blob: dad0a37776c615f6cd8272f33d996a3496b29d6b [file] [log] [blame]
package git
import (
. ""
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type BaseSuite struct {
Repository *Repository
backupProtocol transport.Transport
cache map[string]*Repository
func (s *BaseSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
s.cache = make(map[string]*Repository)
func (s *BaseSuite) TearDownSuite(c *C) {
func (s *BaseSuite) buildBasicRepository(c *C) {
f := fixtures.Basic().One()
s.Repository = s.NewRepository(f)
// NewRepository returns a new repository using the .git folder, if the fixture
// is tagged as worktree the filesystem from fixture is used, otherwise a new
// memfs filesystem is used as worktree.
func (s *BaseSuite) NewRepository(f *fixtures.Fixture) *Repository {
var worktree, dotgit billy.Filesystem
if f.Is("worktree") {
r, err := PlainOpen(f.Worktree().Root())
if err != nil {
return r
dotgit = f.DotGit()
worktree = memfs.New()
st := filesystem.NewStorage(dotgit, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(st, worktree)
if err != nil {
return r
// NewRepositoryWithEmptyWorktree returns a new repository using the .git folder
// from the fixture but without a empty memfs worktree, the index and the
// modules are deleted from the .git folder.
func (s *BaseSuite) NewRepositoryWithEmptyWorktree(f *fixtures.Fixture) *Repository {
dotgit := f.DotGit()
err := dotgit.Remove("index")
if err != nil {
err = util.RemoveAll(dotgit, "modules")
if err != nil {
worktree := memfs.New()
st := filesystem.NewStorage(dotgit, cache.NewObjectLRUDefault())
r, err := Open(st, worktree)
if err != nil {
return r
func (s *BaseSuite) NewRepositoryFromPackfile(f *fixtures.Fixture) *Repository {
h := f.PackfileHash.String()
if r, ok := s.cache[h]; ok {
return r
storer := memory.NewStorage()
p := f.Packfile()
defer p.Close()
if err := packfile.UpdateObjectStorage(storer, p); err != nil {
storer.SetReference(plumbing.NewHashReference(plumbing.HEAD, f.Head))
r, err := Open(storer, memfs.New())
if err != nil {
s.cache[h] = r
return r
func (s *BaseSuite) GetBasicLocalRepositoryURL() string {
fixture := fixtures.Basic().One()
return s.GetLocalRepositoryURL(fixture)
func (s *BaseSuite) GetLocalRepositoryURL(f *fixtures.Fixture) string {
return f.DotGit().Root()
type SuiteCommon struct{}
var _ = Suite(&SuiteCommon{})
var countLinesTests = [...]struct {
i string // the string we want to count lines from
e int // the expected number of lines in i
{"", 0},
{"a", 1},
{"a\n", 1},
{"a\nb", 2},
{"a\nb\n", 2},
{"a\nb\nc", 3},
{"a\nb\nc\n", 3},
{"a\n\n\nb\n", 4},
{"first line\n\tsecond line\nthird line\n", 3},
func (s *SuiteCommon) TestCountLines(c *C) {
for i, t := range countLinesTests {
o := countLines(t.i)
c.Assert(o, Equals, t.e, Commentf("subtest %d, input=%q", i, t.i))
func AssertReferences(c *C, r *Repository, expected map[string]string) {
for name, target := range expected {
expected := plumbing.NewReferenceFromStrings(name, target)
obtained, err := r.Reference(expected.Name(), true)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(obtained, DeepEquals, expected)