| = Changelog #256 |
| :sectanchors: |
| :page-layout: post |
| |
| Hello! |
| |
| Commit: commit:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567[] + |
| Release: release:2022-01-01[] |
| |
| == New Features |
| |
| * **BREAKING** pr:1111[] shortcut kbd:[ctrl+r] |
| - hyphen-prefixed list item |
| * nested list item |
| ** `foo` -> `foofoo` |
| ** `bar` -> `barbar` |
| * listing in the secondary level |
| . install |
| . add to config |
| + |
| [source,json] |
| ---- |
| {"foo":"bar"} |
| ---- |
| * list item with continuation |
| + |
| image::https://example.com/animation.gif[] |
| + |
| image::https://example.com/animation.gif["alt text"] |
| + |
| video::https://example.com/movie.mp4[options=loop] |
| + |
| video::https://example.com/movie.mp4[options="autoplay,loop"] |
| + |
| .Image |
| image::https://example.com/animation.gif[] |
| + |
| .Video |
| video::https://example.com/movie.mp4[options=loop] |
| + |
| [source,bash] |
| ---- |
| rustup update nightly |
| ---- |
| + |
| ---- |
| This is a plain listing. |
| ---- |
| * single line item followed by empty lines |
| |
| * multiline list |
| item followed by empty lines |
| |
| * multiline list |
| item with indent |
| |
| * multiline list |
| item not followed by empty lines |
| * multiline list |
| item followed by different marker |
| ** foo |
| ** bar |
| * multiline list |
| item followed by list continuation |
| + |
| paragraph |
| paragraph |
| |
| == Another Section |
| |
| * foo bar baz |
| * list item with an inline image |
| image:https://example.com/animation.gif[] |
| |
| The highlight of the month is probably pr:1111[]. |
| See https://example.com/manual[online manual] for more information. |
| |
| [source,bash] |
| ---- |
| rustup update nightly |
| ---- |
| |
| [source] |
| ---- |
| rustup update nightly |
| ---- |
| |
| ---- |
| This is a plain listing. |
| ---- |