| include(External) |
| llvm_externals_find(TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT "cuda" "CUDA prerequisites") |
| |
| sm_20 sm_21 |
| sm_30 sm_32 sm_35 sm_37 |
| sm_50 sm_52 sm_53) |
| |
| sm_60 sm_61 sm_62) |
| |
| sm_70) |
| sm_72) |
| # 9.2 removed sm_2x |
| sm_30 sm_32 sm_35 sm_37 |
| sm_50 sm_52 sm_53 |
| sm_60 sm_61 sm_62 |
| sm_70 sm_72 |
| ) |
| |
| sm_75) |
| |
| sm_80) |
| |
| # Helper macro to extract version number at the end of the string |
| # Input: get_version(Var String) |
| # Where String = /some/string/with/version-x.y.z |
| # Output: |
| # Sets Var=x.y.z |
| macro(get_version Var Path) |
| string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$" ${Var} ${Path}) |
| endmacro (get_version) |
| |
| # Helper function to glob CUDA source files and set LANGUAGE property |
| # to CXX on each of them. Sets Var in parent scope to the list of |
| # files found. |
| macro(cuda_glob Var) |
| file(GLOB FileList ${ARGN}) |
| foreach(File IN LISTS FileList) |
| if(${File} MATCHES ".*\.cu$") |
| set_source_files_properties(${File} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| set(${Var} ${FileList}) |
| endmacro(cuda_glob) |
| |
| macro(create_one_local_test_f Name FileGlob FilterRegex) |
| if (${VariantSuffix} MATCHES ${FilterRegex}) |
| cuda_glob(_sources ${FileGlob}) |
| set(_executable ${Name}-${VariantSuffix}) |
| set(_executable_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_executable}) |
| llvm_test_run() |
| # Verify reference output if it exists. |
| if(EXISTS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${Name}.reference_output) |
| set(REFERENCE_OUTPUT ${Name}.reference_output) |
| llvm_test_verify(WORKDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} |
| ${FPCMP} %o ${REFERENCE_OUTPUT}-${VariantSuffix} |
| ) |
| llvm_test_executable(${_executable} ${_sources}) |
| llvm_test_data(${_executable} |
| DEST_SUFFIX "-${VariantSuffix}" |
| else() |
| llvm_test_executable(${_executable} ${_sources}) |
| endif() |
| target_compile_options(${_executable} PUBLIC ${VariantCPPFLAGS}) |
| if(VariantLibs) |
| target_link_libraries(${_executable} ${VariantLibs}) |
| endif() |
| add_dependencies(cuda-tests-simple-${VariantSuffix} ${_executable}) |
| # Local tests are presumed to be fast. |
| list(APPEND CUDA_SIMPLE_TEST_TARGETS ${_executable}.test) |
| endif() |
| endmacro() |
| |
| macro(create_one_local_test Name FileGlob) |
| create_one_local_test_f(${Name} ${FileGlob} ".*") |
| endmacro() |
| |
| # Create targets for CUDA tests that are part of the test suite. |
| macro(create_local_cuda_tests VariantSuffix) |
| create_one_local_test(assert assert.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(axpy axpy.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(algorithm algorithm.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(cmath cmath.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(complex complex.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(math_h math_h.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(new new.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(empty empty.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(printf printf.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(future future.cu) |
| create_one_local_test(builtin_var builtin_var.cu) |
| # We only need SIMD tests on CUDA-8.0 to verivy that our reference is correct |
| # and matches NVIDIA-provided one. and on CUDA-9.2 to verify that clang's |
| # implementation matches the reference. This test also happens to be the |
| # longest one, so by not running unnecessary instances we speed up cuda |
| # buildbot a lot. |
| create_one_local_test_f(simd simd.cu |
| "cuda-(8[.]0|9[.]2)-c[+][+]11-libc[+][+]") |
| create_one_local_test(test_round test_round.cu) |
| endmacro() |
| |
| macro(thrust_make_test_name TestName TestSourcePath) |
| string(REPLACE "${THRUST_PATH}/testing/" "" _tmp ${TestSourcePath}) |
| string(REPLACE "/" "-" _tmp ${_tmp}) |
| string(REPLACE "<" "_" _tmp ${_tmp}) |
| string(REPLACE ">" "_" _tmp ${_tmp}) |
| string(REGEX REPLACE "\.(cpp|cu)$" "" _tmp ${_tmp}) |
| set(${TestName} ${_tmp}) |
| endmacro() |
| |
| macro(create_one_thrust_test TestSource) |
| thrust_make_test_name(_TestName ${TestSourcePath}) |
| set(_executable thrust-${_TestName}-${VariantSuffix}) |
| llvm_test_run(--verbose ${_ExtraThrustTestArgs}) |
| llvm_test_executable(${_executable} ${TestSource}) |
| target_link_libraries(${_executable} ${VariantLibs}) |
| target_compile_options(${_executable} BEFORE PUBLIC ${THRUST_CPPFLAGS}) |
| target_compile_options(${_executable} PUBLIC ${VariantCPPFLAGS}) |
| list(APPEND THRUST_VARIANT_TESTS ${_executable}) |
| endmacro() |
| |
| function(create_thrust_tests VariantSuffix) |
| set(_ThrustMainTarget cuda-tests-thrust-${VariantSuffix}) |
| set(_ExtraThrustTestArgs "--sizes=large") |
| endif() |
| # test framework is common for all tests, so we build it once as a |
| # library. |
| add_library(ThrustTestFrameworkLib-${VariantSuffix} STATIC ${ThrustTestFramework}) |
| target_compile_options(ThrustTestFrameworkLib-${VariantSuffix} BEFORE PRIVATE ${THRUST_CPPFLAGS}) |
| target_compile_options(ThrustTestFrameworkLib-${VariantSuffix} PRIVATE ${VariantCPPFLAGS}) |
| add_dependencies(ThrustTestFrameworkLib-${VariantSuffix} timeit-host fpcmp-host) |
| list(APPEND VariantLibs ThrustTestFrameworkLib-${VariantSuffix}) |
| |
| # Create individual test executable per test source file. This |
| # stresses cmake -- it consumes tons of memory and takes forever |
| # to finish. |
| foreach(TestSourcePath IN LISTS ThrustAllTestSources) |
| create_one_thrust_test(${TestSourcePath}) |
| endforeach() |
| # Create target to build all thrust tests for this variant |
| add_custom_target(${_ThrustMainTarget} DEPENDS ${THRUST_VARIANT_TESTS} |
| COMMENT "Build CUDA test variant ${VariantSuffix}") |
| else() |
| # Single monolitic test executable. Alas this stresses linker |
| # during debug build. Final executable may end up being too large |
| # to link. |
| # We can create one test script per thrust test, but running |
| # thrust tests in parallel is bottlenecked by GPU and startup |
| # overhead, so it's actually way slower than running all tests |
| # sequentially. |
| llvm_test_run(--verbose ${_ExtraThrustTestArgs}) |
| # CUDA SDK comes with its own version of thrust in its include directory. |
| # In order to use the thrust library we want, its include path must precede |
| # that of the CUDA SDK include path. |
| llvm_test_executable(${_ThrustMainTarget} ${ThrustTestFramework} ${ThrustAllTestSources}) |
| target_compile_options(${_ThrustMainTarget} BEFORE PUBLIC ${THRUST_CPPFLAGS}) |
| target_compile_options(${_ThrustMainTarget} PUBLIC ${VariantCPPFLAGS}) |
| target_link_libraries(${_ThrustMainTarget} ${VariantLibs}) |
| endif() |
| add_dependencies(cuda-tests-${VariantSuffix} cuda-tests-thrust-${VariantSuffix}) |
| add_dependencies(cuda-tests-thrust ${_ThrustMainTarget}) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| # Create set of tests for a given {CUDA,C++ standard,C++ library} tuple. |
| function(create_cuda_test_variant Std VariantSuffix) |
| message(STATUS "Creating CUDA test variant ${VariantSuffix}") |
| add_custom_target(cuda-tests-${VariantSuffix} |
| COMMENT "Build CUDA test variant ${VariantSuffix}") |
| |
| set(VariantLibs ${_Cuda_Libs} ${_Stdlib_Libs}) |
| set(VariantCPPFLAGS ${_Cuda_CPPFLAGS} ${_Std_CPPFLAGS} ${_Stdlib_CPPFLAGS}) |
| list(APPEND LDFLAGS ${_Cuda_LDFLAGS} ${_Std_LDFLAGS} ${_Stdlib_LDFLAGS}) |
| |
| # Create a separate test target for simple tests that can be built/tested quickly. |
| add_custom_target(cuda-tests-simple-${VariantSuffix} |
| COMMENT "Build Simple CUDA tests for ${VariantSuffix}") |
| create_local_cuda_tests(${VariantSuffix}) |
| add_dependencies(cuda-tests-simple cuda-tests-simple-${VariantSuffix}) |
| |
| if(DEFINED THRUST_PATH AND (NOT ${Std} IN_LIST "c++14;c++17;c++20")) |
| create_thrust_tests(${VariantSuffix}) |
| endif() |
| |
| # Target for CUDA tests that take little time to build and run. |
| add_custom_target(check-cuda-simple-${VariantSuffix} |
| DEPENDS cuda-tests-simple-${VariantSuffix} |
| add_dependencies(check-cuda-simple check-cuda-simple-${VariantSuffix}) |
| endfunction(create_cuda_test_variant) |
| |
| macro(create_cuda_tests) |
| message(STATUS "Checking CUDA prerequisites in ${TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT}") |
| file(GLOB CudaVersions ${TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT}/cuda-*) |
| list(SORT CudaVersions) |
| foreach(CudaDir IN LISTS CudaVersions) |
| get_version(CudaVersion ${CudaDir}) |
| message(STATUS "Found CUDA ${CudaVersion}") |
| list(APPEND CUDA_PATHS ${CudaDir}) |
| add_library(cudart-${CudaVersion} SHARED IMPORTED) |
| set_property(TARGET cudart-${CudaVersion} PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION |
| ${CudaDir}/lib64/libcudart.so) |
| endforeach(CudaDir) |
| |
| message(SEND_ERROR |
| "There are no CUDA installations in ${TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT}") |
| return() |
| endif() |
| |
| # Special target to build all simple tests. Useful for quick smoke test |
| # before we embark on heavy-duty compilation which may not be worth it. |
| add_custom_target(cuda-tests-simple |
| COMMENT "Build all simple CUDA tests") |
| add_custom_target(check-cuda-simple |
| COMMENT "Run all simple CUDA tests") |
| |
| # set default GPU arch |
| list(APPEND CUDA_GPU_ARCH sm_35) |
| endif() |
| |
| if (CUDA_JOBS) |
| endif() |
| |
| file(GLOB GccVersions ${TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT}/gcc-*) |
| list(SORT GccVersions) |
| foreach(GccRoot IN LISTS GccVersions) |
| get_version(GccVersion ${GccRoot}) |
| foreach(GccDir IN ITEMS ${GccRoot} ${GccRoot}/usr/local) |
| if(EXISTS ${GccDir}/bin/gcc) |
| execute_process( |
| COMMAND ${GccDir}/bin/gcc -print-file-name=libstdc++.so |
| OUTPUT_VARIABLE _path_to_libstdcxx |
| if(EXISTS ${_path_to_libstdcxx}) |
| message(STATUS "Found libstdc++ ${GccVersion}") |
| add_library(libstdcxx-${GccVersion} SHARED IMPORTED) |
| set_property(TARGET libstdcxx-${GccVersion} PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION |
| ${_path_to_libstdcxx}) |
| list(APPEND GCC_PATHS ${GccDir}) |
| break() |
| endif() |
| endif() |
| endforeach(GccDir) |
| endforeach(GccRoot) |
| |
| # Find location of libc++ |
| execute_process( |
| COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} -print-file-name=libc++.so |
| OUTPUT_VARIABLE _path_to_libcxx |
| |
| if(EXISTS ${_path_to_libcxx}) |
| add_library(libcxx SHARED IMPORTED) |
| set_property(TARGET libcxx PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${_path_to_libcxx}) |
| get_filename_component(_libcxx_dir ${_path_to_libcxx} DIRECTORY) |
| target_link_options(libcxx INTERFACE "-Wl,-rpath,${_libcxx_dir}") |
| set(HAVE_LIBCXX 1) |
| else() |
| message(WARNING "Can't find libcxx location.") |
| endif() |
| |
| if(EXISTS "${TEST_SUITE_CUDA_ROOT}/thrust") |
| message(STATUS "Found Thrust ${THRUST_PATH}") |
| add_custom_target(cuda-tests-thrust COMMENT "All thrust tests.") |
| message(WARNING |
| "############################################################\n" |
| "Split tests for thrust will take a while to generate... \n" |
| "############################################################\n") |
| endif() |
| PATH "Thrust library path") |
| -O2 |
| -I${THRUST_PATH} -I${THRUST_PATH}/testing) |
| |
| cuda_glob(ThrustTestCppSources ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/*.cpp) |
| cuda_glob(ThrustTestCudaSources ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/*.cu) |
| cuda_glob(ThrustTestCudaBackendSources |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/backend/decompose.cu |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/backend/cuda/*.cu) |
| |
| list(APPEND ThrustAllTestSources ${ThrustTestCppSources} |
| ${ThrustTestCudaSources} ${ThrustTestCudaBackendSources}) |
| list(APPEND ThrustTestFramework |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/testframework.cpp |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/reduce_large.cu |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/unittest_tester.cu |
| ${THRUST_PATH}/testing/backend/cuda/testframework.cu) |
| |
| # Remove test framework files from the list of test files. |
| foreach(File IN LISTS ThrustTestFramework) |
| list(REMOVE_ITEM ThrustAllTestSources ${File}) |
| endforeach() |
| endif() |
| |
| foreach(_CudaPath ${CUDA_PATHS}) |
| get_version(_CudaVersion ${_CudaPath}) |
| set(_Cuda_Suffix "cuda-${_CudaVersion}") |
| set(_Cuda_CPPFLAGS --cuda-path=${_CudaPath} -I${_CudaPath}/include) |
| # clear the list of GPUs to compile for. |
| set(_CudaArchFlags) |
| set(_CudaArchList) |
| string(REPLACE "." "_" _CudaVersionSuffix ${_CudaVersion}) |
| foreach(_CudaGpuArch IN LISTS CUDA_GPU_ARCH) |
| if(_CudaGpuArch IN_LIST SUPPORTED_GPU_CUDA_${_CudaVersionSuffix}) |
| list(APPEND _CudaArchFlags --cuda-gpu-arch=${_CudaGpuArch}) |
| list(APPEND _CudaArchList ${_CudaGpuArch}) |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| if (_CudaArchList) |
| message(STATUS "Building ${_Cuda_Suffix} targets for ${_CudaArchList}") |
| else() |
| message(WARNING "${_Cuda_Suffix} does not support ${CUDA_GPU_ARCH} GPUs. Skipped.") |
| continue() |
| endif() |
| list(APPEND _Cuda_CPPFLAGS ${_CudaArchFlags}) |
| |
| set(_Cuda_Libs cudart-${_CudaVersion}) |
| foreach(_Std IN ITEMS "c++98" "c++11" "c++14" "c++17" "c++20") |
| set(_Std_Suffix "${_Std}") |
| set(_Std_CPPFLAGS -std=${_Std}) |
| set(_Std_LDFLAGS -std=${_Std}) |
| foreach(_GccPath IN LISTS GCC_PATHS) |
| get_version(_GccVersion ${_GccPath}) |
| set(_Gcc_Suffix "libstdc++-${_GccVersion}") |
| # Tell clang to use libstdc++ and where to find it. |
| set(_Stdlib_CPPFLAGS -stdlib=libstdc++ -gcc-toolchain ${_GccPath}) |
| set(_Stdlib_LDFLAGS -stdlib=libstdc++) |
| # Add libstdc++ as link dependency. |
| set(_Stdlib_Libs libstdcxx-${_GccVersion}) |
| |
| # libstdc++ seems not to support C++14 before version 5.0. We still |
| # want to run in C++14 mode with old libstdc++s to test compiler C++14 |
| # with stdlib C++11, but we add a -D so that our tests can detect this. |
| if (${_GccVersion} VERSION_LESS "5.0") |
| else() |
| endif() |
| |
| create_cuda_test_variant(${_Std} "${_Cuda_Suffix}-${_Std_Suffix}-${_Gcc_Suffix}") |
| endforeach() |
| |
| # Same as above, but for libc++ |
| # Tell clang to use libc++ |
| # We also need to add compiler's include path for cxxabi.h |
| get_filename_component(_compiler_path ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} DIRECTORY) |
| set(_Stdlib_CPPFLAGS -stdlib=libc++ -I${_compiler_path}/../include/c++/v1 -DSTDLIB_VERSION=2017) |
| set(_Stdlib_LDFLAGS -stdlib=libc++) |
| set(_Stdlib_Libs libcxx) |
| create_cuda_test_variant(${_Std} "${_Cuda_Suffix}-${_Std_Suffix}-libc++") |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| endforeach() |
| |
| # convenience target to build all CUDA tests. |
| add_custom_target(cuda-tests-all DEPENDS cuda-tests-simple cuda-tests-thrust |
| COMMENT "Build all CUDA tests.") |
| |
| # stage lit config needed to control how CUDA tests are run. |
| endmacro(create_cuda_tests) |
| |
| # We always want asserts() to run. |
| |
| create_cuda_tests() |
| endif() |
| |