blob: cc322d4784ffa8b9da73fdf09265961681609114 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "sortedcache.h"
int git_sortedcache_new(
git_sortedcache **out,
size_t item_path_offset,
git_sortedcache_free_item_fn free_item,
void *free_item_payload,
git_vector_cmp item_cmp,
const char *path)
git_sortedcache *sc;
size_t pathlen, alloclen;
pathlen = path ? strlen(path) : 0;
GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_sortedcache), pathlen);
GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, alloclen, 1);
sc = git__calloc(1, alloclen);
git_pool_init(&sc->pool, 1);
if (git_vector_init(&sc->items, 4, item_cmp) < 0 ||
git_strmap_alloc(&sc->map) < 0)
goto fail;
if (git_rwlock_init(&sc->lock)) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "failed to initialize lock");
goto fail;
sc->item_path_offset = item_path_offset;
sc->free_item = free_item;
sc->free_item_payload = free_item_payload;
if (pathlen)
memcpy(sc->path, path, pathlen);
*out = sc;
return 0;
return -1;
void git_sortedcache_incref(git_sortedcache *sc)
const char *git_sortedcache_path(git_sortedcache *sc)
return sc->path;
static void sortedcache_clear(git_sortedcache *sc)
if (sc->free_item) {
size_t i;
void *item;
git_vector_foreach(&sc->items, i, item) {
sc->free_item(sc->free_item_payload, item);
static void sortedcache_free(git_sortedcache *sc)
/* acquire write lock to make sure everyone else is done */
if (git_sortedcache_wlock(sc) < 0)
void git_sortedcache_free(git_sortedcache *sc)
if (!sc)
GIT_REFCOUNT_DEC(sc, sortedcache_free);
static int sortedcache_copy_item(void *payload, void *tgt_item, void *src_item)
git_sortedcache *sc = payload;
/* path will already have been copied by upsert */
memcpy(tgt_item, src_item, sc->item_path_offset);
return 0;
/* copy a sorted cache */
int git_sortedcache_copy(
git_sortedcache **out,
git_sortedcache *src,
bool lock,
int (*copy_item)(void *payload, void *tgt_item, void *src_item),
void *payload)
int error = 0;
git_sortedcache *tgt;
size_t i;
void *src_item, *tgt_item;
/* just use memcpy if no special copy fn is passed in */
if (!copy_item) {
copy_item = sortedcache_copy_item;
payload = src;
if ((error = git_sortedcache_new(
&tgt, src->item_path_offset,
src->free_item, src->free_item_payload,
src->items._cmp, src->path)) < 0)
return error;
if (lock && git_sortedcache_rlock(src) < 0) {
return -1;
git_vector_foreach(&src->items, i, src_item) {
char *path = ((char *)src_item) + src->item_path_offset;
if ((error = git_sortedcache_upsert(&tgt_item, tgt, path)) < 0 ||
(error = copy_item(payload, tgt_item, src_item)) < 0)
if (lock)
if (error)
*out = !error ? tgt : NULL;
return error;
/* lock sortedcache while making modifications */
int git_sortedcache_wlock(git_sortedcache *sc)
GIT_UNUSED(sc); /* prevent warning when compiled w/o threads */
if (git_rwlock_wrlock(&sc->lock) < 0) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "unable to acquire write lock on cache");
return -1;
return 0;
/* unlock sorted cache when done with modifications */
void git_sortedcache_wunlock(git_sortedcache *sc)
/* lock sortedcache for read */
int git_sortedcache_rlock(git_sortedcache *sc)
GIT_UNUSED(sc); /* prevent warning when compiled w/o threads */
if (git_rwlock_rdlock(&sc->lock) < 0) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "unable to acquire read lock on cache");
return -1;
return 0;
/* unlock sorted cache when done reading */
void git_sortedcache_runlock(git_sortedcache *sc)
GIT_UNUSED(sc); /* prevent warning when compiled w/o threads */
/* if the file has changed, lock cache and load file contents into buf;
* returns <0 on error, >0 if file has not changed
int git_sortedcache_lockandload(git_sortedcache *sc, git_buf *buf)
int error, fd;
struct stat st;
if ((error = git_sortedcache_wlock(sc)) < 0)
return error;
if ((error = git_futils_filestamp_check(&sc->stamp, sc->path)) <= 0)
goto unlock;
if ((fd = git_futils_open_ro(sc->path)) < 0) {
error = fd;
goto unlock;
if (p_fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
giterr_set(GITERR_OS, "failed to stat file");
error = -1;
goto unlock;
if (!git__is_sizet(st.st_size)) {
giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "unable to load file larger than size_t");
error = -1;
goto unlock;
if (buf)
error = git_futils_readbuffer_fd(buf, fd, (size_t)st.st_size);
if (error < 0)
goto unlock;
return 1; /* return 1 -> file needs reload and was successfully loaded */
return error;
void git_sortedcache_updated(git_sortedcache *sc)
/* update filestamp to latest value */
git_futils_filestamp_check(&sc->stamp, sc->path);
/* release all items in sorted cache */
int git_sortedcache_clear(git_sortedcache *sc, bool wlock)
if (wlock && git_sortedcache_wlock(sc) < 0)
return -1;
if (wlock)
return 0;
/* find and/or insert item, returning pointer to item data */
int git_sortedcache_upsert(void **out, git_sortedcache *sc, const char *key)
int error = 0;
khiter_t pos;
void *item;
size_t keylen, itemlen;
char *item_key;
pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(sc->map, key);
if (git_strmap_valid_index(sc->map, pos)) {
item = git_strmap_value_at(sc->map, pos);
goto done;
keylen = strlen(key);
itemlen = sc->item_path_offset + keylen + 1;
itemlen = (itemlen + 7) & ~7;
if ((item = git_pool_mallocz(&sc->pool, (uint32_t)itemlen)) == NULL) {
/* don't use GITERR_CHECK_ALLOC b/c of lock */
error = -1;
goto done;
/* one strange thing is that even if the vector or hash table insert
* fail, there is no way to free the pool item so we just abandon it
item_key = ((char *)item) + sc->item_path_offset;
memcpy(item_key, key, keylen);
pos = git_strmap_put(sc->map, item_key, &error);
if (error < 0)
goto done;
if (!error)
git_strmap_set_key_at(sc->map, pos, item_key);
git_strmap_set_value_at(sc->map, pos, item);
error = git_vector_insert(&sc->items, item);
if (error < 0)
git_strmap_delete_at(sc->map, pos);
if (out)
*out = !error ? item : NULL;
return error;
/* lookup item by key */
void *git_sortedcache_lookup(const git_sortedcache *sc, const char *key)
khiter_t pos = git_strmap_lookup_index(sc->map, key);
if (git_strmap_valid_index(sc->map, pos))
return git_strmap_value_at(sc->map, pos);
return NULL;
/* find out how many items are in the cache */
size_t git_sortedcache_entrycount(const git_sortedcache *sc)
return git_vector_length(&sc->items);
/* lookup item by index */
void *git_sortedcache_entry(git_sortedcache *sc, size_t pos)
/* make sure the items are sorted so this gets the correct item */
if (!git_vector_is_sorted(&sc->items))
return git_vector_get(&sc->items, pos);
/* helper struct so bsearch callback can know offset + key value for cmp */
struct sortedcache_magic_key {
size_t offset;
const char *key;
static int sortedcache_magic_cmp(const void *key, const void *value)
const struct sortedcache_magic_key *magic = key;
const char *value_key = ((const char *)value) + magic->offset;
return strcmp(magic->key, value_key);
/* lookup index of item by key */
int git_sortedcache_lookup_index(
size_t *out, git_sortedcache *sc, const char *key)
struct sortedcache_magic_key magic;
magic.offset = sc->item_path_offset;
magic.key = key;
return git_vector_bsearch2(out, &sc->items, sortedcache_magic_cmp, &magic);
/* remove entry from cache */
int git_sortedcache_remove(git_sortedcache *sc, size_t pos)
char *item;
khiter_t mappos;
/* because of pool allocation, this can't actually remove the item,
* but we can remove it from the items vector and the hash table.
if ((item = git_vector_get(&sc->items, pos)) == NULL) {
giterr_set(GITERR_INVALID, "removing item out of range");
(void)git_vector_remove(&sc->items, pos);
mappos = git_strmap_lookup_index(sc->map, item + sc->item_path_offset);
git_strmap_delete_at(sc->map, mappos);
if (sc->free_item)
sc->free_item(sc->free_item_payload, item);
return 0;