| =================================================================== |
| How To Build On ARM |
| =================================================================== |
| |
| Introduction |
| ============ |
| |
| This document contains information about building/testing LLVM and |
| Clang on an ARM machine. |
| |
| This document is *NOT* tailored to help you cross-compile LLVM/Clang |
| to ARM on another architecture, for example an x86_64 machine. To find |
| out more about cross-compiling, please check :doc:`HowToCrossCompileLLVM`. |
| |
| Notes On Building LLVM/Clang on ARM |
| ===================================== |
| Here are some notes on building/testing LLVM/Clang on ARM. Note that |
| ARM encompasses a wide variety of CPUs; this advice is primarily based |
| on the ARMv6 and ARMv7 architectures and may be inapplicable to older chips. |
| |
| #. The most popular Linaro/Ubuntu OS's for ARM boards, e.g., the |
| Pandaboard, have become hard-float platforms. There are a number of |
| choices when using CMake. Autoconf usage is deprecated as of 3.8. |
| |
| Building LLVM/Clang in ``Release`` mode is preferred since it consumes |
| a lot less memory. Otherwise, the building process will very likely |
| fail due to insufficient memory. It's also a lot quicker to only build |
| the relevant back-ends (ARM and AArch64), since it's very unlikely that |
| you'll use an ARM board to cross-compile to other arches. If you're |
| running Compiler-RT tests, also include the x86 back-end, or some tests |
| will fail. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| cmake $LLVM_SRC_DIR -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ |
| |
| Other options you can use are: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| Use Ninja instead of Make: "-G Ninja" |
| Build with assertions on: "-DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=True" |
| Force Python2: "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python2" |
| Local (non-sudo) install path: "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/llvm/install" |
| CPU flags: "DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-mcpu=cortex-a15" (same for CXX_FLAGS) |
| |
| After that, just typing ``make -jN`` or ``ninja`` will build everything. |
| ``make -jN check-all`` or ``ninja check-all`` will run all compiler tests. For |
| running the test suite, please refer to :doc:`TestingGuide`. |
| |
| #. If you are building LLVM/Clang on an ARM board with 1G of memory or less, |
| please use ``gold`` rather then GNU ``ld``. In any case it is probably a good |
| idea to set up a swap partition, too. |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| $ sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/ld /usr/bin/ld.gold |
| |
| #. ARM development boards can be unstable and you may experience that cores |
| are disappearing, caches being flushed on every big.LITTLE switch, and |
| other similar issues. To help ease the effect of this, set the Linux |
| scheduler to "performance" on **all** cores using this little script: |
| |
| .. code-block:: bash |
| |
| # The code below requires the package 'cpufrequtils' to be installed. |
| for ((cpu=0; cpu<`grep -c proc /proc/cpuinfo`; cpu++)); do |
| sudo cpufreq-set -c $cpu -g performance |
| done |
| |
| Remember to turn that off after the build, or you may risk burning your |
| CPU. Most modern kernels don't need that, so only use it if you have |
| problems. |
| |
| #. Running the build on SD cards is ok, but they are more prone to failures |
| than good quality USB sticks, and those are more prone to failures than |
| external hard-drives (those are also a lot faster). So, at least, you |
| should consider to buy a fast USB stick. On systems with a fast eMMC, |
| that's a good option too. |
| |
| #. Make sure you have a decent power supply (dozens of dollars worth) that can |
| provide *at least* 4 amperes, this is especially important if you use USB |
| devices with your board. Externally powered USB/SATA harddrives are even |
| better than having a good power supply. |