blob: 7194365012dcb0d87e30bdf5a592d815356c2587 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Update Framework Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package updater
import (
// Client update workflow implementation
// The "Updater" provides an implementation of the TUF client workflow (ref.
// "Updater" provides an API to query available targets and to download them in a
// secure manner: All downloaded files are verified by signed metadata.
// High-level description of "Updater" functionality:
// - Initializing an "Updater" loads and validates the trusted local root
// metadata: This root metadata is used as the source of trust for all other
// metadata.
// - Refresh() can optionally be called to update and load all top-level
// metadata as described in the specification, using both locally cached
// metadata and metadata downloaded from the remote repository. If refresh is
// not done explicitly, it will happen automatically during the first target
// info lookup.
// - Updater can be used to download targets. For each target:
// - GetTargetInfo() is first used to find information about a
// specific target. This will load new targets metadata as needed (from
// local cache or remote repository).
// - FindCachedTarget() can optionally be used to check if a
// target file is already locally cached.
// - DownloadTarget() downloads a target file and ensures it is
// verified correct by the metadata.
type Updater struct {
trusted *trustedmetadata.TrustedMetadata
cfg *config.UpdaterConfig
type roleParentTuple struct {
Role string
Parent string
// New creates a new Updater instance and loads trusted root metadata
func New(config *config.UpdaterConfig) (*Updater, error) {
// make sure the trusted root metadata and remote URL were provided
if len(config.LocalTrustedRoot) == 0 || len(config.RemoteMetadataURL) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no initial trusted root metadata or remote URL provided")
// create a new trusted metadata instance using the trusted root.json
trustedMetadataSet, err := trustedmetadata.New(config.LocalTrustedRoot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// create an updater instance
updater := &Updater{
cfg: config,
trusted: trustedMetadataSet, // save trusted metadata set
// ensure paths exist, doesn't do anything if caching is disabled
err = updater.cfg.EnsurePathsExist()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// persist the initial root metadata to the local metadata folder
err = updater.persistMetadata(metadata.ROOT, updater.cfg.LocalTrustedRoot)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// all okay, return the updater instance
return updater, nil
// Refresh loads and possibly refreshes top-level metadata.
// Downloads, verifies, and loads metadata for the top-level roles in the
// specified order (root -> timestamp -> snapshot -> targets) implementing
// all the checks required in the TUF client workflow.
// A Refresh() can be done only once during the lifetime of an Updater.
// If Refresh() has not been explicitly called before the first
// GetTargetInfo() call, it will be done implicitly at that time.
// The metadata for delegated roles is not updated by Refresh():
// that happens on demand during GetTargetInfo(). However, if the
// repository uses consistent snapshots (ref.,
// then all metadata downloaded by the Updater will use the same consistent repository state.
// If UnsafeLocalMode is set, no network interaction is performed, only
// the cached files on disk are used. If the cached data is not complete,
// this call will fail.
func (update *Updater) Refresh() error {
if update.cfg.UnsafeLocalMode {
return update.unsafeLocalRefresh()
return update.onlineRefresh()
// onlineRefresh implements the TUF client workflow as described for
// the Refresh function.
func (update *Updater) onlineRefresh() error {
err := update.loadRoot()
if err != nil {
return err
err = update.loadTimestamp()
if err != nil {
return err
err = update.loadSnapshot()
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = update.loadTargets(metadata.TARGETS, metadata.ROOT)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// unsafeLoadRefresh tries to load the persisted metadata already cached
// on disk. Note that this is an usafe function, and does deviate from the
// TUF specification section 5.3 to 5.7 (update phases).
// The metadata on disk are verified against the provided root though,
// and expiration dates are verified.
func (update *Updater) unsafeLocalRefresh() error {
// Root is already loaded
// load timestamp
var p = filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, metadata.TIMESTAMP)
data, err := update.loadLocalMetadata(p)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateTimestamp(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// load snapshot
p = filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, metadata.SNAPSHOT)
data, err = update.loadLocalMetadata(p)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateSnapshot(data, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// targets
p = filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, metadata.TARGETS)
data, err = update.loadLocalMetadata(p)
if err != nil {
return err
// verify and load the new target metadata
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateDelegatedTargets(data, metadata.TARGETS, metadata.ROOT)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetTargetInfo returns metadata.TargetFiles instance with information
// for targetPath. The return value can be used as an argument to
// DownloadTarget() and FindCachedTarget().
// If Refresh() has not been called before calling
// GetTargetInfo(), the refresh will be done implicitly.
// As a side-effect this method downloads all the additional (delegated
// targets) metadata it needs to return the target information.
func (update *Updater) GetTargetInfo(targetPath string) (*metadata.TargetFiles, error) {
// do a Refresh() in case there's no trusted targets.json yet
if update.trusted.Targets[metadata.TARGETS] == nil {
err := update.Refresh()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return update.preOrderDepthFirstWalk(targetPath)
// DownloadTarget downloads the target file specified by targetFile
func (update *Updater) DownloadTarget(targetFile *metadata.TargetFiles, filePath, targetBaseURL string) (string, []byte, error) {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
var err error
if filePath == "" {
filePath, err = update.generateTargetFilePath(targetFile)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
if targetBaseURL == "" {
if update.cfg.RemoteTargetsURL == "" {
return "", nil, &metadata.ErrValue{Msg: "targetBaseURL must be set in either DownloadTarget() or the Updater struct"}
targetBaseURL = ensureTrailingSlash(update.cfg.RemoteTargetsURL)
} else {
targetBaseURL = ensureTrailingSlash(targetBaseURL)
targetFilePath := targetFile.Path
targetRemotePath := targetFilePath
consistentSnapshot := update.trusted.Root.Signed.ConsistentSnapshot
if consistentSnapshot && update.cfg.PrefixTargetsWithHash {
hashes := ""
// get first hex value of hashes
for _, v := range targetFile.Hashes {
hashes = hex.EncodeToString(v)
baseName := filepath.Base(targetFilePath)
dirName, ok := strings.CutSuffix(targetFilePath, "/"+baseName)
if !ok {
// <hash>.<target-name>
targetRemotePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", hashes, baseName)
} else {
// <dir-prefix>/<hash>.<target-name>
targetRemotePath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s.%s", dirName, hashes, baseName)
fullURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", targetBaseURL, targetRemotePath)
data, err := update.cfg.Fetcher.DownloadFile(fullURL, targetFile.Length, time.Second*15)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
err = targetFile.VerifyLengthHashes(data)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
// do not persist the target file if cache is disabled
if !update.cfg.DisableLocalCache {
err = os.WriteFile(filePath, data, 0644)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
log.Info("Downloaded target", "path", targetFile.Path)
return filePath, data, nil
// FindCachedTarget checks whether a local file is an up to date target
func (update *Updater) FindCachedTarget(targetFile *metadata.TargetFiles, filePath string) (string, []byte, error) {
var err error
targetFilePath := ""
// do not look for cached target file if cache is disabled
if update.cfg.DisableLocalCache {
return "", nil, nil
// get its path if not provided
if filePath == "" {
targetFilePath, err = update.generateTargetFilePath(targetFile)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
} else {
targetFilePath = filePath
// get file content
data, err := readFile(targetFilePath)
if err != nil {
// do not want to return err, instead we say that there's no cached target available
return "", nil, nil
// verify if the length and hashes of this target file match the expected values
err = targetFile.VerifyLengthHashes(data)
if err != nil {
// do not want to return err, instead we say that there's no cached target available
return "", nil, nil
// if all okay, return its path
return targetFilePath, data, nil
// loadTimestamp load local and remote timestamp metadata
func (update *Updater) loadTimestamp() error {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// try to read local timestamp
data, err := update.loadLocalMetadata(filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, metadata.TIMESTAMP))
if err != nil {
// this means there's no existing local timestamp so we should proceed downloading it without the need to UpdateTimestamp
log.Info("Local timestamp does not exist")
} else {
// local timestamp exists, let's try to verify it and load it to the trusted metadata set
_, err := update.trusted.UpdateTimestamp(data)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, &metadata.ErrRepository{}) {
// local timestamp is not valid, proceed downloading from remote; note that this error type includes several other subset errors
log.Info("Local timestamp is not valid")
} else {
// another error
return err
log.Info("Local timestamp is valid")
// all okay, local timestamp exists and it is valid, nevertheless proceed with downloading from remote
// load from remote (whether local load succeeded or not)
data, err = update.downloadMetadata(metadata.TIMESTAMP, update.cfg.TimestampMaxLength, "")
if err != nil {
return err
// try to verify and load the newly downloaded timestamp
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateTimestamp(data)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, &metadata.ErrEqualVersionNumber{}) {
// if the new timestamp version is the same as current, discard the
// new timestamp; this is normal and it shouldn't raise any error
return nil
} else {
// another error
return err
// proceed with persisting the new timestamp
err = update.persistMetadata(metadata.TIMESTAMP, data)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadSnapshot load local (and if needed remote) snapshot metadata
func (update *Updater) loadSnapshot() error {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// try to read local snapshot
data, err := update.loadLocalMetadata(filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, metadata.SNAPSHOT))
if err != nil {
// this means there's no existing local snapshot so we should proceed downloading it without the need to UpdateSnapshot
log.Info("Local snapshot does not exist")
} else {
// successfully read a local snapshot metadata, so let's try to verify and load it to the trusted metadata set
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateSnapshot(data, true)
if err != nil {
// this means snapshot verification/loading failed
if errors.Is(err, &metadata.ErrRepository{}) {
// local snapshot is not valid, proceed downloading from remote; note that this error type includes several other subset errors
log.Info("Local snapshot is not valid")
} else {
// another error
return err
} else {
// this means snapshot verification/loading succeeded
log.Info("Local snapshot is valid: not downloading new one")
return nil
// local snapshot does not exist or is invalid, update from remote
log.Info("Failed to load local snapshot")
if update.trusted.Timestamp == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("trusted timestamp not set")
// extract the snapshot meta from the trusted timestamp metadata
snapshotMeta := update.trusted.Timestamp.Signed.Meta[fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", metadata.SNAPSHOT)]
// extract the length of the snapshot metadata to be downloaded
length := snapshotMeta.Length
if length == 0 {
length = update.cfg.SnapshotMaxLength
// extract which snapshot version should be downloaded in case of consistent snapshots
version := ""
if update.trusted.Root.Signed.ConsistentSnapshot {
version = strconv.FormatInt(snapshotMeta.Version, 10)
// download snapshot metadata
data, err = update.downloadMetadata(metadata.SNAPSHOT, length, version)
if err != nil {
return err
// verify and load the new snapshot
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateSnapshot(data, false)
if err != nil {
return err
// persist the new snapshot
err = update.persistMetadata(metadata.SNAPSHOT, data)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// loadTargets load local (and if needed remote) metadata for roleName
func (update *Updater) loadTargets(roleName, parentName string) (*metadata.Metadata[metadata.TargetsType], error) {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// avoid loading "roleName" more than once during "GetTargetInfo"
role, ok := update.trusted.Targets[roleName]
if ok {
return role, nil
// try to read local targets
data, err := update.loadLocalMetadata(filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, roleName))
if err != nil {
// this means there's no existing local target file so we should proceed downloading it without the need to UpdateDelegatedTargets
log.Info("Local role does not exist", "role", roleName)
} else {
// successfully read a local targets metadata, so let's try to verify and load it to the trusted metadata set
delegatedTargets, err := update.trusted.UpdateDelegatedTargets(data, roleName, parentName)
if err != nil {
// this means targets verification/loading failed
if errors.Is(err, &metadata.ErrRepository{}) {
// local target file is not valid, proceed downloading from remote; note that this error type includes several other subset errors
log.Info("Local role is not valid", "role", roleName)
} else {
// another error
return nil, err
} else {
// this means targets verification/loading succeeded
log.Info("Local role is valid: not downloading new one", "role", roleName)
return delegatedTargets, nil
// local "roleName" does not exist or is invalid, update from remote
log.Info("Failed to load local role", "role", roleName)
if update.trusted.Snapshot == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("trusted snapshot not set")
// extract the targets meta from the trusted snapshot metadata
metaInfo := update.trusted.Snapshot.Signed.Meta[fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", roleName)]
// extract the length of the target metadata to be downloaded
length := metaInfo.Length
if length == 0 {
length = update.cfg.TargetsMaxLength
// extract which target metadata version should be downloaded in case of consistent snapshots
version := ""
if update.trusted.Root.Signed.ConsistentSnapshot {
version = strconv.FormatInt(metaInfo.Version, 10)
// download targets metadata
data, err = update.downloadMetadata(roleName, length, version)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// verify and load the new target metadata
delegatedTargets, err := update.trusted.UpdateDelegatedTargets(data, roleName, parentName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// persist the new target metadata
err = update.persistMetadata(roleName, data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return delegatedTargets, nil
// loadRoot load remote root metadata. Sequentially load and
// persist on local disk every newer root metadata version
// available on the remote
func (update *Updater) loadRoot() error {
// calculate boundaries
lowerBound := update.trusted.Root.Signed.Version + 1
upperBound := lowerBound + update.cfg.MaxRootRotations
// loop until we find the latest available version of root (download -> verify -> load -> persist)
for nextVersion := lowerBound; nextVersion < upperBound; nextVersion++ {
data, err := update.downloadMetadata(metadata.ROOT, update.cfg.RootMaxLength, strconv.FormatInt(nextVersion, 10))
if err != nil {
// downloading the root metadata failed for some reason
var tmpErr *metadata.ErrDownloadHTTP
if errors.As(err, &tmpErr) {
if tmpErr.StatusCode != http.StatusNotFound && tmpErr.StatusCode != http.StatusForbidden {
// unexpected HTTP status code
return err
// 404/403 means current root is newest available, so we can stop the loop and move forward
// some other error ocurred
return err
} else {
// downloading root metadata succeeded, so let's try to verify and load it
_, err = update.trusted.UpdateRoot(data)
if err != nil {
return err
// persist root metadata to disk
err = update.persistMetadata(metadata.ROOT, data)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// preOrderDepthFirstWalk interrogates the tree of target delegations
// in order of appearance (which implicitly order trustworthiness),
// and returns the matching target found in the most trusted role.
func (update *Updater) preOrderDepthFirstWalk(targetFilePath string) (*metadata.TargetFiles, error) {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// list of delegations to be interrogated. A (role, parent role) pair
// is needed to load and verify the delegated targets metadata
delegationsToVisit := []roleParentTuple{{
Role: metadata.TARGETS,
Parent: metadata.ROOT,
visitedRoleNames := map[string]bool{}
// pre-order depth-first traversal of the graph of target delegations
for len(visitedRoleNames) <= update.cfg.MaxDelegations && len(delegationsToVisit) > 0 {
// pop the role name from the top of the stack
delegation := delegationsToVisit[len(delegationsToVisit)-1]
delegationsToVisit = delegationsToVisit[:len(delegationsToVisit)-1]
// skip any visited current role to prevent cycles
_, ok := visitedRoleNames[delegation.Role]
if ok {
log.Info("Skipping visited current role", "role", delegation.Role)
// the metadata for delegation.Role must be downloaded/updated before
// its targets, delegations, and child roles can be inspected
targets, err := update.loadTargets(delegation.Role, delegation.Parent)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
target, ok := targets.Signed.Targets[targetFilePath]
if ok {
log.Info("Found target in current role", "role", delegation.Role)
return target, nil
// after pre-order check, add current role to set of visited roles
visitedRoleNames[delegation.Role] = true
if targets.Signed.Delegations != nil {
var childRolesToVisit []roleParentTuple
// note that this may be a slow operation if there are many
// delegated roles
roles := targets.Signed.Delegations.GetRolesForTarget(targetFilePath)
for _, rolesForTarget := range roles {
log.Info("Adding child role", "role", rolesForTarget.Name)
childRolesToVisit = append(childRolesToVisit, roleParentTuple{Role: rolesForTarget.Name, Parent: delegation.Role})
if rolesForTarget.Terminating {
log.Info("Not backtracking to other roles")
delegationsToVisit = []roleParentTuple{}
// push childRolesToVisit in reverse order of appearance
// onto delegationsToVisit. Roles are popped from the end of
// the list
delegationsToVisit = append(delegationsToVisit, childRolesToVisit...)
if len(delegationsToVisit) > 0 {
log.Info("Too many roles left to visit for max allowed delegations",
"roles-left", len(delegationsToVisit),
"allowed-delegations", update.cfg.MaxDelegations)
// if this point is reached then target is not found, return nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("target %s not found", targetFilePath)
// persistMetadata writes metadata to disk atomically to avoid data loss
func (update *Updater) persistMetadata(roleName string, data []byte) error {
log := metadata.GetLogger()
// do not persist the metadata if we have disabled local caching
if update.cfg.DisableLocalCache {
return nil
// caching enabled, proceed with persisting the metadata locally
fileName := filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", url.QueryEscape(roleName)))
// create a temporary file
file, err := os.CreateTemp(update.cfg.LocalMetadataDir, "tuf_tmp")
if err != nil {
return err
defer file.Close()
// write the data content to the temporary file
err = os.WriteFile(file.Name(), data, 0644)
if err != nil {
// delete the temporary file if there was an error while writing
errRemove := os.Remove(file.Name())
if errRemove != nil {
log.Info("Failed to delete temporary file", "name", file.Name())
return err
// can't move/rename an open file on windows, so close it first
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
return err
// if all okay, rename the temporary file to the desired one
err = os.Rename(file.Name(), fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
read, err := os.ReadFile(fileName)
if err != nil {
return err
if string(read) != string(data) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to persist metadata")
return nil
// downloadMetadata download a metadata file and return it as bytes
func (update *Updater) downloadMetadata(roleName string, length int64, version string) ([]byte, error) {
urlPath := ensureTrailingSlash(update.cfg.RemoteMetadataURL)
// build urlPath
if version == "" {
urlPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.json", urlPath, url.QueryEscape(roleName))
} else {
urlPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s.%s.json", urlPath, version, url.QueryEscape(roleName))
return update.cfg.Fetcher.DownloadFile(urlPath, length, time.Second*15)
// generateTargetFilePath generates path from TargetFiles
func (update *Updater) generateTargetFilePath(tf *metadata.TargetFiles) (string, error) {
// LocalTargetsDir can be omitted if caching is disabled
if update.cfg.LocalTargetsDir == "" && !update.cfg.DisableLocalCache {
return "", &metadata.ErrValue{Msg: "LocalTargetsDir must be set if filepath is not given"}
// Use URL encoded target path as filename
return filepath.Join(update.cfg.LocalTargetsDir, url.QueryEscape(tf.Path)), nil
// loadLocalMetadata reads a local <roleName>.json file and returns its bytes
func (update *Updater) loadLocalMetadata(roleName string) ([]byte, error) {
return readFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", roleName))
// GetTopLevelTargets returns the top-level target files
func (update *Updater) GetTopLevelTargets() map[string]*metadata.TargetFiles {
return update.trusted.Targets[metadata.TARGETS].Signed.Targets
// GetTrustedMetadataSet returns the trusted metadata set
func (update *Updater) GetTrustedMetadataSet() trustedmetadata.TrustedMetadata {
return *update.trusted
// UnsafeSetRefTime sets the reference time that the updater uses.
// This should only be done in tests.
// Using this function is useful when testing time-related behavior in go-tuf.
func (update *Updater) UnsafeSetRefTime(t time.Time) {
update.trusted.RefTime = t
func IsWindowsPath(path string) bool {
match, _ := regexp.MatchString(`^[a-zA-Z]:\\`, path)
return match
// ensureTrailingSlash ensures url ends with a slash
func ensureTrailingSlash(url string) string {
if IsWindowsPath(url) {
slash := string(filepath.Separator)
if strings.HasSuffix(url, slash) {
return url
return url + slash
if strings.HasSuffix(url, "/") {
return url
return url + "/"
// reverseSlice reverses the elements in a generic type of slice
func reverseSlice[S ~[]E, E any](s S) {
for i, j := 0, len(s)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i]
// readFile reads the content of a file and return its bytes
func readFile(name string) ([]byte, error) {
in, err := os.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer in.Close()
data, err := io.ReadAll(in)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil