "Use a unix command like \"df -k .\" to find out how full the"
" file system is." << endl;
int ierr = 2;
process_error(serr, ierr);
// Now that the file contents are transferred to a string we do not need
// the data file anymore and can close it.
// ***************************************************************************
// Driver functions for getting values from the commands.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting boolean values as integers.
// This works for arrays of any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_bool_int(string &cname,
int *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
// Note that we do not default cvalue. Its value only changes if the
// command is found.
// Used in checking for duplicate array values
int dim = (int)size.size();
int tot_size = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
tot_size *= size[i];
vector<int> dup_vals(tot_size, 0);
vector<Cmd *> dup_cmd1(tot_size);
vector<int> dup_wdex1(tot_size, -1);
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_bool_int(cname, cvalue, size, dup_cmd1, dup_wdex1,
dup_fatal, dup_vals, skip, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
void PowerParser::get_bool_int(const char *cname,
int *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
string cstring(cname);
get_bool_int( cstring, cvalue, size, skip);
void PowerParser::get_bool(string &cname,
bool *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
// Note that we do not default cvalue. Its value only changes if the
// command is found.
// Used in checking for duplicate array values
int dim = (int)size.size();
int tot_size = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
tot_size *= size[i];
vector<int> dup_vals(tot_size, 0);
vector<Cmd *> dup_cmd1(tot_size);
vector<int> dup_wdex1(tot_size, -1);
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_bool(cname, cvalue, size, dup_cmd1, dup_wdex1,
dup_fatal, dup_vals, skip, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
void PowerParser::get_bool(const char *cname,
bool *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
string cstring(cname);
get_bool( cstring, cvalue, size, skip);
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting integer values.
// This works for arrays of any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
template< typename T >
void PowerParser::get_int(string &cname, T *cvalue, const vector<int> &size, bool skip)
// Note that we do not default cvalue. Its value only changes if the
// command is found.
// Used in checking for duplicate array values
int dim = (int)size.size();
int tot_size = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
tot_size *= size[i];
vector<int> dup_vals(tot_size, 0);
vector<Cmd *> dup_cmd1(tot_size);
vector<int> dup_wdex1(tot_size, -1);
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_int(cname, cvalue, size, dup_cmd1, dup_wdex1,
dup_fatal, dup_vals, skip, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
//! Explicit instantiation of supported template types. If more types are
//! needed those explicit versions must be listed here. We are not using
//! automatic inclusion (we would need to move the function definition into
//! the header file for that). The listed versions below are the only ones
//! that will be included in the library.
template void PowerParser::get_int(
string &cname, int *cvalue, const vector<int> &size, bool skip);
template void PowerParser::get_int(
string &cname, int64_t *cvalue, const vector<int> &size, bool skip);
template< typename T >
void PowerParser::get_int(const char *cname,
T *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
string cstring(cname);
get_int( cstring, cvalue, size, skip);
template void PowerParser::get_int(
const char *cname, int *cvalue, const vector<int> &size, bool skip);
template void PowerParser::get_int(
const char *cname, int64_t *cvalue, const vector<int> &size, bool skip);
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting real values.
// This works for arrays of any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_real(string &cname,
double *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
// Note that we do not default cvalue. Its values only change if the
// command is found.
// Used in checking for duplicate array values
int dim = (int)size.size();
int tot_size = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
tot_size *= size[i];
vector<int> dup_vals(tot_size, 0);
vector<Cmd *> dup_cmd1(tot_size);
vector<int> dup_wdex1(tot_size, -1);
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_real(cname, cvalue, size, dup_cmd1, dup_wdex1,
dup_fatal, dup_vals, skip, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
void PowerParser::get_real(const char *cname,
double *cvalue,
const vector<int> &size,
bool skip)
string cstring(cname);
get_real( cstring, cvalue, size, skip);
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting character strings.
// This works for arrays of any dimension, 0,1,2,3,...
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_char(string &cname,
vector<string> &vstr,
const vector<int> &size,
bool single_char,
bool skip)
// Note that we do not default cvalue. Its value only changes if the
// command is found.
// Used in checking for duplicate array values
int dim = (int)size.size();
int tot_size = 1;
for (int i=0; i<dim; i++) {
tot_size *= size[i];
vector<int> dup_vals(tot_size, 0);
vector<Cmd *> dup_cmd1(tot_size);
vector<int> dup_wdex1(tot_size, -1);
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_char(cname, vstr, size, single_char, dup_cmd1,
dup_wdex1, dup_fatal, dup_vals,
skip, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
void PowerParser::get_char(const char *cname,
vector<string> &vstr,
const vector<int> &size,
bool single_char,
bool skip)
string cstring(cname);
get_char( cstring, vstr, size, single_char, skip);
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting array sizes.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_size(string &cname, vector<int> &size)
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_size(size, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
// ===========================================================================
// Driver for getting array sizes. Version to get all sizes
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_sizeb(string &cname, vector<int> &size)
int ierr = 0;
stringstream serr;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
(*cmdsfp)[i].get_sizeb(size, serr, ierr);
// Process errors, global abort if ierr==2
process_error(serr, ierr);
// ===========================================================================
// Check if the input command, cname, appears in the final, parsed user input.
// The two outputs are in_input and in_whenthen,
// in_input command is in (or not) the main part of the input, i.e.
// everything except the when...then statements.
// in_whenthen command is in (or not) at least one when...then statement.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::cmd_in_input(string &cname, bool &in_input, bool &in_whenthen)
in_input = false;
in_whenthen = false;
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
in_input = true;
for (int wtn=0; wtn<(int)whenthens.size(); wtn++) {
cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn].get_cmdsf_ptr();
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
in_whenthen = true;
if (in_whenthen) break;
// ===========================================================================
// Set the processed flag for all words for all commands that match cname.
// The value to set the processed flag to is bval.
// This sets the processed flag for commands in the final buffer and in the
// when...then final buffers.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::cmd_set_processed(string &cname, bool bval)
if (! case_sensitive) {
transform(cname.begin(), cname.end(), cname.begin(), tolower);
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
for (int wtn=0; wtn<(int)whenthens.size(); wtn++) {
cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn].get_cmdsf_ptr();
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
if ((*cmdsfp)[i].get_cmd_name() == cname) {
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::cmd_set_reprocessed(bool bval)
for (int c=0; c<(int)processed_cmd_names.size(); c++) {
string cname = processed_cmd_names[c];
cmd_set_processed(cname, bval);
// ===========================================================================
// Process errors.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::process_error_global(int &return_value)
int return_val_local;
int ierr = ierr_global;
return_val_local = 0;
if (ierr == 0) {
return_value = 0;
return_val_local = process_error_return_int(serr_global, ierr);
return_value = return_val_local;
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::process_error(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
if (ierr == 0) return;
if (ierr == 3) {
serr_global << serr.str();
ierr_global = ierr;
string err_type = "Warnings";
if (ierr == 2) err_type = "Fatal errors";
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << endl;
cout << err_type << " have been encountered while parsing the user"
" input file." << endl;
cout << "Note that often fixing the first error will also fix the"
" other errors." << endl;
cout << serr.str() << endl;
if (ierr == 2) {
// Force all processors to quit.
// We have the problem that the non-IO procs may kill the calculation
// before the IO proc can finish printing the error messages, thus
// force the IO proc to do the global abort but still allow the
// possibility that the IO proc may not have aborted, some other
// proc might have.
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
else {
// A possible sleep function if the library sleep function is not portable.
// #include <time.h>
// void sleep(unsigned int mseconds)
// {
// clock_t goal = mseconds + clock();
// while (goal > clock());
// }
// A better function is the following since it uses CLOCKS_PER_SEC and
// thus does not assume its value.
//#include <time.h>
//void wait ( int seconds )
// clock_t endwait;
// endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
// while (clock() < endwait) {}
// We might want to put this in Comm, i.e. modify global_abort.
// ===========================================================================
int PowerParser::process_error_return_int(stringstream &serr, int &ierr)
int return_value;
return_value = ierr;
if (ierr == 0) return(return_value);
return_value = ierr;
if (ierr == 3) {
serr_global << serr.str();
ierr_global = ierr;
cout << "Error encountered in process_error_return_int -- err code is " << ierr << endl;
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << endl;
cout << "Error encountered while parsing the user input file -- err code is "
<< ierr << endl;
cout << "Note that often fixing the first error will also fix the"
" other errors." << endl;
cout << serr.str() << endl;
// A possible sleep function if the library sleep function is not portable.
// #include <time.h>
// void sleep(unsigned int mseconds)
// {
// clock_t goal = mseconds + clock();
// while (goal > clock());
// }
// A better function is the following since it uses CLOCKS_PER_SEC and
// thus does not assume its value.
//#include <time.h>
//void wait ( int seconds )
// clock_t endwait;
// endwait = clock () + seconds * CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
// while (clock() < endwait) {}
// ***************************************************************************
// When...then commands
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Check if a when...then condition is satisfied.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_check(int wtn, vector<string> &code_varnames,
vector<string> &code_values,
vector<int> &vv_active, int *wtci)
stringstream serr;
int ierr = 0;
whenthens[wtn-1].check_wt(code_varnames, code_values, vv_active, wtci,
serr, ierr);
process_error(serr, ierr);
if ( (*wtci) == 1) {
cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn-1].get_cmdsf_ptr();
// ===========================================================================
// Set the commands final buffer pointer.
// This is also done in the check routine.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_set_cmdsfp(int wtn)
cmdsfp = whenthens[wtn-1].get_cmdsf_ptr();
// ===========================================================================
// Reset the commands final buffer pointer.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_reset()
cmdsfp = &cmdsf;
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_casize(int wtn, int *wt_casize)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(wt_casize == wt_casize);
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_carray(int wtn, char *wt_ca, int wt_casize)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(wt_casize == wt_casize);
string sc;
for (int i=0; i<(int)sc.size(); i++) {
wt_ca[i] = sc[i];
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_satsize(int wtn, int *wt_satsize)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(wt_satsize == wt_satsize);
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_getsat(int wtn, int *wt_sat, int wt_satsize)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(wt_satsize == wt_satsize);
// ===========================================================================
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_setsat(int wtn, int *wt_sat, int wt_satsize)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(wt_satsize == wt_satsize);
// ===========================================================================
// Get and Set the processed flag for a whenthen.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_getprocessed(int wtn, int *wtp)
void PowerParser::wt_setprocessed(int wtn, int wtp)
// ===========================================================================
// Get and Set the sequence index for a whenthen.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::wt_getseq(int wtn, int *wtseq)
void PowerParser::wt_setseq(int wtn, int wtseq)
// ***************************************************************************
// restart_block commands
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Check if a restart block condition is satisfied.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::rb_check(vector<string> &code_varnames,
vector<string> &code_values,
vector<int> &vv_active, int *rbci,
int *rb_ntriggered, int *rb_triggered_indices)
stringstream serr;
int ierr = 0;
*rbci = 0;
*rb_ntriggered = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
int ri = 0;
restartblocks[i].check_rb(code_varnames, code_values, vv_active, &ri,
serr, ierr);
if (ri == 1) {
*rbci = 1;
rb_triggered_indices[*rb_ntriggered] = i;
*rb_ntriggered += 1;
process_error(serr, ierr);
// ===========================================================================
// Get/set the restart block names
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_rb_names(vector<string> &rb_names_vstr)
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
void PowerParser::set_rb_names(vector<string> &rb_names_vstr)
for (int i=0; i<(int)rb_names_vstr.size(); i++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Get/set the restart block activity flags.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_rb_aflags(int *rb_aflags)
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
rb_aflags[i] = restartblocks[i].get_aflag();
void PowerParser::set_rb_aflags(int *rb_aflags, int rb_num)
for (int j=0; j<rb_num; j++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Get/set the restart block satsize.
// satsize is defined as the total number of sub-conditions over all restart
// blocks.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_rb_satsize(int *rb_satsize)
int rb_sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
rb_sum += restartblocks[i].get_satsize();
*rb_satsize = rb_sum;
void PowerParser::set_rb_satsize(int rb_satsize)
satsize_on_dump = rb_satsize;
// ===========================================================================
// Get/set the number of sub-conditions per restart block
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_rb_satprb(int *rb_satprb)
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
rb_satprb[i] = restartblocks[i].get_satsize();
void PowerParser::set_rb_satprb(int *rb_satprb, int rb_num)
for (int i=0; i<rb_num; i++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Get/set the satisfied flag for each sub-condition for each restart block
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::get_rb_sat(int *rb_sat)
int k = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
for (int j=0; j<(int)restartblocks[i].get_satsize(); j++) {
rb_sat[k] = restartblocks[i].get_sat(j);
void PowerParser::set_rb_sat(int *rb_sat, int rb_satsize)
for (int i=0; i<rb_satsize; i++) {
bool b = false;
if (rb_sat[i] == 1) b = true;
// ===========================================================================
// Get a combined list of the restart block variable names. Note that there
// might be more than one variable name per restart block depending on how
// complicated the condition is.
// ===========================================================================
int PowerParser::get_rb_num_varnames()
int numv = 0;
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
numv += restartblocks[i].get_num_varnames();
for (int i=0; i<(int)whenthens.size(); i++) {
numv += whenthens[i].get_num_varnames();
return numv;
void PowerParser::get_rb_varnames(vector<string> &rb_varnames_vstr)
for (int i=0; i<(int)restartblocks.size(); i++) {
int numv = restartblocks[i].get_num_varnames();
for (int j=0; j<numv; j++) {
for (int i=0; i<(int)whenthens.size(); i++) {
int numv = whenthens[i].get_num_varnames();
for (int j=0; j<numv; j++) {
// ===========================================================================
// Print info about restart blocks.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::list_rb()
stringstream ssc;
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << ssc.str();
void PowerParser::list_rb_start()
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_rb_ss(stringstream &ssc)
int rblen = (int)restartblocks.size();
if (rblen <= 0) {
ssc << endl << "No restart blocks have been specified."
<< endl << endl;
for (int rb=0; rb<rblen; rb++) {
list_one_rb_ss(ssc, rb);
void PowerParser::list_rb1_start(int *rb)
list_rb1_ss(ssfout, rb);
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_rb1_ss(stringstream &ssc, int *rbp)
int rb = *rbp;
int rblen = (int)restartblocks.size();
if (rb < 0) {
ssc << endl << "List restart block error: rb<0"
<< endl << endl;
if (rb >= rblen) {
ssc << endl << "List restart block error: rb>=rblen"
<< endl << endl;
list_one_rb_ss(ssc, rb);
// ===========================================================================
// List info for one restart block, index=rb
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::list_one_rb_ss(stringstream &ssc, int rb)
ssc << endl;
ssc << "** Echo restart block info, restart block name = "
<< restartblocks[rb].get_name() << endl;
string s = "false";
if (restartblocks[rb].get_aflag() == 1) s = "true";
ssc << " Active flag = " << s << endl;
ssc << " Condition for this restart block =" << endl;
restartblocks[rb].list_condition(" ", " ", ssc);
ssc << endl;
ssc << " Number of sub-conditions = " <<
restartblocks[rb].get_satsize() << endl;
for (int i=0; i<restartblocks[rb].get_satsize(); i++) {
string t = "false";
if (restartblocks[rb].get_sat(i) == 1) t = "true";
ssc << " For sub-condition " << i+1 <<
", satisfied flag = " << t << endl;
ssc << endl;
// ***************************************************************************
// Debugging commands/functions.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Print a cmds line.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::print_line(int i)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
stringstream ss3;
cout << ss3.str() << endl;
void PowerParser::print_line(Cmd &cmd)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
//cout << cmd.get_cmd_name() << endl;
//if (cmd.get_cmd_name() != "acmd5") return;
stringstream ss3;
cout << ss3.str() << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// List variables
// lv1 and lv2 are header and footer strings to delimit the list.
// var_to_list is a specific variable to list. If it is blank then all vars
// will be listed, otherwise only the specific var will be listed.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::list_vars(string lv1, string lv2, string var_to_list)
stringstream ssv;
list_vars_ss(lv1, lv2, var_to_list, ssv);
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << ssv.str();
void PowerParser::list_vars_start()
ssfout << pre_defined_varss.str() << endl;
list_vars_ss("", "", "", ssfout);
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_vars_ss(string lv1, string lv2, string var_to_list,
stringstream &ssvars)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
ssvars << lv1 << endl;
map<string, Variable>::iterator p;
// Holds the various header and data rows to be printed.
vector< vector<string> > rows;
// Construct the header row.
vector<string> header_row;
header_row.push_back("Variable name");
int n_header_rows = (int)rows.size();
// Set the number of columns.
int ncol = (int)header_row.size();
// Construct the data rows.
for(p = vmap.begin(); p != vmap.end(); p++) {
string vname = p->first;
if (var_to_list != "") {
if (vname != var_to_list) continue;
int nvalues = p->second.get_nvalues();
string description = p->second.get_description();
int ndim = p->second.get_ndim();
vector<int> istart(ndim,0);
for (int n=0; n<nvalues; n++) {
string vnamep = vname;
if (nvalues > 1) {
p->second.get_indices(n, istart);
stringstream ss;
ss << vname << "(";
for (int d=0; d<ndim; d++) {
if (d < ndim-1) ss << istart[d] << ",";
else ss << istart[d];
ss << ")";
vnamep = ss.str();
string value = p->second.get_var_value(n);
vector<string> sv;
for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
if (c == 0) sv.push_back(vnamep);
if (c == 1) sv.push_back(value);
if (c == 2) sv.push_back(description);
// List the data with the columns lined up.
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
putils.print_strings(rows, n_header_rows, 3, 3, 85, ssvars);
ssvars << lv2 << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// List functions.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::list_funcs(string lf1, string lf2)
stringstream ssf;
list_funcs_ss(lf1, lf2, ssf);
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << ssf.str();
// Alternate method.
//for (;;) {
// string sline;
// if (!get_ssfout_line(sline)) break;
// if (comm->isIOProc()) {
// cout << sline << endl;
// }
void PowerParser::list_funcs_start()
list_funcs_ss("", "", ssfout);
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_funcs_ss(string lf1, string lf2, stringstream &ssfunc)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
ssfunc << lf1 << endl;
map<string, Function>::iterator p;
// Holds the various header and data rows to be printed.
vector< vector<string> > rows;
// Construct the header row.
vector<string> header_row;
header_row.push_back("Function name");
int n_header_rows = (int)rows.size();
// Set the number of columns.
int ncol = (int)header_row.size();
// Construct the data rows.
for(p = fmap.begin(); p != fmap.end(); p++) {
string fname = p->first;
vector<string> sv;
int nargs = p->second.get_num_args();
stringstream ss;
ss << nargs;
string type = p->second.get_type();
string fdes = p->second.get_description();
for (int c=0; c<ncol; c++) {
if (c == 0) sv.push_back(fname);
if (c == 1) sv.push_back(ss.str());
if (c == 2) sv.push_back(type);
if (c == 3) sv.push_back(fdes);
// List the data with the columns lined up.
Parser_utils putils(index_base);
putils.print_strings(rows, n_header_rows, 3, 4, 85, ssfunc);
ssfunc << lf2 << endl;
// ===========================================================================
// List final set of commands.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::list_cmdsf(string lc1, string lc2)
stringstream ssc;
list_cmdsf_ss(lc1, lc2, ssc);
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << ssc.str();
void PowerParser::list_cmdsf_start()
list_cmdsf_ss("", "", ssfout);
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_cmdsf_ss(string lc1, string lc2,
stringstream &ssc)
if (!comm->isIOProc()) return;
ssc << lc1;
for (int i=0; i<(int)cmdsfp->size(); i++) {
ssc << endl;
for (int wt=0; wt<(int)whenthens.size(); wt++) {
ssc << "when (";
whenthens[wt].list_condition("", " ", ssc);
ssc << ") then " << endl;
ssc << "endwhen" << endl;
ssc << lc2;
void PowerParser::list_wt_cmdsf()
stringstream ssc;
if (comm->isIOProc()) {
cout << ssc.str();
void PowerParser::list_wt_cmdsf_start()
ssfout_current_pos = 0;
void PowerParser::list_wt_cmdsf_ss(stringstream &ssc)
int wtlen = (int)whenthens.size();
if (wtlen <= 0) {
ssc << endl << "No when...then commands have been specified."
<< endl << endl;
for (int wt=0; wt<wtlen; wt++) {
ssc << endl;
ssc << "** Echo when...then final buffer, when...then number = "
<< wt+1 << endl;
ssc << " Condition for this when...then =" << endl;
whenthens[wt].list_condition(" ", " ", ssc);
ssc << endl;
ssc << " Commands for this when...then =" << endl;
ssc << endl;
// ***************************************************************************
// Low level functions.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ===========================================================================
// Get a line from the ssfout stringstream.
// ===========================================================================
bool PowerParser::get_ssfout_line(string &sline)
string s = ssfout.str();
if (!get_line_from_string(s, sline,
ssfout_current_pos)) return false;
return true;
// ===========================================================================
// Broadcast the buffer the all the other processors.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::broadcast_buffer(string &s_in)
// If there is no comm or if there is only one processor, then we don't
// have to do anything.
if (comm == NULL) return;
if (comm->getNumProcs() == 1) return;
// Get the length of the input string on the io processor.
int cbuffer_len = 0;
if(comm->isIOProc()) cbuffer_len = (int)s_in.size();
// Broadcast the length of the input buffer to the other processors.
comm->broadcast((char*)&cbuffer_len, sizeof(int));
// All processors allocate memory for the buffer.
vector<char> cbuffer(cbuffer_len, 'a');
// The io processor fills the buffer from the string.
if(comm->isIOProc()) {
for (int i=0; i<cbuffer_len; i++) cbuffer[i] = s_in[i];
// The io processor broadcasts the buffer to everyone.
char *cb = &cbuffer[0];
comm->broadcast(cb, cbuffer_len);
// On all the other processors, copy the buffer into the string.
if(!comm->isIOProc()) {
for (int i=0; i<cbuffer_len; i++) s_in[i] = cbuffer[i];
// ===========================================================================
// Get the next line from the buffer without any processing.
// Starting at the current position in the buffer, current_pos, search for
// the next \n. The output string is from the current position to the \n (but
// does not include the \n). Also remove any \r in the string.
// ===========================================================================
bool PowerParser::get_line_from_string(string &strn, string &sout, int &current_pos)
// Default the output.
sout = "";
// If the current position is at or beyond the end of the input string,
// then nothing further needs to be done.
int strn_len = (int)strn.size();
if (current_pos >= strn_len) return false;
for (int i = current_pos; i<strn_len; i++) {
// If we encounter an eol, then we are done.
if (strn[i] == '\n') {
current_pos = i+1;
return true;
// Some systems use \r\n instead of \n only. Ignore any \r characters.
if (strn[i] == '\r') continue;
// If we get to this point, then all that remains is to add the
// character to the output string.
sout += strn[i];
// If we reach this point then we have gone through the entire input
// string and have found that it does not end in a \n. This is ok and does
// happen sometimes. We just set the current position to one past the
// end of the buffer and return success.
current_pos = strn_len;
return true;
// ===========================================================================
// This is similar to the get_line_from_string() but this routine gets
// lines from the input string that are separated by semicolons.
// Starting at the current position in the buffer, current_pos, search for
// the next ;. The output string is from the current position to the ; (but
// does not include the ;).
// ===========================================================================
bool PowerParser::get_sc_line_from_string(string &strn, string &sout, int &current_pos)
// Default the output.
sout = "";
// If the current position is at or beyond the end of the input string,
// then nothing further needs to be done.
int strn_len = (int)strn.size();
if (current_pos >= strn_len) return false;
bool ignore_sc = false;
for (int i = current_pos; i<strn_len; i++) {
if (strn[i] == '!') ignore_sc = true;
if (strn[i] == '#') ignore_sc = true;
if (i < strn_len-1) {
if (strn[i] == '/' && strn[i+1] == '/') ignore_sc = true;
// If we encounter a semicolon, then we are done.
if (!ignore_sc) {
if (strn[i] == ';') {
current_pos = i+1;
return true;
// If we get to this point, then all that remains is to add the
// character to the output string.
sout += strn[i];
// If we reach this point then we have gone through the entire input
// string and have found that it does not end in a ;. This is ok and does
// happen sometimes. We just set the current position to one past the
// end of the buffer and return success.
current_pos = strn_len;
return true;
// ===========================================================================
// Get rid of leading and trailing blanks and tabs.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::eliminate_white_space(string &sline)
int NPOS = (int)string::npos;
// Eliminate leading stuff first.
int len = (int)sline.size();
if (len == 0) return;
string whitespace = " \t";
int istart = sline.find_first_not_of(whitespace, 0);
if (istart == NPOS) istart = (int)sline.size();
sline.erase(0, istart);
// Now eliminate trailing stuff.
len = (int)sline.size();
if (len == 0) return;
int iend = sline.find_last_not_of(whitespace, len - 1);
if (iend == NPOS) return;
sline.erase(iend+1, (len-1) -(iend+1) + 1);
// ===========================================================================
// Convert an array of characters into a vector of C++ strings.
// chars_1d The array of characters (input). This is composed of a sequence
// of strings, each one nchar long. The number of strings is nv.
// vstr Vector of C++ strings (output). There will be nv number of
// C++ strings in this vector. The length of each C++ string will
// vary depending on how much white space is removed.
// nv Number of strings in chars_1d (input).
// nchar Number of characters in each string in chars_1d (input).
// Why would anyone want to do this?
// When passing strings between Fortran and C++ it is cleaner and easier to
// pass a packed array of single characters. This routine takes that packed
// array and converts it to something familiar to C++ developers.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::chars_to_vstr(char *chars_1d, vector<string> &vstr,
int nv, int nchar)
// Temporary storage for each string in the array of characters.
char *cnchar = new char[nchar];
// Loop through all the strings in the array of characters.
for (int i=0; i<nv; i++) {
// Copy each string in the 1d array into a temporary array of chars.
// This will be used to create the C++ string.
int istart = i * nchar;
for (int c=istart; c<istart+nchar; c++) {
cnchar[c-istart] = chars_1d[c];
int cnchar_len = nchar;
// Remove trailing spaces.
for (int c=nchar-1; c >= 0; c--) {
if (cnchar[c] != ' ') {
cnchar_len = c+1;
// Create the C++ string.
string s(cnchar,cnchar_len);
// Remove leading spaces.
int i2=0;
for (int c=0; c<(int)s.size(); c++) {
if (s[c] != ' ') {
if (i2 != 0) s.erase(s.begin(), s.begin()+i2);
// Add the string to the vector of strings.
delete [] cnchar;
// ===========================================================================
// Convert a vector of C++ strings into a packed array of characters.
// chars_1d The array of characters (output). This is composed of a sequence
// of strings, each one nchar long. The number of strings is nv.
// vstr Vector of C++ strings (input). There will be nv number of
// C++ strings in this vector. The length of each C++ string will
// vary, whitespace is added to each C++ string to make its length
// nchar.
// nv Number of strings in chars_1d (input).
// nchar Number of characters in each string in chars_1d (input).
// Why would anyone want to do this?
// When passing strings between Fortran and C++ it is cleaner and easier to
// pass a packed array of single characters. This routine takes the vector
// of strings and converts that to a packed character array.
// ===========================================================================
void PowerParser::vstr_to_chars(char *chars_1d, vector<string> &vstr,
int nv, int nchar)
// To suppress compiler warnings of unused parameters
assert(nv == nv);
// Loop through each string in the vector of strings.
for (int strdex=0; strdex<(int)vstr.size(); strdex++) {
// Starting location in the 1d array of characters for each string.
int i1d = strdex * nchar;
// Number of characters in the C++ string. Should be smaller or
// equal to nchar, but we handle the case where it is larger
// than nchar.
int nc = (int)vstr[strdex].size();
if (nc > nchar) nc = nchar;
// Copy the string into the 1d character array.
for (int c=i1d; c<i1d+nc; c++) {
chars_1d[c] = vstr[strdex][c-i1d];
// Pad with blanks.
for (int c=i1d+nc; c<i1d+nchar; c++) {
chars_1d[c] = ' ';
} // end of PP namespace