blob: ff803d93347858cfd5e3f6c8a75c5e1a4506f5fb [file] [log] [blame]
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* * $Module: SHARING * */
/* * * */
/* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001 * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */
/* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */
/* * General Public License as published by the Free * */
/* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */
/* * or (at your option) any later version. * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */
/* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */
/* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */
/* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */
/* * License for more details. * */
/* * * */
/* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */
/* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */
/* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */
/* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* $Revision$ * */
/* $State$ * */
/* $Date$ * */
/* $Author$ * */
/* * * */
/* * Contact: * */
/* * Christoph Weidenbach * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */
/* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */
/* * Email: * */
/* * Germany * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* $RCSfile$ */
#ifndef _SHARING_
#define _SHARING_
/* Includes */
#include "term.h"
#include "st.h"
/* Data Structures and Constants */
/* Symbol Tables; constants are just positive */
/* integers and variables negative integers. */
/* For constants and vars is a special symbol */
/* table available, containing the sharing */
/* info, i.e. a POINTER to the term structure, if */
/* the symbol is already inserted in the sharing */
/* structure, a NULL Pointer else. */
typedef struct {
st_INDEX index;
VARTABLE vartable;
CONSTTABLE consttable;
NAT stampId;
/* Inline Functions */
static __inline__ st_INDEX sharing_Index(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
return ShIndex->index;
static __inline__ void sharing_SetIndex(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex, st_INDEX ST)
ShIndex->index = ST;
static __inline__ const TERM* sharing_Vartable(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
return ShIndex->vartable;
static __inline__ const TERM* sharing_Consttable(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
return ShIndex->consttable;
static __inline__ NAT sharing_StampID(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
return ShIndex->stampId;
static __inline__ void sharing_SetStampID(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex, NAT Stamp)
ShIndex->stampId = Stamp;
static __inline__ TERM sharing_VartableEntry(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex, NAT Index)
return ShIndex->vartable[Index];
static __inline__ void sharing_SetVartableEntry(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex,
NAT Index, TERM Term)
ShIndex->vartable[Index] = Term;
static __inline__ TERM sharing_ConsttableEntry(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex,
NAT Index)
return ShIndex->consttable[Index];
static __inline__ void sharing_SetConsttableEntry(SHARED_INDEX ShIndex,
NAT Index, TERM Term)
ShIndex->consttable[Index] = Term;
static __inline__ TERM sharing_GetVarFromSymbol(SYMBOL S, SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
return sharing_VartableEntry(ShIndex, symbol_VarIndex(S));
static __inline__ int sharing_VariableIndex(TERM Term)
return symbol_VarIndex(term_TopSymbol(Term));
static __inline__ int sharing_ConstantIndex(TERM Term)
return symbol_Index(term_TopSymbol(Term));
static __inline__ BOOL sharing_IsSharedVar(TERM T, SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
/* RETURNS: True if there's already an entry for the variable T */
/* in the Vartable of the shared index ShIndex. */
return sharing_VartableEntry(ShIndex, sharing_VariableIndex(T)) != NULL;
static __inline__ BOOL sharing_IsSharedConst(TERM T, SHARED_INDEX ShIndex)
/* True if there's already an entry for the constant T */
/* in the Consttable of the shared index ShIndex. */
return sharing_ConsttableEntry(ShIndex, sharing_ConstantIndex(T)) != NULL;
static __inline__ BOOL sharing_IsNotReallyShared(TERM Term)
/* Der einzige Superterm ist der in dem ich loesche */
return list_Length(term_SupertermList(Term)) <= 1;
static __inline__ void sharing_RememberSharedTermCopy(TERM Term, TERM Copy)
/* The unshared term Term has now a link to its shared copy */
term_RplacSuperterm(Term, Copy);
static __inline__ TERM sharing_SharedTermCopy(TERM Term)
/* Return the shared copy of the unshared term Term */
return term_Superterm(Term);
/* Functions for Creation and Deletion of a SHARED_INDEX */
SHARED_INDEX sharing_IndexCreate(void);
void sharing_IndexDelete(SHARED_INDEX);
/* Functions on term insertion and deletion. */
void sharing_Delete(POINTER, TERM, SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_PushOnStack(TERM);
void sharing_PushReverseOnStack(TERM);
void sharing_PushOnStackNoStamps(TERM);
void sharing_PushListOnStack(LIST);
void sharing_PushListReverseOnStack(LIST);
void sharing_PushListReverseOnStackExcept(LIST, LIST);
void sharing_PushListOnStackNoStamps(LIST);
/* Functions to access unshared data by the shared terms. */
LIST sharing_GetDataList(TERM, SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_StartDataIterator(TERM, SHARED_INDEX);
POINTER sharing_GetNextData(void);
void sharing_StopDataIterator(void);
LIST sharing_NAtomDataList(TERM);
LIST sharing_GetAllSuperTerms(SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_ResetAllTermStamps(SHARED_INDEX);
NAT sharing_GetNumberOfOccurances(TERM);
NAT sharing_GetNumberOfInstances(TERM, SHARED_INDEX);
/* Output functions */
void sharing_PrintVartable(SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_PrintConsttable(SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_PrintSharing(SHARED_INDEX);
/* Debugging Functions */
void sharing_PrintStack(void);
void sharing_PrintSharingConstterms1(SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_PrintSharingVarterms1(SHARED_INDEX);
void sharing_PrintSameLevelTerms(TERM);