[dev.typeparams] all: merge master (296ddf2) into dev.typeparams


- src/runtime/runtime2.go

  On master, CL 317191 fixed the mentions of gc/reflect.go in comments
  to reflectdata/reflect.go; but on dev.typeparams, CL 325921 fixed
  that the same comment to reflect that deferstruct actually ended up
  in ssagen/ssa.go.

Merge List:

+ 2021-07-08 296ddf2a93 net: filter bad names from Lookup functions instead of hard failing
+ 2021-07-08 ce76298ee7 Update oudated comment
+ 2021-07-08 2ca44fe221 doc/go1.17: linkify time.UnixMilli and time.UnixMicro
+ 2021-07-07 5c59e11f5e cmd/compile: remove special-casing of blank in types.sconv{,2}
+ 2021-07-07 b003a8b1ae cmd/compile: optimize types.sconv
+ 2021-07-07 11f5df2d67 cmd/compile: extract pkgqual from symfmt
+ 2021-07-07 991fd381d5 cmd/go: don't lock .mod and .sum files for read in overlay
+ 2021-07-07 186a3bb4b0 cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost: skip hg tests if no hg binary is present
+ 2021-07-07 00c00558e1 cmd/go/internal/modload: remove unused functions
+ 2021-07-07 f264879f74 cmd/go/internal/modload: fix an apparent typo in the AutoRoot comment
+ 2021-07-07 c96833e5ba doc: remove stale comment about arm64 port

Change-Id: I849046b6d8f7421f60323549f3f763ef418bf9e7
tree: 606ee31cd090b258cdb53047574b1af9086d344a
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  11. codereview.cfg
  16. README.md
  17. SECURITY.md

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