blob: e34a3a9055b66ca15f2a66550434fb32897e8e02 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2011 The LibYuv Project Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "libyuv/cpu_id.h"
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <intrin.h> // For __cpuidex()
#if !defined(__pnacl__) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && \
!defined(__native_client__) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64)) && \
defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219)
#include <immintrin.h> // For _xgetbv()
// For ArmCpuCaps() but unittested on all platforms
#include <stdio.h> // For fopen()
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <sys/auxv.h> // For getauxval()
#if defined(_WIN32) && defined(__aarch64__)
#define WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN
#include <windows.h> // For IsProcessorFeaturePresent()
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <sys/sysctl.h> // For sysctlbyname()
#ifdef __cplusplus
namespace libyuv {
extern "C" {
// For functions that use the stack and have runtime checks for overflow,
// use SAFEBUFFERS to avoid additional check.
#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219) && \
#define SAFEBUFFERS __declspec(safebuffers)
// cpu_info_ variable for SIMD instruction sets detected.
LIBYUV_API int cpu_info_ = 0;
// Low level cpuid for X86.
#if (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__i386__) || \
defined(__x86_64__)) && \
!defined(__pnacl__) && !defined(__CLR_VER)
void CpuId(int info_eax, int info_ecx, int* cpu_info) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Visual C version uses intrinsic or inline x86 assembly.
#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219)
__cpuidex(cpu_info, info_eax, info_ecx);
#elif defined(_M_IX86)
__asm {
mov eax, info_eax
mov ecx, info_ecx
mov edi, cpu_info
mov [edi], eax
mov [edi + 4], ebx
mov [edi + 8], ecx
mov [edi + 12], edx
#else // Visual C but not x86
if (info_ecx == 0) {
__cpuid(cpu_info, info_eax);
} else {
cpu_info[3] = cpu_info[2] = cpu_info[1] = cpu_info[0] = 0u;
// GCC version uses inline x86 assembly.
#else // defined(_MSC_VER)
int info_ebx, info_edx;
asm volatile(
#if defined(__i386__) && defined(__PIC__)
// Preserve ebx for fpic 32 bit.
"mov %%ebx, %%edi \n"
"cpuid \n"
"xchg %%edi, %%ebx \n"
: "=D"(info_ebx),
"cpuid \n"
: "=b"(info_ebx),
#endif // defined( __i386__) && defined(__PIC__)
"+a"(info_eax), "+c"(info_ecx), "=d"(info_edx));
cpu_info[0] = info_eax;
cpu_info[1] = info_ebx;
cpu_info[2] = info_ecx;
cpu_info[3] = info_edx;
#endif // defined(_MSC_VER)
#else // (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) ...
void CpuId(int eax, int ecx, int* cpu_info) {
cpu_info[0] = cpu_info[1] = cpu_info[2] = cpu_info[3] = 0;
// For VS2010 and earlier emit can be used:
// _asm _emit 0x0f _asm _emit 0x01 _asm _emit 0xd0 // For VS2010 and earlier.
// __asm {
// xor ecx, ecx // xcr 0
// xgetbv
// mov xcr0, eax
// }
// For VS2013 and earlier 32 bit, the _xgetbv(0) optimizer produces bad code.
#if defined(_M_IX86) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
#pragma optimize("g", off)
#if (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__i386__) || \
defined(__x86_64__)) && \
!defined(__pnacl__) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && !defined(__native_client__)
// X86 CPUs have xgetbv to detect OS saves high parts of ymm registers.
static int GetXCR0() {
int xcr0 = 0;
#if defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) && (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 160040219)
xcr0 = (int)_xgetbv(0); // VS2010 SP1 required. NOLINT
#elif defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
asm(".byte 0x0f, 0x01, 0xd0" : "=a"(xcr0) : "c"(0) : "%edx");
#endif // defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
return xcr0;
// xgetbv unavailable to query for OSSave support. Return 0.
#define GetXCR0() 0
#endif // defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_M_X64) ..
// Return optimization to previous setting.
#if defined(_M_IX86) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1900)
#pragma optimize("g", on)
static int cpuinfo_search(const char* cpuinfo_line,
const char* needle,
int needle_len) {
const char* p = strstr(cpuinfo_line, needle);
return p && (p[needle_len] == ' ' || p[needle_len] == '\n');
// Based on libvpx arm_cpudetect.c
// For Arm, but public to allow testing on any CPU
LIBYUV_API SAFEBUFFERS int ArmCpuCaps(const char* cpuinfo_name) {
char cpuinfo_line[512];
FILE* f = fopen(cpuinfo_name, "re");
if (!f) {
// Assume Neon if /proc/cpuinfo is unavailable.
// This will occur for Chrome sandbox for Pepper or Render process.
return kCpuHasNEON;
memset(cpuinfo_line, 0, sizeof(cpuinfo_line));
int features = 0;
while (fgets(cpuinfo_line, sizeof(cpuinfo_line), f)) {
if (memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "Features", 8) == 0) {
if (cpuinfo_search(cpuinfo_line, " neon", 5)) {
features |= kCpuHasNEON;
return features;
#ifdef __aarch64__
#ifdef __linux__
// Define hwcap values ourselves: building with an old auxv header where these
// hwcap values are not defined should not prevent features from being enabled.
#define YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP_ASIMDDP (1 << 20)
#define YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP_SVE (1 << 22)
#define YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_SVE2 (1 << 1)
#define YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_I8MM (1 << 13)
#define YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_SME (1 << 23)
// For AArch64, but public to allow testing on any CPU.
LIBYUV_API SAFEBUFFERS int AArch64CpuCaps(unsigned long hwcap,
unsigned long hwcap2) {
// Neon is mandatory on AArch64, so enable regardless of hwcaps.
int features = kCpuHasNEON;
// Don't try to enable later extensions unless earlier extensions are also
// reported available. Some of these constraints aren't strictly required by
// the architecture, but are satisfied by all micro-architectures of
// interest. This also avoids an issue on some emulators where true
// architectural constraints are not satisfied, e.g. SVE2 may be reported as
// available while SVE is not.
if (hwcap & YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP_ASIMDDP) {
features |= kCpuHasNeonDotProd;
if (hwcap2 & YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_I8MM) {
features |= kCpuHasNeonI8MM;
if (hwcap & YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP_SVE) {
features |= kCpuHasSVE;
if (hwcap2 & YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_SVE2) {
features |= kCpuHasSVE2;
if (hwcap2 & YUV_AARCH64_HWCAP2_SME) {
features |= kCpuHasSME;
return features;
#elif defined(_WIN32)
// For AArch64, but public to allow testing on any CPU.
// Neon is mandatory on AArch64, so enable unconditionally.
int features = kCpuHasNEON;
// For more information on IsProcessorFeaturePresent(), see:
if (IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_ARM_V82_DP_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE)) {
features |= kCpuHasNeonDotProd;
// No Neon I8MM or SVE feature detection available here at time of writing.
return features;
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
static bool have_feature(const char* feature) {
// For more information on sysctlbyname(), see:
int64_t feature_present = 0;
size_t size = sizeof(feature_present);
if (sysctlbyname(feature, &feature_present, &size, NULL, 0) != 0) {
return false;
return feature_present;
// For AArch64, but public to allow testing on any CPU.
// Neon is mandatory on AArch64, so enable unconditionally.
int features = kCpuHasNEON;
if (have_feature("hw.optional.arm.FEAT_DotProd")) {
features |= kCpuHasNeonDotProd;
if (have_feature("hw.optional.arm.FEAT_I8MM")) {
features |= kCpuHasNeonI8MM;
if (have_feature("hw.optional.arm.FEAT_SME2")) {
features |= kCpuHasSME;
// No SVE feature detection available here at time of writing.
return features;
#else // !defined(__linux__) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__)
// For AArch64, but public to allow testing on any CPU.
// Neon is mandatory on AArch64, so enable unconditionally.
int features = kCpuHasNEON;
// TODO(libyuv:980) support feature detection on other platforms.
return features;
#endif // defined(__aarch64__)
LIBYUV_API SAFEBUFFERS int RiscvCpuCaps(const char* cpuinfo_name) {
char cpuinfo_line[512];
int flag = 0;
FILE* f = fopen(cpuinfo_name, "re");
if (!f) {
#if defined(__riscv_vector)
// Assume RVV if /proc/cpuinfo is unavailable.
// This will occur for Chrome sandbox for Pepper or Render process.
return kCpuHasRVV;
return 0;
memset(cpuinfo_line, 0, sizeof(cpuinfo_line));
while (fgets(cpuinfo_line, sizeof(cpuinfo_line), f)) {
if (memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "isa", 3) == 0) {
// ISA string must begin with rv64{i,e,g} for a 64-bit processor.
char* isa = strstr(cpuinfo_line, "rv64");
if (isa) {
size_t isa_len = strlen(isa);
char* extensions;
size_t extensions_len = 0;
size_t std_isa_len;
// Remove the new-line character at the end of string
if (isa[isa_len - 1] == '\n') {
isa[--isa_len] = '\0';
// 5 ISA characters
if (isa_len < 5) {
return 0;
// Skip {i,e,g} canonical checking.
// Skip rvxxx
isa += 5;
// Find the very first occurrence of 's', 'x' or 'z'.
// To detect multi-letter standard, non-standard, and
// supervisor-level extensions.
extensions = strpbrk(isa, "zxs");
if (extensions) {
// Multi-letter extensions are seperated by a single underscore
// as described in RISC-V User-Level ISA V2.2.
char* ext = strtok(extensions, "_");
extensions_len = strlen(extensions);
while (ext) {
// Search for the ZVFH (Vector FP16) extension.
if (!strcmp(ext, "zvfh")) {
flag |= kCpuHasRVVZVFH;
ext = strtok(NULL, "_");
std_isa_len = isa_len - extensions_len - 5;
// Detect the v in the standard single-letter extensions.
if (memchr(isa, 'v', std_isa_len)) {
// The RVV implied the F extension.
flag |= kCpuHasRVV;
#if defined(__riscv_vector)
// Assume RVV if /proc/cpuinfo is from x86 host running QEMU.
else if ((memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "vendor_id\t: GenuineIntel", 24) == 0) ||
(memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "vendor_id\t: AuthenticAMD", 24) == 0)) {
return kCpuHasRVV;
return flag;
LIBYUV_API SAFEBUFFERS int MipsCpuCaps(const char* cpuinfo_name) {
char cpuinfo_line[512];
int flag = 0;
FILE* f = fopen(cpuinfo_name, "re");
if (!f) {
// Assume nothing if /proc/cpuinfo is unavailable.
// This will occur for Chrome sandbox for Pepper or Render process.
return 0;
memset(cpuinfo_line, 0, sizeof(cpuinfo_line));
while (fgets(cpuinfo_line, sizeof(cpuinfo_line), f)) {
if (memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "cpu model", 9) == 0) {
// Workaround early kernel without MSA in ASEs line.
if (strstr(cpuinfo_line, "Loongson-2K")) {
flag |= kCpuHasMSA;
if (memcmp(cpuinfo_line, "ASEs implemented", 16) == 0) {
if (strstr(cpuinfo_line, "msa")) {
flag |= kCpuHasMSA;
// ASEs is the last line, so we can break here.
return flag;
#define LOONGARCH_CFG2 0x2
#define LOONGARCH_CFG2_LSX (1 << 6)
#define LOONGARCH_CFG2_LASX (1 << 7)
#if defined(__loongarch__)
LIBYUV_API SAFEBUFFERS int LoongarchCpuCaps(void) {
int flag = 0;
uint32_t cfg2 = 0;
__asm__ volatile("cpucfg %0, %1 \n\t" : "+&r"(cfg2) : "r"(LOONGARCH_CFG2));
if (cfg2 & LOONGARCH_CFG2_LSX)
flag |= kCpuHasLSX;
flag |= kCpuHasLASX;
return flag;
static SAFEBUFFERS int GetCpuFlags(void) {
int cpu_info = 0;
#if !defined(__pnacl__) && !defined(__CLR_VER) && \
(defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_X64) || defined(__i386__) || \
int cpu_info0[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int cpu_info1[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int cpu_info7[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
int cpu_einfo7[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
CpuId(0, 0, cpu_info0);
CpuId(1, 0, cpu_info1);
if (cpu_info0[0] >= 7) {
CpuId(7, 0, cpu_info7);
CpuId(7, 1, cpu_einfo7);
cpu_info = kCpuHasX86 | ((cpu_info1[3] & 0x04000000) ? kCpuHasSSE2 : 0) |
((cpu_info1[2] & 0x00000200) ? kCpuHasSSSE3 : 0) |
((cpu_info1[2] & 0x00080000) ? kCpuHasSSE41 : 0) |
((cpu_info1[2] & 0x00100000) ? kCpuHasSSE42 : 0) |
((cpu_info7[1] & 0x00000200) ? kCpuHasERMS : 0);
// AVX requires OS saves YMM registers.
if (((cpu_info1[2] & 0x1c000000) == 0x1c000000) && // AVX and OSXSave
((GetXCR0() & 6) == 6)) { // Test OS saves YMM registers
cpu_info |= kCpuHasAVX | ((cpu_info7[1] & 0x00000020) ? kCpuHasAVX2 : 0) |
((cpu_info1[2] & 0x00001000) ? kCpuHasFMA3 : 0) |
((cpu_info1[2] & 0x20000000) ? kCpuHasF16C : 0) |
((cpu_einfo7[0] & 0x00000010) ? kCpuHasAVXVNNI : 0) |
((cpu_einfo7[3] & 0x00000010) ? kCpuHasAVXVNNIINT8 : 0);
// Detect AVX512bw
if ((GetXCR0() & 0xe0) == 0xe0) {
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[1] & 0x40000000) ? kCpuHasAVX512BW : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[1] & 0x80000000) ? kCpuHasAVX512VL : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[2] & 0x00000002) ? kCpuHasAVX512VBMI : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[2] & 0x00000040) ? kCpuHasAVX512VBMI2 : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[2] & 0x00000800) ? kCpuHasAVX512VNNI : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[2] & 0x00001000) ? kCpuHasAVX512VBITALG : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_einfo7[3] & 0x00080000) ? kCpuHasAVX10 : 0;
cpu_info |= (cpu_info7[3] & 0x02000000) ? kCpuHasAMXINT8 : 0;
#if defined(__mips__) && defined(__linux__)
cpu_info = MipsCpuCaps("/proc/cpuinfo");
cpu_info |= kCpuHasMIPS;
#if defined(__loongarch__) && defined(__linux__)
cpu_info = LoongarchCpuCaps();
cpu_info |= kCpuHasLOONGARCH;
#if defined(__arm__) || defined(__aarch64__)
#if defined(__aarch64__) && defined(__linux__)
// getauxval is supported since Android SDK version 18, minimum at time of
// writing is 21, so should be safe to always use this. If getauxval is
// somehow disabled then getauxval returns 0, which will leave Neon enabled
// since Neon is mandatory on AArch64.
unsigned long hwcap = getauxval(AT_HWCAP);
unsigned long hwcap2 = getauxval(AT_HWCAP2);
cpu_info = AArch64CpuCaps(hwcap, hwcap2);
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
cpu_info = AArch64CpuCaps();
// gcc -mfpu=neon defines __ARM_NEON__
// __ARM_NEON__ generates code that requires Neon. NaCL also requires Neon.
// For Linux, /proc/cpuinfo can be tested but without that assume Neon.
// Linux arm parse text file for neon detect.
cpu_info = ArmCpuCaps("/proc/cpuinfo");
cpu_info |= kCpuHasARM;
#endif // __arm__
#if defined(__riscv) && defined(__linux__)
cpu_info = RiscvCpuCaps("/proc/cpuinfo");
cpu_info |= kCpuHasRISCV;
#endif // __riscv
cpu_info |= kCpuInitialized;
return cpu_info;
// Note that use of this function is not thread safe.
int MaskCpuFlags(int enable_flags) {
int cpu_info = GetCpuFlags() & enable_flags;
return cpu_info;
int InitCpuFlags(void) {
return MaskCpuFlags(-1);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
} // namespace libyuv