blob: 42334eae9499be7b4924d7b72304ee198894e6b8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
import (
cmdcovdata "cmd/covdata"
// testcovdata returns the path to the unit test executable to be used as
// standin for 'go tool covdata'.
func testcovdata(t testing.TB) string {
exe, err := os.Executable()
if err != nil {
return exe
// Top level tempdir for test.
var testTempDir string
// If set, this will preserve all the tmpdir files from the test run.
var preserveTmp = flag.Bool("preservetmp", false, "keep tmpdir files for debugging")
// TestMain used here so that we can leverage the test executable
// itself as a cmd/covdata executable; compare to similar usage in
// the cmd/go tests.
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
// When CMDCOVDATA_TEST_RUN_MAIN is set, we're reusing the test
// binary as cmd/cover. In this case we run the main func exported
// via export_test.go, and exit; CMDCOVDATA_TEST_RUN_MAIN is set below
// for actual test invocations.
if os.Getenv("CMDCOVDATA_TEST_RUN_MAIN") != "" {
topTmpdir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "cmd-covdata-test-")
if err != nil {
testTempDir = topTmpdir
if !*preserveTmp {
defer os.RemoveAll(topTmpdir)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "debug: preserving tmpdir %s\n", topTmpdir)
os.Setenv("CMDCOVDATA_TEST_RUN_MAIN", "true")
var tdmu sync.Mutex
var tdcount int
func tempDir(t *testing.T) string {
dir := filepath.Join(testTempDir, fmt.Sprintf("%03d", tdcount))
if err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0777); err != nil {
defer tdmu.Unlock()
return dir
const debugtrace = false
func gobuild(t *testing.T, indir string, bargs []string) {
if debugtrace {
if indir != "" {
t.Logf("in dir %s: ", indir)
t.Logf("cmd: %s %+v\n", testenv.GoToolPath(t), bargs)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), bargs...)
cmd.Dir = indir
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if len(b) != 0 {
t.Logf("## build output:\n%s", b)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("build error: %v", err)
func emitFile(t *testing.T, dst, src string) {
payload, err := os.ReadFile(src)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("error reading %q: %v", src, err)
if err := os.WriteFile(dst, payload, 0666); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("writing %q: %v", dst, err)
const mainPkgPath = "prog"
func buildProg(t *testing.T, prog string, dir string, tag string, flags []string) (string, string) {
// Create subdirs.
subdir := filepath.Join(dir, prog+"dir"+tag)
if err := os.Mkdir(subdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", subdir, err)
depdir := filepath.Join(subdir, "dep")
if err := os.Mkdir(depdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", depdir, err)
// Emit program.
insrc := filepath.Join("testdata", prog+".go")
src := filepath.Join(subdir, prog+".go")
emitFile(t, src, insrc)
indep := filepath.Join("testdata", "dep.go")
dep := filepath.Join(depdir, "dep.go")
emitFile(t, dep, indep)
// Emit go.mod.
mod := filepath.Join(subdir, "go.mod")
modsrc := "\nmodule " + mainPkgPath + "\n\ngo 1.19\n"
if err := os.WriteFile(mod, []byte(modsrc), 0666); err != nil {
exepath := filepath.Join(subdir, prog+".exe")
bargs := []string{"build", "-cover", "-o", exepath}
bargs = append(bargs, flags...)
gobuild(t, subdir, bargs)
return exepath, subdir
type state struct {
dir string
exedir1 string
exedir2 string
exedir3 string
exepath1 string
exepath2 string
exepath3 string
tool string
outdirs [4]string
const debugWorkDir = false
func TestCovTool(t *testing.T) {
if !goexperiment.CoverageRedesign {
t.Skipf("stubbed out due to goexperiment.CoverageRedesign=false")
dir := tempDir(t)
if testing.Short() {
if debugWorkDir {
// debugging
dir = "/tmp/qqq"
os.Mkdir(dir, 0777)
s := state{
dir: dir,
s.exepath1, s.exedir1 = buildProg(t, "prog1", dir, "", nil)
s.exepath2, s.exedir2 = buildProg(t, "prog2", dir, "", nil)
flags := []string{"-covermode=atomic"}
s.exepath3, s.exedir3 = buildProg(t, "prog1", dir, "atomic", flags)
// Reuse unit test executable as tool to be tested.
s.tool = testcovdata(t)
// Create a few coverage output dirs.
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
d := filepath.Join(dir, fmt.Sprintf("covdata%d", i))
s.outdirs[i] = d
if err := os.Mkdir(d, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", d, err)
// Run instrumented program to generate some coverage data output files,
// as follows:
// <tmp>/covdata0 -- prog1.go compiled -cover
// <tmp>/covdata1 -- prog1.go compiled -cover
// <tmp>/covdata2 -- prog1.go compiled -covermode=atomic
// <tmp>/covdata3 -- prog1.go compiled -covermode=atomic
for m := 0; m < 2; m++ {
for k := 0; k < 2; k++ {
args := []string{}
if k != 0 {
args = append(args, "foo", "bar")
for i := 0; i <= k; i++ {
exepath := s.exepath1
if m != 0 {
exepath = s.exepath3
cmd := testenv.Command(t, exepath, args...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOCOVERDIR="+s.outdirs[m*2+k])
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if len(b) != 0 {
t.Logf("## instrumented run output:\n%s", b)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("instrumented run error: %v", err)
// At this point we can fork off a bunch of child tests
// to check different tool modes.
t.Run("MergeSimple", func(t *testing.T) {
testMergeSimple(t, s, s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[1], "set")
testMergeSimple(t, s, s.outdirs[2], s.outdirs[3], "atomic")
t.Run("MergeSelect", func(t *testing.T) {
testMergeSelect(t, s, s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[1], "set")
testMergeSelect(t, s, s.outdirs[2], s.outdirs[3], "atomic")
t.Run("MergePcombine", func(t *testing.T) {
testMergeCombinePrograms(t, s)
t.Run("Dump", func(t *testing.T) {
testDump(t, s)
t.Run("Percent", func(t *testing.T) {
testPercent(t, s)
t.Run("PkgList", func(t *testing.T) {
testPkgList(t, s)
t.Run("Textfmt", func(t *testing.T) {
testTextfmt(t, s)
t.Run("Subtract", func(t *testing.T) {
testSubtract(t, s)
t.Run("Intersect", func(t *testing.T) {
testIntersect(t, s, s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[1], "set")
testIntersect(t, s, s.outdirs[2], s.outdirs[3], "atomic")
t.Run("CounterClash", func(t *testing.T) {
testCounterClash(t, s)
t.Run("TestEmpty", func(t *testing.T) {
testEmpty(t, s)
t.Run("TestCommandLineErrors", func(t *testing.T) {
testCommandLineErrors(t, s, s.outdirs[0])
const showToolInvocations = true
func runToolOp(t *testing.T, s state, op string, args []string) []string {
// Perform tool run.
args = append([]string{op}, args...)
if showToolInvocations {
t.Logf("%s cmd is: %s %+v", op, s.tool, args)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, s.tool, args...)
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "## %s output: %s\n", op, string(b))
t.Fatalf("%q run error: %v", op, err)
output := strings.TrimSpace(string(b))
lines := strings.Split(output, "\n")
if len(lines) == 1 && lines[0] == "" {
lines = nil
return lines
func testDump(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Run the dumper on the two dirs we generated.
dargs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath, "-live", "-i=" + s.outdirs[0] + "," + s.outdirs[1]}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "debugdump", dargs)
// Sift through the output to make sure it has some key elements.
testpoints := []struct {
tag string
re *regexp.Regexp
regexp.MustCompile(`^data file .+ GOOS=.+ GOARCH=.+ program args: .+$`),
"main package",
regexp.MustCompile(`^Package path: ` + mainPkgPath + `\s*$`),
"main function",
regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: main\s*$`),
bad := false
for _, testpoint := range testpoints {
found := false
for _, line := range lines {
if m :=; m != nil {
found = true
if !found {
t.Errorf("dump output regexp match failed for %q", testpoint.tag)
bad = true
if bad {
func testPercent(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Run the dumper on the two dirs we generated.
dargs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath, "-i=" + s.outdirs[0] + "," + s.outdirs[1]}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "percent", dargs)
// Sift through the output to make sure it has the needful.
testpoints := []struct {
tag string
re *regexp.Regexp
"statement coverage percent",
regexp.MustCompile(`coverage: \d+\.\d% of statements\s*$`),
bad := false
for _, testpoint := range testpoints {
found := false
for _, line := range lines {
if m :=; m != nil {
found = true
if !found {
t.Errorf("percent output regexp match failed for %s", testpoint.tag)
bad = true
if bad {
func testPkgList(t *testing.T, s state) {
dargs := []string{"-i=" + s.outdirs[0] + "," + s.outdirs[1]}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "pkglist", dargs)
want := []string{mainPkgPath, mainPkgPath + "/dep"}
bad := false
if len(lines) != 2 {
t.Errorf("expect pkglist to return two lines")
bad = true
} else {
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
lines[i] = strings.TrimSpace(lines[i])
if want[i] != lines[i] {
t.Errorf("line %d want %s got %s", i, want[i], lines[i])
bad = true
if bad {
func testTextfmt(t *testing.T, s state) {
outf := s.dir + "/" + "t.txt"
dargs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath, "-i=" + s.outdirs[0] + "," + s.outdirs[1],
"-o", outf}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "textfmt", dargs)
// No output expected.
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("unexpected output from go tool covdata textfmt")
// Open and read the first few bits of the file.
payload, err := os.ReadFile(outf)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("opening %s: %v\n", outf, err)
lines = strings.Split(string(payload), "\n")
want0 := "mode: set"
if lines[0] != want0 {
t.Errorf("textfmt: want %s got %s", want0, lines[0])
want1 := mainPkgPath + "/prog1.go:13.14,15.2 1 1"
if lines[1] != want1 {
t.Errorf("textfmt: want %s got %s", want1, lines[1])
func dumplines(lines []string) {
for i := range lines {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", lines[i])
type dumpCheck struct {
tag string
re *regexp.Regexp
negate bool
nonzero bool
zero bool
// runDumpChecks examines the output of "go tool covdata debugdump"
// for a given output directory, looking for the presence or absence
// of specific markers.
func runDumpChecks(t *testing.T, s state, dir string, flags []string, checks []dumpCheck) {
dargs := []string{"-i", dir}
dargs = append(dargs, flags...)
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "debugdump", dargs)
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("dump run produced no output")
bad := false
for _, check := range checks {
found := false
for _, line := range lines {
if m :=; m != nil {
found = true
if check.negate {
t.Errorf("tag %q: unexpected match", check.tag)
bad = true
if check.nonzero || {
if len(m) < 2 {
t.Errorf("tag %s: submatch failed (short m)", check.tag)
bad = true
if m[1] == "" {
t.Errorf("tag %s: submatch failed", check.tag)
bad = true
i, err := strconv.Atoi(m[1])
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tag %s: match Atoi failed on %s",
check.tag, m[1])
if && i != 0 {
t.Errorf("tag %s: match zero failed on %s",
check.tag, m[1])
} else if check.nonzero && i == 0 {
t.Errorf("tag %s: match nonzero failed on %s",
check.tag, m[1])
if !found && !check.negate {
t.Errorf("dump output regexp match failed for %s", check.tag)
bad = true
if bad {
fmt.Printf("output from 'dump' run:\n")
func testMergeSimple(t *testing.T, s state, indir1, indir2, tag string) {
outdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "simpleMergeOut"+tag)
if err := os.Mkdir(outdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", outdir, err)
// Merge the two dirs into a final result.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s", indir1, indir2)
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", outdir)
margs := []string{ins, out}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "merge", margs)
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("merge run produced %d lines of unexpected output", len(lines))
// We expect the merge tool to produce exactly two files: a meta
// data file and a counter file. If we get more than just this one
// pair, something went wrong.
podlist, err := pods.CollectPods([]string{outdir}, true)
if err != nil {
if len(podlist) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 pod, got %d pods", len(podlist))
ncdfs := len(podlist[0].CounterDataFiles)
if ncdfs != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 counter data file, got %d", ncdfs)
// Sift through the output to make sure it has some key elements.
// In particular, we want to see entries for all three functions
// ("first", "second", and "third").
testpoints := []dumpCheck{
tag: "first function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: first\s*$`),
tag: "second function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: second\s*$`),
tag: "third function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: third\s*$`),
tag: "third function unit 0",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^0: L23:C23 -- L24:C12 NS=1 = (\d+)$`),
nonzero: true,
tag: "third function unit 1",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^1: L27:C2 -- L28:C10 NS=2 = (\d+)$`),
nonzero: true,
tag: "third function unit 2",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^2: L24:C12 -- L26:C3 NS=1 = (\d+)$`),
nonzero: true,
flags := []string{"-live", "-pkg=" + mainPkgPath}
runDumpChecks(t, s, outdir, flags, testpoints)
func testMergeSelect(t *testing.T, s state, indir1, indir2 string, tag string) {
outdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "selectMergeOut"+tag)
if err := os.Mkdir(outdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", outdir, err)
// Merge two input dirs into a final result, but filter
// based on package.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s", indir1, indir2)
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", outdir)
margs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath + "/dep", ins, out}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "merge", margs)
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("merge run produced %d lines of unexpected output", len(lines))
// Dump the files in the merged output dir and examine the result.
// We expect to see only the functions in package "dep".
dargs := []string{"-i=" + outdir}
lines = runToolOp(t, s, "debugdump", dargs)
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("dump run produced no output")
want := map[string]int{
"Package path: " + mainPkgPath + "/dep": 0,
"Func: Dep1": 0,
"Func: PDep": 0,
bad := false
for _, line := range lines {
if v, ok := want[line]; ok {
if v != 0 {
t.Errorf("duplicate line %s", line)
bad = true
want[line] = 1
// no other functions or packages expected.
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "Func:") || strings.HasPrefix(line, "Package path:") {
t.Errorf("unexpected line: %s", line)
bad = true
if bad {
func testMergeCombinePrograms(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Run the new program, emitting output into a new set
// of outdirs.
runout := [2]string{}
for k := 0; k < 2; k++ {
runout[k] = filepath.Join(s.dir, fmt.Sprintf("newcovdata%d", k))
if err := os.Mkdir(runout[k], 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", runout[k], err)
args := []string{}
if k != 0 {
args = append(args, "foo", "bar")
cmd := testenv.Command(t, s.exepath2, args...)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOCOVERDIR="+runout[k])
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if len(b) != 0 {
t.Logf("## instrumented run output:\n%s", b)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("instrumented run error: %v", err)
// Create out dir for -pcombine merge.
moutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "mergeCombineOut")
if err := os.Mkdir(moutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", moutdir, err)
// Run a merge over both programs, using the -pcombine
// flag to do maximal combining.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s,%s,%s", s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[1],
runout[0], runout[1])
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", moutdir)
margs := []string{"-pcombine", ins, out}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "merge", margs)
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("merge run produced unexpected output: %v", lines)
// We expect the merge tool to produce exacty two files: a meta
// data file and a counter file. If we get more than just this one
// pair, something went wrong.
podlist, err := pods.CollectPods([]string{moutdir}, true)
if err != nil {
if len(podlist) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 pod, got %d pods", len(podlist))
ncdfs := len(podlist[0].CounterDataFiles)
if ncdfs != 1 {
t.Fatalf("expected 1 counter data file, got %d", ncdfs)
// Sift through the output to make sure it has some key elements.
testpoints := []dumpCheck{
tag: "first function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: first\s*$`),
tag: "sixth function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: sixth\s*$`),
flags := []string{"-live", "-pkg=" + mainPkgPath}
runDumpChecks(t, s, moutdir, flags, testpoints)
func testSubtract(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Create out dir for subtract merge.
soutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "subtractOut")
if err := os.Mkdir(soutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", soutdir, err)
// Subtract the two dirs into a final result.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s", s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[1])
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", soutdir)
sargs := []string{ins, out}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "subtract", sargs)
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("subtract run produced unexpected output: %+v", lines)
// Dump the files in the subtract output dir and examine the result.
dargs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath, "-live", "-i=" + soutdir}
lines = runToolOp(t, s, "debugdump", dargs)
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Errorf("dump run produced no output")
// Vet the output.
testpoints := []dumpCheck{
tag: "first function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: first\s*$`),
tag: "dep function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: Dep1\s*$`),
tag: "third function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: third\s*$`),
tag: "third function unit 0",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^0: L23:C23 -- L24:C12 NS=1 = (\d+)$`),
zero: true,
tag: "third function unit 1",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^1: L27:C2 -- L28:C10 NS=2 = (\d+)$`),
nonzero: true,
tag: "third function unit 2",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^2: L24:C12 -- L26:C3 NS=1 = (\d+)$`),
zero: true,
flags := []string{}
runDumpChecks(t, s, soutdir, flags, testpoints)
func testIntersect(t *testing.T, s state, indir1, indir2, tag string) {
// Create out dir for intersection.
ioutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "intersectOut"+tag)
if err := os.Mkdir(ioutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", ioutdir, err)
// Intersect the two dirs into a final result.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s", indir1, indir2)
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", ioutdir)
sargs := []string{ins, out}
lines := runToolOp(t, s, "intersect", sargs)
if len(lines) != 0 {
t.Errorf("intersect run produced unexpected output: %+v", lines)
// Dump the files in the subtract output dir and examine the result.
dargs := []string{"-pkg=" + mainPkgPath, "-live", "-i=" + ioutdir}
lines = runToolOp(t, s, "debugdump", dargs)
if len(lines) == 0 {
t.Errorf("dump run produced no output")
// Vet the output.
testpoints := []dumpCheck{
tag: "first function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: first\s*$`),
negate: true,
tag: "third function",
re: regexp.MustCompile(`^Func: third\s*$`),
flags := []string{"-live"}
runDumpChecks(t, s, ioutdir, flags, testpoints)
func testCounterClash(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Create out dir.
ccoutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "ccOut")
if err := os.Mkdir(ccoutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", ccoutdir, err)
// Try to merge covdata0 (from prog1.go -countermode=set) with
// covdata1 (from prog1.go -countermode=atomic"). This should
// produce a counter mode clash error.
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s,%s", s.outdirs[0], s.outdirs[3])
out := fmt.Sprintf("-o=%s", ccoutdir)
args := append([]string{}, "merge", ins, out, "-pcombine")
if debugtrace {
t.Logf("cc merge command is %s %v\n", s.tool, args)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, s.tool, args...)
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
t.Logf("%% output: %s\n", string(b))
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("clash merge passed unexpectedly")
got := string(b)
want := "counter mode clash while reading meta-data"
if !strings.Contains(got, want) {
t.Errorf("counter clash merge: wanted %s got %s", want, got)
func testEmpty(t *testing.T, s state) {
// Create a new empty directory.
empty := filepath.Join(s.dir, "empty")
if err := os.Mkdir(empty, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create dir %s: %v", empty, err)
// Create out dir.
eoutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "emptyOut")
if err := os.Mkdir(eoutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", eoutdir, err)
// Run various operations (merge, dump, textfmt, and so on)
// using the empty directory. We're not interested in the output
// here, just making sure that you can do these runs without
// any error or crash.
scenarios := []struct {
tag string
args []string
tag: "merge",
args: []string{"merge", "-o", eoutdir},
tag: "textfmt",
args: []string{"textfmt", "-o", filepath.Join(eoutdir, "foo.txt")},
tag: "func",
args: []string{"func"},
tag: "pkglist",
args: []string{"pkglist"},
tag: "debugdump",
args: []string{"debugdump"},
tag: "percent",
args: []string{"percent"},
for _, x := range scenarios {
ins := fmt.Sprintf("-i=%s", empty)
args := append([]string{}, x.args...)
args = append(args, ins)
if false {
t.Logf("cmd is %s %v\n", s.tool, args)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, s.tool, args...)
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
t.Logf("%% output: %s\n", string(b))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("command %s %+v failed with %v",
s.tool, x.args, err)
func testCommandLineErrors(t *testing.T, s state, outdir string) {
// Create out dir.
eoutdir := filepath.Join(s.dir, "errorsOut")
if err := os.Mkdir(eoutdir, 0777); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("can't create outdir %s: %v", eoutdir, err)
// Run various operations (merge, dump, textfmt, and so on)
// using the empty directory. We're not interested in the output
// here, just making sure that you can do these runs without
// any error or crash.
scenarios := []struct {
tag string
args []string
exp string
tag: "input missing",
args: []string{"merge", "-o", eoutdir, "-i", "not there"},
exp: "error: reading inputs: ",
tag: "badv",
args: []string{"textfmt", "-i", outdir, "-v=abc"},
for _, x := range scenarios {
args := append([]string{}, x.args...)
if false {
t.Logf("cmd is %s %v\n", s.tool, args)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, s.tool, args...)
b, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err == nil {
t.Logf("%% output: %s\n", string(b))
t.Fatalf("command %s %+v unexpectedly succeeded",
s.tool, x.args)
} else {
if !strings.Contains(string(b), x.exp) {
t.Fatalf("command %s %+v:\ngot:\n%s\nwanted to see: %v\n",
s.tool, x.args, string(b), x.exp)