blob: 396ac79e21e34be038778f0f3c9940038571f7b6 [file] [log] [blame]
/* For copyright information, see olden_v1.0/COPYRIGHT */
* DEFS: include file for tree-code sources.
* Copyright (c) 1991, Joshua E. Barnes, Honolulu, HI.
* It's free because it's yours.
#ifdef TORONTO
#include <stdio.h>
#define chatting printf
#define PLAIN
#define LOCAL(xxx) xxx
#define local
#define MLOCAL(xxx);
#define NOTEST();
#define RETEST();
/*#define isnan(xxx) 0*/
#define PID(xxx) 0
int NumNodes;
#include "stdinc.h"
#define THREEDIM
#include "vectmath.h"
#define MAX_NUM_NODES 64
extern double fabs();
* BODY and CELL data structures are used to represent the tree:
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* root--> | CELL: mass, pos, quad, /, o, /, /, /, /, o, / |
* +---------------------------|--------------|----+
* | |
* +--------------------------------+ |
* | |
* | +--------------------------------+ |
* +--> | BODY: mass, pos, vel, acc, phi | |
* +--------------------------------+ |
* |
* +-----------------------------------------------+
* |
* | +-----------------------------------------------+
* +--> | CELL: mass, pos, quad, o, /, /, o, /, /, o, / |
* +------------------------|--------|--------|----+
* etc etc etc
* NODE: data common to BODY and CELL structures.
typedef struct node{
short type; /* code for node type */
real mass; /* total mass of node */
vector pos; /* position of node */
int proc; /* parent's processor number */
int new_proc; /* processor where this node will reside */
#ifdef JUMP
struct node * next_few_node;
} node, *nodeptr;
#define Type(x) (((nodeptr) (x))->type)
#define Mass(x) (((nodeptr) (x))->mass)
#define Pos(x) (((nodeptr) (x))->pos)
#define Proc(x) (((nodeptr) (x))->proc)
#define New_Proc(x) (((nodeptr) (x))->new_proc)
#define Type(x) ((x)->type)
#define Mass(x) ((x)->mass)
#define Pos(x) ((x)->pos)
#define Proc(x) ((x)->proc)
#define New_Proc(x) ((x)->new_proc)
* BODY: data structure used to represent particles.
#define BODY 01 /* type code for bodies */
typedef struct bnode *bodyptr;
typedef struct bnode {
short type;
real mass; /* mass of body */
vector pos; /* position of body */
int proc; /* parent's processor number */
int new_proc;
#ifdef JUMP
struct node * next_few_node;
vector vel; /* velocity of body */
vector acc; /* acceleration of body */
vector new_acc;
real phi; /* potential at body */
bodyptr next; /* pointer to next point */
bodyptr proc_next; /* pointer to next point */
} body;
#define Vel(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->vel)
#define Acc(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->acc)
#define New_Acc(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->new_acc)
#define Phi(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->phi)
#define Next(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->next)
#define Proc_Next(x) (((bodyptr) (x))->proc_next)
#define Vel(x) ((x)->vel)
#define Acc(x) ((x)->acc)
#define New_Acc(x) ((x)->new_acc)
#define Phi(x) ((x)->phi)
#define Next(x) ((x)->next)
#define Proc_Next(x) ((x)->proc_next)
* CELL: structure used to represent internal nodes of tree.
#define CELL 02 /* type code for cells */
#define NSUB (1 << NDIM) /* subcells per cell */
typedef struct cnode *cellptr;
typedef struct cnode {
short type;
real mass; /* total mass of cell */
vector pos; /* cm. position of cell */
int proc;
int new_proc;
#ifdef JUMP
struct node * next_few_node;
nodeptr subp[NSUB]; /* descendents of cell */
cellptr next; /* for free list */
} cell;
#define Subp(x) (((cellptr) (x))->subp)
#define FL_Next(x) (((cellptr) (x))->next)
#define Subp(x) ((x)->subp)
#define FL_Next(x) ((x)->next)
typedef struct {
real rmin[3];
real rsize;
nodeptr root;
bodyptr bodytab[MAX_NUM_NODES];
bodyptr bodiesperproc[MAX_NUM_NODES];
} tree, *treeptr;
#define Root(t) ((t)->root)
#define Rmin(t) ((t)->rmin)
#define Rsize(t) ((t)->rsize)
#define Bodytab(t) ((t)->bodytab[0])
typedef struct {
real tnow;
real tout;
int nsteps;
} timerecord, *timeptr;
#define Tnow(t) ((t)->tnow)
#define Tout(t) ((t)->tout)
#define Nsteps(t) ((t)->nsteps)
typedef struct {
int xp[NDIM];
bool inb;
} icstruct;
typedef struct {
double v[NDIM];
} vecstruct;
* ROOT: origin of tree; declared as nodeptr for tree with only 1 body.
global nodeptr root;
* Integerized coordinates: used to mantain body-tree.
global vector rmin; /* lower-left corner of coordinate box */
global real xxxrsize; /* side-length of integer coordinate box */
#define IMAX_SHIFT (8 * sizeof(int) - 2)
#define IMAX (1 << (8 * sizeof(int) - 2)) /* highest bit of int coord */
* Parameters and results for gravitational calculation.
/* Former global variables. convert to #defines */
#define eps 0.05 /* potential softening parameter */
#define tol 1.00 /* accuracy parameter: 0.0 => exact */
#define NSTEPS 10
#define fcells 0.75 /* ratio of cells/bodies allocated */
typedef struct {
real mtot; /* total mass of N-body system */
real etot[3]; /* binding, kinetic, potential energy */
matrix keten; /* kinetic energy tensor */
matrix peten; /* potential energy tensor */
vector cmphase[2]; /* center of mass coordinates */
vector amvec; /* angular momentum vector */
} ostruct;
#define assert(b,n) if (!(b)) {chatting("Assertion Failure #%d", (n)); abort();}
#define TASKLIMIT 256
extern int nbody;
#ifndef TORONTO
#include "future-cell.h"
#define exit __ShutDown