blob: 539f5d023dd95f3604d5b0f63cc7e8492a71280f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of the University of California.
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
* Written by the HYPRE team. UCRL-CODE-222953.
* All rights reserved.
* This file is part of HYPRE (see
* Please see the COPYRIGHT_and_LICENSE file for the copyright notice,
* disclaimer, contact information and the GNU Lesser General Public License.
* HYPRE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
* terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the Free Software
* Foundation) version 2.1 dated February 1999.
* HYPRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the GNU General
* Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* $Revision: 2.14 $
#ifndef hypre_MV_HEADER
#define hypre_MV_HEADER
#include "utilities.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Header info for CSR Matrix data structures
* Note: this matrix currently uses 0-based indexing.
#ifndef hypre_CSR_MATRIX_HEADER
#define hypre_CSR_MATRIX_HEADER
* CSR Matrix
typedef struct
double *data;
int *i;
int *j;
int num_rows;
int num_cols;
int num_nonzeros;
/* for compressing rows in matrix multiplication */
int *rownnz;
int num_rownnz;
/* Does the CSRMatrix create/destroy `data', `i', `j'? */
int owns_data;
} hypre_CSRMatrix;
* Accessor functions for the CSR Matrix structure
#define hypre_CSRMatrixData(matrix) ((matrix) -> data)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixI(matrix) ((matrix) -> i)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixJ(matrix) ((matrix) -> j)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixNumRows(matrix) ((matrix) -> num_rows)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixNumCols(matrix) ((matrix) -> num_cols)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixNumNonzeros(matrix) ((matrix) -> num_nonzeros)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixRownnz(matrix) ((matrix) -> rownnz)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixNumRownnz(matrix) ((matrix) -> num_rownnz)
#define hypre_CSRMatrixOwnsData(matrix) ((matrix) -> owns_data)
* Header info for Vector data structure
#ifndef hypre_VECTOR_HEADER
#define hypre_VECTOR_HEADER
* hypre_Vector
typedef struct
double *data;
int size;
/* Does the Vector create/destroy `data'? */
int owns_data;
/* For multivectors...*/
int num_vectors; /* the above "size" is size of one vector */
int multivec_storage_method;
/* ...if 0, store colwise v0[0], v0[1], ..., v1[0], v1[1], ... v2[0]... */
/* ...if 1, store rowwise v0[0], v1[0], ..., v0[1], v1[1], ... */
/* With colwise storage, vj[i] = data[ j*size + i]
With rowwise storage, vj[i] = data[ j + num_vectors*i] */
int vecstride, idxstride;
/* ... so vj[i] = data[ j*vecstride + i*idxstride ] regardless of row_storage.*/
} hypre_Vector;
* Accessor functions for the Vector structure
#define hypre_VectorData(vector) ((vector) -> data)
#define hypre_VectorSize(vector) ((vector) -> size)
#define hypre_VectorOwnsData(vector) ((vector) -> owns_data)
#define hypre_VectorNumVectors(vector) ((vector) -> num_vectors)
#define hypre_VectorMultiVecStorageMethod(vector) ((vector) -> multivec_storage_method)
#define hypre_VectorVectorStride(vector) ((vector) -> vecstride )
#define hypre_VectorIndexStride(vector) ((vector) -> idxstride )
/* csr_matrix.c */
hypre_CSRMatrix *hypre_CSRMatrixCreate ( int num_rows , int num_cols , int num_nonzeros );
int hypre_CSRMatrixDestroy ( hypre_CSRMatrix *matrix );
int hypre_CSRMatrixInitialize ( hypre_CSRMatrix *matrix );
int hypre_CSRMatrixSetDataOwner ( hypre_CSRMatrix *matrix , int owns_data );
int hypre_CSRMatrixSetRownnz ( hypre_CSRMatrix *matrix );
hypre_CSRMatrix *hypre_CSRMatrixRead ( char *file_name );
int hypre_CSRMatrixPrint ( hypre_CSRMatrix *matrix , char *file_name );
int hypre_CSRMatrixCopy ( hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_CSRMatrix *B , int copy_data );
hypre_CSRMatrix *hypre_CSRMatrixClone ( hypre_CSRMatrix *A );
hypre_CSRMatrix *hypre_CSRMatrixUnion ( hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_CSRMatrix *B , int *col_map_offd_A , int *col_map_offd_B , int **col_map_offd_C );
/* csr_matvec.c */
int hypre_CSRMatrixMatvec ( double alpha , hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_Vector *x , double beta , hypre_Vector *y );
int hypre_CSRMatrixMatvecT ( double alpha , hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_Vector *x , double beta , hypre_Vector *y );
int hypre_CSRMatrixMatvec_FF( double alpha , hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_Vector *x , double beta , hypre_Vector *y , int *CF_marker_x , int *CF_marker_y , int fpt );
/* vector.c */
hypre_Vector *hypre_SeqVectorCreate ( int size );
hypre_Vector *hypre_SeqMultiVectorCreate ( int size , int num_vectors );
int hypre_SeqVectorDestroy ( hypre_Vector *vector );
int hypre_SeqVectorInitialize ( hypre_Vector *vector );
int hypre_SeqVectorSetDataOwner ( hypre_Vector *vector , int owns_data );
hypre_Vector *hypre_SeqVectorRead ( char *file_name );
int hypre_SeqVectorPrint ( hypre_Vector *vector , char *file_name );
int hypre_SeqVectorSetConstantValues ( hypre_Vector *v , double value );
int hypre_SeqVectorCopy ( hypre_Vector *x , hypre_Vector *y );
hypre_Vector *hypre_SeqVectorCloneDeep ( hypre_Vector *x );
hypre_Vector *hypre_SeqVectorCloneShallow ( hypre_Vector *x );
int hypre_SeqVectorScale ( double alpha , hypre_Vector *y );
int hypre_SeqVectorAxpy ( double alpha , hypre_Vector *x , hypre_Vector *y );
double hypre_SeqVectorInnerProd ( hypre_Vector *x , hypre_Vector *y );
double hypre_VectorSumElts ( hypre_Vector *vector );
/* laplace.c */
hypre_CSRMatrix *GenerateSeqLaplacian(int nx, int ny , int nz , double *values , hypre_Vector **x_ptr, hypre_Vector **y_ptr, hypre_Vector **sol_ptr) ;
/* relax.c */
int hypre_BoomerAMGSeqRelax( hypre_CSRMatrix *A , hypre_Vector *x, hypre_Vector *y) ;
#ifdef __cplusplus