Auto merge of #17208 - Wilfred:log_error_from_threads, r=Veykril

fix: Report both IO errors and main_loop errors

If rust-analyzer receives a malformed LSP request, the IO thread terminates with a meaningful error, but then closes the channel.

Once the channel has closed, the main_loop also terminates, but it only has RecvError and can't show a meaningful error. As a result, rust-analyzer would incorrectly claim that the client forgot to shutdown.

$ buggy_lsp_client | rust-analyzer
Error: client exited without proper shutdown sequence

Instead, include both error messages when the server shuts down.
diff --git a/crates/rust-analyzer/src/bin/ b/crates/rust-analyzer/src/bin/
index 78920f3..9daae91 100644
--- a/crates/rust-analyzer/src/bin/
+++ b/crates/rust-analyzer/src/bin/
@@ -259,9 +259,15 @@
-    rust_analyzer::main_loop(config, connection)?;
+    // If the io_threads have an error, there's usually an error on the main
+    // loop too because the channels are closed. Ensure we report both errors.
+    match (rust_analyzer::main_loop(config, connection), io_threads.join()) {
+        (Err(loop_e), Err(join_e)) => anyhow::bail!("{loop_e}\n{join_e}"),
+        (Ok(_), Err(join_e)) => anyhow::bail!("{join_e}"),
+        (Err(loop_e), Ok(_)) => anyhow::bail!("{loop_e}"),
+        (Ok(_), Ok(_)) => {}
+    }
-    io_threads.join()?;
     tracing::info!("server did shut down");