blob: bf58112916b60342d87cc21f81d1ca5ab10e2984 [file] [log] [blame]
import * as anser from "anser";
import * as lc from "vscode-languageclient/node";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as ra from "../src/lsp_ext";
import * as Is from "vscode-languageclient/lib/common/utils/is";
import { assert, unwrapUndefinable } from "./util";
import * as diagnostics from "./diagnostics";
import { WorkspaceEdit } from "vscode";
import { type Config, prepareVSCodeConfig } from "./config";
import { sep as pathSeparator } from "path";
import { RaLanguageClient } from "./lang_client";
export async function createClient(
traceOutputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel,
outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel,
initializationOptions: vscode.WorkspaceConfiguration,
serverOptions: lc.ServerOptions,
config: Config,
unlinkedFiles: vscode.Uri[],
): Promise<lc.LanguageClient> {
const clientOptions: lc.LanguageClientOptions = {
documentSelector: [{ scheme: "file", language: "rust" }],
diagnosticCollectionName: "rustc",
middleware: {
workspace: {
// HACK: This is a workaround, when the client has been disposed, VSCode
// continues to emit events to the client and the default one for this event
// attempt to restart the client for no reason
async didChangeWatchedFile(event, next) {
if (client.isRunning()) {
await next(event);
async configuration(
params: lc.ConfigurationParams,
token: vscode.CancellationToken,
next: lc.ConfigurationRequest.HandlerSignature,
) {
const resp = await next(params, token);
if (resp && Array.isArray(resp)) {
return => {
return prepareVSCodeConfig(val);
} else {
return resp;
async handleDiagnostics(
uri: vscode.Uri,
diagnosticList: vscode.Diagnostic[],
next: lc.HandleDiagnosticsSignature,
) {
const preview = config.previewRustcOutput;
const errorCode = config.useRustcErrorCode;
diagnosticList.forEach((diag, idx) => {
const value =
typeof diag.code === "string" || typeof diag.code === "number"
? diag.code
: diag.code?.value;
if (
// FIXME: We currently emit this diagnostic way too early, before we have
// loaded the project fully
// value === "unlinked-file" &&
value === "temporary-disabled" &&
!unlinkedFiles.includes(uri) &&
(diag.message === "file not included in crate hierarchy" ||
diag.message.startsWith("This file is not included in any crates"))
) {
const config = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration("rust-analyzer");
if (config.get("showUnlinkedFileNotification")) {
const folder = vscode.workspace.getWorkspaceFolder(uri)?.uri.fsPath;
if (folder) {
const parentBackslash = uri.fsPath.lastIndexOf(
pathSeparator + "src",
const parent = uri.fsPath.substring(0, parentBackslash);
if (parent.startsWith(folder)) {
const path = vscode.Uri.file(
parent + pathSeparator + "Cargo.toml",
void vscode.workspace.fs.stat(path).then(async () => {
const choice = await vscode.window.showInformationMessage(
`This rust file does not belong to a loaded cargo project. It looks like it might belong to the workspace at ${path.path}, do you want to add it to the linked Projects?`,
"Don't show this again",
switch (choice) {
case undefined:
case "No":
case "Yes":
const pathToInsert =
"." +
parent.substring(folder.length) +
pathSeparator +
await config.update(
case "Don't show this again":
await config.update(
// Abuse the fact that VSCode leaks the LSP diagnostics data field through the
// Diagnostic class, if they ever break this we are out of luck and have to go
// back to the worst diagnostics experience ever:)
// We encode the rendered output of a rustc diagnostic in the rendered field of
// the data payload of the lsp diagnostic. If that field exists, overwrite the
// diagnostic code such that clicking it opens the diagnostic in a readonly
// text editor for easy inspection
const rendered = (diag as unknown as { data?: { rendered?: string } }).data
if (rendered) {
if (preview) {
const decolorized = anser.ansiToText(rendered);
const index =
decolorized.match(/^(note|help):/m)?.index || rendered.length;
diag.message = decolorized
.substring(0, index)
.replace(/^ -->[^\n]+\n/m, "");
diag.code = {
target: vscode.Uri.from({
scheme: diagnostics.URI_SCHEME,
path: `/diagnostic message [${idx.toString()}]`,
fragment: uri.toString(),
query: idx.toString(),
errorCode && value ? value : "Click for full compiler diagnostic",
return next(uri, diagnosticList);
async provideHover(
document: vscode.TextDocument,
position: vscode.Position,
token: vscode.CancellationToken,
_next: lc.ProvideHoverSignature,
) {
const editor = vscode.window.activeTextEditor;
const positionOrRange = editor?.selection?.contains(position)
? client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(editor.selection)
: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asPosition(position);
return client
position: positionOrRange,
(result) => {
if (!result) return null;
const hover = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asHover(result);
if (!!result.actions) {
return hover;
(error) => {
client.handleFailedRequest(lc.HoverRequest.type, token, error, null);
return Promise.resolve(null);
// Using custom handling of CodeActions to support action groups and snippet edits.
// Note that this means we have to re-implement lazy edit resolving ourselves as well.
async provideCodeActions(
document: vscode.TextDocument,
range: vscode.Range,
context: vscode.CodeActionContext,
token: vscode.CancellationToken,
_next: lc.ProvideCodeActionsSignature,
) {
const params: lc.CodeActionParams = {
textDocument: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asTextDocumentIdentifier(document),
range: client.code2ProtocolConverter.asRange(range),
context: await client.code2ProtocolConverter.asCodeActionContext(
return client.sendRequest(lc.CodeActionRequest.type, params, token).then(
async (values) => {
if (values === null) return undefined;
const result: (vscode.CodeAction | vscode.Command)[] = [];
const groups = new Map<
{ index: number; items: vscode.CodeAction[] }
for (const item of values) {
// In our case we expect to get code edits only from diagnostics
if ( {
"We don't expect to receive commands in CodeActions",
const action = await client.protocol2CodeConverter.asCodeAction(
"We don't expect edits or commands here",
const kind = client.protocol2CodeConverter.asCodeActionKind(
(item as any).kind,
const action = new vscode.CodeAction(item.title, kind);
const group = (item as any).group;
action.command = {
command: "rust-analyzer.resolveCodeAction",
title: item.title,
arguments: [item],
// Set a dummy edit, so that VS Code doesn't try to resolve this.
action.edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
if (group) {
let entry = groups.get(group);
if (!entry) {
entry = { index: result.length, items: [] };
groups.set(group, entry);
} else {
for (const [group, { index, items }] of groups) {
if (items.length === 1) {
const item = unwrapUndefinable(items[0]);
result[index] = item;
} else {
const action = new vscode.CodeAction(group);
const item = unwrapUndefinable(items[0]);
action.kind = item.kind;
action.command = {
command: "rust-analyzer.applyActionGroup",
title: "",
arguments: [ => {
return {
label: item.title,
arguments: item.command!.arguments![0],
// Set a dummy edit, so that VS Code doesn't try to resolve this.
action.edit = new WorkspaceEdit();
result[index] = action;
return result;
(_error) => undefined,
markdown: {
supportHtml: true,
const client = new RaLanguageClient(
"Rust Analyzer Language Server",
// To turn on all proposed features use: client.registerProposedFeatures();
client.registerFeature(new ExperimentalFeatures(config));
client.registerFeature(new OverrideFeatures());
return client;
class ExperimentalFeatures implements lc.StaticFeature {
private readonly testExplorer: boolean;
constructor(config: Config) {
this.testExplorer = config.testExplorer || false;
getState(): lc.FeatureState {
return { kind: "static" };
fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: lc.ClientCapabilities): void {
capabilities.experimental = {
snippetTextEdit: true,
codeActionGroup: true,
hoverActions: true,
serverStatusNotification: true,
colorDiagnosticOutput: true,
openServerLogs: true,
localDocs: true,
testExplorer: this.testExplorer,
commands: {
commands: [
_capabilities: lc.ServerCapabilities,
_documentSelector: lc.DocumentSelector | undefined,
): void {}
dispose(): void {}
class OverrideFeatures implements lc.StaticFeature {
getState(): lc.FeatureState {
return { kind: "static" };
fillClientCapabilities(capabilities: lc.ClientCapabilities): void {
// Force disable `augmentsSyntaxTokens`, VSCode's textmate grammar is somewhat incomplete
// making the experience generally worse
const caps = capabilities.textDocument?.semanticTokens;
if (caps) {
caps.augmentsSyntaxTokens = false;
_capabilities: lc.ServerCapabilities,
_documentSelector: lc.DocumentSelector | undefined,
): void {}
dispose(): void {}
function isCodeActionWithoutEditsAndCommands(value: any): boolean {
const candidate: lc.CodeAction = value;
return (
candidate &&
Is.string(candidate.title) &&
(candidate.diagnostics === void 0 ||
Is.typedArray(candidate.diagnostics, &&
(candidate.kind === void 0 || Is.string(candidate.kind)) &&
candidate.edit === void 0 &&
candidate.command === void 0
// Command URIs have a form of command:command-name?arguments, where
// arguments is a percent-encoded array of data we want to pass along to
// the command function. For "Show References" this is a list of all file
// URIs with locations of every reference, and it can get quite long.
// So long in fact that it will fail rendering inside an `a` tag so we need
// to proxy around that. We store the last hover's reference command link
// here, as only one hover can be active at a time, and we don't need to
// keep a history of these.
export let HOVER_REFERENCE_COMMAND: ra.CommandLink[] = [];
function renderCommand(cmd: ra.CommandLink): string {
return `[${cmd.title}](command:rust-analyzer.hoverRefCommandProxy?${
} '${cmd.tooltip}')`;
function renderHoverActions(actions: ra.CommandLinkGroup[]): vscode.MarkdownString {
// clean up the previous hover ref command
const text = actions
(group) =>
(group.title ? group.title + " " : "") +" | "),
.join(" | ");
const result = new vscode.MarkdownString(text);
result.isTrusted = true;
return result;