blob: cd16b96ea719ef849cb061a5a86567414c6ea52f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
exec wasmedge --dir=/ --env PWD="$PWD" --env PATH="$PATH" ${GOWASIRUNTIMEARGS:-} "$1" "${@:2}"
exec wasmer run --dir=/ --env PWD="$PWD" --env PATH="$PATH" ${GOWASIRUNTIMEARGS:-} "$1" -- "${@:2}"
exec wazero run -mount /:/ -env-inherit -cachedir "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/wazero ${GOWASIRUNTIMEARGS:-} "$1" "${@:2}"
"wasmtime" | "")
# Match the major version in "wasmtime-cli 14.0.0". For versions before 14
# we need to use the old CLI. This requires Bash v3.0 and above.
# TODO(johanbrandhorst): Remove this condition once 1.22 is released.
# From 1.23 onwards we'll only support the new wasmtime CLI.
if [[ "$(wasmtime --version)" =~ wasmtime-cli[[:space:]]([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ && "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" -lt 14 ]]; then
exec wasmtime run --dir=/ --env PWD="$PWD" --env PATH="$PATH" --max-wasm-stack 1048576 ${GOWASIRUNTIMEARGS:-} "$1" -- "${@:2}"
exec wasmtime run --dir=/ --env PWD="$PWD" --env PATH="$PATH" -W max-wasm-stack=1048576 ${GOWASIRUNTIMEARGS:-} "$1" "${@:2}"
echo "Unknown Go WASI runtime specified: $GOWASIRUNTIME"
exit 1