blob: 632a27af963c105e1d9fe0da64c6691b1c2b6954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <complex> // Needed for std::min and max to work on device.
#include <limits>
int verbose = 0;
#if __cplusplus >= 201103L
#include <type_traits>
// Convert a function into a functor with two arguments. We rely on SFINAE to
// instantiate a function template call() which will invoke FUNC() with one or
// two arguments.
#define F(FUNC, NELTS, NARGS) \
typedef struct FUNC##_f { \
static const int num_args = NARGS; \
static const int num_elts = NELTS; \
template <typename T, int NA = num_args> \
__device__ static typename std::enable_if<NA == 1, unsigned int>::type \
call(T a, T b) { \
return FUNC(a); \
} \
template <typename T, int NA = num_args> \
__device__ static typename std::enable_if<NA == 2, unsigned int>::type \
call(T a, T b) { \
return FUNC(a, b); \
} \
} FUNC##_f
template <int N, typename T>
__device__ unsigned int pack(T a[N]) {
unsigned int mask = (N == 2) ? 0xffff : 0xff;
unsigned int shift = (N == 2) ? 16 : 8;
unsigned int r = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r |= ((unsigned int)a[i] & mask) << (shift * i);
return r;
template <int N, typename T>
__device__ void unpack(unsigned int r, T (&a)[N]) {
unsigned int mask = (N == 2) ? 0xffff : 0xff;
unsigned int shift = (N == 2) ? 16 : 8;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
a[i] = ((r >> (shift * i)) & mask);
enum op_t {
template <enum op_t OP, typename T>
__device__ inline T elt_op(T a, T b = INT_MIN) {
switch (OP) {
case OP_ABS:
if (!std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed) return a;
// This is wrong, but that's what __vabsN() returns. We also need to
// handle that because abs(std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) would be an
// undefined behavior otherwise.
if (a == std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return (a >= 0) ? a : -a;
return std::abs(a - b);
case OP_ABSS: {
int result = std::abs(a);
if (result > std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return result;
case OP_ADD:
return a + b;
case OP_ADDS: {
int result = (int)a + (int)b;
if (result > std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed &&
result < std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return result;
case OP_AVG:
// This is *rounded* average. For simplicity let FP do the
// rounding. Considering that T is byte or short, we're guaranteed not to
// lose any bits.
return round(((float)a + (float)b) / 2.0f);
case OP_CMPEQ:
return a == b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_CMPGE:
return a >= b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_CMPGT:
return a > b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_CMPLE:
return a <= b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_CMPLT:
return a < b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_CMPNE:
return a != b ? -1 : 0;
case OP_HADD:
return (a + b) / 2;
case OP_MAX:
return std::max(a, b);
case OP_MIN:
return std::min(a, b);
case OP_NEG:
// This is wrong, but that's what __vnegN() returns. We also need to
// handle that because abs(std::numeric_limits<T>::min()) would be an
// undefined behavior otherwise.
if (std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed &&
a == std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return -a;
case OP_SAD:
return std::abs(a - b); // need to sum per-element results later.
case OP_SETEQ:
return a == b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SETGE:
return a >= b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SETGT:
return a > b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SETLE:
return a <= b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SETLT:
return a < b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SETNE:
return a != b ? 1 : 0;
case OP_SUB:
return a - b;
case OP_SUBS: {
int result = (int)a - (int)b;
if (result > std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
if (result < std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
return result;
assert(false && "unknown OP");
assert(false && "Unreachable.");
return 0;
template <op_t OP, typename T, int N>
__device__ void simd_op(T (&r)[N], T a[N], T b[N]) {
if (OP == OP_SAD) {
// Sum up all elements in r[0] and clear the rest of r.
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
result += elt_op<OP, T>(a[i], b[i]);
r[i] = 0;
r[0] = result;
} else {
// Just an element-wise op.
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
r[i] = elt_op<OP, T>(a[i], b[i]);
template <op_t OP, class SIMD_OP, typename T>
__device__ void test_func(int verbose, int a, int b) {
constexpr int N = SIMD_OP::num_elts;
int dummy_args[] = {0,
std::numeric_limits<T>::max() - 1,
std::numeric_limits<T>::min() + 1};
for (T x : dummy_args) {
for (int e = 0; e < N; ++e) {
T args_a[N];
T args_b[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
args_a[i] = x;
args_b[i] = x;
args_a[e] = a;
args_b[e] = b;
unsigned int va = pack<N, T>(args_a);
unsigned int vb = pack<N, T>(args_b);
T expected_r[N];
simd_op<OP, T>(expected_r, args_a, args_b);
unsigned int evr = pack<N, T>(expected_r);
// This is weird and I don't understand what's going on. With T = short,
// compiler ends up generating code which triggers the assert below
// if verbose == false, but triggers no assert if verbose == 1. It may be
// due to an undefined behavior somewhere, but the same code (with SIMD_OP
// below replaced with a pack(simd_op(a,b)) (so it could run on host)
// triggerend no ubsan reports.
asm volatile("" ::: "memory");
unsigned int vr = SIMD_OP::call(va, vb);
if (verbose && vr != evr) {
printf("e=%d a=%d b=%d va=%08x vb=%08x vr=%08x expected vr=%08x\n", e,
a, b, va, vb, vr, evr);
assert((vr == evr) && "Value mismatch");
template <op_t OP, class SIMD_OP, typename T>
__global__ void test_kernel(int verbose) {
int a = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int b = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
test_func<OP, SIMD_OP, T>(verbose, a, b);
template <op_t OP, class SIMD_OP, typename T>
void test_op() {
int elements_a = SIMD_OP::num_elts == 2 ? 0x10000 : 0x100;
// Collapse second dimension if we test single-operand function.
int elements_b = SIMD_OP::num_args == 2 ? elements_a : 0;
dim3 grid_size(elements_a / 32, elements_b ? elements_b / 32 : 1, 1);
dim3 block_size(32, elements_b ? 32 : 1, 1);
printf("Testing %s...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
test_kernel<OP, SIMD_OP, T><<<grid_size, block_size>>>(verbose);
cudaError_t err = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
printf("%s failed\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
printf("CUDA error %d\n", (int)err);
} else {
// Define functor types which we can then use to parametrize device-side tests.
// F(function, num-elements, num-args)
F(__vabs2, 2, 1);
F(__vabs4, 4, 1);
F(__vabsdiffs2, 2, 2);
F(__vabsdiffs4, 4, 2);
F(__vabsdiffu2, 2, 2);
F(__vabsdiffu4, 4, 2);
F(__vabsss2, 2, 1);
F(__vabsss4, 4, 1);
F(__vadd2, 2, 2);
F(__vadd4, 4, 2);
F(__vaddss2, 2, 2);
F(__vaddus2, 2, 2);
F(__vaddss4, 4, 2);
F(__vaddus4, 4, 2);
F(__vavgs2, 2, 2);
F(__vavgu2, 2, 2);
F(__vavgs4, 4, 2);
F(__vavgu4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpeq2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpeq4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpges2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpges4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpgeu2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpgeu4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpgts2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpgts4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpgtu2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpgtu4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmples2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmples4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpleu2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpleu4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmplts2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmplts4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpltu2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpltu4, 4, 2);
F(__vcmpne2, 2, 2);
F(__vcmpne4, 4, 2);
F(__vhaddu2, 2, 2);
F(__vhaddu4, 4, 2);
F(__vmaxs2, 2, 2);
F(__vmaxs4, 4, 2);
F(__vmaxu2, 2, 2);
F(__vmaxu4, 4, 2);
F(__vmins2, 2, 2);
F(__vmins4, 4, 2);
F(__vminu2, 2, 2);
F(__vminu4, 4, 2);
F(__vneg2, 2, 1);
F(__vneg4, 4, 1);
F(__vsads2, 2, 2);
F(__vsadu2, 2, 2);
F(__vsads4, 4, 2);
F(__vsadu4, 4, 2);
F(__vseteq2, 2, 2);
F(__vseteq4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetges2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetges4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetgeu2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetgeu4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetgts2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetgts4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetgtu2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetgtu4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetles2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetles4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetleu2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetleu4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetlts2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetlts4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetltu2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetltu4, 4, 2);
F(__vsetne2, 2, 2);
F(__vsetne4, 4, 2);
F(__vsub2, 2, 2);
F(__vsub4, 4, 2);
F(__vsubss2, 2, 2);
F(__vsubus2, 2, 2);
F(__vsubss4, 4, 2);
F(__vsubus4, 4, 2);
void tests() {
test_op<OP_NEG, __vneg2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ABS, __vabs2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ABS, __vabs4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_ABSDIFF, __vabsdiffs2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ABSDIFF, __vabsdiffs4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_ABSDIFF, __vabsdiffu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_ABSDIFF, __vabsdiffu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_ABSS, __vabsss2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ABSS, __vabsss4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_ADD, __vadd2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ADD, __vadd4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_ADDS, __vaddss2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_ADDS, __vaddss4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_ADDS, __vaddus2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_ADDS, __vaddus4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_AVG, __vavgs2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_AVG, __vavgs4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_AVG, __vavgu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_AVG, __vavgu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_CMPEQ, __vcmpeq2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPEQ, __vcmpeq4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_CMPGE, __vcmpges2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPGE, __vcmpges4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_CMPGE, __vcmpgeu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_CMPGE, __vcmpgeu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_CMPGT, __vcmpgts2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPGT, __vcmpgts4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_CMPGT, __vcmpgtu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_CMPGT, __vcmpgtu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_CMPLE, __vcmples2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPLE, __vcmples4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_CMPLE, __vcmpleu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_CMPLE, __vcmpleu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_CMPLT, __vcmplts2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPLT, __vcmplts4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_CMPLT, __vcmpltu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_CMPLT, __vcmpltu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_CMPNE, __vcmpne2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_CMPNE, __vcmpne4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_HADD, __vhaddu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_HADD, __vhaddu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_MAX, __vmaxs2_f, short>(); // ??? Fails?
test_op<OP_MAX, __vmaxs4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_MAX, __vmaxu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_MAX, __vmaxu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_MIN, __vmins2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_MIN, __vmins4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_MIN, __vminu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_MIN, __vminu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_NEG, __vneg2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_NEG, __vneg4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SAD, __vsads2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SAD, __vsads4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SAD, __vsadu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SAD, __vsadu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_SETEQ, __vseteq2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETEQ, __vseteq4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SETGE, __vsetges2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETGE, __vsetges4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SETGE, __vsetgeu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SETGE, __vsetgeu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_SETGT, __vsetgts2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETGT, __vsetgts4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SETGT, __vsetgtu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SETGT, __vsetgtu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_SETLE, __vsetles2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETLE, __vsetles4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SETLE, __vsetleu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SETLE, __vsetleu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_SETLT, __vsetlts2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETLT, __vsetlts4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SETLT, __vsetltu2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SETLT, __vsetltu4_f, unsigned char>();
test_op<OP_SETNE, __vsetne2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SETNE, __vsetne4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SUB, __vsub2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SUB, __vsub4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SUBS, __vsubss2_f, short>();
test_op<OP_SUBS, __vsubss4_f, signed char>();
test_op<OP_SUBS, __vsubus2_f, unsigned short>();
test_op<OP_SUBS, __vsubus4_f, unsigned char>();
#else // !C++11
void tests() {
// These tests need C++11 to compile.
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "v")) != -1) {
switch (opt) {
case 'v':
verbose = 1;
default: /* '?' */
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-v]\n", argv[0]);
return 0;