blob: 8f9b4af618b6ecc28ac277a6e77e348b97ae4857 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
"""Utilities for analyzing and manipulating shell commands."""
import shlex
import logging
import re
import os
from shlex import quote # python 3.3 and above
except ImportError:
from pipes import quote # python 3.2 and earlier
class ShellCommand:
"""This class represents a parsed shell command (a subset of posix shell
commands; see parse()). The parsed form allows direct access to information
like the executable name, working directory or the file to which
stdin/stdout/stderr is redirected."""
def __init__(self, executable=None, arguments=None):
self.stdin = None
self.stdout = None
self.stderr = None
self.executable = executable
if arguments is None:
arguments = []
self.arguments = arguments
self.workdir = None
self.envvars = {}
def toCommandline(self):
"""Transforms ShellCommand object to a posix shell commandline."""
result = ""
if self.workdir is not None:
result += "cd %s && " % quote(self.workdir)
for key, value in self.envvars.items():
result += "%s=%s " % (key, quote(value))
res_list = [self.executable] + self.arguments
result += " ".join(map(quote, res_list))
if self.stdin is not None:
result += " < %s" % quote(self.stdin)
if self.stdout is not None:
result += " > %s" % quote(self.stdout)
if self.stderr is not None:
result += " 2> %s" % quote(self.stderr)
return result
def wrap(self, new_executable, args):
"""Adds a prefix to the exeutable. Example:
Prefixing `SOMVAR=42 cd mydir && mycmd -v > /dev/null` with `lldb --`
becomes `SOMEVAR=42 cd mydir && lldb -- mycmd -v > /dev/null`."""
self.arguments = args + [self.executable] + self.arguments
self.executable = new_executable
# Tokens/keywords for shell command parsing, loosely modeled after posix
# specification for sh.
reserved_words = [
chaining_tokens = set([";", "&&", "||", "|", "&"])
unhandled_tokens = set([";;", "<<", ">>", "<&", ">&", "<>", "<<-", ">|", "(", ")"])
def parse(commandline):
"""Parses a posix shell commandline to a ShellCommand object. This supports
typical commandline with environment variables, input/output redirection
and switching directories upfront. It does not support full posix shell
and will throw an exception if the commandline uses unsupported features.
result = ShellCommand()
if == 'nt':
commandline = commandline.replace("\\", "/")
tokens = shlex.split(commandline)
i = 0
first_word = True
while i < len(tokens):
token = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == "<" and i < len(tokens):
result.stdin = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == ">" and i < len(tokens):
result.stdout = tokens[i]
i += 1
if token == "2>" and i < len(tokens):
result.stderr = tokens[i]
i += 1
if first_word:
# Is it an environment variable assignment?
assignment = re.match("([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*)=(.*)", token)
if assignment:
result.envvars[] =
# A reserved word?
if token in reserved_words or token in unhandled_tokens:
raise Exception("Reserved word '%s' not supported" % token)
result.executable = token
first_word = False
if token in chaining_tokens:
# Currently we only allow the special case of 'cd DIR ;'
if (
(token == ";" or token == "&&")
and result.executable == "cd"
and len(result.arguments) == 1
newresult = ShellCommand()
newresult.workdir = result.arguments[0]
result = newresult
first_word = True
raise Exception("Command chaining not supported yet")
if token in unhandled_tokens or token in reserved_words:
raise Exception("Commandline with '%s' not supported yet" % token)
return result
# Some executables are just used to cleanup/prepare for a test run, ignore them
# here. This is from a time when there was no concept of a prepare script,
# it should not be necessary anymore for new test files.
_ignore_executables = set(["cd", "rm", "cp"])
def getMainExecutable(context):
"""Returns the main executable of the current run script. This skips over
some commands typically used to setup a benchmark (see _ignore_executables)
and returns the first executable found in the run script and prints a
warning if more than one executable is found."""
# Executable name already determined in a previous run?
if hasattr(context, "executable"):
return context.executable
executable = None
cwd = "."
for line in context.parsed_runscript:
cmd = parse(line)
if cmd.workdir is not None:
cwd = os.path.join(cwd, cmd.workdir)
if cmd.executable in _ignore_executables:
new_executable = os.path.join(cwd, cmd.executable)
# We only support one executable yet for collecting md5sums
if new_executable != executable and executable is not None:
"More than one executable used in test %s", context.test.getFullName()
executable = new_executable
if executable is None:
logging.warning("No executable found for test %s", context.test.getFullName())
context.executable = executable
return executable