blob: 70e2a0d4087c9053c9ac1a9ddc97be138b63036e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2024 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/rotate_row.h"
#include "libyuv/row.h"
#include "libyuv/basic_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace libyuv {
extern "C" {
#if !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_SME) && defined(__aarch64__)
__arm_locally_streaming __arm_new("za") void TransposeWxH_SME(
const uint8_t* src,
int src_stride,
uint8_t* dst,
int dst_stride,
int width,
int height) {
int vl;
asm("cntb %x0" : "=r"(vl));
do {
const uint8_t* src2 = src;
uint8_t* dst2 = dst;
// Process up to VL elements per iteration of the inner loop.
int block_height = height > vl ? vl : height;
int width2 = width;
do {
const uint8_t* src3 = src2;
// Process up to VL elements per iteration of the inner loop.
int block_width = width2 > vl ? vl : width2;
asm volatile(
"mov w12, #0 \n"
// Create a predicate to handle loading partial rows.
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[block_width] \n"
// Load H <= VL rows into ZA0.
"1: \n"
"ld1b {za0h.b[w12, 0]}, p0/z, [%[src3]] \n"
"add %[src3], %[src3], %[src_stride] \n"
"add w12, w12, #1 \n"
"cmp w12, %w[block_height] \n"
" 1b \n"
// Create a predicate to handle storing partial columns.
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[block_height] \n"
"mov w12, #0 \n"
// Store W <= VL columns from ZA0.
"2: \n"
"st1b {za0v.b[w12, 0]}, p0, [%[dst2]] \n"
"add %[dst2], %[dst2], %[dst_stride] \n"
"add w12, w12, #1 \n"
"cmp w12, %w[block_width] \n"
" 2b \n"
: [src3] "+r"(src3), // %[src3]
[dst2] "+r"(dst2) // %[dst2]
: [src_stride] "r"((ptrdiff_t)src_stride), // %[src_stride]
[dst_stride] "r"((ptrdiff_t)dst_stride), // %[dst_stride]
[block_width] "r"(block_width), // %[block_width]
[block_height] "r"(block_height) // %[block_height]
: "cc", "memory", "p0", "w12", "za");
src2 += vl;
width2 -= vl;
} while (width2 > 0);
src += vl * src_stride;
dst += vl;
height -= vl;
} while (height > 0);
__arm_locally_streaming __arm_new("za") void TransposeUVWxH_SME(
const uint8_t* src,
int src_stride,
uint8_t* dst_a,
int dst_stride_a,
uint8_t* dst_b,
int dst_stride_b,
int width,
int height) {
int vl;
asm("cnth %x0" : "=r"(vl));
do {
const uint8_t* src2 = src;
uint8_t* dst2_a = dst_a;
uint8_t* dst2_b = dst_b;
// Process up to VL bytes per iteration of the inner loop.
int block_height = height > vl * 2 ? vl * 2 : height;
int width2 = width;
do {
const uint8_t* src3 = src2;
// Process up to VL 16-bit elements per iteration of the inner loop.
int block_width = width2 > vl ? vl : width2;
asm volatile(
"mov w12, #0 \n"
// Create a predicate to handle loading partial rows,
// %[block_width] is always a multiple of two here.
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[block_width] \n"
// Load H <= VL rows into ZA0, such that U/V components exist in
// alternating columns.
"1: \n"
"ld1b {za0h.b[w12, 0]}, p0/z, [%[src]] \n"
"add %[src], %[src], %[src_stride] \n"
"add w12, w12, #1 \n"
"cmp w12, %w[block_height] \n"
" 1b \n"
// Create a predicate to handle storing partial columns.
"whilelt p0.b, wzr, %w[block_height] \n"
"mov w12, #0 \n"
// Store alternating UV data from pairs of ZA0 columns.
"2: \n"
"st1b {za0v.b[w12, 0]}, p0, [%[dst_a]] \n"
"st1b {za0v.b[w12, 1]}, p0, [%[dst_b]] \n"
"add %[dst_a], %[dst_a], %[dst_stride_a] \n"
"add %[dst_b], %[dst_b], %[dst_stride_b] \n"
"add w12, w12, #2 \n"
"cmp w12, %w[block_width] \n"
" 2b \n"
: [src] "+r"(src3), // %[src]
[dst_a] "+r"(dst2_a), // %[dst_a]
[dst_b] "+r"(dst2_b) // %[dst_b]
: [src_stride] "r"((ptrdiff_t)src_stride), // %[src_stride]
[dst_stride_a] "r"((ptrdiff_t)dst_stride_a), // %[dst_stride_a]
[dst_stride_b] "r"((ptrdiff_t)dst_stride_b), // %[dst_stride_b]
[block_width] "r"(block_width * 2), // %[block_width]
[block_height] "r"(block_height) // %[block_height]
: "cc", "memory", "p0", "w12", "za");
src2 += 2 * vl;
width2 -= vl;
} while (width2 > 0);
src += 2 * vl * src_stride;
dst_a += 2 * vl;
dst_b += 2 * vl;
height -= 2 * vl;
} while (height > 0);
#endif // !defined(LIBYUV_DISABLE_SME) && defined(__aarch64__)
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace libyuv