
template<class... Args>
reference emplace_back(Args&& ... args);

Creates a JSON value from the passed parameters args to the end of the JSON value. If the function is called on a JSON #!json null value, an empty array is created before appending the value created from args.

Template parameters

Args : compatible types to create a basic_json object


args (in) : arguments to forward to a constructor of basic_json

Return value

reference to the inserted element


Throws type_error.311 when called on a type other than JSON array or #!json null; example: "cannot use emplace_back() with number"


Amortized constant.


??? example

The example shows how `emplace_back()` can be used to add elements to a JSON array. Note how the `null` value was
silently converted to a JSON array.
--8<-- "examples/emplace_back.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/emplace_back.output"

Version history

  • Since version 2.0.8.
  • Returns reference since 3.7.0.