blob: cddfb12a2ab3f239da34384f755d8f8d7853ed57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2006 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Author: Satoru Takabayashi
// An async-signal-safe and thread-safe demangler for Itanium C++ ABI
// (aka G++ V3 ABI).
// The demangler is implemented to be used in async signal handlers to
// symbolize stack traces. We cannot use libstdc++'s
// abi::__cxa_demangle() in such signal handlers since it's not async
// signal safe (it uses malloc() internally).
// Note that this demangler doesn't support full demangling. More
// specifically, it doesn't print types of function parameters and
// types of template arguments. It just skips them. However, it's
// still very useful to extract basic information such as class,
// function, constructor, destructor, and operator names.
// See the implementation note in if you are interested.
// Example:
// | Mangled Name | The Demangler | abi::__cxa_demangle()
// |---------------|---------------|-----------------------
// | _Z1fv | f() | f()
// | _Z1fi | f() | f(int)
// | _Z3foo3bar | foo() | foo(bar)
// | _Z1fIiEvi | f<>() | void f<int>(int)
// | _ZN1N1fE | N::f | N::f
// | _ZN3Foo3BarEv | Foo::Bar() | Foo::Bar()
// | _Zrm1XS_" | operator%() | operator%(X, X)
// | _ZN3FooC1Ev | Foo::Foo() | Foo::Foo()
// | _Z1fSs | f() | f(std::basic_string<char,
// | | | std::char_traits<char>,
// | | | std::allocator<char> >)
// See the unit test for more examples.
// Note: we might want to write demanglers for ABIs other than Itanium
// C++ ABI in the future.
#include "config.h"
// Demangle "mangled". On success, return true and write the
// demangled symbol name to "out". Otherwise, return false.
// "out" is modified even if demangling is unsuccessful.
bool Demangle(const char *mangled, char *out, int out_size);
#endif // BASE_DEMANGLE_H_