GChildWatchSource: Allow passing -1 for pid

With the goal of modifying gnome-session to use the new Linux
PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER, it needs to be able to reap arbitary children
that may be reparented to it.

But if gnome-session is going to continue to work with GLib and GIO,
even if we converted all child watches in gnome-session to use this
new API, we'd still have to contend with the possibility of it having
a process spawned indirectly (stuff like the GDBus dbus-launch
invocation).  Thus, we don't give the -1 child watch *every* waitpid,
only the ones which don't have a specific watcher.

Also, fix up g_spawn_sync() to hold the unix signal lock when forking.
This way we ensure that GLib itself gets the waitpid() result for the
synchronously spawned child, instead of racing with the worker thread.

4 files changed