Change the type of icudata target to none

When icu_use_data_file_flag==1, nothing is done other than copying
icudtl.dat. [1]  Therefore, the type is changed to 'none' from

Although I couldn't locally reproduce the problme, one of iOS try bots
tried to link with libicudata.a [2] and failed when the type is 'static_library'.
This change should fix the problem.

[1] moved stubdata.c to icuuc.
[2] PS 14 has the above change in
icu.gyp. ios_dbg_simulator_ng failed to link looking for libicudata.a in the
1st try. When I ran the trybot again, the compile went through.

TEST=All bots (including iOS bots) can build successfully.

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1 file changed