Auto merge of #17737 - hyf0:hyf_32089420384, r=Veykril

feat(ide-completion): extra sugar auto-completion `async fn ...` in `impl trait` for `async fn in trait` that's defined in desugar form

Solves #17719.



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<img width="540" alt="image" src="">

<img width="631" alt="image" src="">
diff --git a/crates/hir/src/ b/crates/hir/src/
index 96a6e6f..9536f12 100644
--- a/crates/hir/src/
+++ b/crates/hir/src/
@@ -2207,6 +2207,35 @@
+    pub fn returns_impl_future(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool {
+        if self.is_async(db) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        let Some(impl_traits) = self.ret_type(db).as_impl_traits(db) else { return false };
+        let Some(future_trait_id) =
+            db.lang_item(self.ty(db).env.krate, LangItem::Future).and_then(|t| t.as_trait())
+        else {
+            return false;
+        };
+        let Some(sized_trait_id) =
+            db.lang_item(self.ty(db).env.krate, LangItem::Sized).and_then(|t| t.as_trait())
+        else {
+            return false;
+        };
+        let mut has_impl_future = false;
+        impl_traits
+            .filter(|t| {
+                let fut = == future_trait_id;
+                has_impl_future |= fut;
+                !fut && != sized_trait_id
+            })
+            // all traits but the future trait must be auto traits
+            .all(|t| t.is_auto(db))
+            && has_impl_future
+    }
     /// Does this function have `#[test]` attribute?
     pub fn is_test(self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> bool {
diff --git a/crates/ide-completion/src/completions/item_list/ b/crates/ide-completion/src/completions/item_list/
index fc6e1eb..e93bb8d 100644
--- a/crates/ide-completion/src/completions/item_list/
+++ b/crates/ide-completion/src/completions/item_list/
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@
 //! }
 //! ```
-use hir::HasAttrs;
+use hir::{HasAttrs, Name};
 use ide_db::{
     documentation::HasDocs, path_transform::PathTransform,
     syntax_helpers::insert_whitespace_into_node, traits::get_missing_assoc_items, SymbolKind,
 use syntax::{
-    ast::{self, edit_in_place::AttrsOwnerEdit, HasTypeBounds},
-    format_smolstr, AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, TextRange, ToSmolStr, T,
+    ast::{self, edit_in_place::AttrsOwnerEdit, make, HasGenericArgs, HasTypeBounds},
+    format_smolstr, ted, AstNode, SmolStr, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind, TextRange, ToSmolStr, T,
 use text_edit::TextEdit;
@@ -178,12 +178,36 @@
     func: hir::Function,
     impl_def: hir::Impl,
 ) {
-    let fn_name =;
+    let fn_name = &;
+    let sugar: &[_] = if func.is_async(ctx.db) {
+        &[AsyncSugaring::Async, AsyncSugaring::Desugar]
+    } else if func.returns_impl_future(ctx.db) {
+        &[AsyncSugaring::Plain, AsyncSugaring::Resugar]
+    } else {
+        &[AsyncSugaring::Plain]
+    };
+    for &sugaring in sugar {
+        add_function_impl_(acc, ctx, replacement_range, func, impl_def, fn_name, sugaring);
+    }
-    let is_async = func.is_async(ctx.db);
+fn add_function_impl_(
+    acc: &mut Completions,
+    ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
+    replacement_range: TextRange,
+    func: hir::Function,
+    impl_def: hir::Impl,
+    fn_name: &Name,
+    async_sugaring: AsyncSugaring,
+) {
+    let async_ = if let AsyncSugaring::Async | AsyncSugaring::Resugar = async_sugaring {
+        "async "
+    } else {
+        ""
+    };
     let label = format_smolstr!(
         "{}fn {}({})",
-        if is_async { "async " } else { "" },
+        async_,
         fn_name.display(ctx.db, ctx.edition),
         if func.assoc_fn_params(ctx.db).is_empty() { "" } else { ".." }
@@ -195,22 +219,14 @@
     let mut item = CompletionItem::new(completion_kind, replacement_range, label, ctx.edition);
-    item.lookup_by(format!(
-        "{}fn {}",
-        if is_async { "async " } else { "" },
-        fn_name.display(ctx.db, ctx.edition)
-    ))
-    .set_documentation(
-    .set_relevance(CompletionRelevance { is_item_from_trait: true, ..Default::default() });
+    item.lookup_by(format!("{}fn {}", async_, fn_name.display(ctx.db, ctx.edition)))
+        .set_documentation(
+        .set_relevance(CompletionRelevance { is_item_from_trait: true, ..Default::default() });
     if let Some(source) = ctx.sema.source(func) {
-        let assoc_item = ast::AssocItem::Fn(source.value);
-        if let Some(transformed_item) = get_transformed_assoc_item(ctx, assoc_item, impl_def) {
-            let transformed_fn = match transformed_item {
-                ast::AssocItem::Fn(func) => func,
-                _ => unreachable!(),
-            };
+        if let Some(transformed_fn) =
+            get_transformed_fn(ctx, source.value, impl_def, async_sugaring)
+        {
             let function_decl = function_declaration(&transformed_fn, source.file_id.is_macro());
             match ctx.config.snippet_cap {
                 Some(cap) => {
@@ -227,6 +243,14 @@
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+enum AsyncSugaring {
+    Desugar,
+    Resugar,
+    Async,
+    Plain,
 /// Transform a relevant associated item to inline generics from the impl, remove attrs and docs, etc.
 fn get_transformed_assoc_item(
     ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
@@ -251,6 +275,82 @@
+/// Transform a relevant associated item to inline generics from the impl, remove attrs and docs, etc.
+fn get_transformed_fn(
+    ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
+    fn_: ast::Fn,
+    impl_def: hir::Impl,
+    async_: AsyncSugaring,
+) -> Option<ast::Fn> {
+    let trait_ = impl_def.trait_(ctx.db)?;
+    let source_scope = &ctx.sema.scope(fn_.syntax())?;
+    let target_scope = &ctx.sema.scope(ctx.sema.source(impl_def)?.syntax().value)?;
+    let transform = PathTransform::trait_impl(
+        target_scope,
+        source_scope,
+        trait_,
+        ctx.sema.source(impl_def)?.value,
+    );
+    let fn_ = fn_.clone_for_update();
+    // FIXME: Paths in nested macros are not handled well. See
+    // `macro_generated_assoc_item2` test.
+    transform.apply(fn_.syntax());
+    fn_.remove_attrs_and_docs();
+    match async_ {
+        AsyncSugaring::Desugar => {
+            match fn_.ret_type() {
+                Some(ret_ty) => {
+                    let ty = ret_ty.ty()?;
+                    ted::replace(
+                        ty.syntax(),
+                        make::ty(&format!("impl Future<Output = {ty}>"))
+                            .syntax()
+                            .clone_for_update(),
+                    );
+                }
+                None => ted::append_child(
+                    fn_.param_list()?.syntax(),
+                    make::ret_type(make::ty("impl Future<Output = ()>"))
+                        .syntax()
+                        .clone_for_update(),
+                ),
+            }
+            fn_.async_token().unwrap().detach();
+        }
+        AsyncSugaring::Resugar => {
+            let ty = fn_.ret_type()?.ty()?;
+            match &ty {
+                // best effort guessing here
+                ast::Type::ImplTraitType(t) => {
+                    let output = t.type_bound_list()?.bounds().find_map(|b| match b.ty()? {
+                        ast::Type::PathType(p) => {
+                            let p = p.path()?.segment()?;
+                            if p.name_ref()?.text() != "Future" {
+                                return None;
+                            }
+                            match p.generic_arg_list()?.generic_args().next()? {
+                                ast::GenericArg::AssocTypeArg(a)
+                                    if a.name_ref()?.text() == "Output" =>
+                                {
+                                    a.ty()
+                                }
+                                _ => None,
+                            }
+                        }
+                        _ => None,
+                    })?;
+                    ted::replace(ty.syntax(), output.syntax());
+                }
+                _ => (),
+            }
+            ted::prepend_child(fn_.syntax(), make::token(T![async]));
+        }
+        AsyncSugaring::Async | AsyncSugaring::Plain => (),
+    }
+    Some(fn_)
 fn add_type_alias_impl(
     acc: &mut Completions,
     ctx: &CompletionContext<'_>,
@@ -1404,4 +1504,132 @@
+    #[test]
+    fn impl_fut() {
+        check_edit(
+            "fn foo",
+            r#"
+//- minicore: future, send, sized
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> + Send;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    $0
+            r#"
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> + Send;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> + Send {
+    $0
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn impl_fut_resugared() {
+        check_edit(
+            "async fn foo",
+            r#"
+//- minicore: future, send, sized
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> + Send;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    $0
+            r#"
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> + Send;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize {
+    $0
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn async_desugared() {
+        check_edit(
+            "fn foo",
+            r#"
+//- minicore: future, send, sized
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    $0
+            r#"
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+     fn foo(&self) -> impl Future<Output = usize> {
+    $0
+        );
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn async_() {
+        check_edit(
+            "async fn foo",
+            r#"
+//- minicore: future, send, sized
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    $0
+            r#"
+use core::future::Future;
+trait DesugaredAsyncTrait {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize;
+impl DesugaredAsyncTrait for () {
+    async fn foo(&self) -> usize {
+    $0
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/crates/ide-completion/src/tests/ b/crates/ide-completion/src/tests/
index 8aad7bf..532d492 100644
--- a/crates/ide-completion/src/tests/
+++ b/crates/ide-completion/src/tests/
@@ -313,6 +313,7 @@
             ct const CONST1: () =
             fn async fn function2()
             fn fn function1()
+            fn fn function2()
             ma makro!(…)            macro_rules! makro
             md module
             ta type Type1 =
diff --git a/crates/syntax/src/ast/ b/crates/syntax/src/ast/
index abf1a1f..2eb9c1e 100644
--- a/crates/syntax/src/ast/
+++ b/crates/syntax/src/ast/
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@
     pub(super) static SOURCE_FILE: LazyLock<Parse<SourceFile>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
-            "const C: <()>::Item = ( true && true , true || true , 1 != 1, 2 == 2, 3 < 3, 4 <= 4, 5 > 5, 6 >= 6, !true, *p, &p , &mut p, { let _ @ [] })\n;\n\nimpl A for B where: {}", Edition::CURRENT,
+            "const C: <()>::Item = ( true && true , true || true , 1 != 1, 2 == 2, 3 < 3, 4 <= 4, 5 > 5, 6 >= 6, !true, *p, &p , &mut p, async { let _ @ [] })\n;\n\nimpl A for B where: {}", Edition::CURRENT,
diff --git a/crates/syntax/src/ b/crates/syntax/src/
index 29788d0..8592df1 100644
--- a/crates/syntax/src/
+++ b/crates/syntax/src/
@@ -147,6 +147,11 @@
     insert_raw(position, child);
+pub fn prepend_child(node: &(impl Into<SyntaxNode> + Clone), child: impl Element) {
+    let position = Position::first_child_of(node);
+    insert(position, child);
 fn ws_before(position: &Position, new: &SyntaxElement) -> Option<SyntaxToken> {
     let prev = match &position.repr {
         PositionRepr::FirstChild(_) => return None,