blob: 89a86d53be5ac5258da8f416b4b85a601fe959ca [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/row.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace libyuv {
extern "C" {
#if !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_SVE) && defined(__aarch64__)
#define READYUV444_SVE \
"ld1b {z0.h}, p1/z, [%[src_y]] \n" \
"ld1b {z1.h}, p1/z, [%[src_u]] \n" \
"ld1b {z2.h}, p1/z, [%[src_v]] \n" \
"add %[src_y], %[src_y], %[vl] \n" \
"add %[src_u], %[src_u], %[vl] \n" \
"add %[src_v], %[src_v], %[vl] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_y], 448] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_u], 448] \n" \
"trn1 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_v], 448] \n"
#define READYUV422_SVE \
"ld1b {z0.h}, p1/z, [%[src_y]] \n" \
"ld1b {z1.s}, p1/z, [%[src_u]] \n" \
"ld1b {z2.s}, p1/z, [%[src_v]] \n" \
"inch %[src_y] \n" \
"incw %[src_u] \n" \
"incw %[src_v] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_y], 448] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_u], 128] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_v], 128] \n" \
"trn1 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n" \
"trn1 z1.h, z1.h, z1.h \n" \
"trn1 z2.h, z2.h, z2.h \n"
#define READYUV400_SVE \
"ld1b {z0.h}, p1/z, [%[src_y]] \n" \
"inch %[src_y] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_y], 448] \n" \
"trn1 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n"
// We need a different predicate for the UV component to handle the tail.
// If there is a single element remaining then we want to load one Y element
// but two UV elements.
#define READNV_SVE \
"ld1b {z0.h}, p1/z, [%[src_y]] \n" /* Y0Y0 */ \
"ld1b {z1.h}, p2/z, [%[src_uv]] \n" /* U0V0 or V0U0 */ \
"inch %[src_y] \n" \
"inch %[src_uv] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_y], 448] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_uv], 448] \n" \
"trn1 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n" /* YYYY */ \
"tbl z2.h, {z1.h}, z23.h \n" /* V0V0 */ \
"tbl z1.h, {z1.h}, z22.h \n" /* U0U0 */
#define READYUY2_SVE \
"ld1w {z0.s}, p2/z, [%[src_yuy2]] \n" /* YUYV */ \
"incb %[src_yuy2] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_yuy2], 448] \n" \
"tbl z2.b, {z0.b}, z23.b \n" /* V0V0 */ \
"tbl z1.b, {z0.b}, z22.b \n" /* U0U0 */ \
"trn1 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n" /* YYYY */
#define READUYVY_SVE \
"ld1w {z0.s}, p2/z, [%[src_uyvy]] \n" /* UYVY */ \
"incb %[src_uyvy] \n" \
"prfm pldl1keep, [%[src_uyvy], 448] \n" \
"tbl z2.b, {z0.b}, z23.b \n" /* V0V0 */ \
"tbl z1.b, {z0.b}, z22.b \n" /* U0U0 */ \
"trn2 z0.b, z0.b, z0.b \n" /* YYYY */
"ld1rb {z28.b}, p0/z, [%[kUVCoeff], #0] \n" \
"ld1rb {z29.b}, p0/z, [%[kUVCoeff], #1] \n" \
"ld1rb {z30.b}, p0/z, [%[kUVCoeff], #2] \n" \
"ld1rb {z31.b}, p0/z, [%[kUVCoeff], #3] \n" \
"ld1rh {z24.h}, p0/z, [%[kRGBCoeffBias], #0] \n" \
"ld1rh {z25.h}, p0/z, [%[kRGBCoeffBias], #2] \n" \
"ld1rh {z26.h}, p0/z, [%[kRGBCoeffBias], #4] \n" \
"ld1rh {z27.h}, p0/z, [%[kRGBCoeffBias], #6] \n"
#define I4XXTORGB_SVE \
"umulh z0.h, z24.h, z0.h \n" /* Y */ \
"umullb z6.h, z30.b, z1.b \n" \
"umullb z4.h, z28.b, z1.b \n" /* DB */ \
"umullb z5.h, z29.b, z2.b \n" /* DR */ \
"umlalb z6.h, z31.b, z2.b \n" /* DG */ \
"add z17.h, z0.h, z26.h \n" /* G */ \
"add z16.h, z0.h, z4.h \n" /* B */ \
"add z18.h, z0.h, z5.h \n" /* R */ \
"uqsub z17.h, z17.h, z6.h \n" /* G */ \
"uqsub z16.h, z16.h, z25.h \n" /* B */ \
"uqsub z18.h, z18.h, z27.h \n" /* R */
#define I400TORGB_SVE \
"umulh z18.h, z24.h, z0.h \n" /* Y */ \
"movprfx z16, z18 \n" \
"usqadd z16.h, p0/m, z16.h, z4.h \n" /* B */ \
"movprfx z17, z18 \n" \
"usqadd z17.h, p0/m, z17.h, z6.h \n" /* G */ \
"usqadd z18.h, p0/m, z18.h, z5.h \n" /* R */
// Convert from 2.14 fixed point RGB to 8 bit ARGB, interleaving as BG and RA
// pairs to allow us to use ST2 for storing rather than ST4.
#define RGBTOARGB8_SVE \
/* Inputs: B: z16.h, G: z17.h, R: z18.h, A: z19.b */ \
"uqshrnb z16.b, z16.h, #6 \n" /* B0 */ \
"uqshrnb z18.b, z18.h, #6 \n" /* R0 */ \
"uqshrnt z16.b, z17.h, #6 \n" /* BG */ \
"trn1 z17.b, z18.b, z19.b \n" /* RA */
// Convert from 2.14 fixed point RGB to 8 bit RGBA, interleaving as AB and GR
// pairs to allow us to use ST2 for storing rather than ST4.
#define RGBTORGBA8_SVE \
/* Inputs: B: z16.h, G: z17.h, R: z18.h, A: z19.b */ \
"uqshrnt z19.b, z16.h, #6 \n" /* AB */ \
"uqshrnb z20.b, z17.h, #6 \n" /* G0 */ \
"uqshrnt z20.b, z18.h, #6 \n" /* GR */
"z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", "z7", "z16", "z17", "z18", "z19", \
"z20", "z22", "z23", "z24", "z25", "z26", "z27", "z28", "z29", "z30", \
"z31", "p0", "p1"
void I444ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_u,
const uint8_t* src_v,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" /* A */
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n" READYUV444_SVE
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" READYUV444_SVE
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_u] "+r"(src_u), // %[src_u]
[src_v] "+r"(src_v), // %[src_v]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void I400ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" // A
"cmp %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"mov z1.h, #128 \n" // U/V
"umullb z6.h, z30.b, z1.b \n"
"umullb z4.h, z28.b, z1.b \n" // DB
"umullb z5.h, z29.b, z1.b \n" // DR
"mla z6.h, p0/m, z31.h, z1.h \n" // DG
"sub z4.h, z4.h, z25.h \n"
"sub z5.h, z5.h, z27.h \n"
"sub z6.h, z26.h, z6.h \n"
"b.le 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"sub %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"1: \n" //
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"add %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"2: \n"
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" //
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void I422ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_u,
const uint8_t* src_v,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" /* A */
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n" READYUV422_SVE
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" READYUV422_SVE
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_u] "+r"(src_u), // %[src_u]
[src_v] "+r"(src_v), // %[src_v]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void I422ToRGBARow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_u,
const uint8_t* src_v,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.le 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n" //
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z19.h, z20.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" //
"st2h {z19.h, z20.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_u] "+r"(src_u), // %[src_u]
[src_v] "+r"(src_v), // %[src_v]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void I444AlphaToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_u,
const uint8_t* src_v,
const uint8_t* src_a,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n" READYUV444_SVE
"ld1b {z19.h}, p1/z, [%[src_a]] \n"
"add %[src_a], %[src_a], %[vl] \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" READYUV444_SVE
"ld1b {z19.h}, p1/z, [%[src_a]] \n" // A
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_u] "+r"(src_u), // %[src_u]
[src_v] "+r"(src_v), // %[src_v]
[src_a] "+r"(src_a), // %[src_a]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void I422AlphaToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_u,
const uint8_t* src_v,
const uint8_t* src_a,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %[vl] \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n" READYUV422_SVE
"ld1b {z19.h}, p1/z, [%[src_a]] \n"
"add %[src_a], %[src_a], %[vl] \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" READYUV422_SVE
"ld1b {z19.h}, p1/z, [%[src_a]] \n" // A
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_u] "+r"(src_u), // %[src_u]
[src_v] "+r"(src_v), // %[src_v]
[src_a] "+r"(src_a), // %[src_a]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias) // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
static inline void NVToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_uv,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width,
uint32_t nv_u_start,
uint32_t nv_u_step,
uint32_t nv_v_start,
uint32_t nv_v_step) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %0" : "=r"(vl));
int width_last_y = width & (vl - 1);
width_last_y = width_last_y == 0 ? vl : width_last_y;
int width_last_uv = width_last_y + (width_last_y & 1);
asm volatile (
"ptrue p0.b \n" YUVTORGB_SVE_SETUP
"index z22.s, %w[nv_u_start], %w[nv_u_step] \n"
"index z23.s, %w[nv_v_start], %w[nv_v_step] \n"
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.le 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"ptrue p2.h \n"
"1: \n" READNV_SVE
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"3: \n"
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width_last_y] \n"
"whilelt p2.h, wzr, %w[width_last_uv] \n" READNV_SVE
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_y] "+r"(src_y), // %[src_y]
[src_uv] "+r"(src_uv), // %[src_uv]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width) // %[width]
: [vl] "r"(vl), // %[vl]
[kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias), // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
[nv_u_start] "r"(nv_u_start), // %[nv_u_start]
[nv_u_step] "r"(nv_u_step), // %[nv_u_step]
[nv_v_start] "r"(nv_v_start), // %[nv_v_start]
[nv_v_step] "r"(nv_v_step), // %[nv_v_step]
[width_last_y] "r"(width_last_y), // %[width_last_y]
[width_last_uv] "r"(width_last_uv) // %[width_last_uv]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS);
void NV12ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_uv,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint32_t nv_u_start = 0x0000'0000U;
uint32_t nv_u_step = 0x0002'0002U;
uint32_t nv_v_start = 0x0001'0001U;
uint32_t nv_v_step = 0x0002'0002U;
NVToARGBRow_SVE2(src_y, src_uv, dst_argb, yuvconstants, width, nv_u_start,
nv_u_step, nv_v_start, nv_v_step);
void NV21ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_y,
const uint8_t* src_vu,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint32_t nv_u_start = 0x0001'0001U;
uint32_t nv_u_step = 0x0002'0002U;
uint32_t nv_v_start = 0x0000'0000U;
uint32_t nv_v_step = 0x0002'0002U;
NVToARGBRow_SVE2(src_y, src_vu, dst_argb, yuvconstants, width, nv_u_start,
nv_u_step, nv_v_start, nv_v_step);
// Dot-product constants are stored as four-tuples with the two innermost
// elements flipped to account for the interleaving nature of the widening
// addition instructions.
static const int16_t kARGBToUVCoefficients[] = {
// UB, -UR, -UG, 0, -VB, VR, -VG, 0
56, -19, -37, 0, -9, 56, -47, 0,
static const int16_t kRGBAToUVCoefficients[] = {
// 0, -UG, UB, -UR, 0, -VG, -VB, VR
0, -37, 56, -19, 0, -47, -9, 56,
static const int16_t kBGRAToUVCoefficients[] = {
// 0, -UG, -UR, UB, 0, -VG, VR, -VB
0, -37, -19, 56, 0, -47, 56, -9,
static const int16_t kABGRToUVCoefficients[] = {
// -UR, UB, -UG, 0, VR, -VB, -VG, 0
-19, 56, -37, 0, 56, -9, -47, 0,
static const int16_t kARGBToUVJCoefficients[] = {
// UB, -UR, -UG, 0, -VB, VR, -VG, 0
63, -21, -42, 0, -10, 63, -53, 0,
static const int16_t kABGRToUVJCoefficients[] = {
// -UR, UB, -UG, 0, VR, -VB, -VG, 0
-21, 63, -42, 0, 63, -10, -53, 0,
void ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb,
int src_stride_argb,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width,
const int16_t* uvconstants) {
const uint8_t* src_argb_1 = src_argb + src_stride_argb;
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"ld1rd {z24.d}, p0/z, [%[uvconstants]] \n"
"ld1rd {z25.d}, p0/z, [%[uvconstants], #8] \n"
"mov z26.b, #0x80 \n"
"cntb %[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Process 4x vectors from each input row per iteration.
// Cannot use predication here due to unrolling.
"1: \n" // e.g.
"ld1b {z0.b}, p0/z, [%[src0], #0, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z4.b}, p0/z, [%[src1], #0, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z1.b}, p0/z, [%[src0], #1, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z5.b}, p0/z, [%[src1], #1, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z2.b}, p0/z, [%[src0], #2, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z6.b}, p0/z, [%[src1], #2, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z3.b}, p0/z, [%[src0], #3, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1b {z7.b}, p0/z, [%[src1], #3, mul vl] \n" // bgrabgra
"incb %[src0], all, mul #4 \n"
"incb %[src1], all, mul #4 \n"
"uaddlb z16.h, z0.b, z4.b \n" // brbrbrbr
"uaddlt z17.h, z0.b, z4.b \n" // gagagaga
"uaddlb z18.h, z1.b, z5.b \n" // brbrbrbr
"uaddlt z19.h, z1.b, z5.b \n" // gagagaga
"uaddlb z20.h, z2.b, z6.b \n" // brbrbrbr
"uaddlt z21.h, z2.b, z6.b \n" // gagagaga
"uaddlb z22.h, z3.b, z7.b \n" // brbrbrbr
"uaddlt z23.h, z3.b, z7.b \n" // gagagaga
"trn1 z0.s, z16.s, z17.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn2 z1.s, z16.s, z17.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn1 z2.s, z18.s, z19.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn2 z3.s, z18.s, z19.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn1 z4.s, z20.s, z21.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn2 z5.s, z20.s, z21.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn1 z6.s, z22.s, z23.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn2 z7.s, z22.s, z23.s \n" // brgabgra
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" // 4*VL per loop
"urhadd z0.h, p0/m, z0.h, z1.h \n" // brgabrga
"urhadd z2.h, p0/m, z2.h, z3.h \n" // brgabrga
"urhadd z4.h, p0/m, z4.h, z5.h \n" // brgabrga
"urhadd z6.h, p0/m, z6.h, z7.h \n" // brgabrga
"movi v16.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v17.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v18.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v19.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v20.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v21.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v22.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v23.8h, #0 \n"
"sdot z16.d, z0.h, z24.h \n" // UUxxxxxx
"sdot z17.d, z2.h, z24.h \n" // UUxxxxxx
"sdot z18.d, z4.h, z24.h \n" // UUxxxxxx
"sdot z19.d, z6.h, z24.h \n" // UUxxxxxx
"sdot z20.d, z0.h, z25.h \n" // VVxxxxxx
"sdot z21.d, z2.h, z25.h \n" // VVxxxxxx
"sdot z22.d, z4.h, z25.h \n" // VVxxxxxx
"sdot z23.d, z6.h, z25.h \n" // VVxxxxxx
"uzp1 z16.s, z16.s, z17.s \n" // UUxx
"uzp1 z18.s, z18.s, z19.s \n" // UUxx
"uzp1 z20.s, z20.s, z21.s \n" // VVxx
"uzp1 z22.s, z22.s, z23.s \n" // VVxx
"uzp1 z16.h, z16.h, z18.h \n" // UU
"uzp1 z20.h, z20.h, z22.h \n" // VV
"addhnb z16.b, z16.h, z26.h \n" // U
"addhnb z20.b, z20.h, z26.h \n" // V
"st1b {z16.h}, p0, [%[dst_u]] \n" // U
"st1b {z20.h}, p0, [%[dst_v]] \n" // V
"inch %[dst_u] \n"
"inch %[dst_v] \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" // VL per loop
"b.le 99f \n"
// Process remaining pixels from each input row.
// Use predication to do one vector from each input array, so may loop up
// to three iterations.
"cntw %x[vl] \n"
"3: \n"
"whilelt p1.s, wzr, %w[width] \n"
"ld1d {z0.d}, p1/z, [%[src0]] \n" // bgrabgra
"ld1d {z4.d}, p1/z, [%[src1]] \n" // bgrabgra
"incb %[src0] \n"
"incb %[src1] \n"
"uaddlb z16.h, z0.b, z4.b \n" // brbrbrbr
"uaddlt z17.h, z0.b, z4.b \n" // gagagaga
"trn1 z0.s, z16.s, z17.s \n" // brgabgra
"trn2 z1.s, z16.s, z17.s \n" // brgabgra
"urhadd z0.h, p0/m, z0.h, z1.h \n" // brgabrga
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" // VL per loop
"movi v16.8h, #0 \n"
"movi v20.8h, #0 \n"
"sdot z16.d, z0.h, z24.h \n"
"sdot z20.d, z0.h, z25.h \n"
"addhnb z16.b, z16.h, z26.h \n" // U
"addhnb z20.b, z20.h, z26.h \n" // V
"st1b {z16.d}, p0, [%[dst_u]] \n" // U
"st1b {z20.d}, p0, [%[dst_v]] \n" // V
"incd %[dst_u] \n"
"incd %[dst_v] \n"
" 3b \n"
"99: \n"
: [src0] "+r"(src_argb), // %[src0]
[src1] "+r"(src_argb_1), // %[src1]
[dst_u] "+r"(dst_u), // %[dst_u]
[dst_v] "+r"(dst_v), // %[dst_v]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [uvconstants] "r"(uvconstants)
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", "z7", "z16",
"z17", "z18", "z19", "z20", "z21", "z22", "z23", "z24", "z25", "z26",
void ARGBToUVRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb,
int src_stride_argb,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_argb, src_stride_argb, dst_u, dst_v, width,
void ARGBToUVJRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb,
int src_stride_argb,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_argb, src_stride_argb, dst_u, dst_v, width,
void ABGRToUVJRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_abgr,
int src_stride_abgr,
uint8_t* dst_uj,
uint8_t* dst_vj,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_abgr, src_stride_abgr, dst_uj, dst_vj, width,
void BGRAToUVRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_bgra,
int src_stride_bgra,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_bgra, src_stride_bgra, dst_u, dst_v, width,
void ABGRToUVRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_abgr,
int src_stride_abgr,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_abgr, src_stride_abgr, dst_u, dst_v, width,
void RGBAToUVRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_rgba,
int src_stride_rgba,
uint8_t* dst_u,
uint8_t* dst_v,
int width) {
ARGBToUVMatrixRow_SVE2(src_rgba, src_stride_rgba, dst_u, dst_v, width,
#define ARGBTORGB565_SVE \
/* Inputs: \
* z0: rrrrrxxxbbbbbxxx \
* z1: xxxxxxxxggggggxx \
* z3: 0000000000000011 (3, 0, 3, 0, ...) \
* z4: 0000011111100000 \
*/ \
"lsr z0.b, p0/m, z0.b, z3.b \n" \
"lsl z1.h, z1.h, #3 \n" \
"bsl z1.d, z1.d, z0.d, z4.d \n"
void ARGBToRGB565Row_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb,
uint8_t* dst_rgb,
int width) {
unsigned bsl_mask = 0x7e0;
uint64_t vl;
width *= 2;
asm volatile (
"mov z3.h, #3 \n"
"dup z4.h, %w[bsl_mask] \n"
"cntb %[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"1: \n"
"ld2b {z0.b, z1.b}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n" // BR, GA
"incb %[src], all, mul #2 \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" ARGBTORGB565_SVE
"st1b {z1.b}, p0, [%[dst]] \n"
"incb %[dst] \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[width] \n"
"ld2b {z0.b, z1.b}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n" // BR, GA
"st1b {z1.b}, p0, [%[dst]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src] "+r"(src_argb), // %[src]
[dst] "+r"(dst_rgb), // %[dst]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [bsl_mask] "r"(bsl_mask) // %[bsl_mask]
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z3", "z4", "p0");
void ARGBToRGB565DitherRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb,
uint8_t* dst_rgb,
uint32_t dither4,
int width) {
unsigned bsl_mask = 0x7e0;
uint64_t vl;
width *= 2;
asm volatile (
"mov z3.h, #3 \n"
"dup z4.h, %w[bsl_mask] \n"
"dup z2.s, %w[dither4] \n"
"zip1 z2.b, z2.b, z2.b \n"
"cntb %[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"1: \n"
"ld2b {z0.b, z1.b}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n" // BR, GA
"incb %[src], all, mul #2 \n"
"uqadd z0.b, z0.b, z2.b \n"
"uqadd z1.b, z1.b, z2.b \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" ARGBTORGB565_SVE
"st1b {z1.b}, p0, [%[dst]] \n"
"incb %[dst] \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[width] \n"
"ld2b {z0.b, z1.b}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n" // BR, GA
"uqadd z0.b, z0.b, z2.b \n"
"uqadd z1.b, z1.b, z2.b \n" ARGBTORGB565_SVE
"st1b {z1.b}, p0, [%[dst]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src] "+r"(src_argb), // %[src]
[dst] "+r"(dst_rgb), // %[dst]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: [bsl_mask] "r"(bsl_mask), // %[bsl_mask]
[dither4] "r"(dither4) // %[dither4]
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z3", "z4", "p0");
#define ARGB1555TOARGB \
/* Input: z1/z3.h = arrrrrgggggbbbbb */ \
"lsl z0.h, z1.h, #3 \n" /* rrrgggggbbbbb000 */ \
"lsl z2.h, z3.h, #3 \n" /* rrrgggggbbbbb000 */ \
"asr z1.h, z1.h, #7 \n" /* aaaaaaaarrrrrggg */ \
"asr z3.h, z3.h, #7 \n" /* aaaaaaaarrrrrggg */ \
"lsl z0.b, p0/m, z0.b, z4.b \n" /* ggggg000bbbbb000 */ \
"lsl z2.b, p0/m, z2.b, z4.b \n" /* ggggg000bbbbb000 */ \
"sri z1.b, z1.b, #5 \n" /* aaaaaaaarrrrrrrr */ \
"sri z3.b, z3.b, #5 \n" /* aaaaaaaarrrrrrrr */ \
"sri z0.b, z0.b, #5 \n" /* ggggggggbbbbbbbb */ \
"sri z2.b, z2.b, #5 \n" /* ggggggggbbbbbbbb */
void ARGB1555ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_argb1555,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
int width) {
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"mov z4.h, #0x0300 \n"
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"cnth %x[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl], lsl #1 \n"
" 2f \n"
"1: \n"
"ld1h {z1.h}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n"
"ld1h {z3.h}, p0/z, [%[src], #1, mul vl] \n"
"incb %[src], all, mul #2 \n" ARGB1555TOARGB
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl], lsl #1 \n"
"st2h {z0.h, z1.h}, p0, [%[dst]] \n"
"st2h {z2.h, z3.h}, p0, [%[dst], #2, mul vl] \n"
"incb %[dst], all, mul #4 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl], lsl #1 \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width] \n"
"whilelt p2.h, %w[vl], %w[width] \n"
"ld1h {z1.h}, p1/z, [%[src]] \n"
"ld1h {z3.h}, p2/z, [%[src], #1, mul vl] \n" ARGB1555TOARGB
"st2h {z0.h, z1.h}, p1, [%[dst]] \n"
"st2h {z2.h, z3.h}, p2, [%[dst], #2, mul vl] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src] "+r"(src_argb1555), // %[src]
[dst] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst]
[width] "+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl] "=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "p0", "p1", "p2");
// clang-format off
#define AYUVTOUV_SVE(zU0, zV0, zU1, zV1) /* e.g. */ \
"ld2h {z0.h, z1.h}, p0/z, [%[src0]] \n" /* VUVU.. YAYA.. */ \
"ld2h {z1.h, z2.h}, p1/z, [%[src0], #2, mul vl] \n" /* VUVU.. YAYA.. */ \
"ld2h {z2.h, z3.h}, p0/z, [%[src1]] \n" /* VUVU.. YAYA.. */ \
"ld2h {z3.h, z4.h}, p1/z, [%[src1], #2, mul vl] \n" /* VUVU.. YAYA.. */ \
"incb %[src0], all, mul #4 \n" \
"incb %[src1], all, mul #4 \n" \
"uaddlb z4.h, z0.b, z2.b \n" /* V */ \
"uaddlt z5.h, z0.b, z2.b \n" /* U */ \
"uaddlb z6.h, z1.b, z3.b \n" /* V */ \
"uaddlt z7.h, z1.b, z3.b \n" /* U */ \
"addp " #zU0 ".h, p0/m, " #zU0 ".h, " #zV0 ".h \n" /* UV */ \
"addp " #zU1 ".h, p1/m, " #zU1 ".h, " #zV1 ".h \n" /* UV */ \
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n" \
"urshr " #zU0 ".h, p0/m, " #zU0 ".h, #2 \n" /* U0V0 */ \
"urshr " #zU1 ".h, p1/m, " #zU1 ".h, #2 \n" /* U0V0 */ \
"st1b {" #zU0 ".h}, p0, [%[dst]] \n" \
"st1b {" #zU1 ".h}, p1, [%[dst], #1, mul vl] \n" \
"incb %[dst] \n"
// clang-format on
// Filter 2 rows of AYUV UV's (444) into UV (420).
// AYUV is VUYA in memory. UV for NV12 is UV order in memory.
void AYUVToUVRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_ayuv,
int src_stride_ayuv,
uint8_t* dst_uv,
int width) {
// Output a row of UV values, filtering 2x2 rows of AYUV.
const uint8_t* src_ayuv1 = src_ayuv + src_stride_ayuv;
int vl;
asm volatile (
"cntb %x[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
"ptrue p0.h \n"
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n"
AYUVTOUV_SVE(z5, z4, z7, z6)
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"cnth %x[vl] \n"
"whilelt p0.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" // first row
"whilelt p1.h, %w[vl], %w[width] \n" // second row
AYUVTOUV_SVE(z5, z4, z7, z6)
"99: \n"
: [src0]"+r"(src_ayuv), // %[src0]
[src1]"+r"(src_ayuv1), // %[src1]
[dst]"+r"(dst_uv), // %[dst]
[width]"+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl]"=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", "z7", "p0",
// Filter 2 rows of AYUV UV's (444) into VU (420).
void AYUVToVURow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_ayuv,
int src_stride_ayuv,
uint8_t* dst_vu,
int width) {
// Output a row of VU values, filtering 2x2 rows of AYUV.
const uint8_t* src_ayuv1 = src_ayuv + src_stride_ayuv;
int vl;
asm volatile (
"cntb %x[vl] \n"
"cmp %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
"ptrue p0.h \n"
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"1: \n"
AYUVTOUV_SVE(z4, z5, z6, z7)
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
"cnth %x[vl] \n"
"whilelt p0.h, wzr, %w[width] \n" // first row
"whilelt p1.h, %w[vl], %w[width] \n" // second row
AYUVTOUV_SVE(z4, z5, z6, z7)
"99: \n"
: [src0]"+r"(src_ayuv), // %[src0]
[src1]"+r"(src_ayuv1), // %[src1]
[dst]"+r"(dst_vu), // %[dst]
[width]"+r"(width), // %[width]
[vl]"=&r"(vl) // %[vl]
: "cc", "memory", "z0", "z1", "z2", "z3", "z4", "z5", "z6", "z7", "p0",
void YUY2ToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_yuy2,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint32_t nv_u_start = 0x0001'0001U;
uint32_t nv_u_step = 0x0004'0004U;
uint32_t nv_v_start = 0x0003'0003U;
uint32_t nv_v_step = 0x0004'0004U;
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %0" : "=r"(vl));
int width_last_y = width & (vl - 1);
int width_last_uv = width_last_y + (width_last_y & 1);
asm volatile (
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"index z22.s, %w[nv_u_start], %w[nv_u_step] \n"
"index z23.s, %w[nv_v_start], %w[nv_v_step] \n"
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"ptrue p2.h \n"
"1: \n" //
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width_last_y] \n"
"whilelt p2.h, wzr, %w[width_last_uv] \n" //
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_yuy2] "+r"(src_yuy2), // %[src_yuy2]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width) // %[width]
: [vl] "r"(vl), // %[vl]
[kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias), // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
[nv_u_start] "r"(nv_u_start), // %[nv_u_start]
[nv_u_step] "r"(nv_u_step), // %[nv_u_step]
[nv_v_start] "r"(nv_v_start), // %[nv_v_start]
[nv_v_step] "r"(nv_v_step), // %[nv_v_step]
[width_last_y] "r"(width_last_y), // %[width_last_y]
[width_last_uv] "r"(width_last_uv) // %[width_last_uv]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS, "p2");
void UYVYToARGBRow_SVE2(const uint8_t* src_uyvy,
uint8_t* dst_argb,
const struct YuvConstants* yuvconstants,
int width) {
uint32_t nv_u_start = 0x0000'0000U;
uint32_t nv_u_step = 0x0004'0004U;
uint32_t nv_v_start = 0x0002'0002U;
uint32_t nv_v_step = 0x0004'0004U;
uint64_t vl;
asm volatile (
"cnth %0" : "=r"(vl));
int width_last_y = width & (vl - 1);
int width_last_uv = width_last_y + (width_last_y & 1);
asm volatile (
"ptrue p0.b \n"
"index z22.s, %w[nv_u_start], %w[nv_u_step] \n"
"index z23.s, %w[nv_v_start], %w[nv_v_step] \n"
"dup z19.b, #255 \n" // A
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
" 2f \n"
// Run bulk of computation with an all-true predicate to avoid predicate
// generation overhead.
"ptrue p1.h \n"
"ptrue p2.h \n"
"1: \n" //
"subs %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"add %[dst_argb], %[dst_argb], %[vl], lsl #2 \n"
" 1b \n"
"2: \n"
"adds %w[width], %w[width], %w[vl] \n"
"b.eq 99f \n"
// Calculate a predicate for the final iteration to deal with the tail.
"2: \n"
"whilelt p1.h, wzr, %w[width_last_y] \n"
"whilelt p2.h, wzr, %w[width_last_uv] \n" //
"st2h {z16.h, z17.h}, p1, [%[dst_argb]] \n"
"99: \n"
: [src_uyvy] "+r"(src_uyvy), // %[src_yuy2]
[dst_argb] "+r"(dst_argb), // %[dst_argb]
[width] "+r"(width) // %[width]
: [vl] "r"(vl), // %[vl]
[kUVCoeff] "r"(&yuvconstants->kUVCoeff), // %[kUVCoeff]
[kRGBCoeffBias] "r"(&yuvconstants->kRGBCoeffBias), // %[kRGBCoeffBias]
[nv_u_start] "r"(nv_u_start), // %[nv_u_start]
[nv_u_step] "r"(nv_u_step), // %[nv_u_step]
[nv_v_start] "r"(nv_v_start), // %[nv_v_start]
[nv_v_step] "r"(nv_v_step), // %[nv_v_step]
[width_last_y] "r"(width_last_y), // %[width_last_y]
[width_last_uv] "r"(width_last_uv) // %[width_last_uv]
: "cc", "memory", YUVTORGB_SVE_REGS, "p2");
#endif // !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_SVE) && defined(__aarch64__)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace libyuv