| @echo off |
| |
| cd "%~dp0.." |
| |
| |
| if not defined BINDGEN_FEATURES ( |
| echo Environment variable BINDGEN_FEATURES must be defined. |
| exit /B 1 |
| ) |
| |
| findstr /r /c:"#include *<.*>" tests\headers\* >nul 2>&1 && ( |
| echo Found a test with an #include directive of a system header file! |
| echo. |
| echo There is no guarantee that the system running the tests has the header |
| echo file, let alone the same version of it that you have. Any test with such an |
| echo include directive won't reliably produce the consistent bindings across systems. |
| exit /B 1 |
| ) || ( |
| echo Found none. OK! |
| set ERRORLEVEL=0 |
| ) |
| |
| @echo on |
| |
| ::Regenerate the test headers' bindings in debug and release modes, and assert |
| ::that we always get the expected generated bindings. |
| |
| cargo test --features "%BINDGEN_FEATURES%" || exit /b 1 |
| call .\ci\assert-no-diff.bat |
| |
| cargo test --features "%BINDGEN_FEATURES% testing_only_extra_assertions" || exit /b 1 |
| call .\ci\assert-no-diff.bat |
| |
| cargo test --release --features "%BINDGEN_FEATURES% testing_only_extra_assertions" || exit /b 1 |
| call .\ci\assert-no-diff.bat |
| |
| ::Now test the expectations' size and alignment tests. |
| |
| pushd tests\expectations |
| cargo test || exit /b 1 |
| cargo test --release || exit /b 1 |
| popd |
| |
| ::And finally, test our example bindgen + build.rs integration template project. |
| |
| cd bindgen-integration |
| cargo test --features "%BINDGEN_FEATURES%" || exit /b 1 |
| cargo test --release --features "%BINDGEN_FEATURES%" || exit /b 1 |