blob: e815de6aeadc3515a3dfa7585e69ce9f3e7e7526 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
tuf ""
var expirationDate = time.Date(2100, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
type persistedKeys struct {
Encrypted bool `json:"encrypted"`
Data []*sign.PrivateKey `json:"data"`
func assertNotNil(err error) {
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("assertion failed: %s", err))
func copyRepo(src string, dst string) {
cmd := exec.Command("cp", "-r", src, dst)
func newRepo(dir string) *tuf.Repo {
repo, err := tuf.NewRepo(tuf.FileSystemStore(dir, nil))
return repo
func commit(repo *tuf.Repo) {
assertNotNil(repo.SnapshotWithExpires(tuf.CompressionTypeNone, expirationDate))
func genKeys(repo *tuf.Repo, roles []string) map[string]string {
ids := make(map[string]string)
for _, role := range roles {
id, err := repo.GenKeyWithExpires(role, expirationDate)
ids[role] = id
return ids
func addTargets(repo *tuf.Repo, dir string, files map[string][]byte) {
paths := []string{}
for file, data := range files {
path := filepath.Join(dir, "staged", "targets", file)
assertNotNil(os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(path), 0755))
assertNotNil(ioutil.WriteFile(path, data, 0644))
paths = append(paths, file)
assertNotNil(repo.AddTargetsWithExpires(paths, nil, expirationDate))
func revokeKey(repo *tuf.Repo, role string, id string) {
assertNotNil(repo.RevokeKeyWithExpires(role, id, expirationDate))
// repoFilteredKeys filters out a key to make sure we can't sign with it. This
// is to make sure key rotation worked.
func filterKeys(dir string, role string, id string) {
path := filepath.Join(dir, "keys", fmt.Sprintf("%s.json", role))
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
keys := &persistedKeys{}
assertNotNil(json.Unmarshal(b, keys))
newKeys := []*sign.PrivateKey{}
for _, key := range keys.Data {
if key.PublicData().ID() != id {
newKeys = append(newKeys, key)
keys.Data = newKeys
b, err = json.Marshal(keys)
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, b, 0644)
func generateRepos(dir string) {
// Create the initial repo.
dir0 := filepath.Join(dir, "0")
repo0 := newRepo(dir0)
ids := genKeys(repo0, []string{"root", "snapshot", "targets", "timestamp"})
addTargets(repo0, dir0, map[string][]byte{"0": []byte("0")})
// Rotate the timestamp keys.
dir1 := filepath.Join(dir, "1")
copyRepo(dir0, dir1)
repo1 := newRepo(dir1)
revokeKey(repo1, "timestamp", ids["timestamp"])
genKeys(repo1, []string{"timestamp"})
addTargets(repo1, dir1, map[string][]byte{"1": []byte("1")})
// Filter out the old timestamp key to make sure we can't use it.
dir2 := filepath.Join(dir, "2")
copyRepo(dir1, dir2)
filterKeys(dir2, "timestamp", ids["timestamp"])
repo2 := newRepo(dir2)
addTargets(repo2, dir2, map[string][]byte{"2": []byte("2")})
// Now, actually rotate the root keys.
dir3 := filepath.Join(dir, "3")
copyRepo(dir2, dir3)
repo3 := newRepo(dir3)
revokeKey(repo3, "root", ids["root"])
genKeys(repo3, []string{"root"})
addTargets(repo3, dir3, map[string][]byte{"3": []byte("3")})
// Filter out the old root key to make sure we can't use it.
dir4 := filepath.Join(dir, "4")
copyRepo(dir3, dir4)
filterKeys(dir4, "root", ids["root"])
// The only way to force go-tuf to re-sign the root.json is to generate
// or revoke a key. So why not do both?
repo4 := newRepo(dir4)
ids = genKeys(repo4, []string{"snapshot"})
revokeKey(repo4, "snapshot", ids["snapshot"])
addTargets(repo4, dir4, map[string][]byte{"4": []byte("4")})
// Add another target file to make sure the workflow worked.
dir5 := filepath.Join(dir, "5")
copyRepo(dir4, dir5)
repo5 := newRepo(dir5)
addTargets(repo5, dir5, map[string][]byte{"5": []byte("5")})
func main() {
cwd, err := os.Getwd()
for _, consistentSnapshot := range []bool{false, true} {
name := fmt.Sprintf("consistent-snapshot-%t", consistentSnapshot)
log.Printf("generating %s", name)
generateRepos(filepath.Join(cwd, name))