blob: f2e9e5f7a981c284be392aee4eff41190f6220f8 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Simple REM test case. Tests some basic properties of remainder
// operation.
// All macros must evaluate to true. x,y can be signed/unsigned, m
// should be unsigned.
// Returns true if multiplication will overflow.
#define MultOverflow(x,y) ((((x) * (y)) / (y)) != (x))
// x == y => (x mod m) == (y mod m)
#define CongruenceTest(x,y,m) \
(((x) != (y)) || (((x) % (m)) == ((y) % (m))))
* These three tests can be done only for unsigned case because they
* contain add/sub. If you're eager to get this working with signed
* numbers, take care of overflows.
// Return true if add/sub will cause overflow.
#define UnsignedAddOverflow(x,y) (((x) + (y)) < (x))
#define UnsignedSubUnderflow(x,y) (((x) - (y)) > (x))
// ((x % m) + (y % m)) % m = (x + y) % m
#define AdditionOfCongruences(x,y,m) \
(UnsignedAddOverflow((x)%(m),(y)%(m)) || \
UnsignedAddOverflow((x),(y)) || \
(((((x) % (m)) + ((y) % (m))) % m) == (((x) + (y)) % (m))))
// ((x % m) == ((y + z) % m)) == (((x - z) % m) == (y % m))
#define SimpleCongruenceEquation(x,y,z,m) \
(UnsignedAddOverflow((y),(z)) || \
UnsignedSubUnderflow((x),(z)) || \
((((x) % (m)) == (((y) + (z)) % (m))) % m) == \
((((x) - (z)) % (m)) == ((y) % (m))))
// If y*m does not overflow: (x % m) == (x + y*m) % m
#define AdditionOfMultipleOfModIsNOP(x,y,m) \
(MultOverflow(y,m) || \
UnsignedAddOverflow((x),(y)*(m)) || \
(((x) % (m)) == (((x) + ((y)*(m))) % (m))))
// Greatest common divisor
long gcd(long a, long b) {
long c;
while(1) {
c = a % b;
if(c == 0) return b;
a = b;
b = c;
// If gcd(z,m)==1: ((x == y) % m) == ((x / z == y / z) % m). This holds
// only if both sides are actually divisble by z.
#define BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x,y,z,m) \
((gcd((z),(m)) != 1) || ((z) == 0) || \
(gcd((x),(z)) != (z)) || ((gcd((y),(z)) != (z))) || \
(((x) % (m)) == ((y) % (m))) == (((((x) / (z)) % m) == (((y) / (z))) % m)))
// If z divides x,y,m: ((x % m) == (y % m)) == (((x/z) % (m/z)) == ((y/z) % (m/z)))
#define DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x,y,z,m) \
(((z) == 0) || (gcd((x),(z)) != (z)) || \
(gcd((y),(z)) != (z)) || \
(gcd((m),(z)) != (z)) || \
(((x)%(m)) == ((y)%(m))) == \
((((x)/(z)) % ((m)/(z))) == (((y)/(z)) % ((m)/(z)))))
// If z divides m, than: ((x % m) == (y % m)) == ((x % z) == (y % z))
// z should be unsigned.
#define SubModulusTest(x,y,z,m) \
(((z) == 0) || (gcd((m),(z)) != (z)) || \
((((x)%(m)) == ((y)%(m))) == (((x)%(z)) == ((y)%(z)))))
// Runs the test c under number t.
#define test(t,c) \
if (!c) { \
printf("Test #%u, failed in iteration #: %u\n", t, idx); \
printf("Failing test vector:\n"); \
printf("m=%u, x_u=%u, y_u=%u, z_u=%u, x_s=%d, y_s=%d, z_s=%d\n", \
m, x_u, y_u, z_u, x_s, y_s, z_s); \
return 1; \
// The higher the number the better the testing.
#define ITERATIONS 100
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Since the test vectors are printed out anyways, I suggest leaving
// the test nondeterministic. Many people run tests on various
// machines, so REM-related code will be covered with a much better
// coverage... If you really don't like the idea of having better
// coverage, uncomment the following line:
unsigned idx = 0;
for (; idx < ITERATIONS; ++idx) {
unsigned m = (unsigned)rand();
if (m == 0) { // Repeat again
idx--; continue;
unsigned x_u = (unsigned)rand();
unsigned y_u = (unsigned)rand();
unsigned z_u = (unsigned)rand();
int x_s = (rand() % 2) ? rand() : -rand();
int y_s = (rand() % 2) ? rand() : -rand();
int z_s = (rand() % 2) ? rand() : -rand();
test(1, CongruenceTest(x_s, y_s, m));
test(2, CongruenceTest(x_s, y_u, m));
test(3, CongruenceTest(x_u, y_s, m));
test(4, CongruenceTest(x_u, y_u, m));
test(5, AdditionOfCongruences(x_u, y_u, m));
test(6, SimpleCongruenceEquation(x_u, y_u, z_u, m));
test(7, AdditionOfMultipleOfModIsNOP(x_u, y_u, m));
test(8, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_s, y_s, z_s, m));
test(9, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_s, y_s, z_u, m));
test(10, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_s, y_u, z_s, m));
test(11, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_s, y_u, z_u, m));
test(12, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_u, y_s, z_s, m));
test(13, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_u, y_s, z_u, m));
test(14, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_u, y_u, z_s, m));
test(15, BothSidesCanBeDividedWithDivisorMutuallyPrimeWithMod(x_u, y_u, z_u, m));
test(16, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_s, y_s, z_s, m));
test(17, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_s, y_s, z_u, m));
test(18, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_s, y_u, z_s, m));
test(19, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_s, y_u, z_u, m));
test(20, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_u, y_s, z_s, m));
test(21, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_u, y_s, z_u, m));
test(22, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_u, y_u, z_s, m));
test(23, DivideBothSidesAndModulus(x_u, y_u, z_u, m));
test(25, SubModulusTest(x_s, y_s, z_u, m));
test(27, SubModulusTest(x_s, y_u, z_u, m));
test(29, SubModulusTest(x_u, y_s, z_u, m));
test(31, SubModulusTest(x_u, y_u, z_u, m));
printf("\n *** REM test done! ***\n");
return 0;