| // |
| // Copyright (C) 2014-2015 LunarG, Inc. |
| // Modifications Copyright (C) 2020 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // All rights reserved. |
| // |
| // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| // are met: |
| // |
| // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| // |
| // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above |
| // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following |
| // disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided |
| // with the distribution. |
| // |
| // Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its |
| // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived |
| // from this software without specific prior written permission. |
| // |
| |
| // |
| // 1) Programmatically fill in instruction/operand information. |
| // This can be used for disassembly, printing documentation, etc. |
| // |
| // 2) Print documentation from this parameterization. |
| // |
| |
| #include "doc.h" |
| |
| #include <cstdio> |
| #include <cstring> |
| #include <algorithm> |
| |
| namespace spv { |
| extern "C" { |
| // Include C-based headers that don't have a namespace |
| #include "GLSL.ext.KHR.h" |
| #include "GLSL.ext.EXT.h" |
| #include "GLSL.ext.AMD.h" |
| #include "GLSL.ext.NV.h" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| namespace spv { |
| |
| // |
| // Whole set of functions that translate enumerants to their text strings for |
| // the specification (or their sanitized versions for auto-generating the |
| // spirv headers. |
| // |
| // Also, for masks the ceilings are declared next to these, to help keep them in sync. |
| // Ceilings should be |
| // - one more than the maximum value an enumerant takes on, for non-mask enumerants |
| // (for non-sparse enums, this is the number of enumerants) |
| // - the number of bits consumed by the set of masks |
| // (for non-sparse mask enums, this is the number of enumerants) |
| // |
| |
| const char* SourceString(int source) |
| { |
| switch (source) { |
| case 0: return "Unknown"; |
| case 1: return "ESSL"; |
| case 2: return "GLSL"; |
| case 3: return "OpenCL_C"; |
| case 4: return "OpenCL_CPP"; |
| case 5: return "HLSL"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* ExecutionModelString(int model) |
| { |
| switch (model) { |
| case 0: return "Vertex"; |
| case 1: return "TessellationControl"; |
| case 2: return "TessellationEvaluation"; |
| case 3: return "Geometry"; |
| case 4: return "Fragment"; |
| case 5: return "GLCompute"; |
| case 6: return "Kernel"; |
| case ExecutionModelTaskNV: return "TaskNV"; |
| case ExecutionModelMeshNV: return "MeshNV"; |
| case ExecutionModelTaskEXT: return "TaskEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModelMeshEXT: return "MeshEXT"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModelRayGenerationKHR: return "RayGenerationKHR"; |
| case ExecutionModelIntersectionKHR: return "IntersectionKHR"; |
| case ExecutionModelAnyHitKHR: return "AnyHitKHR"; |
| case ExecutionModelClosestHitKHR: return "ClosestHitKHR"; |
| case ExecutionModelMissKHR: return "MissKHR"; |
| case ExecutionModelCallableKHR: return "CallableKHR"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* AddressingString(int addr) |
| { |
| switch (addr) { |
| case 0: return "Logical"; |
| case 1: return "Physical32"; |
| case 2: return "Physical64"; |
| |
| case AddressingModelPhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT: return "PhysicalStorageBuffer64EXT"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* MemoryString(int mem) |
| { |
| switch (mem) { |
| case MemoryModelSimple: return "Simple"; |
| case MemoryModelGLSL450: return "GLSL450"; |
| case MemoryModelOpenCL: return "OpenCL"; |
| case MemoryModelVulkanKHR: return "VulkanKHR"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int ExecutionModeCeiling = 40; |
| |
| const char* ExecutionModeString(int mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case 0: return "Invocations"; |
| case 1: return "SpacingEqual"; |
| case 2: return "SpacingFractionalEven"; |
| case 3: return "SpacingFractionalOdd"; |
| case 4: return "VertexOrderCw"; |
| case 5: return "VertexOrderCcw"; |
| case 6: return "PixelCenterInteger"; |
| case 7: return "OriginUpperLeft"; |
| case 8: return "OriginLowerLeft"; |
| case 9: return "EarlyFragmentTests"; |
| case 10: return "PointMode"; |
| case 11: return "Xfb"; |
| case 12: return "DepthReplacing"; |
| case 13: return "Bad"; |
| case 14: return "DepthGreater"; |
| case 15: return "DepthLess"; |
| case 16: return "DepthUnchanged"; |
| case 17: return "LocalSize"; |
| case 18: return "LocalSizeHint"; |
| case 19: return "InputPoints"; |
| case 20: return "InputLines"; |
| case 21: return "InputLinesAdjacency"; |
| case 22: return "Triangles"; |
| case 23: return "InputTrianglesAdjacency"; |
| case 24: return "Quads"; |
| case 25: return "Isolines"; |
| case 26: return "OutputVertices"; |
| case 27: return "OutputPoints"; |
| case 28: return "OutputLineStrip"; |
| case 29: return "OutputTriangleStrip"; |
| case 30: return "VecTypeHint"; |
| case 31: return "ContractionOff"; |
| case 32: return "Bad"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModeInitializer: return "Initializer"; |
| case ExecutionModeFinalizer: return "Finalizer"; |
| case ExecutionModeSubgroupSize: return "SubgroupSize"; |
| case ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroup: return "SubgroupsPerWorkgroup"; |
| case ExecutionModeSubgroupsPerWorkgroupId: return "SubgroupsPerWorkgroupId"; |
| case ExecutionModeLocalSizeId: return "LocalSizeId"; |
| case ExecutionModeLocalSizeHintId: return "LocalSizeHintId"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModePostDepthCoverage: return "PostDepthCoverage"; |
| case ExecutionModeDenormPreserve: return "DenormPreserve"; |
| case ExecutionModeDenormFlushToZero: return "DenormFlushToZero"; |
| case ExecutionModeSignedZeroInfNanPreserve: return "SignedZeroInfNanPreserve"; |
| case ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTE: return "RoundingModeRTE"; |
| case ExecutionModeRoundingModeRTZ: return "RoundingModeRTZ"; |
| case ExecutionModeEarlyAndLateFragmentTestsAMD: return "EarlyAndLateFragmentTestsAMD"; |
| case ExecutionModeStencilRefUnchangedFrontAMD: return "StencilRefUnchangedFrontAMD"; |
| case ExecutionModeStencilRefLessFrontAMD: return "StencilRefLessFrontAMD"; |
| case ExecutionModeStencilRefGreaterBackAMD: return "StencilRefGreaterBackAMD"; |
| case ExecutionModeStencilRefReplacingEXT: return "StencilRefReplacingEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModeSubgroupUniformControlFlowKHR: return "SubgroupUniformControlFlow"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModeOutputLinesNV: return "OutputLinesNV"; |
| case ExecutionModeOutputPrimitivesNV: return "OutputPrimitivesNV"; |
| case ExecutionModeOutputTrianglesNV: return "OutputTrianglesNV"; |
| case ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV: return "DerivativeGroupQuadsNV"; |
| case ExecutionModeDerivativeGroupLinearNV: return "DerivativeGroupLinearNV"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModePixelInterlockOrderedEXT: return "PixelInterlockOrderedEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModePixelInterlockUnorderedEXT: return "PixelInterlockUnorderedEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModeSampleInterlockOrderedEXT: return "SampleInterlockOrderedEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModeSampleInterlockUnorderedEXT: return "SampleInterlockUnorderedEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockOrderedEXT: return "ShadingRateInterlockOrderedEXT"; |
| case ExecutionModeShadingRateInterlockUnorderedEXT: return "ShadingRateInterlockUnorderedEXT"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModeMaxWorkgroupSizeINTEL: return "MaxWorkgroupSizeINTEL"; |
| case ExecutionModeMaxWorkDimINTEL: return "MaxWorkDimINTEL"; |
| case ExecutionModeNoGlobalOffsetINTEL: return "NoGlobalOffsetINTEL"; |
| case ExecutionModeNumSIMDWorkitemsINTEL: return "NumSIMDWorkitemsINTEL"; |
| |
| case ExecutionModeCeiling: |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* StorageClassString(int StorageClass) |
| { |
| switch (StorageClass) { |
| case 0: return "UniformConstant"; |
| case 1: return "Input"; |
| case 2: return "Uniform"; |
| case 3: return "Output"; |
| case 4: return "Workgroup"; |
| case 5: return "CrossWorkgroup"; |
| case 6: return "Private"; |
| case 7: return "Function"; |
| case 8: return "Generic"; |
| case 9: return "PushConstant"; |
| case 10: return "AtomicCounter"; |
| case 11: return "Image"; |
| case 12: return "StorageBuffer"; |
| |
| case StorageClassRayPayloadKHR: return "RayPayloadKHR"; |
| case StorageClassHitAttributeKHR: return "HitAttributeKHR"; |
| case StorageClassIncomingRayPayloadKHR: return "IncomingRayPayloadKHR"; |
| case StorageClassShaderRecordBufferKHR: return "ShaderRecordBufferKHR"; |
| case StorageClassCallableDataKHR: return "CallableDataKHR"; |
| case StorageClassIncomingCallableDataKHR: return "IncomingCallableDataKHR"; |
| |
| case StorageClassPhysicalStorageBufferEXT: return "PhysicalStorageBufferEXT"; |
| case StorageClassTaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT: return "TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT"; |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int DecorationCeiling = 45; |
| |
| const char* DecorationString(int decoration) |
| { |
| switch (decoration) { |
| case 0: return "RelaxedPrecision"; |
| case 1: return "SpecId"; |
| case 2: return "Block"; |
| case 3: return "BufferBlock"; |
| case 4: return "RowMajor"; |
| case 5: return "ColMajor"; |
| case 6: return "ArrayStride"; |
| case 7: return "MatrixStride"; |
| case 8: return "GLSLShared"; |
| case 9: return "GLSLPacked"; |
| case 10: return "CPacked"; |
| case 11: return "BuiltIn"; |
| case 12: return "Bad"; |
| case 13: return "NoPerspective"; |
| case 14: return "Flat"; |
| case 15: return "Patch"; |
| case 16: return "Centroid"; |
| case 17: return "Sample"; |
| case 18: return "Invariant"; |
| case 19: return "Restrict"; |
| case 20: return "Aliased"; |
| case 21: return "Volatile"; |
| case 22: return "Constant"; |
| case 23: return "Coherent"; |
| case 24: return "NonWritable"; |
| case 25: return "NonReadable"; |
| case 26: return "Uniform"; |
| case 27: return "Bad"; |
| case 28: return "SaturatedConversion"; |
| case 29: return "Stream"; |
| case 30: return "Location"; |
| case 31: return "Component"; |
| case 32: return "Index"; |
| case 33: return "Binding"; |
| case 34: return "DescriptorSet"; |
| case 35: return "Offset"; |
| case 36: return "XfbBuffer"; |
| case 37: return "XfbStride"; |
| case 38: return "FuncParamAttr"; |
| case 39: return "FP Rounding Mode"; |
| case 40: return "FP Fast Math Mode"; |
| case 41: return "Linkage Attributes"; |
| case 42: return "NoContraction"; |
| case 43: return "InputAttachmentIndex"; |
| case 44: return "Alignment"; |
| |
| case DecorationCeiling: |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| |
| case DecorationExplicitInterpAMD: return "ExplicitInterpAMD"; |
| case DecorationOverrideCoverageNV: return "OverrideCoverageNV"; |
| case DecorationPassthroughNV: return "PassthroughNV"; |
| case DecorationViewportRelativeNV: return "ViewportRelativeNV"; |
| case DecorationSecondaryViewportRelativeNV: return "SecondaryViewportRelativeNV"; |
| case DecorationPerPrimitiveNV: return "PerPrimitiveNV"; |
| case DecorationPerViewNV: return "PerViewNV"; |
| case DecorationPerTaskNV: return "PerTaskNV"; |
| |
| case DecorationPerVertexKHR: return "PerVertexKHR"; |
| |
| case DecorationNonUniformEXT: return "DecorationNonUniformEXT"; |
| case DecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE: return "DecorationHlslCounterBufferGOOGLE"; |
| case DecorationHlslSemanticGOOGLE: return "DecorationHlslSemanticGOOGLE"; |
| case DecorationRestrictPointerEXT: return "DecorationRestrictPointerEXT"; |
| case DecorationAliasedPointerEXT: return "DecorationAliasedPointerEXT"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* BuiltInString(int builtIn) |
| { |
| switch (builtIn) { |
| case 0: return "Position"; |
| case 1: return "PointSize"; |
| case 2: return "Bad"; |
| case 3: return "ClipDistance"; |
| case 4: return "CullDistance"; |
| case 5: return "VertexId"; |
| case 6: return "InstanceId"; |
| case 7: return "PrimitiveId"; |
| case 8: return "InvocationId"; |
| case 9: return "Layer"; |
| case 10: return "ViewportIndex"; |
| case 11: return "TessLevelOuter"; |
| case 12: return "TessLevelInner"; |
| case 13: return "TessCoord"; |
| case 14: return "PatchVertices"; |
| case 15: return "FragCoord"; |
| case 16: return "PointCoord"; |
| case 17: return "FrontFacing"; |
| case 18: return "SampleId"; |
| case 19: return "SamplePosition"; |
| case 20: return "SampleMask"; |
| case 21: return "Bad"; |
| case 22: return "FragDepth"; |
| case 23: return "HelperInvocation"; |
| case 24: return "NumWorkgroups"; |
| case 25: return "WorkgroupSize"; |
| case 26: return "WorkgroupId"; |
| case 27: return "LocalInvocationId"; |
| case 28: return "GlobalInvocationId"; |
| case 29: return "LocalInvocationIndex"; |
| case 30: return "WorkDim"; |
| case 31: return "GlobalSize"; |
| case 32: return "EnqueuedWorkgroupSize"; |
| case 33: return "GlobalOffset"; |
| case 34: return "GlobalLinearId"; |
| case 35: return "Bad"; |
| case 36: return "SubgroupSize"; |
| case 37: return "SubgroupMaxSize"; |
| case 38: return "NumSubgroups"; |
| case 39: return "NumEnqueuedSubgroups"; |
| case 40: return "SubgroupId"; |
| case 41: return "SubgroupLocalInvocationId"; |
| case 42: return "VertexIndex"; // TBD: put next to VertexId? |
| case 43: return "InstanceIndex"; // TBD: put next to InstanceId? |
| |
| case 4416: return "SubgroupEqMaskKHR"; |
| case 4417: return "SubgroupGeMaskKHR"; |
| case 4418: return "SubgroupGtMaskKHR"; |
| case 4419: return "SubgroupLeMaskKHR"; |
| case 4420: return "SubgroupLtMaskKHR"; |
| case 4438: return "DeviceIndex"; |
| case 4440: return "ViewIndex"; |
| case 4424: return "BaseVertex"; |
| case 4425: return "BaseInstance"; |
| case 4426: return "DrawIndex"; |
| case 4432: return "PrimitiveShadingRateKHR"; |
| case 4444: return "ShadingRateKHR"; |
| case 5014: return "FragStencilRefEXT"; |
| |
| case 4992: return "BaryCoordNoPerspAMD"; |
| case 4993: return "BaryCoordNoPerspCentroidAMD"; |
| case 4994: return "BaryCoordNoPerspSampleAMD"; |
| case 4995: return "BaryCoordSmoothAMD"; |
| case 4996: return "BaryCoordSmoothCentroidAMD"; |
| case 4997: return "BaryCoordSmoothSampleAMD"; |
| case 4998: return "BaryCoordPullModelAMD"; |
| case BuiltInLaunchIdKHR: return "LaunchIdKHR"; |
| case BuiltInLaunchSizeKHR: return "LaunchSizeKHR"; |
| case BuiltInWorldRayOriginKHR: return "WorldRayOriginKHR"; |
| case BuiltInWorldRayDirectionKHR: return "WorldRayDirectionKHR"; |
| case BuiltInObjectRayOriginKHR: return "ObjectRayOriginKHR"; |
| case BuiltInObjectRayDirectionKHR: return "ObjectRayDirectionKHR"; |
| case BuiltInRayTminKHR: return "RayTminKHR"; |
| case BuiltInRayTmaxKHR: return "RayTmaxKHR"; |
| case BuiltInCullMaskKHR: return "CullMaskKHR"; |
| case BuiltInInstanceCustomIndexKHR: return "InstanceCustomIndexKHR"; |
| case BuiltInRayGeometryIndexKHR: return "RayGeometryIndexKHR"; |
| case BuiltInObjectToWorldKHR: return "ObjectToWorldKHR"; |
| case BuiltInWorldToObjectKHR: return "WorldToObjectKHR"; |
| case BuiltInHitTNV: return "HitTNV"; |
| case BuiltInHitKindKHR: return "HitKindKHR"; |
| case BuiltInIncomingRayFlagsKHR: return "IncomingRayFlagsKHR"; |
| case BuiltInViewportMaskNV: return "ViewportMaskNV"; |
| case BuiltInSecondaryPositionNV: return "SecondaryPositionNV"; |
| case BuiltInSecondaryViewportMaskNV: return "SecondaryViewportMaskNV"; |
| case BuiltInPositionPerViewNV: return "PositionPerViewNV"; |
| case BuiltInViewportMaskPerViewNV: return "ViewportMaskPerViewNV"; |
| // case BuiltInFragmentSizeNV: return "FragmentSizeNV"; // superseded by BuiltInFragSizeEXT |
| // case BuiltInInvocationsPerPixelNV: return "InvocationsPerPixelNV"; // superseded by BuiltInFragInvocationCountEXT |
| case BuiltInBaryCoordKHR: return "BaryCoordKHR"; |
| case BuiltInBaryCoordNoPerspKHR: return "BaryCoordNoPerspKHR"; |
| |
| case BuiltInFragSizeEXT: return "FragSizeEXT"; |
| case BuiltInFragInvocationCountEXT: return "FragInvocationCountEXT"; |
| |
| case 5264: return "FullyCoveredEXT"; |
| |
| case BuiltInTaskCountNV: return "TaskCountNV"; |
| case BuiltInPrimitiveCountNV: return "PrimitiveCountNV"; |
| case BuiltInPrimitiveIndicesNV: return "PrimitiveIndicesNV"; |
| case BuiltInClipDistancePerViewNV: return "ClipDistancePerViewNV"; |
| case BuiltInCullDistancePerViewNV: return "CullDistancePerViewNV"; |
| case BuiltInLayerPerViewNV: return "LayerPerViewNV"; |
| case BuiltInMeshViewCountNV: return "MeshViewCountNV"; |
| case BuiltInMeshViewIndicesNV: return "MeshViewIndicesNV"; |
| case BuiltInWarpsPerSMNV: return "WarpsPerSMNV"; |
| case BuiltInSMCountNV: return "SMCountNV"; |
| case BuiltInWarpIDNV: return "WarpIDNV"; |
| case BuiltInSMIDNV: return "SMIDNV"; |
| case BuiltInCurrentRayTimeNV: return "CurrentRayTimeNV"; |
| case BuiltInPrimitivePointIndicesEXT: return "PrimitivePointIndicesEXT"; |
| case BuiltInPrimitiveLineIndicesEXT: return "PrimitiveLineIndicesEXT"; |
| case BuiltInPrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT: return "PrimitiveTriangleIndicesEXT"; |
| case BuiltInCullPrimitiveEXT: return "CullPrimitiveEXT"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* DimensionString(int dim) |
| { |
| switch (dim) { |
| case 0: return "1D"; |
| case 1: return "2D"; |
| case 2: return "3D"; |
| case 3: return "Cube"; |
| case 4: return "Rect"; |
| case 5: return "Buffer"; |
| case 6: return "SubpassData"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* SamplerAddressingModeString(int mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case 0: return "None"; |
| case 1: return "ClampToEdge"; |
| case 2: return "Clamp"; |
| case 3: return "Repeat"; |
| case 4: return "RepeatMirrored"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* SamplerFilterModeString(int mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case 0: return "Nearest"; |
| case 1: return "Linear"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* ImageFormatString(int format) |
| { |
| switch (format) { |
| case 0: return "Unknown"; |
| |
| // ES/Desktop float |
| case 1: return "Rgba32f"; |
| case 2: return "Rgba16f"; |
| case 3: return "R32f"; |
| case 4: return "Rgba8"; |
| case 5: return "Rgba8Snorm"; |
| |
| // Desktop float |
| case 6: return "Rg32f"; |
| case 7: return "Rg16f"; |
| case 8: return "R11fG11fB10f"; |
| case 9: return "R16f"; |
| case 10: return "Rgba16"; |
| case 11: return "Rgb10A2"; |
| case 12: return "Rg16"; |
| case 13: return "Rg8"; |
| case 14: return "R16"; |
| case 15: return "R8"; |
| case 16: return "Rgba16Snorm"; |
| case 17: return "Rg16Snorm"; |
| case 18: return "Rg8Snorm"; |
| case 19: return "R16Snorm"; |
| case 20: return "R8Snorm"; |
| |
| // ES/Desktop int |
| case 21: return "Rgba32i"; |
| case 22: return "Rgba16i"; |
| case 23: return "Rgba8i"; |
| case 24: return "R32i"; |
| |
| // Desktop int |
| case 25: return "Rg32i"; |
| case 26: return "Rg16i"; |
| case 27: return "Rg8i"; |
| case 28: return "R16i"; |
| case 29: return "R8i"; |
| |
| // ES/Desktop uint |
| case 30: return "Rgba32ui"; |
| case 31: return "Rgba16ui"; |
| case 32: return "Rgba8ui"; |
| case 33: return "R32ui"; |
| |
| // Desktop uint |
| case 34: return "Rgb10a2ui"; |
| case 35: return "Rg32ui"; |
| case 36: return "Rg16ui"; |
| case 37: return "Rg8ui"; |
| case 38: return "R16ui"; |
| case 39: return "R8ui"; |
| case 40: return "R64ui"; |
| case 41: return "R64i"; |
| |
| default: |
| return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* ImageChannelOrderString(int format) |
| { |
| switch (format) { |
| case 0: return "R"; |
| case 1: return "A"; |
| case 2: return "RG"; |
| case 3: return "RA"; |
| case 4: return "RGB"; |
| case 5: return "RGBA"; |
| case 6: return "BGRA"; |
| case 7: return "ARGB"; |
| case 8: return "Intensity"; |
| case 9: return "Luminance"; |
| case 10: return "Rx"; |
| case 11: return "RGx"; |
| case 12: return "RGBx"; |
| case 13: return "Depth"; |
| case 14: return "DepthStencil"; |
| case 15: return "sRGB"; |
| case 16: return "sRGBx"; |
| case 17: return "sRGBA"; |
| case 18: return "sBGRA"; |
| |
| default: |
| return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* ImageChannelDataTypeString(int type) |
| { |
| switch (type) |
| { |
| case 0: return "SnormInt8"; |
| case 1: return "SnormInt16"; |
| case 2: return "UnormInt8"; |
| case 3: return "UnormInt16"; |
| case 4: return "UnormShort565"; |
| case 5: return "UnormShort555"; |
| case 6: return "UnormInt101010"; |
| case 7: return "SignedInt8"; |
| case 8: return "SignedInt16"; |
| case 9: return "SignedInt32"; |
| case 10: return "UnsignedInt8"; |
| case 11: return "UnsignedInt16"; |
| case 12: return "UnsignedInt32"; |
| case 13: return "HalfFloat"; |
| case 14: return "Float"; |
| case 15: return "UnormInt24"; |
| case 16: return "UnormInt101010_2"; |
| |
| default: |
| return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int ImageOperandsCeiling = 14; |
| |
| const char* ImageOperandsString(int format) |
| { |
| switch (format) { |
| case ImageOperandsBiasShift: return "Bias"; |
| case ImageOperandsLodShift: return "Lod"; |
| case ImageOperandsGradShift: return "Grad"; |
| case ImageOperandsConstOffsetShift: return "ConstOffset"; |
| case ImageOperandsOffsetShift: return "Offset"; |
| case ImageOperandsConstOffsetsShift: return "ConstOffsets"; |
| case ImageOperandsSampleShift: return "Sample"; |
| case ImageOperandsMinLodShift: return "MinLod"; |
| case ImageOperandsMakeTexelAvailableKHRShift: return "MakeTexelAvailableKHR"; |
| case ImageOperandsMakeTexelVisibleKHRShift: return "MakeTexelVisibleKHR"; |
| case ImageOperandsNonPrivateTexelKHRShift: return "NonPrivateTexelKHR"; |
| case ImageOperandsVolatileTexelKHRShift: return "VolatileTexelKHR"; |
| case ImageOperandsSignExtendShift: return "SignExtend"; |
| case ImageOperandsZeroExtendShift: return "ZeroExtend"; |
| |
| case ImageOperandsCeiling: |
| default: |
| return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* FPFastMathString(int mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case 0: return "NotNaN"; |
| case 1: return "NotInf"; |
| case 2: return "NSZ"; |
| case 3: return "AllowRecip"; |
| case 4: return "Fast"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* FPRoundingModeString(int mode) |
| { |
| switch (mode) { |
| case 0: return "RTE"; |
| case 1: return "RTZ"; |
| case 2: return "RTP"; |
| case 3: return "RTN"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* LinkageTypeString(int type) |
| { |
| switch (type) { |
| case 0: return "Export"; |
| case 1: return "Import"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* FuncParamAttrString(int attr) |
| { |
| switch (attr) { |
| case 0: return "Zext"; |
| case 1: return "Sext"; |
| case 2: return "ByVal"; |
| case 3: return "Sret"; |
| case 4: return "NoAlias"; |
| case 5: return "NoCapture"; |
| case 6: return "NoWrite"; |
| case 7: return "NoReadWrite"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* AccessQualifierString(int attr) |
| { |
| switch (attr) { |
| case 0: return "ReadOnly"; |
| case 1: return "WriteOnly"; |
| case 2: return "ReadWrite"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int SelectControlCeiling = 2; |
| |
| const char* SelectControlString(int cont) |
| { |
| switch (cont) { |
| case 0: return "Flatten"; |
| case 1: return "DontFlatten"; |
| |
| case SelectControlCeiling: |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int LoopControlCeiling = LoopControlPartialCountShift + 1; |
| |
| const char* LoopControlString(int cont) |
| { |
| switch (cont) { |
| case LoopControlUnrollShift: return "Unroll"; |
| case LoopControlDontUnrollShift: return "DontUnroll"; |
| case LoopControlDependencyInfiniteShift: return "DependencyInfinite"; |
| case LoopControlDependencyLengthShift: return "DependencyLength"; |
| case LoopControlMinIterationsShift: return "MinIterations"; |
| case LoopControlMaxIterationsShift: return "MaxIterations"; |
| case LoopControlIterationMultipleShift: return "IterationMultiple"; |
| case LoopControlPeelCountShift: return "PeelCount"; |
| case LoopControlPartialCountShift: return "PartialCount"; |
| |
| case LoopControlCeiling: |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int FunctionControlCeiling = 4; |
| |
| const char* FunctionControlString(int cont) |
| { |
| switch (cont) { |
| case 0: return "Inline"; |
| case 1: return "DontInline"; |
| case 2: return "Pure"; |
| case 3: return "Const"; |
| |
| case FunctionControlCeiling: |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* MemorySemanticsString(int mem) |
| { |
| // Note: No bits set (None) means "Relaxed" |
| switch (mem) { |
| case 0: return "Bad"; // Note: this is a placeholder for 'Consume' |
| case 1: return "Acquire"; |
| case 2: return "Release"; |
| case 3: return "AcquireRelease"; |
| case 4: return "SequentiallyConsistent"; |
| case 5: return "Bad"; // Note: reserved for future expansion |
| case 6: return "UniformMemory"; |
| case 7: return "SubgroupMemory"; |
| case 8: return "WorkgroupMemory"; |
| case 9: return "CrossWorkgroupMemory"; |
| case 10: return "AtomicCounterMemory"; |
| case 11: return "ImageMemory"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const int MemoryAccessCeiling = 6; |
| |
| const char* MemoryAccessString(int mem) |
| { |
| switch (mem) { |
| case MemoryAccessVolatileShift: return "Volatile"; |
| case MemoryAccessAlignedShift: return "Aligned"; |
| case MemoryAccessNontemporalShift: return "Nontemporal"; |
| case MemoryAccessMakePointerAvailableKHRShift: return "MakePointerAvailableKHR"; |
| case MemoryAccessMakePointerVisibleKHRShift: return "MakePointerVisibleKHR"; |
| case MemoryAccessNonPrivatePointerKHRShift: return "NonPrivatePointerKHR"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* ScopeString(int mem) |
| { |
| switch (mem) { |
| case 0: return "CrossDevice"; |
| case 1: return "Device"; |
| case 2: return "Workgroup"; |
| case 3: return "Subgroup"; |
| case 4: return "Invocation"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* GroupOperationString(int gop) |
| { |
| |
| switch (gop) |
| { |
| case GroupOperationReduce: return "Reduce"; |
| case GroupOperationInclusiveScan: return "InclusiveScan"; |
| case GroupOperationExclusiveScan: return "ExclusiveScan"; |
| case GroupOperationClusteredReduce: return "ClusteredReduce"; |
| case GroupOperationPartitionedReduceNV: return "PartitionedReduceNV"; |
| case GroupOperationPartitionedInclusiveScanNV: return "PartitionedInclusiveScanNV"; |
| case GroupOperationPartitionedExclusiveScanNV: return "PartitionedExclusiveScanNV"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* KernelEnqueueFlagsString(int flag) |
| { |
| switch (flag) |
| { |
| case 0: return "NoWait"; |
| case 1: return "WaitKernel"; |
| case 2: return "WaitWorkGroup"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* KernelProfilingInfoString(int info) |
| { |
| switch (info) |
| { |
| case 0: return "CmdExecTime"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* CapabilityString(int info) |
| { |
| switch (info) |
| { |
| case 0: return "Matrix"; |
| case 1: return "Shader"; |
| case 2: return "Geometry"; |
| case 3: return "Tessellation"; |
| case 4: return "Addresses"; |
| case 5: return "Linkage"; |
| case 6: return "Kernel"; |
| case 7: return "Vector16"; |
| case 8: return "Float16Buffer"; |
| case 9: return "Float16"; |
| case 10: return "Float64"; |
| case 11: return "Int64"; |
| case 12: return "Int64Atomics"; |
| case 13: return "ImageBasic"; |
| case 14: return "ImageReadWrite"; |
| case 15: return "ImageMipmap"; |
| case 16: return "Bad"; |
| case 17: return "Pipes"; |
| case 18: return "Groups"; |
| case 19: return "DeviceEnqueue"; |
| case 20: return "LiteralSampler"; |
| case 21: return "AtomicStorage"; |
| case 22: return "Int16"; |
| case 23: return "TessellationPointSize"; |
| case 24: return "GeometryPointSize"; |
| case 25: return "ImageGatherExtended"; |
| case 26: return "Bad"; |
| case 27: return "StorageImageMultisample"; |
| case 28: return "UniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing"; |
| case 29: return "SampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing"; |
| case 30: return "StorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing"; |
| case 31: return "StorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing"; |
| case 32: return "ClipDistance"; |
| case 33: return "CullDistance"; |
| case 34: return "ImageCubeArray"; |
| case 35: return "SampleRateShading"; |
| case 36: return "ImageRect"; |
| case 37: return "SampledRect"; |
| case 38: return "GenericPointer"; |
| case 39: return "Int8"; |
| case 40: return "InputAttachment"; |
| case 41: return "SparseResidency"; |
| case 42: return "MinLod"; |
| case 43: return "Sampled1D"; |
| case 44: return "Image1D"; |
| case 45: return "SampledCubeArray"; |
| case 46: return "SampledBuffer"; |
| case 47: return "ImageBuffer"; |
| case 48: return "ImageMSArray"; |
| case 49: return "StorageImageExtendedFormats"; |
| case 50: return "ImageQuery"; |
| case 51: return "DerivativeControl"; |
| case 52: return "InterpolationFunction"; |
| case 53: return "TransformFeedback"; |
| case 54: return "GeometryStreams"; |
| case 55: return "StorageImageReadWithoutFormat"; |
| case 56: return "StorageImageWriteWithoutFormat"; |
| case 57: return "MultiViewport"; |
| case 61: return "GroupNonUniform"; |
| case 62: return "GroupNonUniformVote"; |
| case 63: return "GroupNonUniformArithmetic"; |
| case 64: return "GroupNonUniformBallot"; |
| case 65: return "GroupNonUniformShuffle"; |
| case 66: return "GroupNonUniformShuffleRelative"; |
| case 67: return "GroupNonUniformClustered"; |
| case 68: return "GroupNonUniformQuad"; |
| |
| case CapabilitySubgroupBallotKHR: return "SubgroupBallotKHR"; |
| case CapabilityDrawParameters: return "DrawParameters"; |
| case CapabilitySubgroupVoteKHR: return "SubgroupVoteKHR"; |
| |
| case CapabilityStorageUniformBufferBlock16: return "StorageUniformBufferBlock16"; |
| case CapabilityStorageUniform16: return "StorageUniform16"; |
| case CapabilityStoragePushConstant16: return "StoragePushConstant16"; |
| case CapabilityStorageInputOutput16: return "StorageInputOutput16"; |
| |
| case CapabilityStorageBuffer8BitAccess: return "StorageBuffer8BitAccess"; |
| case CapabilityUniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess: return "UniformAndStorageBuffer8BitAccess"; |
| case CapabilityStoragePushConstant8: return "StoragePushConstant8"; |
| |
| case CapabilityDeviceGroup: return "DeviceGroup"; |
| case CapabilityMultiView: return "MultiView"; |
| |
| case CapabilityDenormPreserve: return "DenormPreserve"; |
| case CapabilityDenormFlushToZero: return "DenormFlushToZero"; |
| case CapabilitySignedZeroInfNanPreserve: return "SignedZeroInfNanPreserve"; |
| case CapabilityRoundingModeRTE: return "RoundingModeRTE"; |
| case CapabilityRoundingModeRTZ: return "RoundingModeRTZ"; |
| |
| case CapabilityStencilExportEXT: return "StencilExportEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityFloat16ImageAMD: return "Float16ImageAMD"; |
| case CapabilityImageGatherBiasLodAMD: return "ImageGatherBiasLodAMD"; |
| case CapabilityFragmentMaskAMD: return "FragmentMaskAMD"; |
| case CapabilityImageReadWriteLodAMD: return "ImageReadWriteLodAMD"; |
| |
| case CapabilityAtomicStorageOps: return "AtomicStorageOps"; |
| |
| case CapabilitySampleMaskPostDepthCoverage: return "SampleMaskPostDepthCoverage"; |
| case CapabilityGeometryShaderPassthroughNV: return "GeometryShaderPassthroughNV"; |
| case CapabilityShaderViewportIndexLayerNV: return "ShaderViewportIndexLayerNV"; |
| case CapabilityShaderViewportMaskNV: return "ShaderViewportMaskNV"; |
| case CapabilityShaderStereoViewNV: return "ShaderStereoViewNV"; |
| case CapabilityPerViewAttributesNV: return "PerViewAttributesNV"; |
| case CapabilityGroupNonUniformPartitionedNV: return "GroupNonUniformPartitionedNV"; |
| case CapabilityRayTracingNV: return "RayTracingNV"; |
| case CapabilityRayTracingMotionBlurNV: return "RayTracingMotionBlurNV"; |
| case CapabilityRayTracingKHR: return "RayTracingKHR"; |
| case CapabilityRayCullMaskKHR: return "RayCullMaskKHR"; |
| case CapabilityRayQueryKHR: return "RayQueryKHR"; |
| case CapabilityRayTracingProvisionalKHR: return "RayTracingProvisionalKHR"; |
| case CapabilityRayTraversalPrimitiveCullingKHR: return "RayTraversalPrimitiveCullingKHR"; |
| case CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV: return "ComputeDerivativeGroupQuadsNV"; |
| case CapabilityComputeDerivativeGroupLinearNV: return "ComputeDerivativeGroupLinearNV"; |
| case CapabilityFragmentBarycentricKHR: return "FragmentBarycentricKHR"; |
| case CapabilityMeshShadingNV: return "MeshShadingNV"; |
| case CapabilityImageFootprintNV: return "ImageFootprintNV"; |
| case CapabilityMeshShadingEXT: return "MeshShadingEXT"; |
| // case CapabilityShadingRateNV: return "ShadingRateNV"; // superseded by FragmentDensityEXT |
| case CapabilitySampleMaskOverrideCoverageNV: return "SampleMaskOverrideCoverageNV"; |
| case CapabilityFragmentDensityEXT: return "FragmentDensityEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityFragmentFullyCoveredEXT: return "FragmentFullyCoveredEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityShaderNonUniformEXT: return "ShaderNonUniformEXT"; |
| case CapabilityRuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT: return "RuntimeDescriptorArrayEXT"; |
| case CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexingEXT: return "InputAttachmentArrayDynamicIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT: return "UniformTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT: return "StorageTexelBufferArrayDynamicIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "UniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilitySampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "SampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "StorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "StorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "InputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityUniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "UniformTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| case CapabilityStorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT: return "StorageTexelBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelKHR: return "VulkanMemoryModelKHR"; |
| case CapabilityVulkanMemoryModelDeviceScopeKHR: return "VulkanMemoryModelDeviceScopeKHR"; |
| |
| case CapabilityPhysicalStorageBufferAddressesEXT: return "PhysicalStorageBufferAddressesEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityVariablePointers: return "VariablePointers"; |
| |
| case CapabilityCooperativeMatrixNV: return "CooperativeMatrixNV"; |
| case CapabilityShaderSMBuiltinsNV: return "ShaderSMBuiltinsNV"; |
| |
| case CapabilityFragmentShaderSampleInterlockEXT: return "CapabilityFragmentShaderSampleInterlockEXT"; |
| case CapabilityFragmentShaderPixelInterlockEXT: return "CapabilityFragmentShaderPixelInterlockEXT"; |
| case CapabilityFragmentShaderShadingRateInterlockEXT: return "CapabilityFragmentShaderShadingRateInterlockEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityFragmentShadingRateKHR: return "FragmentShadingRateKHR"; |
| |
| case CapabilityDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT: return "DemoteToHelperInvocationEXT"; |
| case CapabilityShaderClockKHR: return "ShaderClockKHR"; |
| case CapabilityInt64ImageEXT: return "Int64ImageEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityIntegerFunctions2INTEL: return "CapabilityIntegerFunctions2INTEL"; |
| |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat16AddEXT: return "AtomicFloat16AddEXT"; |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat32AddEXT: return "AtomicFloat32AddEXT"; |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat64AddEXT: return "AtomicFloat64AddEXT"; |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat16MinMaxEXT: return "AtomicFloat16MinMaxEXT"; |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat32MinMaxEXT: return "AtomicFloat32MinMaxEXT"; |
| case CapabilityAtomicFloat64MinMaxEXT: return "AtomicFloat64MinMaxEXT"; |
| |
| case CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR: return "CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayoutKHR"; |
| case CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccessKHR: return "CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout8BitAccessKHR"; |
| case CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccessKHR: return "CapabilityWorkgroupMemoryExplicitLayout16BitAccessKHR"; |
| |
| default: return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| const char* OpcodeString(int op) |
| { |
| switch (op) { |
| case 0: return "OpNop"; |
| case 1: return "OpUndef"; |
| case 2: return "OpSourceContinued"; |
| case 3: return "OpSource"; |
| case 4: return "OpSourceExtension"; |
| case 5: return "OpName"; |
| case 6: return "OpMemberName"; |
| case 7: return "OpString"; |
| case 8: return "OpLine"; |
| case 9: return "Bad"; |
| case 10: return "OpExtension"; |
| case 11: return "OpExtInstImport"; |
| case 12: return "OpExtInst"; |
| case 13: return "Bad"; |
| case 14: return "OpMemoryModel"; |
| case 15: return "OpEntryPoint"; |
| case 16: return "OpExecutionMode"; |
| case 17: return "OpCapability"; |
| case 18: return "Bad"; |
| case 19: return "OpTypeVoid"; |
| case 20: return "OpTypeBool"; |
| case 21: return "OpTypeInt"; |
| case 22: return "OpTypeFloat"; |
| case 23: return "OpTypeVector"; |
| case 24: return "OpTypeMatrix"; |
| case 25: return "OpTypeImage"; |
| case 26: return "OpTypeSampler"; |
| case 27: return "OpTypeSampledImage"; |
| case 28: return "OpTypeArray"; |
| case 29: return "OpTypeRuntimeArray"; |
| case 30: return "OpTypeStruct"; |
| case 31: return "OpTypeOpaque"; |
| case 32: return "OpTypePointer"; |
| case 33: return "OpTypeFunction"; |
| case 34: return "OpTypeEvent"; |
| case 35: return "OpTypeDeviceEvent"; |
| case 36: return "OpTypeReserveId"; |
| case 37: return "OpTypeQueue"; |
| case 38: return "OpTypePipe"; |
| case 39: return "OpTypeForwardPointer"; |
| case 40: return "Bad"; |
| case 41: return "OpConstantTrue"; |
| case 42: return "OpConstantFalse"; |
| case 43: return "OpConstant"; |
| case 44: return "OpConstantComposite"; |
| case 45: return "OpConstantSampler"; |
| case 46: return "OpConstantNull"; |
| case 47: return "Bad"; |
| case 48: return "OpSpecConstantTrue"; |
| case 49: return "OpSpecConstantFalse"; |
| case 50: return "OpSpecConstant"; |
| case 51: return "OpSpecConstantComposite"; |
| case 52: return "OpSpecConstantOp"; |
| case 53: return "Bad"; |
| case 54: return "OpFunction"; |
| case 55: return "OpFunctionParameter"; |
| case 56: return "OpFunctionEnd"; |
| case 57: return "OpFunctionCall"; |
| case 58: return "Bad"; |
| case 59: return "OpVariable"; |
| case 60: return "OpImageTexelPointer"; |
| case 61: return "OpLoad"; |
| case 62: return "OpStore"; |
| case 63: return "OpCopyMemory"; |
| case 64: return "OpCopyMemorySized"; |
| case 65: return "OpAccessChain"; |
| case 66: return "OpInBoundsAccessChain"; |
| case 67: return "OpPtrAccessChain"; |
| case 68: return "OpArrayLength"; |
| case 69: return "OpGenericPtrMemSemantics"; |
| case 70: return "OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain"; |
| case 71: return "OpDecorate"; |
| case 72: return "OpMemberDecorate"; |
| case 73: return "OpDecorationGroup"; |
| case 74: return "OpGroupDecorate"; |
| case 75: return "OpGroupMemberDecorate"; |
| case 76: return "Bad"; |
| case 77: return "OpVectorExtractDynamic"; |
| case 78: return "OpVectorInsertDynamic"; |
| case 79: return "OpVectorShuffle"; |
| case 80: return "OpCompositeConstruct"; |
| case 81: return "OpCompositeExtract"; |
| case 82: return "OpCompositeInsert"; |
| case 83: return "OpCopyObject"; |
| case 84: return "OpTranspose"; |
| case OpCopyLogical: return "OpCopyLogical"; |
| case 85: return "Bad"; |
| case 86: return "OpSampledImage"; |
| case 87: return "OpImageSampleImplicitLod"; |
| case 88: return "OpImageSampleExplicitLod"; |
| case 89: return "OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod"; |
| case 90: return "OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod"; |
| case 91: return "OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod"; |
| case 92: return "OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod"; |
| case 93: return "OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod"; |
| case 94: return "OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod"; |
| case 95: return "OpImageFetch"; |
| case 96: return "OpImageGather"; |
| case 97: return "OpImageDrefGather"; |
| case 98: return "OpImageRead"; |
| case 99: return "OpImageWrite"; |
| case 100: return "OpImage"; |
| case 101: return "OpImageQueryFormat"; |
| case 102: return "OpImageQueryOrder"; |
| case 103: return "OpImageQuerySizeLod"; |
| case 104: return "OpImageQuerySize"; |
| case 105: return "OpImageQueryLod"; |
| case 106: return "OpImageQueryLevels"; |
| case 107: return "OpImageQuerySamples"; |
| case 108: return "Bad"; |
| case 109: return "OpConvertFToU"; |
| case 110: return "OpConvertFToS"; |
| case 111: return "OpConvertSToF"; |
| case 112: return "OpConvertUToF"; |
| case 113: return "OpUConvert"; |
| case 114: return "OpSConvert"; |
| case 115: return "OpFConvert"; |
| case 116: return "OpQuantizeToF16"; |
| case 117: return "OpConvertPtrToU"; |
| case 118: return "OpSatConvertSToU"; |
| case 119: return "OpSatConvertUToS"; |
| case 120: return "OpConvertUToPtr"; |
| case 121: return "OpPtrCastToGeneric"; |
| case 122: return "OpGenericCastToPtr"; |
| case 123: return "OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit"; |
| case 124: return "OpBitcast"; |
| case 125: return "Bad"; |
| case 126: return "OpSNegate"; |
| case 127: return "OpFNegate"; |
| case 128: return "OpIAdd"; |
| case 129: return "OpFAdd"; |
| case 130: return "OpISub"; |
| case 131: return "OpFSub"; |
| case 132: return "OpIMul"; |
| case 133: return "OpFMul"; |
| case 134: return "OpUDiv"; |
| case 135: return "OpSDiv"; |
| case 136: return "OpFDiv"; |
| case 137: return "OpUMod"; |
| case 138: return "OpSRem"; |
| case 139: return "OpSMod"; |
| case 140: return "OpFRem"; |
| case 141: return "OpFMod"; |
| case 142: return "OpVectorTimesScalar"; |
| case 143: return "OpMatrixTimesScalar"; |
| case 144: return "OpVectorTimesMatrix"; |
| case 145: return "OpMatrixTimesVector"; |
| case 146: return "OpMatrixTimesMatrix"; |
| case 147: return "OpOuterProduct"; |
| case 148: return "OpDot"; |
| case 149: return "OpIAddCarry"; |
| case 150: return "OpISubBorrow"; |
| case 151: return "OpUMulExtended"; |
| case 152: return "OpSMulExtended"; |
| case 153: return "Bad"; |
| case 154: return "OpAny"; |
| case 155: return "OpAll"; |
| case 156: return "OpIsNan"; |
| case 157: return "OpIsInf"; |
| case 158: return "OpIsFinite"; |
| case 159: return "OpIsNormal"; |
| case 160: return "OpSignBitSet"; |
| case 161: return "OpLessOrGreater"; |
| case 162: return "OpOrdered"; |
| case 163: return "OpUnordered"; |
| case 164: return "OpLogicalEqual"; |
| case 165: return "OpLogicalNotEqual"; |
| case 166: return "OpLogicalOr"; |
| case 167: return "OpLogicalAnd"; |
| case 168: return "OpLogicalNot"; |
| case 169: return "OpSelect"; |
| case 170: return "OpIEqual"; |
| case 171: return "OpINotEqual"; |
| case 172: return "OpUGreaterThan"; |
| case 173: return "OpSGreaterThan"; |
| case 174: return "OpUGreaterThanEqual"; |
| case 175: return "OpSGreaterThanEqual"; |
| case 176: return "OpULessThan"; |
| case 177: return "OpSLessThan"; |
| case 178: return "OpULessThanEqual"; |
| case 179: return "OpSLessThanEqual"; |
| case 180: return "OpFOrdEqual"; |
| case 181: return "OpFUnordEqual"; |
| case 182: return "OpFOrdNotEqual"; |
| case 183: return "OpFUnordNotEqual"; |
| case 184: return "OpFOrdLessThan"; |
| case 185: return "OpFUnordLessThan"; |
| case 186: return "OpFOrdGreaterThan"; |
| case 187: return "OpFUnordGreaterThan"; |
| case 188: return "OpFOrdLessThanEqual"; |
| case 189: return "OpFUnordLessThanEqual"; |
| case 190: return "OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual"; |
| case 191: return "OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual"; |
| case 192: return "Bad"; |
| case 193: return "Bad"; |
| case 194: return "OpShiftRightLogical"; |
| case 195: return "OpShiftRightArithmetic"; |
| case 196: return "OpShiftLeftLogical"; |
| case 197: return "OpBitwiseOr"; |
| case 198: return "OpBitwiseXor"; |
| case 199: return "OpBitwiseAnd"; |
| case 200: return "OpNot"; |
| case 201: return "OpBitFieldInsert"; |
| case 202: return "OpBitFieldSExtract"; |
| case 203: return "OpBitFieldUExtract"; |
| case 204: return "OpBitReverse"; |
| case 205: return "OpBitCount"; |
| case 206: return "Bad"; |
| case 207: return "OpDPdx"; |
| case 208: return "OpDPdy"; |
| case 209: return "OpFwidth"; |
| case 210: return "OpDPdxFine"; |
| case 211: return "OpDPdyFine"; |
| case 212: return "OpFwidthFine"; |
| case 213: return "OpDPdxCoarse"; |
| case 214: return "OpDPdyCoarse"; |
| case 215: return "OpFwidthCoarse"; |
| case 216: return "Bad"; |
| case 217: return "Bad"; |
| case 218: return "OpEmitVertex"; |
| case 219: return "OpEndPrimitive"; |
| case 220: return "OpEmitStreamVertex"; |
| case 221: return "OpEndStreamPrimitive"; |
| case 222: return "Bad"; |
| case 223: return "Bad"; |
| case 224: return "OpControlBarrier"; |
| case 225: return "OpMemoryBarrier"; |
| case 226: return "Bad"; |
| case 227: return "OpAtomicLoad"; |
| case 228: return "OpAtomicStore"; |
| case 229: return "OpAtomicExchange"; |
| case 230: return "OpAtomicCompareExchange"; |
| case 231: return "OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak"; |
| case 232: return "OpAtomicIIncrement"; |
| case 233: return "OpAtomicIDecrement"; |
| case 234: return "OpAtomicIAdd"; |
| case 235: return "OpAtomicISub"; |
| case 236: return "OpAtomicSMin"; |
| case 237: return "OpAtomicUMin"; |
| case 238: return "OpAtomicSMax"; |
| case 239: return "OpAtomicUMax"; |
| case 240: return "OpAtomicAnd"; |
| case 241: return "OpAtomicOr"; |
| case 242: return "OpAtomicXor"; |
| case 243: return "Bad"; |
| case 244: return "Bad"; |
| case 245: return "OpPhi"; |
| case 246: return "OpLoopMerge"; |
| case 247: return "OpSelectionMerge"; |
| case 248: return "OpLabel"; |
| case 249: return "OpBranch"; |
| case 250: return "OpBranchConditional"; |
| case 251: return "OpSwitch"; |
| case 252: return "OpKill"; |
| case 253: return "OpReturn"; |
| case 254: return "OpReturnValue"; |
| case 255: return "OpUnreachable"; |
| case 256: return "OpLifetimeStart"; |
| case 257: return "OpLifetimeStop"; |
| case 258: return "Bad"; |
| case 259: return "OpGroupAsyncCopy"; |
| case 260: return "OpGroupWaitEvents"; |
| case 261: return "OpGroupAll"; |
| case 262: return "OpGroupAny"; |
| case 263: return "OpGroupBroadcast"; |
| case 264: return "OpGroupIAdd"; |
| case 265: return "OpGroupFAdd"; |
| case 266: return "OpGroupFMin"; |
| case 267: return "OpGroupUMin"; |
| case 268: return "OpGroupSMin"; |
| case 269: return "OpGroupFMax"; |
| case 270: return "OpGroupUMax"; |
| case 271: return "OpGroupSMax"; |
| case 272: return "Bad"; |
| case 273: return "Bad"; |
| case 274: return "OpReadPipe"; |
| case 275: return "OpWritePipe"; |
| case 276: return "OpReservedReadPipe"; |
| case 277: return "OpReservedWritePipe"; |
| case 278: return "OpReserveReadPipePackets"; |
| case 279: return "OpReserveWritePipePackets"; |
| case 280: return "OpCommitReadPipe"; |
| case 281: return "OpCommitWritePipe"; |
| case 282: return "OpIsValidReserveId"; |
| case 283: return "OpGetNumPipePackets"; |
| case 284: return "OpGetMaxPipePackets"; |
| case 285: return "OpGroupReserveReadPipePackets"; |
| case 286: return "OpGroupReserveWritePipePackets"; |
| case 287: return "OpGroupCommitReadPipe"; |
| case 288: return "OpGroupCommitWritePipe"; |
| case 289: return "Bad"; |
| case 290: return "Bad"; |
| case 291: return "OpEnqueueMarker"; |
| case 292: return "OpEnqueueKernel"; |
| case 293: return "OpGetKernelNDrangeSubGroupCount"; |
| case 294: return "OpGetKernelNDrangeMaxSubGroupSize"; |
| case 295: return "OpGetKernelWorkGroupSize"; |
| case 296: return "OpGetKernelPreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple"; |
| case 297: return "OpRetainEvent"; |
| case 298: return "OpReleaseEvent"; |
| case 299: return "OpCreateUserEvent"; |
| case 300: return "OpIsValidEvent"; |
| case 301: return "OpSetUserEventStatus"; |
| case 302: return "OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo"; |
| case 303: return "OpGetDefaultQueue"; |
| case 304: return "OpBuildNDRange"; |
| case 305: return "OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod"; |
| case 306: return "OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod"; |
| case 307: return "OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod"; |
| case 308: return "OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod"; |
| case 309: return "OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod"; |
| case 310: return "OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod"; |
| case 311: return "OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod"; |
| case 312: return "OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod"; |
| case 313: return "OpImageSparseFetch"; |
| case 314: return "OpImageSparseGather"; |
| case 315: return "OpImageSparseDrefGather"; |
| case 316: return "OpImageSparseTexelsResident"; |
| case 317: return "OpNoLine"; |
| case 318: return "OpAtomicFlagTestAndSet"; |
| case 319: return "OpAtomicFlagClear"; |
| case 320: return "OpImageSparseRead"; |
| |
| case OpModuleProcessed: return "OpModuleProcessed"; |
| case OpExecutionModeId: return "OpExecutionModeId"; |
| case OpDecorateId: return "OpDecorateId"; |
| |
| case 333: return "OpGroupNonUniformElect"; |
| case 334: return "OpGroupNonUniformAll"; |
| case 335: return "OpGroupNonUniformAny"; |
| case 336: return "OpGroupNonUniformAllEqual"; |
| case 337: return "OpGroupNonUniformBroadcast"; |
| case 338: return "OpGroupNonUniformBroadcastFirst"; |
| case 339: return "OpGroupNonUniformBallot"; |
| case 340: return "OpGroupNonUniformInverseBallot"; |
| case 341: return "OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitExtract"; |
| case 342: return "OpGroupNonUniformBallotBitCount"; |
| case 343: return "OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindLSB"; |
| case 344: return "OpGroupNonUniformBallotFindMSB"; |
| case 345: return "OpGroupNonUniformShuffle"; |
| case 346: return "OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor"; |
| case 347: return "OpGroupNonUniformShuffleUp"; |
| case 348: return "OpGroupNonUniformShuffleDown"; |
| case 349: return "OpGroupNonUniformIAdd"; |
| case 350: return "OpGroupNonUniformFAdd"; |
| case 351: return "OpGroupNonUniformIMul"; |
| case 352: return "OpGroupNonUniformFMul"; |
| case 353: return "OpGroupNonUniformSMin"; |
| case 354: return "OpGroupNonUniformUMin"; |
| case 355: return "OpGroupNonUniformFMin"; |
| case 356: return "OpGroupNonUniformSMax"; |
| case 357: return "OpGroupNonUniformUMax"; |
| case 358: return "OpGroupNonUniformFMax"; |
| case 359: return "OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseAnd"; |
| case 360: return "OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseOr"; |
| case 361: return "OpGroupNonUniformBitwiseXor"; |
| case 362: return "OpGroupNonUniformLogicalAnd"; |
| case 363: return "OpGroupNonUniformLogicalOr"; |
| case 364: return "OpGroupNonUniformLogicalXor"; |
| case 365: return "OpGroupNonUniformQuadBroadcast"; |
| case 366: return "OpGroupNonUniformQuadSwap"; |
| |
| case OpTerminateInvocation: return "OpTerminateInvocation"; |
| |
| case 4421: return "OpSubgroupBallotKHR"; |
| case 4422: return "OpSubgroupFirstInvocationKHR"; |
| case 4428: return "OpSubgroupAllKHR"; |
| case 4429: return "OpSubgroupAnyKHR"; |
| case 4430: return "OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR"; |
| case 4432: return "OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR"; |
| |
| case OpAtomicFAddEXT: return "OpAtomicFAddEXT"; |
| case OpAtomicFMinEXT: return "OpAtomicFMinEXT"; |
| case OpAtomicFMaxEXT: return "OpAtomicFMaxEXT"; |
| |
| case 5000: return "OpGroupIAddNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5001: return "OpGroupFAddNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5002: return "OpGroupFMinNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5003: return "OpGroupUMinNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5004: return "OpGroupSMinNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5005: return "OpGroupFMaxNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5006: return "OpGroupUMaxNonUniformAMD"; |
| case 5007: return "OpGroupSMaxNonUniformAMD"; |
| |
| case 5011: return "OpFragmentMaskFetchAMD"; |
| case 5012: return "OpFragmentFetchAMD"; |
| |
| case OpReadClockKHR: return "OpReadClockKHR"; |
| |
| case OpDecorateStringGOOGLE: return "OpDecorateStringGOOGLE"; |
| case OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE: return "OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE"; |
| |
| case OpReportIntersectionKHR: return "OpReportIntersectionKHR"; |
| case OpIgnoreIntersectionNV: return "OpIgnoreIntersectionNV"; |
| case OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR: return "OpIgnoreIntersectionKHR"; |
| case OpTerminateRayNV: return "OpTerminateRayNV"; |
| case OpTerminateRayKHR: return "OpTerminateRayKHR"; |
| case OpTraceNV: return "OpTraceNV"; |
| case OpTraceRayMotionNV: return "OpTraceRayMotionNV"; |
| case OpTraceRayKHR: return "OpTraceRayKHR"; |
| case OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR: return "OpTypeAccelerationStructureKHR"; |
| case OpExecuteCallableNV: return "OpExecuteCallableNV"; |
| case OpExecuteCallableKHR: return "OpExecuteCallableKHR"; |
| case OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR: return "OpConvertUToAccelerationStructureKHR"; |
| |
| case OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV: return "OpGroupNonUniformPartitionNV"; |
| case OpImageSampleFootprintNV: return "OpImageSampleFootprintNV"; |
| case OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV: return "OpWritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV"; |
| case OpEmitMeshTasksEXT: return "OpEmitMeshTasksEXT"; |
| case OpSetMeshOutputsEXT: return "OpSetMeshOutputsEXT"; |
| |
| case OpTypeRayQueryKHR: return "OpTypeRayQueryKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryInitializeKHR: return "OpRayQueryInitializeKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryTerminateKHR: return "OpRayQueryTerminateKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR: return "OpRayQueryGenerateIntersectionKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR: return "OpRayQueryConfirmIntersectionKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryProceedKHR: return "OpRayQueryProceedKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTypeKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetRayTMinKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetRayFlagsKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionTKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceIdKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffsetKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionFrontFaceKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionCandidateAABBOpaqueKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayDirectionKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectRayOriginKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetWorldRayDirectionKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetWorldRayOriginKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionObjectToWorldKHR"; |
| case OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR: return "OpRayQueryGetIntersectionWorldToObjectKHR"; |
| |
| case OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV: return "OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV"; |
| case OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV: return "OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV"; |
| case OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV: return "OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV"; |
| case OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV: return "OpCooperativeMatrixMulAddNV"; |
| case OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV: return "OpCooperativeMatrixLengthNV"; |
| case OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT: return "OpDemoteToHelperInvocationEXT"; |
| case OpIsHelperInvocationEXT: return "OpIsHelperInvocationEXT"; |
| |
| case OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT: return "OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT"; |
| case OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT: return "OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT"; |
| |
| default: |
| return "Bad"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // The set of objects that hold all the instruction/operand |
| // parameterization information. |
| InstructionParameters InstructionDesc[OpCodeMask + 1]; |
| OperandParameters ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeCeiling]; |
| OperandParameters DecorationOperands[DecorationCeiling]; |
| |
| EnumDefinition OperandClassParams[OperandCount]; |
| EnumParameters ExecutionModeParams[ExecutionModeCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters ImageOperandsParams[ImageOperandsCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters DecorationParams[DecorationCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters LoopControlParams[FunctionControlCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters SelectionControlParams[SelectControlCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters FunctionControlParams[FunctionControlCeiling]; |
| EnumParameters MemoryAccessParams[MemoryAccessCeiling]; |
| |
| // Set up all the parameterizing descriptions of the opcodes, operands, etc. |
| void Parameterize() |
| { |
| // only do this once. |
| static bool initialized = false; |
| if (initialized) |
| return; |
| initialized = true; |
| |
| // Exceptions to having a result <id> and a resulting type <id>. |
| // (Everything is initialized to have both). |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpNop].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSource].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSourceContinued].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSourceExtension].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtension].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtInstImport].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCapability].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemoryModel].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEntryPoint].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionMode].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionModeId].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeVoid].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeBool].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeInt].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeFloat].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeVector].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeMatrix].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeSampler].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeSampledImage].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeArray].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeRuntimeArray].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeStruct].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeOpaque].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypePointer].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeForwardPointer].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeFunction].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeEvent].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeDeviceEvent].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeReserveId].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeQueue].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypePipe].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFunctionEnd].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorationGroup].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorate].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateId].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateStringGOOGLE].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorate].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupDecorate].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupMemberDecorate].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpName].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberName].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpString].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLine].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpNoLine].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemory].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemorySized].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEmitVertex].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEndPrimitive].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEmitStreamVertex].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEndStreamPrimitive].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpControlBarrier].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemoryBarrier].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpAtomicStore].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLoopMerge].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSelectionMerge].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLabel].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBranch].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBranchConditional].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSwitch].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpKill].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTerminateInvocation].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpReturn].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpReturnValue].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUnreachable].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLifetimeStart].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLifetimeStop].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCommitReadPipe].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCommitWritePipe].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupCommitWritePipe].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupCommitReadPipe].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCaptureEventProfilingInfo].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSetUserEventStatus].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpRetainEvent].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpReleaseEvent].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupWaitEvents].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpAtomicFlagClear].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpModuleProcessed].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV].setResultAndType(true, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBeginInvocationInterlockEXT].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEndInvocationInterlockEXT].setResultAndType(false, false); |
| |
| // Specific additional context-dependent operands |
| |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeInvocations].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Number of <<Invocation,invocations>>'"); |
| |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSize].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'x size'"); |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSize].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'y size'"); |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSize].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'z size'"); |
| |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSizeHint].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'x size'"); |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSizeHint].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'y size'"); |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeLocalSizeHint].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'z size'"); |
| |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeOutputVertices].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Vertex count'"); |
| ExecutionModeOperands[ExecutionModeVecTypeHint].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Vector type'"); |
| |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationStream].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Stream Number'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationLocation].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Location'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationComponent].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Component'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationIndex].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Index'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationBinding].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Binding Point'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationDescriptorSet].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Descriptor Set'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationOffset].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Byte Offset'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationXfbBuffer].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'XFB Buffer Number'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationXfbStride].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'XFB Stride'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationArrayStride].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Array Stride'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationMatrixStride].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Matrix Stride'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationBuiltIn].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "See <<BuiltIn,*BuiltIn*>>"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationFPRoundingMode].push(OperandFPRoundingMode, "'Floating-Point Rounding Mode'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationFPFastMathMode].push(OperandFPFastMath, "'Fast-Math Mode'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationLinkageAttributes].push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationLinkageAttributes].push(OperandLinkageType, "'Linkage Type'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationFuncParamAttr].push(OperandFuncParamAttr, "'Function Parameter Attribute'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationSpecId].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Specialization Constant ID'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationInputAttachmentIndex].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Attachment Index'"); |
| DecorationOperands[DecorationAlignment].push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Alignment'"); |
| |
| OperandClassParams[OperandSource].set(0, SourceString, 0); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandExecutionModel].set(0, ExecutionModelString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandAddressing].set(0, AddressingString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandMemory].set(0, MemoryString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandExecutionMode].set(ExecutionModeCeiling, ExecutionModeString, ExecutionModeParams); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandExecutionMode].setOperands(ExecutionModeOperands); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandStorage].set(0, StorageClassString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandDimensionality].set(0, DimensionString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandSamplerAddressingMode].set(0, SamplerAddressingModeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandSamplerFilterMode].set(0, SamplerFilterModeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandSamplerImageFormat].set(0, ImageFormatString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandImageChannelOrder].set(0, ImageChannelOrderString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandImageChannelDataType].set(0, ImageChannelDataTypeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandImageOperands].set(ImageOperandsCeiling, ImageOperandsString, ImageOperandsParams, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandFPFastMath].set(0, FPFastMathString, nullptr, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandFPRoundingMode].set(0, FPRoundingModeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandLinkageType].set(0, LinkageTypeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandFuncParamAttr].set(0, FuncParamAttrString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandAccessQualifier].set(0, AccessQualifierString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandDecoration].set(DecorationCeiling, DecorationString, DecorationParams); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandDecoration].setOperands(DecorationOperands); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandBuiltIn].set(0, BuiltInString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandSelect].set(SelectControlCeiling, SelectControlString, SelectionControlParams, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandLoop].set(LoopControlCeiling, LoopControlString, LoopControlParams, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandFunction].set(FunctionControlCeiling, FunctionControlString, FunctionControlParams, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandMemorySemantics].set(0, MemorySemanticsString, nullptr, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandMemoryAccess].set(MemoryAccessCeiling, MemoryAccessString, MemoryAccessParams, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandScope].set(0, ScopeString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandGroupOperation].set(0, GroupOperationString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandKernelEnqueueFlags].set(0, KernelEnqueueFlagsString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandKernelProfilingInfo].set(0, KernelProfilingInfoString, nullptr, true); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandCapability].set(0, CapabilityString, nullptr); |
| OperandClassParams[OperandOpcode].set(OpCodeMask + 1, OpcodeString, 0); |
| |
| // set name of operator, an initial set of <id> style operands, and the description |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSource].operands.push(OperandSource, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSource].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Version'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSource].operands.push(OperandId, "'File'", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSource].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Source'", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSourceContinued].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Continued Source'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSourceExtension].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Extension'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpName].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpName].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberName].operands.push(OperandId, "'Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberName].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Member'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberName].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpString].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'String'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLine].operands.push(OperandId, "'File'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLine].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Line'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLine].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Column'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtension].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtInstImport].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCapability].operands.push(OperandCapability, "'Capability'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemoryModel].operands.push(OperandAddressing, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemoryModel].operands.push(OperandMemory, ""); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpEntryPoint].operands.push(OperandExecutionModel, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEntryPoint].operands.push(OperandId, "'Entry Point'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEntryPoint].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "'Name'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpEntryPoint].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Interface'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionMode].operands.push(OperandId, "'Entry Point'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionMode].operands.push(OperandExecutionMode, "'Mode'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionMode].operands.push(OperandOptionalLiteral, "See <<Execution_Mode,Execution Mode>>"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionModeId].operands.push(OperandId, "'Entry Point'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionModeId].operands.push(OperandExecutionMode, "'Mode'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExecutionModeId].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "See <<Execution_Mode,Execution Mode>>"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeInt].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Width'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeInt].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Signedness'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeFloat].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Width'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeVector].operands.push(OperandId, "'Component Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeVector].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Component Count'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeMatrix].operands.push(OperandId, "'Column Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeMatrix].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Column Count'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandDimensionality, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Depth'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Arrayed'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'MS'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Sampled'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandSamplerImageFormat, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeImage].operands.push(OperandAccessQualifier, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeSampledImage].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image Type'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeArray].operands.push(OperandId, "'Element Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeArray].operands.push(OperandId, "'Length'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeRuntimeArray].operands.push(OperandId, "'Element Type'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeStruct].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Member 0 type', +\n'member 1 type', +\n..."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeOpaque].operands.push(OperandLiteralString, "The name of the opaque type."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypePointer].operands.push(OperandStorage, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypePointer].operands.push(OperandId, "'Type'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeForwardPointer].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeForwardPointer].operands.push(OperandStorage, ""); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypePipe].operands.push(OperandAccessQualifier, "'Qualifier'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeFunction].operands.push(OperandId, "'Return Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpTypeFunction].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Parameter 0 Type', +\n'Parameter 1 Type', +\n..."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConstant].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "'Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConstantComposite].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Constituents'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConstantSampler].operands.push(OperandSamplerAddressingMode, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpConstantSampler].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Param'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpConstantSampler].operands.push(OperandSamplerFilterMode, ""); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSpecConstant].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "'Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSpecConstantComposite].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Constituents'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSpecConstantOp].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Opcode'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSpecConstantOp].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Operands'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVariable].operands.push(OperandStorage, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVariable].operands.push(OperandId, "'Initializer'", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFunction].operands.push(OperandFunction, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFunction].operands.push(OperandId, "'Function Type'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFunctionCall].operands.push(OperandId, "'Function'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFunctionCall].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Argument 0', +\n'Argument 1', +\n..."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtInst].operands.push(OperandId, "'Set'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtInst].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Instruction'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpExtInst].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Operand 1', +\n'Operand 2', +\n..."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLoad].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLoad].operands.push(OperandMemoryAccess, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLoad].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLoad].operands.push(OperandId, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].operands.push(OperandId, "'Object'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].operands.push(OperandMemoryAccess, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpStore].operands.push(OperandId, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpPhi].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Variable, Parent, ...'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorate].operands.push(OperandDecoration, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorate].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "See <<Decoration,'Decoration'>>."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateId].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateId].operands.push(OperandDecoration, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateId].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "See <<Decoration,'Decoration'>>."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandDecoration, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandVariableLiteralStrings, "'Literal Strings'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Structure Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Member'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandDecoration, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "See <<Decoration,'Decoration'>>."); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandId, "'Structure Type'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Member'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandDecoration, ""); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMemberDecorateStringGOOGLE].operands.push(OperandVariableLiteralStrings, "'Literal Strings'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupDecorate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Decoration Group'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupDecorate].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Targets'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Decoration Group'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGroupMemberDecorate].operands.push(OperandVariableIdLiteral, "'Targets'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorExtractDynamic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorExtractDynamic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Index'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorInsertDynamic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorInsertDynamic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Component'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorInsertDynamic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Index'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorShuffle].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorShuffle].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 2'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorShuffle].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "'Components'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeConstruct].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Constituents'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Composite'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeExtract].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Object'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Composite'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCompositeInsert].operands.push(OperandVariableLiterals, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyObject].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemory].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemory].operands.push(OperandId, "'Source'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemory].operands.push(OperandMemoryAccess, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemorySized].operands.push(OperandId, "'Target'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemorySized].operands.push(OperandId, "'Source'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemorySized].operands.push(OperandId, "'Size'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyMemorySized].operands.push(OperandMemoryAccess, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSampledImage].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSampledImage].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampler'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImage].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageRead].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageRead].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageRead].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageRead].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].operands.push(OperandId, "'Texel'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageWrite].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageFetch].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageFetch].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageFetch].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageFetch].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Component'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageGather].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageGather].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageDrefGather].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageDrefGather].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefImplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseSampleProjDrefExplicitLod].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseFetch].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseFetch].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseFetch].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseFetch].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Component'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseGather].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseGather].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Sampled Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseDrefGather].operands.push(OperandId, "'D~ref~'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseDrefGather].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseDrefGather].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseRead].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseRead].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseRead].operands.push(OperandImageOperands, "", true); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseRead].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "", true); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageSparseTexelsResident].operands.push(OperandId, "'Resident Code'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQuerySizeLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQuerySizeLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Level of Detail'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQuerySize].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQueryLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQueryLod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Coordinate'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQueryLevels].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQuerySamples].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQueryFormat].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpImageQueryOrder].operands.push(OperandId, "'Image'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpAccessChain].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpInBoundsAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpInBoundsAccessChain].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Element'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandId, "'Element'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpInBoundsPtrAccessChain].operands.push(OperandVariableIds, "'Indexes'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSNegate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFNegate].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpNot].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpAny].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpAll].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertFToU].operands.push(OperandId, "'Float Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertFToS].operands.push(OperandId, "'Float Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertSToF].operands.push(OperandId, "'Signed Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertUToF].operands.push(OperandId, "'Unsigned Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUConvert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Unsigned Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSConvert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Signed Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFConvert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Float Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSatConvertSToU].operands.push(OperandId, "'Signed Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSatConvertUToS].operands.push(OperandId, "'Unsigned Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertPtrToU].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpConvertUToPtr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Integer Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpPtrCastToGeneric].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpGenericCastToPtr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpGenericCastToPtrExplicit].operands.push(OperandStorage, "'Storage'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpGenericPtrMemSemantics].operands.push(OperandId, "'Pointer'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitcast].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpQuantizeToF16].operands.push(OperandId, "'Value'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpTranspose].operands.push(OperandId, "'Matrix'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpCopyLogical].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIsNan].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIsInf].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIsFinite].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIsNormal].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSignBitSet].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLessOrGreater].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLessOrGreater].operands.push(OperandId, "'y'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpOrdered].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpOrdered].operands.push(OperandId, "'y'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUnordered].operands.push(OperandId, "'x'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUnordered].operands.push(OperandId, "'y'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpArrayLength].operands.push(OperandId, "'Structure'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpArrayLength].operands.push(OperandLiteralNumber, "'Array member'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIAdd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpIAdd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFAdd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFAdd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpISub].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpISub].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFSub].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFSub].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIMul].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpIMul].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFMul].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFMul].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFDiv].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSRem].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSRem].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFRem].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFRem].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFMod].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorTimesScalar].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorTimesScalar].operands.push(OperandId, "'Scalar'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesScalar].operands.push(OperandId, "'Matrix'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesScalar].operands.push(OperandId, "'Scalar'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorTimesMatrix].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpVectorTimesMatrix].operands.push(OperandId, "'Matrix'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesVector].operands.push(OperandId, "'Matrix'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesVector].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesMatrix].operands.push(OperandId, "'LeftMatrix'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpMatrixTimesMatrix].operands.push(OperandId, "'RightMatrix'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpOuterProduct].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpOuterProduct].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpDot].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpDot].operands.push(OperandId, "'Vector 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIAddCarry].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpIAddCarry].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpISubBorrow].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpISubBorrow].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUMulExtended].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUMulExtended].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSMulExtended].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSMulExtended].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftRightLogical].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftRightLogical].operands.push(OperandId, "'Shift'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftRightArithmetic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftRightArithmetic].operands.push(OperandId, "'Shift'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftLeftLogical].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpShiftLeftLogical].operands.push(OperandId, "'Shift'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalOr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalOr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalAnd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalAnd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpLogicalNot].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseOr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseOr].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseXor].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseXor].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseAnd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitwiseAnd].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Insert'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Offset'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldInsert].operands.push(OperandId, "'Count'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldSExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldSExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Offset'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldSExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Count'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldUExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldUExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Offset'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitFieldUExtract].operands.push(OperandId, "'Count'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitReverse].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpBitCount].operands.push(OperandId, "'Base'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSelect].operands.push(OperandId, "'Condition'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSelect].operands.push(OperandId, "'Object 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSelect].operands.push(OperandId, "'Object 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpIEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpIEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpINotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpINotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordNotEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpULessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpULessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordLessThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordGreaterThan].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpULessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpULessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordLessThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpUGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpUGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpSGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpSGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 1'"); |
| InstructionDesc[OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual].operands.push(OperandId, "'Operand 2'"); |
| |
| InstructionDesc[OpDPdx].operands.push(OperandId |