blob: cc3ceb07b9c7f3abc2a36cd3637ef43424069d5e [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains a number of example files of using treecc
to implement expression grammars. The code is more involved than
the examples in the Texinfo documentation to give you a better feel
for how to use treecc in a realistic setting. Treecc input file for the C version of the example
gram_c.y Yacc input file for the C version of the example
scan_c.l Lex input file for the C version of the example Treecc input file for the C++ version of the example
gram_cpp.yy Yacc input file for the C++ version of the example
scan_cpp.ll Lex input file for the C++ version of the example Treecc input file for the Java version of the example Helper class used by the Java version of the example
mkjava Shell script for building the Java version of the example Treecc input file for the C# version of the example
mkcsharp Shell script for building the C# version of the example Treecc input file for the Ruby version of the example
The C++ example demonstrates creating a reentrant system.
The Java and C# versions build and compile, but cannot run because
they don't yet have lexing or parsing support.
The Java version is built in a subdirectory called "outjava".