[libxml] remove Makefile from sources

This change removes the Makefile.am item from the sources list, enabling
the library to build correctly.

Test: added libxml2 as local dep, built fuchsia
Change-Id: Ib8f0d793b14c7d2b0f7adde25600176907ff9680
1 file changed
tree: 85770900d48a69834dd885e5f8198118e55dc1f3
  1. bakefile/
  2. doc/
  3. example/
  4. include/
  5. macos/
  6. optim/
  7. os400/
  8. python/
  9. result/
  10. test/
  11. vms/
  12. VxWorks/
  13. win32/
  14. xstc/
  15. .gitignore
  16. acinclude.m4
  18. autogen.sh
  19. buf.c
  20. buf.h
  21. BUILD.gn
  22. build_glob.py
  23. c14n.c
  24. catalog.c
  25. ChangeLog
  26. check-relaxng-test-suite.py
  27. check-relaxng-test-suite2.py
  28. check-xinclude-test-suite.py
  29. check-xml-test-suite.py
  30. check-xsddata-test-suite.py
  31. chvalid.c
  32. chvalid.def
  33. config.h
  34. configure.ac
  35. Copyright
  36. dbgen.pl
  37. dbgenattr.pl
  38. debugXML.c
  39. dict.c
  40. DOCBparser.c
  41. elfgcchack.h
  42. enc.h
  43. encoding.c
  44. entities.c
  45. error.c
  46. genChRanges.py
  47. gentest.py
  48. genUnicode.py
  49. global.data
  50. globals.c
  52. hash.c
  53. HTMLparser.c
  54. HTMLtree.c
  55. INSTALL.libxml2
  56. legacy.c
  57. libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.in
  58. libxml-2.0.pc.in
  59. libxml.3
  60. libxml.h
  61. libxml.m4
  62. libxml.spec.in
  63. libxml2-config.cmake.in
  64. libxml2.doap
  65. libxml2.syms
  66. list.c
  68. Makefile.am
  69. Makefile.tests
  70. Makefile.win
  71. nanoftp.c
  72. nanohttp.c
  73. NEWS
  74. parser.c
  75. parserInternals.c
  76. pattern.c
  77. README
  78. README.cvs-commits
  79. README.fuchsia
  80. README.tests
  81. regressions.py
  82. regressions.xml
  83. relaxng.c
  84. rngparser.c
  85. runsuite.c
  86. runtest.c
  87. runxmlconf.c
  88. save.h
  89. SAX.c
  90. SAX2.c
  91. schematron.c
  92. testapi.c
  93. testAutomata.c
  94. testC14N.c
  95. testchar.c
  96. testdict.c
  97. testdso.c
  98. testHTML.c
  99. testlimits.c
  100. testModule.c
  101. testOOM.c
  102. testOOMlib.c
  103. testOOMlib.h
  104. testReader.c
  105. testrecurse.c
  106. testRegexp.c
  107. testRelax.c
  108. testSAX.c
  109. testSchemas.c
  110. testThreads.c
  111. testThreadsWin32.c
  112. testURI.c
  113. testXPath.c
  114. threads.c
  115. timsort.h
  116. TODO
  118. tree.c
  119. trio.c
  120. trio.h
  121. triodef.h
  122. trionan.c
  123. trionan.h
  124. triop.h
  125. triostr.c
  126. triostr.h
  127. uri.c
  128. valid.c
  129. xinclude.c
  130. xlink.c
  131. xml2-config.1
  132. xml2-config.in
  133. xml2Conf.sh.in
  134. xmlcatalog.c
  135. xmlIO.c
  136. xmllint.c
  137. xmlmemory.c
  138. xmlmodule.c
  139. xmlreader.c
  140. xmlregexp.c
  141. xmlsave.c
  142. xmlschemas.c
  143. xmlschemastypes.c
  144. xmlstring.c
  145. xmlunicode.c
  146. xmlwriter.c
  147. xpath.c
  148. xpointer.c
  149. xzlib.c
  150. xzlib.h