blob: f38f45cf772c23b7cea413fc5a7a3651b27578d0 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function help() {
cat <<_EOF_
Usage: $1 [options]
The following options are supported:
--overwrite : Overwrite existing config files
--root : Allow the installation of the config files under the root account.
This will shadow the default configuration files under @SYSCONFDIR@.
--help|-h|-? : Display this help screen and exit
function main() {
local flags=""
while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
--overwrite) flags="${flags},overwrite";;
--root) flags="${flags},root";;
--skip-if-exist) flags="${flags},skip-if-exist";;
--help|-h|-?) help $0; exit 0;;
*) echo -e "Unknown option $1\n" >&2; help $0; exit 1;;
[ "${flags:0:1}" = "," ] && flags=${flags:1}
@BINDIR@/swtpm_setup --create-config-files ${flags}
exit $?
main "$@"