Update Android build instr. for ARMv8, PIE, etc.

* Include information on how to do a 64-bit ARMv8 build with the latest
* Suggest -fPIE and -pie as default CFLAGS (required for android-16 and
* Remove -fstrict-aliasing flag (-Wall already includes it)
1 file changed
tree: 94d07c94efb0ea5bf01a1e0f175287f8e8e2c2f9
  1. cmakescripts/
  2. doc/
  3. java/
  4. md5/
  5. release/
  6. sharedlib/
  7. simd/
  8. testimages/
  9. win/
  10. .gitignore
  11. acinclude.m4
  12. bmp.c
  13. bmp.h
  14. BUILDING.md
  15. cderror.h
  16. cdjpeg.c
  17. cdjpeg.h
  18. change.log
  19. ChangeLog.txt
  20. cjpeg.1
  21. cjpeg.c
  22. CMakeLists.txt
  23. coderules.txt
  24. configure.ac
  25. djpeg.1
  26. djpeg.c
  27. doxygen-extra.css
  28. doxygen.config
  29. example.c
  30. jaricom.c
  31. jcapimin.c
  32. jcapistd.c
  33. jcarith.c
  34. jccoefct.c
  35. jccolext.c
  36. jccolor.c
  37. jcdctmgr.c
  38. jchuff.c
  39. jchuff.h
  40. jcinit.c
  41. jcmainct.c
  42. jcmarker.c
  43. jcmaster.c
  44. jcomapi.c
  45. jconfig.h.in
  46. jconfig.txt
  47. jconfigint.h.in
  48. jcparam.c
  49. jcphuff.c
  50. jcprepct.c
  51. jcsample.c
  52. jcstest.c
  53. jctrans.c
  54. jdapimin.c
  55. jdapistd.c
  56. jdarith.c
  57. jdatadst-tj.c
  58. jdatadst.c
  59. jdatasrc-tj.c
  60. jdatasrc.c
  61. jdcoefct.c
  62. jdcoefct.h
  63. jdcol565.c
  64. jdcolext.c
  65. jdcolor.c
  66. jdct.h
  67. jddctmgr.c
  68. jdhuff.c
  69. jdhuff.h
  70. jdinput.c
  71. jdmainct.c
  72. jdmainct.h
  73. jdmarker.c
  74. jdmaster.c
  75. jdmerge.c
  76. jdmrg565.c
  77. jdmrgext.c
  78. jdphuff.c
  79. jdpostct.c
  80. jdsample.c
  81. jdsample.h
  82. jdtrans.c
  83. jerror.c
  84. jerror.h
  85. jfdctflt.c
  86. jfdctfst.c
  87. jfdctint.c
  88. jidctflt.c
  89. jidctfst.c
  90. jidctint.c
  91. jidctred.c
  92. jinclude.h
  93. jmemmgr.c
  94. jmemnobs.c
  95. jmemsys.h
  96. jmorecfg.h
  97. jpeg_nbits_table.h
  98. jpegcomp.h
  99. jpegint.h
  100. jpeglib.h
  101. jpegtran.1
  102. jpegtran.c
  103. jquant1.c
  104. jquant2.c
  105. jsimd.h
  106. jsimd_none.c
  107. jsimddct.h
  108. jstdhuff.c
  109. jutils.c
  110. jversion.h
  111. libjpeg.map.in
  112. libjpeg.txt
  113. LICENSE.md
  114. Makefile.am
  115. rdbmp.c
  116. rdcolmap.c
  117. rdgif.c
  118. rdjpgcom.1
  119. rdjpgcom.c
  120. rdppm.c
  121. rdrle.c
  122. rdswitch.c
  123. rdtarga.c
  124. README.ijg
  125. README.md
  126. structure.txt
  127. tjbench.c
  128. tjbenchtest.in
  129. tjbenchtest.java.in
  130. tjexampletest.in
  131. tjunittest.c
  132. tjutil.c
  133. tjutil.h
  134. transupp.c
  135. transupp.h
  136. turbojpeg-jni.c
  137. turbojpeg-mapfile
  138. turbojpeg-mapfile.jni
  139. turbojpeg.c
  140. turbojpeg.h
  141. usage.txt
  142. wizard.txt
  143. wrbmp.c
  144. wrgif.c
  145. wrjpgcom.1
  146. wrjpgcom.c
  147. wrppm.c
  148. wrrle.c
  149. wrtarga.c