ICU-20260 Update ICU4J tz updater to support GitHub

The current ICU4J TZ Updater does not work well with tzdata files posted at GitHub repository, because it points the old SVN location where we no longer update.

Last change in TZ updater was already 6 years ago, although it was working well until we switched to GitHub repo. However, offline version of tzdata file was 6 years old, all copyright comments were still in old ICU version.

This commit contains copyright comment changes, latest icu-core.jar, document update (now Java 7 is required as minimum to run TZ updater tool), offline tzdata version to 2018g in addition to GitHub repo support.
32 files changed
tree: 57624ad7c74fa0f77583b33404c4237b84e64010
  1. charset/
  2. meta/
  3. test/
  4. tzdata/
  5. .gitattributes
  6. .gitignore