//pkg/state fixes for VFS2.

- When encodeState.resolve() determines that the resolved reflect.Value is
  contained by a previously-resolved object, set wire.Ref.Type to the
  containing object's type (existing.obj.Type()) rather than the contained
  value's type (obj.Type()).

- When encodeState.resolve() determines that the resolved reflect.Value
  contains a previously-resolved object, handle cases where the new object
  contains *multiple* previously-resolved objects. (This may cause
  previously-allocated object IDs to become unused; to facilitate this, change
  encodeState.pending to a map, and change the wire format to prefix each
  object with its object ID.)

- Add encodeState.encodedStructs to avoid redundant encoding of structs, since
  deduplication of objects via encodeState.resolve() doesn't work for objects
  instantiated by StateSave() and passed to SaveValue() (i.e. fields tagged

- Make unexported array fields deserializable via slices that refer to them by
  casting away their unexportedness in decodeState.decodeObject().

Updates #1663

PiperOrigin-RevId: 338727687
4 files changed
tree: 62315408e3b50c20d4ce6ffa87fdfead5406a2bc
  1. pkg/
  3. go.mod
  4. go.sum