
// (1)
iterator find(const typename object_t::key_type& key);
const_iterator find(const typename object_t::key_type& key) const;

// (2)
template<typename KeyType>
iterator find(KeyType&& key);
template<typename KeyType>
const_iterator find(KeyType&& key) const;
  1. Finds an element in a JSON object with a key equivalent to key. If the element is not found or the JSON value is not an object, end() is returned.
  2. See 1. This overload is only available if KeyType is comparable with #!cpp typename object_t::key_type and #!cpp typename object_comparator_t::is_transparent denotes a type.

Template parameters

KeyType : A type for an object key other than json_pointer that is comparable with string_t using object_comparator_t. This can also be a string view (C++17).


key (in) : key value of the element to search for.

Return value

Iterator to an element with a key equivalent to key. If no such element is found or the JSON value is not an object, a past-the-end iterator (see end()) is returned.

Exception safety

Strong exception safety: if an exception occurs, the original value stays intact.


Logarithmic in the size of the JSON object.


This method always returns end() when executed on a JSON type that is not an object.


??? example “Example: (1) find object element by key”

The example shows how `find()` is used.

--8<-- "examples/find__object_t_key_type.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/find__object_t_key_type.output"

??? example “Example: (2) find object element by key using string_view”

The example shows how `find()` is used.

--8<-- "examples/find__keytype.c++17.cpp"


--8<-- "examples/find__keytype.c++17.output"

See also

Version history

  1. Added in version 3.11.0.
  2. Added in version 1.0.0. Changed to support comparable types in version 3.11.0.