
size_type max_size() const noexcept;

Returns the maximum number of elements a JSON value is able to hold due to system or library implementation limitations, i.e. std::distance(begin(), end()) for the JSON value.

Return value

The return value depends on the different types and is defined as follows:

Value typereturn value
null0 (same as size())
boolean1 (same as size())
string1 (same as size())
number1 (same as size())
binary1 (same as size())
objectresult of function object_t::max_size()
arrayresult of function array_t::max_size()

Exception safety

No-throw guarantee: this function never throws exceptions.


Constant, as long as array_t and object_t satisfy the Container concept; that is, their max_size() functions have constant complexity.


This function does not return the maximal length of a string stored as JSON value -- it returns the maximal number of string elements the JSON value can store which is 1.


??? example

The following code calls `max_size()` on the different value types.
--8<-- "examples/max_size.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/max_size.output"

Note the output is platform-dependent.

Version history

  • Added in version 1.0.0.
  • Extended to return 1 for binary types in version 3.8.0.