#define JSON_DIAGNOSTICS /* value */

This macro enables extended diagnostics for exception messages. Possible values are 1 to enable or 0 to disable (default).

When enabled, exception messages contain a JSON Pointer to the JSON value that triggered the exception. Note that enabling this macro increases the size of every JSON value by one pointer and adds some runtime overhead.

Default definition

The default value is 0 (extended diagnostics are switched off).


When the macro is not defined, the library will define it to its default value.


!!! note “ABI compatibility”

As of version 3.11.0, this macro is no longer required to be defined consistently throughout a codebase to avoid
One Definition Rule (ODR) violations, as the value of this macro is encoded in the namespace, resulting in distinct
symbol names. 

This allows different parts of a codebase to use different versions or configurations of this library without
causing improper behavior.

Where possible, it is still recommended that all code define this the same way for maximum interoperability.

!!! hint “CMake option”

Diagnostic messages can also be controlled with the CMake option
[`JSON_Diagnostics`](../../integration/cmake.md#json_diagnostics) (`OFF` by default)
which defines `JSON_DIAGNOSTICS` accordingly.


??? example “Example 1: default behavior”

--8<-- "examples/diagnostics_standard.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/diagnostics_standard.output"

This exception can be hard to debug if storing the value `#!c "12"` and accessing it is further apart.

??? example “Example 2: extended diagnostic messages”

--8<-- "examples/diagnostics_extended.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/diagnostics_extended.output"

Now the exception message contains a JSON Pointer `/address/housenumber` that indicates which value has the wrong type.

Version history

  • Added in version 3.10.0.
  • As of version 3.11.0 the definition is allowed to vary between translation units.