blob: 2525c0d956ab2f7e895c171966b68b884e90ad34 [file] [log] [blame]
2009-04-10 Google Inc. <>
* google-glog: version 0.2.1
* Fix timestamps of VC++ version.
* Add pkg-config support (thanks Tomasz)
* Fix build problem when building with gtest (thanks Michael)
* Add --with-gflags option for configure (thanks Michael)
* Fixes for GCC 4.4 (thanks John)
2009-01-23 Google Inc. <>
* google-glog: version 0.2
* Add initial Windows VC++ support.
* Google testing/mocking frameworks integration.
* Link pthread library automatically.
* Flush logs in signal handlers.
* Log microseconds.
* Add --log_backtrace_at option.
* Fix some minor bugs.
2008-11-18 Google Inc. <>
* google-glog: version 0.1.2
* Add InstallFailureSignalHandler(). (satorux)
* Re-organize the way to produce stacktraces.
* Don't define unnecessary macro DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS.
2008-10-15 Google Inc. <>
* google-glog: version 0.1.1
* Support symbolize for MacOSX 10.5.
* BUG FIX: --vmodule didn't work with gflags.
* BUG FIX: symbolize_unittest failed with GCC 4.3.
* Several fixes on the document.
2008-10-07 Google Inc. <>
* google-glog: initial release:
The glog package contains a library that implements application-level
logging. This library provides logging APIs based on C++-style
streams and various helper macros.