| //! Module defining all known symbols required by the rest of rust-analyzer. |
| #![allow(non_upper_case_globals)] |
| |
| use std::hash::{BuildHasherDefault, Hash as _, Hasher as _}; |
| |
| use dashmap::{DashMap, SharedValue}; |
| use rustc_hash::FxHasher; |
| |
| use crate::{ |
| symbol::{SymbolProxy, TaggedArcPtr}, |
| Symbol, |
| }; |
| |
| macro_rules! define_symbols { |
| (@WITH_NAME: $($alias:ident = $value:literal,)* @PLAIN: $($name:ident,)*) => { |
| // Ideally we would be emitting `const` here, but then we no longer have stable addresses |
| // which is what we are relying on for equality! In the future if consts can refer to |
| // statics we should swap these for `const`s and have the the string literal being pointed |
| // to be statics to refer to such that their address is stable. |
| $( |
| pub static $name: Symbol = Symbol { repr: TaggedArcPtr::non_arc(&stringify!($name)) }; |
| )* |
| $( |
| pub static $alias: Symbol = Symbol { repr: TaggedArcPtr::non_arc(&$value) }; |
| )* |
| |
| |
| pub(super) fn prefill() -> DashMap<SymbolProxy, (), BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>> { |
| let mut dashmap_ = <DashMap<SymbolProxy, (), BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>>>::with_hasher(BuildHasherDefault::default()); |
| |
| let hash_thing_ = |hasher_: &BuildHasherDefault<FxHasher>, it_: &SymbolProxy| { |
| let mut hasher_ = std::hash::BuildHasher::build_hasher(hasher_); |
| it_.hash(&mut hasher_); |
| hasher_.finish() |
| }; |
| { |
| $( |
| |
| let proxy_ = SymbolProxy($name.repr); |
| let hash_ = hash_thing_(dashmap_.hasher(), &proxy_); |
| let shard_idx_ = dashmap_.determine_shard(hash_ as usize); |
| dashmap_.shards_mut()[shard_idx_].get_mut().raw_entry_mut().from_hash(hash_, |k| k == &proxy_).insert(proxy_, SharedValue::new(())); |
| )* |
| $( |
| |
| let proxy_ = SymbolProxy($alias.repr); |
| let hash_ = hash_thing_(dashmap_.hasher(), &proxy_); |
| let shard_idx_ = dashmap_.determine_shard(hash_ as usize); |
| dashmap_.shards_mut()[shard_idx_].get_mut().raw_entry_mut().from_hash(hash_, |k| k == &proxy_).insert(proxy_, SharedValue::new(())); |
| )* |
| } |
| dashmap_ |
| } |
| }; |
| } |
| define_symbols! { |
| |
| dotdotdot = "...", |
| INTEGER_0 = "0", |
| INTEGER_1 = "1", |
| INTEGER_2 = "2", |
| INTEGER_3 = "3", |
| INTEGER_4 = "4", |
| INTEGER_5 = "5", |
| INTEGER_6 = "6", |
| INTEGER_7 = "7", |
| INTEGER_8 = "8", |
| INTEGER_9 = "9", |
| INTEGER_10 = "10", |
| INTEGER_11 = "11", |
| INTEGER_12 = "12", |
| INTEGER_13 = "13", |
| INTEGER_14 = "14", |
| INTEGER_15 = "15", |
| __empty = "", |
| unsafe_ = "unsafe", |
| in_ = "in", |
| super_ = "super", |
| self_ = "self", |
| Self_ = "Self", |
| tick_static = "'static", |
| dollar_crate = "$crate", |
| MISSING_NAME = "[missing name]", |
| fn_ = "fn", |
| crate_ = "crate", |
| underscore = "_", |
| true_ = "true", |
| false_ = "false", |
| let_ = "let", |
| const_ = "const", |
| proc_dash_macro = "proc-macro", |
| aapcs_dash_unwind = "aapcs-unwind", |
| avr_dash_interrupt = "avr-interrupt", |
| avr_dash_non_dash_blocking_dash_interrupt = "avr-non-blocking-interrupt", |
| C_dash_cmse_dash_nonsecure_dash_call = "C-cmse-nonsecure-call", |
| C_dash_unwind = "C-unwind", |
| cdecl_dash_unwind = "cdecl-unwind", |
| fastcall_dash_unwind = "fastcall-unwind", |
| msp430_dash_interrupt = "msp430-interrupt", |
| platform_dash_intrinsic = "platform-intrinsic", |
| ptx_dash_kernel = "ptx-kernel", |
| riscv_dash_interrupt_dash_m = "riscv-interrupt-m", |
| riscv_dash_interrupt_dash_s = "riscv-interrupt-s", |
| rust_dash_call = "rust-call", |
| rust_dash_cold = "rust-cold", |
| rust_dash_intrinsic = "rust-intrinsic", |
| stdcall_dash_unwind = "stdcall-unwind", |
| system_dash_unwind = "system-unwind", |
| sysv64_dash_unwind = "sysv64-unwind", |
| thiscall_dash_unwind = "thiscall-unwind", |
| vectorcall_dash_unwind = "vectorcall-unwind", |
| win64_dash_unwind = "win64-unwind", |
| x86_dash_interrupt = "x86-interrupt", |
| |
| @PLAIN: |
| __ra_fixup, |
| aapcs, |
| add_assign, |
| add, |
| alias, |
| align_offset, |
| align, |
| all, |
| alloc_layout, |
| alloc, |
| allow_internal_unsafe, |
| allow, |
| any, |
| as_str, |
| asm, |
| assert, |
| attributes, |
| begin_panic, |
| bench, |
| bitand_assign, |
| bitand, |
| bitor_assign, |
| bitor, |
| bitxor_assign, |
| bitxor, |
| bool, |
| box_free, |
| Box, |
| boxed, |
| branch, |
| Break, |
| c_void, |
| C, |
| call_mut, |
| call_once, |
| call, |
| cdecl, |
| Center, |
| cfg_accessible, |
| cfg_attr, |
| cfg_eval, |
| cfg, |
| char, |
| clone, |
| Clone, |
| coerce_unsized, |
| column, |
| compile_error, |
| concat_bytes, |
| concat_idents, |
| concat, |
| const_format_args, |
| const_panic_fmt, |
| const_param_ty, |
| Context, |
| Continue, |
| copy, |
| Copy, |
| core_panic, |
| core, |
| coroutine_state, |
| coroutine, |
| count, |
| crate_name, |
| crate_type, |
| CStr, |
| debug_assertions, |
| Debug, |
| default, |
| Default, |
| deprecated, |
| deref_mut, |
| deref_target, |
| deref, |
| derive_const, |
| derive, |
| discriminant_kind, |
| discriminant_type, |
| dispatch_from_dyn,destruct, |
| div_assign, |
| div, |
| doc, |
| drop_in_place, |
| drop, |
| dyn_metadata, |
| efiapi, |
| eh_catch_typeinfo, |
| eh_personality, |
| env, |
| eq, |
| Eq, |
| Err, |
| exchange_malloc, |
| exhaustive_patterns, |
| export_name, |
| f128, |
| f16, |
| f32, |
| f64, |
| fastcall, |
| feature, |
| file, |
| filter_map, |
| fmt, |
| fn_mut, |
| fn_once_output, |
| fn_once, |
| fn_ptr_addr, |
| fn_ptr_trait, |
| format_alignment, |
| format_args_nl, |
| format_args, |
| format_argument, |
| format_arguments, |
| format_count, |
| format_placeholder, |
| format_unsafe_arg, |
| format, |
| freeze, |
| from_output, |
| from_residual, |
| from_usize, |
| from_yeet, |
| fundamental, |
| future_trait, |
| future, |
| future_output, |
| Future, |
| ge, |
| get_context, |
| global_allocator, |
| global_asm, |
| gt, |
| Hash, |
| hidden, |
| html_root_url, |
| i128, |
| i16, |
| i32, |
| i64, |
| i8, |
| ignore, |
| Implied, |
| include_bytes, |
| include_str, |
| include, |
| index_mut, |
| index, |
| Index, |
| into_future, |
| into_iter, |
| IntoFuture, |
| IntoIter, |
| IntoIterator, |
| is_empty, |
| Is, |
| isize, |
| Item, |
| iter_mut, |
| iter, |
| Iterator, |
| iterator, |
| keyword, |
| lang, |
| le, |
| Left, |
| len, |
| line, |
| llvm_asm, |
| local_inner_macros, |
| log_syntax, |
| lt, |
| macro_export, |
| macro_rules, |
| macro_use, |
| main, |
| manually_drop, |
| may_dangle, |
| maybe_uninit, |
| metadata_type, |
| min_exhaustive_patterns, |
| miri, |
| missing, |
| module_path, |
| mul_assign, |
| mul, |
| ne, |
| neg, |
| Neg, |
| new_binary, |
| new_debug, |
| new_display, |
| new_lower_exp, |
| new_lower_hex, |
| new_octal, |
| new_pointer, |
| new_unchecked, |
| new_upper_exp, |
| new_upper_hex, |
| new_v1_formatted, |
| new, |
| next, |
| no_core, |
| no_mangle, |
| no_std, |
| non_exhaustive, |
| none, |
| None, |
| not, |
| Not, |
| notable_trait, |
| Ok, |
| opaque, |
| ops, |
| option_env, |
| option, |
| Option, |
| Ord, |
| Output, |
| owned_box, |
| packed, |
| panic_2015, |
| panic_2021, |
| panic_bounds_check, |
| panic_cannot_unwind, |
| panic_display, |
| panic_fmt, |
| panic_impl, |
| panic_info, |
| panic_location, |
| panic_misaligned_pointer_dereference, |
| panic_nounwind, |
| panic, |
| Param, |
| partial_ord, |
| PartialEq, |
| PartialOrd, |
| path, |
| Pending, |
| phantom_data, |
| pieces, |
| pin, |
| pointee_trait, |
| pointer_like, |
| poll, |
| Poll, |
| prelude_import, |
| prelude, |
| proc_macro_attribute, |
| proc_macro_derive, |
| proc_macro, |
| quote, |
| range_inclusive_new, |
| Range, |
| RangeFrom, |
| RangeFull, |
| RangeInclusive, |
| RangeTo, |
| RangeToInclusive, |
| Ready, |
| receiver, |
| recursion_limit, |
| register_attr, |
| register_tool, |
| rem_assign, |
| rem, |
| repr, |
| result, |
| Result, |
| ResumeTy, |
| Right, |
| rust_2015, |
| rust_2018, |
| rust_2021, |
| rust_2024, |
| rust_analyzer, |
| Rust, |
| rustc_allow_incoherent_impl, |
| rustc_builtin_macro, |
| rustc_coherence_is_core, |
| rustc_const_panic_str, |
| rustc_deprecated_safe_2024, |
| rustc_has_incoherent_inherent_impls, |
| rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_end, |
| rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_start, |
| rustc_legacy_const_generics, |
| rustc_macro_transparency, |
| rustc_reservation_impl, |
| rustc_safe_intrinsic, |
| rustc_skip_array_during_method_dispatch, |
| rustc_skip_during_method_dispatch, |
| semitransparent, |
| shl_assign, |
| shl, |
| shr_assign, |
| shr, |
| simd, |
| sized, |
| slice_len_fn, |
| Some, |
| start, |
| std_panic, |
| std, |
| stdcall, |
| str, |
| string, |
| String, |
| stringify, |
| structural_peq, |
| structural_teq, |
| sub_assign, |
| sub, |
| sync, |
| system, |
| sysv64, |
| Target, |
| termination, |
| test_case, |
| test, |
| thiscall, |
| trace_macros, |
| transmute_opts, |
| transmute_trait, |
| transparent, |
| Try, |
| tuple_trait, |
| u128, |
| u16, |
| u32, |
| u64, |
| u8, |
| unadjusted, |
| Unknown, |
| unpin, |
| unreachable_2015, |
| unreachable_2021, |
| unreachable, |
| unsafe_cell, |
| unsize, |
| unstable, |
| usize, |
| v1, |
| va_list, |
| vectorcall, |
| wasm, |
| win64, |
| array, |
| boxed_slice, |
| } |