blob: b884d611e48cff4028bd1eda3d375462961d1bc1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package encrypted provides a simple, secure system for encrypting data
// symmetrically with a passphrase.
// It uses scrypt derive a key from the passphrase and the NaCl secret box
// cipher for authenticated encryption.
// Deprecated: The encrypted package from go-tuf is already moved to
// and will be deprecated here.
// Use instead.
package encrypted
import (
const saltSize = 32
const (
boxKeySize = 32
boxNonceSize = 24
// KDFParameterStrength defines the KDF parameter strength level to be used for
// encryption key derivation.
type KDFParameterStrength uint8
const (
// Legacy defines legacy scrypt parameters (N:2^15, r:8, p:1)
Legacy KDFParameterStrength = iota + 1
// Standard defines standard scrypt parameters which is focusing 100ms of computation (N:2^16, r:8, p:1)
// OWASP defines OWASP recommended scrypt parameters (N:2^17, r:8, p:1)
var (
// legacyParams represents old scrypt derivation parameters for backward
// compatibility.
legacyParams = scryptParams{
N: 32768, // 2^15
R: 8,
P: 1,
// standardParams defines scrypt parameters based on the scrypt creator
// recommendation to limit key derivation in time boxed to 100ms.
standardParams = scryptParams{
N: 65536, // 2^16
R: 8,
P: 1,
// owaspParams defines scrypt parameters recommended by OWASP
owaspParams = scryptParams{
N: 131072, // 2^17
R: 8,
P: 1,
// defaultParams defines scrypt parameters which will be used to generate a
// new key.
defaultParams = standardParams
const (
nameScrypt = "scrypt"
nameSecretBox = "nacl/secretbox"
type data struct {
KDF scryptKDF `json:"kdf"`
Cipher secretBoxCipher `json:"cipher"`
Ciphertext []byte `json:"ciphertext"`
type scryptParams struct {
N int `json:"N"`
R int `json:"r"`
P int `json:"p"`
func (sp *scryptParams) Equal(in *scryptParams) bool {
return in != nil && sp.N == in.N && sp.P == in.P && sp.R == in.R
func newScryptKDF(level KDFParameterStrength) (scryptKDF, error) {
salt := make([]byte, saltSize)
if err := fillRandom(salt); err != nil {
return scryptKDF{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to generate a random salt: %w", err)
var params scryptParams
switch level {
case Legacy:
params = legacyParams
case Standard:
params = standardParams
case OWASP:
params = owaspParams
// Fallback to default parameters
params = defaultParams
return scryptKDF{
Name: nameScrypt,
Params: params,
Salt: salt,
}, nil
type scryptKDF struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Params scryptParams `json:"params"`
Salt []byte `json:"salt"`
func (s *scryptKDF) Key(passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return scrypt.Key(passphrase, s.Salt, s.Params.N, s.Params.R, s.Params.P, boxKeySize)
// CheckParams checks that the encoded KDF parameters are what we expect them to
// be. If we do not do this, an attacker could cause a DoS by tampering with
// them.
func (s *scryptKDF) CheckParams() error {
switch {
case legacyParams.Equal(&s.Params):
case standardParams.Equal(&s.Params):
case owaspParams.Equal(&s.Params):
return errors.New("unsupported scrypt parameters")
return nil
func newSecretBoxCipher() (secretBoxCipher, error) {
nonce := make([]byte, boxNonceSize)
if err := fillRandom(nonce); err != nil {
return secretBoxCipher{}, err
return secretBoxCipher{
Name: nameSecretBox,
Nonce: nonce,
}, nil
type secretBoxCipher struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Nonce []byte `json:"nonce"`
encrypted bool
func (s *secretBoxCipher) Encrypt(plaintext, key []byte) []byte {
var keyBytes [boxKeySize]byte
var nonceBytes [boxNonceSize]byte
if len(key) != len(keyBytes) {
panic("incorrect key size")
if len(s.Nonce) != len(nonceBytes) {
panic("incorrect nonce size")
copy(keyBytes[:], key)
copy(nonceBytes[:], s.Nonce)
// ensure that we don't re-use nonces
if s.encrypted {
panic("Encrypt must only be called once for each cipher instance")
s.encrypted = true
return secretbox.Seal(nil, plaintext, &nonceBytes, &keyBytes)
func (s *secretBoxCipher) Decrypt(ciphertext, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
var keyBytes [boxKeySize]byte
var nonceBytes [boxNonceSize]byte
if len(key) != len(keyBytes) {
panic("incorrect key size")
if len(s.Nonce) != len(nonceBytes) {
// return an error instead of panicking since the nonce is user input
return nil, errors.New("encrypted: incorrect nonce size")
copy(keyBytes[:], key)
copy(nonceBytes[:], s.Nonce)
res, ok := secretbox.Open(nil, ciphertext, &nonceBytes, &keyBytes)
if !ok {
return nil, errors.New("encrypted: decryption failed")
return res, nil
// Encrypt takes a passphrase and plaintext, and returns a JSON object
// containing ciphertext and the details necessary to decrypt it.
func Encrypt(plaintext, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters(plaintext, passphrase, Standard)
// EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters takes a passphrase, the plaintext and a KDF
// parameter level (Legacy, Standard, or OWASP), and returns a JSON object
// containing ciphertext and the details necessary to decrypt it.
func EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters(plaintext, passphrase []byte, kdfLevel KDFParameterStrength) ([]byte, error) {
k, err := newScryptKDF(kdfLevel)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
key, err := k.Key(passphrase)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := newSecretBoxCipher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
data := &data{
KDF: k,
Cipher: c,
data.Ciphertext = c.Encrypt(plaintext, key)
return json.Marshal(data)
// Marshal encrypts the JSON encoding of v using passphrase.
func Marshal(v interface{}, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error) {
return MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters(v, passphrase, Standard)
// MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters encrypts the JSON encoding of v using passphrase.
func MarshalWithCustomKDFParameters(v interface{}, passphrase []byte, kdfLevel KDFParameterStrength) ([]byte, error) {
data, err := json.MarshalIndent(v, "", "\t")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return EncryptWithCustomKDFParameters(data, passphrase, kdfLevel)
// Decrypt takes a JSON-encoded ciphertext object encrypted using Encrypt and
// tries to decrypt it using passphrase. If successful, it returns the
// plaintext.
func Decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase []byte) ([]byte, error) {
data := &data{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(ciphertext, data); err != nil {
return nil, err
if data.KDF.Name != nameScrypt {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encrypted: unknown kdf name %q", data.KDF.Name)
if data.Cipher.Name != nameSecretBox {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("encrypted: unknown cipher name %q", data.Cipher.Name)
if err := data.KDF.CheckParams(); err != nil {
return nil, err
key, err := data.KDF.Key(passphrase)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data.Cipher.Decrypt(data.Ciphertext, key)
// Unmarshal decrypts the data using passphrase and unmarshals the resulting
// plaintext into the value pointed to by v.
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}, passphrase []byte) error {
decrypted, err := Decrypt(data, passphrase)
if err != nil {
return err
return json.Unmarshal(decrypted, v)
func fillRandom(b []byte) error {
_, err := io.ReadFull(rand.Reader, b)
return err