blob: cedee793a13805c40d6a93dfa9f6b66737797b95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, Suryandaru Triandana <>
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package leveldb
import (
. ""
. ""
var _ = testutil.Defer(func() {
Describe("Leveldb external", func() {
o := &opt.Options{
BlockCache: opt.NoCache,
BlockRestartInterval: 5,
BlockSize: 50,
Compression: opt.NoCompression,
CachedOpenFiles: -1,
Strict: opt.StrictAll,
WriteBuffer: 1000,
Describe("write test", func() {
It("should do write correctly", func(done Done) {
db := newTestingDB(o, nil, nil)
t := testutil.DBTesting{
DB: db,
Deleted: testutil.KeyValue_Generate(nil, 500, 1, 50, 5, 5).Clone(),
done <- true
}, 20.0)
Describe("read test", func() {
testutil.AllKeyValueTesting(nil, nil, func(kv testutil.KeyValue) testutil.DB {
// Building the DB.
db := newTestingDB(o, nil, nil)
kv.IterateShuffled(nil, func(i int, key, value []byte) {
err := db.TestPut(key, value)
return db
}, func(db testutil.DB) {