blob: 1e3dc6080958887817314d03ad0a3ec166b21ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as Is from "vscode-languageclient/lib/common/utils/is";
import * as os from "os";
import * as path from "path";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { expectNotUndefined, log, unwrapUndefinable } from "./util";
import type { Env } from "./util";
import type { Disposable } from "vscode";
export type RunnableEnvCfgItem = {
mask?: string;
env: Record<string, string>;
platform?: string | string[];
export type RunnableEnvCfg = Record<string, string> | RunnableEnvCfgItem[];
export class Config {
readonly extensionId = "rust-lang.rust-analyzer";
configureLang: vscode.Disposable | undefined;
readonly rootSection = "rust-analyzer";
private readonly requiresServerReloadOpts = [
].map((opt) => `${this.rootSection}.${opt}`);
private readonly requiresWindowReloadOpts = ["testExplorer"].map(
(opt) => `${this.rootSection}.${opt}`,
constructor(disposables: Disposable[]) {
vscode.workspace.onDidChangeConfiguration(this.onDidChangeConfiguration, this, disposables);
dispose() {
private refreshLogging() {
"Extension version:",
const cfg = Object.entries(this.cfg).filter(([_, val]) => !(val instanceof Function));"Using configuration", Object.fromEntries(cfg));
private async onDidChangeConfiguration(event: vscode.ConfigurationChangeEvent) {
const requiresWindowReloadOpt = this.requiresWindowReloadOpts.find((opt) =>
if (requiresWindowReloadOpt) {
const message = `Changing "${requiresWindowReloadOpt}" requires a window reload`;
const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message, "Reload now");
if (userResponse) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand("workbench.action.reloadWindow");
const requiresServerReloadOpt = this.requiresServerReloadOpts.find((opt) =>
if (!requiresServerReloadOpt) return;
if (this.restartServerOnConfigChange) {
await vscode.commands.executeCommand("rust-analyzer.restartServer");
const message = `Changing "${requiresServerReloadOpt}" requires a server restart`;
const userResponse = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(message, "Restart now");
if (userResponse) {
const command = "rust-analyzer.restartServer";
await vscode.commands.executeCommand(command);
* Sets up additional language configuration that's impossible to do via a
* separate language-configuration.json file. See [1] for more information.
* [1]:
private configureLanguage() {
// Only need to dispose of the config if there's a change
if (this.configureLang) {
this.configureLang = undefined;
let onEnterRules: vscode.OnEnterRule[] = [
// Carry indentation from the previous line
// if it's only whitespace
beforeText: /^\s+$/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.None },
// After the end of a function/field chain,
// with the semicolon on the same line
beforeText: /^\s+\..*;/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.Outdent },
// After the end of a function/field chain,
// with semicolon detached from the rest
beforeText: /^\s+;/,
previousLineText: /^\s+\..*/,
action: { indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.Outdent },
if (this.typingContinueCommentsOnNewline) {
const indentAction = vscode.IndentAction.None;
onEnterRules = [
// Doc single-line comment
// e.g. ///|
beforeText: /^\s*\/{3}.*$/,
action: { indentAction, appendText: "/// " },
// Parent doc single-line comment
// e.g. //!|
beforeText: /^\s*\/{2}\!.*$/,
action: { indentAction, appendText: "//! " },
// Begins an auto-closed multi-line comment (standard or parent doc)
// e.g. /** | */ or /*! | */
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*(\*|\!)(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
afterText: /^\s*\*\/$/,
action: {
indentAction: vscode.IndentAction.IndentOutdent,
appendText: " * ",
// Begins a multi-line comment (standard or parent doc)
// e.g. /** ...| or /*! ...|
beforeText: /^\s*\/\*(\*|\!)(?!\/)([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*$/,
action: { indentAction, appendText: " * " },
// Continues a multi-line comment
// e.g. * ...|
beforeText: /^(\ \ )*\ \*(\ ([^\*]|\*(?!\/))*)?$/,
action: { indentAction, appendText: "* " },
// Dedents after closing a multi-line comment
// e.g. */|
beforeText: /^(\ \ )*\ \*\/\s*$/,
action: { indentAction, removeText: 1 },
this.configureLang = vscode.languages.setLanguageConfiguration("rust", {
// We don't do runtime config validation here for simplicity. More on stackoverflow:
private get cfg(): vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration {
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(this.rootSection);
* Beware that postfix `!` operator erases both `null` and `undefined`.
* This is why the following doesn't work as expected:
* ```ts
* const nullableNum = vscode
* .workspace
* .getConfiguration
* .getConfiguration("rust-analyzer")
* .get<number | null>(path)!;
* // What happens is that type of `nullableNum` is `number` but not `null | number`:
* const fullFledgedNum: number = nullableNum;
* ```
* So this getter handles this quirk by not requiring the caller to use postfix `!`
private get<T>(path: string): T | undefined {
return prepareVSCodeConfig(this.cfg.get<T>(path));
get serverPath() {
return this.get<null | string>("server.path") ?? this.get<null | string>("serverPath");
get serverExtraEnv(): Env {
const extraEnv =
this.get<{ [key: string]: string | number } | null>("server.extraEnv") ?? {};
return substituteVariablesInEnv(
Object.entries(extraEnv).map(([k, v]) => [
typeof v !== "string" ? v.toString() : v,
get checkOnSave() {
return this.get<boolean>("checkOnSave") ?? false;
async toggleCheckOnSave() {
const config = this.cfg.inspect<boolean>("checkOnSave") ?? { key: "checkOnSave" };
let overrideInLanguage;
let target;
let value;
if (
config.workspaceFolderValue !== undefined ||
config.workspaceFolderLanguageValue !== undefined
) {
target = vscode.ConfigurationTarget.WorkspaceFolder;
overrideInLanguage = config.workspaceFolderLanguageValue;
value = config.workspaceFolderValue || config.workspaceFolderLanguageValue;
} else if (
config.workspaceValue !== undefined ||
config.workspaceLanguageValue !== undefined
) {
target = vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Workspace;
overrideInLanguage = config.workspaceLanguageValue;
value = config.workspaceValue || config.workspaceLanguageValue;
} else if (config.globalValue !== undefined || config.globalLanguageValue !== undefined) {
target = vscode.ConfigurationTarget.Global;
overrideInLanguage = config.globalLanguageValue;
value = config.globalValue || config.globalLanguageValue;
} else if (config.defaultValue !== undefined || config.defaultLanguageValue !== undefined) {
overrideInLanguage = config.defaultLanguageValue;
value = config.defaultValue || config.defaultLanguageValue;
await this.cfg.update("checkOnSave", !(value || false), target || null, overrideInLanguage);
get problemMatcher(): string[] {
return this.get<string[]>("runnables.problemMatcher") || [];
get testExplorer() {
return this.get<boolean | undefined>("testExplorer");
get runnablesExtraEnv() {
const item = this.get<any>("runnables.extraEnv") ?? this.get<any>("runnableEnv");
if (!item) return item;
const fixRecord = (r: Record<string, any>) => {
for (const key in r) {
if (typeof r[key] !== "string") {
r[key] = String(r[key]);
if (item instanceof Array) {
item.forEach((x) => fixRecord(x.env));
} else {
return item;
get restartServerOnConfigChange() {
return this.get<boolean>("restartServerOnConfigChange");
get typingContinueCommentsOnNewline() {
return this.get<boolean>("typing.continueCommentsOnNewline");
get debug() {
let sourceFileMap = this.get<Record<string, string> | "auto">("debug.sourceFileMap");
if (sourceFileMap !== "auto") {
// "/rustc/<id>" used by suggestions only.
const { ["/rustc/<id>"]: _, ...trimmed } =
this.get<Record<string, string>>("debug.sourceFileMap") ?? {};
sourceFileMap = trimmed;
return {
engine: this.get<string>("debug.engine"),
engineSettings: this.get<object>("debug.engineSettings") ?? {},
openDebugPane: this.get<boolean>("debug.openDebugPane"),
sourceFileMap: sourceFileMap,
get hoverActions() {
return {
enable: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.enable"),
implementations: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.implementations.enable"),
references: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.references.enable"),
run: this.get<boolean>(""),
debug: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.debug.enable"),
gotoTypeDef: this.get<boolean>("hover.actions.gotoTypeDef.enable"),
get previewRustcOutput() {
return this.get<boolean>("diagnostics.previewRustcOutput");
get useRustcErrorCode() {
return this.get<boolean>("diagnostics.useRustcErrorCode");
get showDependenciesExplorer() {
return this.get<boolean>("showDependenciesExplorer");
get statusBarClickAction() {
return this.get<string>("statusBar.clickAction");
export function prepareVSCodeConfig<T>(resp: T): T {
if (Is.string(resp)) {
return substituteVSCodeVariableInString(resp) as T;
} else if (resp && Is.array<any>(resp)) {
return => {
return prepareVSCodeConfig(val);
}) as T;
} else if (resp && typeof resp === "object") {
const res: { [key: string]: any } = {};
for (const key in resp) {
const val = resp[key];
res[key] = prepareVSCodeConfig(val);
return res as T;
return resp;
// FIXME: Merge this with `substituteVSCodeVariables` above
export function substituteVariablesInEnv(env: Env): Env {
const missingDeps = new Set<string>();
// vscode uses `env:ENV_NAME` for env vars resolution, and it's easier
// to follow the same convention for our dependency tracking
const definedEnvKeys = new Set(Object.keys(env).map((key) => `env:${key}`));
const envWithDeps = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(env).map(([key, value]) => {
const deps = new Set<string>();
const depRe = new RegExp(/\${(?<depName>.+?)}/g);
let match = undefined;
while ((match = depRe.exec(value))) {
const depName = unwrapUndefinable(match.groups?.["depName"]);
// `depName` at this point can have a form of `expression` or
// `prefix:expression`
if (!definedEnvKeys.has(depName)) {
return [`env:${key}`, { deps: [...deps], value }];
const resolved = new Set<string>();
for (const dep of missingDeps) {
const match = /(?<prefix>.*?):(?<body>.+)/.exec(dep);
if (match) {
const { prefix, body } = match.groups!;
if (prefix === "env") {
const envName = unwrapUndefinable(body);
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: process.env[envName] ?? "",
deps: [],
} else {
// we can't handle other prefixes at the moment
// leave values as is, but still mark them as resolved
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: "${" + dep + "}",
deps: [],
} else {
envWithDeps[dep] = {
value: computeVscodeVar(dep) || "${" + dep + "}",
deps: [],
const toResolve = new Set(Object.keys(envWithDeps));
let leftToResolveSize;
do {
leftToResolveSize = toResolve.size;
for (const key of toResolve) {
const item = unwrapUndefinable(envWithDeps[key]);
if (item.deps.every((dep) => resolved.has(dep))) {
item.value = item.value.replace(/\${(?<depName>.+?)}/g, (_wholeMatch, depName) => {
const item = unwrapUndefinable(envWithDeps[depName]);
return item.value;
} while (toResolve.size > 0 && toResolve.size < leftToResolveSize);
const resolvedEnv: Env = {};
for (const key of Object.keys(env)) {
const item = unwrapUndefinable(envWithDeps[`env:${key}`]);
resolvedEnv[key] = item.value;
return resolvedEnv;
const VarRegex = new RegExp(/\$\{(.+?)\}/g);
function substituteVSCodeVariableInString(val: string): string {
return val.replace(VarRegex, (substring: string, varName) => {
if (Is.string(varName)) {
return computeVscodeVar(varName) || substring;
} else {
return substring;
function computeVscodeVar(varName: string): string | null {
const workspaceFolder = () => {
const folders = vscode.workspace.workspaceFolders ?? [];
const folder = folders[0];
// TODO: support for remote workspaces?
const fsPath: string =
folder === undefined
? // no workspace opened
: // could use currently opened document to detect the correct
// workspace. However, that would be determined by the document
// user has opened on Editor startup. Could lead to
// unpredictable workspace selection in practice.
// It's better to pick the first one
return fsPath;
const supportedVariables: { [k: string]: () => string } = {
workspaceFolderBasename: () => {
return path.basename(workspaceFolder());
cwd: () => process.cwd(),
userHome: () => os.homedir(),
// see
// or
execPath: () => process.env["VSCODE_EXEC_PATH"] ?? process.execPath,
pathSeparator: () => path.sep,
if (varName in supportedVariables) {
const fn = expectNotUndefined(
`${varName} should not be undefined here`,
return fn();
} else {
// return "${" + varName + "}";
return null;