blob: c12b3bdd19e52de39bfa488e9072268c5ce96585 [file] [log] [blame]
#version 450
#define BARRIER() \
memoryBarrierShared(); \
#extension GL_NV_mesh_shader : enable
layout(local_size_x = 32) in;
// test use of shared memory in task shaders:
layout(binding=0) writeonly uniform image2D uni_image;
uniform block0 {
uint uni_value;
shared vec4 mem[10];
// test use of task memory in task shaders:
taskNV out Task {
vec2 dummy;
vec2 submesh[3];
} mytask;
void main()
uint iid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x;
uint gid = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
// 1. shared memory load and stores
for (uint i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
mem[i] = vec4(i + uni_value);
imageStore(uni_image, ivec2(iid), mem[gid]);
imageStore(uni_image, ivec2(iid), mem[gid+1]);
// 2. task memory stores
mytask.dummy = vec2(30.0, 31.0);
mytask.submesh[0] = vec2(32.0, 33.0);
mytask.submesh[1] = vec2(34.0, 35.0);
mytask.submesh[2] = mytask.submesh[gid%2];
// 3. set task count
gl_TaskCountNV = 3;