tree: 9248ee5b7a49e6a858795adb8bfb4a3107539055 [path history] [tgz]
  1. doc.go
  2. frame.go
  3. frameheader.go
  4. go.mod
  5. goaway.go
  6. http1frame.go
  7. http2interop.go
  8. http2interop_test.go
  9. ping.go
  11. s6.5.go
  12. s6.5_test.go
  13. settings.go
  14. testsuite.go
  15. unknownframe.go

HTTP/2 Interop Tests

This is a suite of tests that check a server to see if it plays nicely with other HTTP/2 clients. To run, just type:

go test -spec :1234

Where “:1234” is the ip:port of a running server.