blob: f4c0070a4a74fc2c95528ff9d862af05d264ac59 [file] [log] [blame]
// bindgen-flags: --raw-line '#![cfg(feature = "nightly")]' --rust-target 1.33
/// This should not be opaque; we can see the attributes and can pack the
/// struct.
struct AlignedToOne {
int i;
} __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(1)));
/// This should be be packed because Rust 1.33 has `#[repr(packed(N))]`.
struct AlignedToTwo {
int i;
} __attribute__ ((packed,aligned(2)));
#pragma pack(1)
/// This should not be opaque because although `libclang` doesn't give us the
/// `#pragma pack(1)`, we can detect that alignment is 1 and add
/// `#[repr(packed)]` to the struct ourselves.
struct PackedToOne {
int x;
int y;
#pragma pack()
#pragma pack(2)
/// This should be be packed because Rust 1.33 has `#[repr(packed(N))]`.
struct PackedToTwo {
int x;
int y;
#pragma pack()