os400: fix various ILE/RPG types definitions. Adjust build scripts.
    - A typo caused an undefined symbol reference.
    - A structure field name did not match the corresponding C name due to a typo.
    - Some structured fields were not properly aligned.
    - The long/ulong types were wrongly mapped to 64-bit types.
    - A typo in a /include directive caused a compilation error.
    - Doc files copy now converts from UTF-8 and split long lines.
    - Adjust /include file name mapping translation for proper prefix handling.
23 files changed
tree: 284392723764d10d562b0b440e35c1ea9e489368
  1. bakefile/
  2. doc/
  3. example/
  4. include/
  5. macos/
  6. optim/
  7. os400/
  8. python/
  9. result/
  10. test/
  11. vms/
  12. VxWorks/
  13. win32/
  14. xstc/
  15. .gitignore
  16. acinclude.m4
  18. autogen.sh
  19. buf.c
  20. buf.h
  21. build_glob.py
  22. c14n.c
  23. catalog.c
  24. ChangeLog
  25. check-relaxng-test-suite.py
  26. check-relaxng-test-suite2.py
  27. check-xinclude-test-suite.py
  28. check-xml-test-suite.py
  29. check-xsddata-test-suite.py
  30. chvalid.c
  31. chvalid.def
  32. configure.ac
  33. Copyright
  34. dbgen.pl
  35. dbgenattr.pl
  36. debugXML.c
  37. dict.c
  38. DOCBparser.c
  39. elfgcchack.h
  40. enc.h
  41. encoding.c
  42. entities.c
  43. error.c
  44. genChRanges.py
  45. gentest.py
  46. genUnicode.py
  47. global.data
  48. globals.c
  50. hash.c
  51. HTMLparser.c
  52. HTMLtree.c
  53. INSTALL.libxml2
  54. legacy.c
  55. libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.in
  56. libxml-2.0.pc.in
  57. libxml.3
  58. libxml.h
  59. libxml.m4
  60. libxml.spec.in
  61. libxml2-config.cmake.in
  62. libxml2.doap
  63. libxml2.syms
  64. list.c
  66. Makefile.am
  67. Makefile.tests
  68. Makefile.win
  69. nanoftp.c
  70. nanohttp.c
  71. NEWS
  72. parser.c
  73. parserInternals.c
  74. pattern.c
  75. README
  76. README.cvs-commits
  77. README.tests
  78. regressions.py
  79. regressions.xml
  80. relaxng.c
  81. rngparser.c
  82. runsuite.c
  83. runtest.c
  84. runxmlconf.c
  85. save.h
  86. SAX.c
  87. SAX2.c
  88. schematron.c
  89. testapi.c
  90. testAutomata.c
  91. testC14N.c
  92. testchar.c
  93. testdict.c
  94. testdso.c
  95. testHTML.c
  96. testlimits.c
  97. testModule.c
  98. testOOM.c
  99. testOOMlib.c
  100. testOOMlib.h
  101. testReader.c
  102. testrecurse.c
  103. testRegexp.c
  104. testRelax.c
  105. testSAX.c
  106. testSchemas.c
  107. testThreads.c
  108. testThreadsWin32.c
  109. testURI.c
  110. testXPath.c
  111. threads.c
  112. timsort.h
  113. TODO
  115. tree.c
  116. trio.c
  117. trio.h
  118. triodef.h
  119. trionan.c
  120. trionan.h
  121. triop.h
  122. triostr.c
  123. triostr.h
  124. uri.c
  125. valid.c
  126. xinclude.c
  127. xlink.c
  128. xml2-config.1
  129. xml2-config.in
  130. xml2Conf.sh.in
  131. xmlcatalog.c
  132. xmlIO.c
  133. xmllint.c
  134. xmlmemory.c
  135. xmlmodule.c
  136. xmlreader.c
  137. xmlregexp.c
  138. xmlsave.c
  139. xmlschemas.c
  140. xmlschemastypes.c
  141. xmlstring.c
  142. xmlunicode.c
  143. xmlwriter.c
  144. xpath.c
  145. xpointer.c
  146. xzlib.c
  147. xzlib.h